Download - Current Event Task

Page 1: Current Event Task

Current Event TaskEnglish I Beaulieu

Hall Dale High School

Monday, March 5, 14

Page 2: Current Event Task

Task Steps 1. Pick one current event

(a current event is something that is happening NOW)

2. Read 4 articles -on different news sources- on that one topic

3. Complete a Frayer Model (what it is on next slide, how to do it slide after that)

4. Turn it in!

Monday, March 5, 14

Page 3: Current Event Task

Frayer Model

Monday, March 5, 14

Page 4: Current Event Task

How to Complete the Frayer Model

In the center, smaller box you write what your current event


In the boxes around the center box - you record the title and author of each article

you read (a different article in each box).

Please record and discuss what the author’s POV on the current event is, where it says “Passages

Reflecting Point of View”.

Monday, March 5, 14

Page 5: Current Event Task

Some Current Event IdeasThe Civil Disruption in Ukraine


Changes to the SAT

Tobacco Sales

Missing Malaysian Airplane


LGBT Equality

Monday, March 5, 14

Page 6: Current Event Task

Some Potential News Sources


CNNFox News

Huffington Post

New York Times

USA Today Time


Monday, March 5, 14

Page 7: Current Event Task

4 Level: Political Affiliation TaskTo earn a 4, you need to decide where your new

sources fall on the liberal to conservative spectrum on this website:

Once you’ve decided where your news sources fall on the spectrum, create a slideshow (with a title slide) that answers the following questions on each slide for each article:

What is the news source’s political affiliation?

How does this affiliation affect the author’s written piece?

Monday, March 5, 14