Download - Current Affairs Pre 2011 Manorma Year Book

  • 8/6/2019 Current Affairs Pre 2011 Manorma Year Book


    1. Air traffic in an d out of large parts of Europewas shu t d own for a w eek in 2010 du e to

    volcanic eruption. In which country that

    volcanic eruption occurred ?

    (a) England (b) Germany

    (c) Iceland (d) Denmark

    2. David Cam ron was become the youngest

    prime minister of Britain. From which

    political party David Camron is related?

    (a) Conservative (b) Liberal

    (c) Labour (d) Green

    3. Pakistans army chief was given a three years

    extension in July 2010. What is the n ame ofthis arm y chief?

    (a) Parvez Musaraff

    (b) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani

    (c) Rahmet Ali

    (d) Arshad Kayani

    4. In 2010, Interna tional Cour t of Just ice said

    that Kosovo did not violate international law

    by declaring independence in 2008. From

    wh ich country Kosovo get indep end ence?

    (a) Indonesia (b) Serbia

    (c) Albania (d) Greece

    5. Consider the following statements:

    1. Julia Gillard has become the first wom en

    prime minister of Australia.

    2. Bronislaw Komorawski i s the new

    President of Poland .

    3. Pushpa Kamal Dahl is the new prim eminister of Nepal.

    The true statement is/ are-

    (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 2

    (c) 1, 3 (d) 2, 3

    6. The centre for the stu dy of Developing

    societies (CSDS) surveyed 36 Naxal affected

    districts listed by planning commission.

    Which state has no districted listed by

    planning commission. Which state has no

    districted listed by planning comm ission?

    (a) Bihar (b) Jharkhand

    (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chattisgarh7. What is the new nam e of 12 digit unique

    Identification Number (UID) handed over by

    the Prime minister to the first person in


    (a) Number (b) Identity

    (c) Aadhar (d) Aastha

    8. Yukiya Amano is the new chief of IAEA, from

    which country he is related?

    (a) Japan

    (b) China

    (c) Brazil (d) South Korea

    9. Burj Khalifa is the w orlds tallest tower

    opened for the public. In which city this

    tower is situated ?

    (a) Abudhabi (b) Dubai

    (c) Riyad (d) Mumbai

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  • 8/6/2019 Current Affairs Pre 2011 Manorma Year Book


    Manorma Year Book

    10 .Which count ry i s suspended f rom

    International Olympic Committee (IOC).

    (a) Nepal (b) China

    (c) Kuwait (d) Yemen

    11. In which count ry carbon t ax is ruled

    unconst itutional by its par liament?

    (a) Britain (b) France

    (c) Japan (d) USA

    12. India is world s biggest consumer of gold in

    2010. Which country was the biggest

    consum e of gold in 2009?

    (a) Saud i Arabia (b) USA

    (c) China (d) Japan

    13. Recently wh ich coun try has legalizes gay


    (a) Ind ia (b) Argentina

    (c) Japan (d) France

    14. Which country is the largest prod ucer of

    lemon in the world?

    (a) China (b) Ind ia

    (c) Brazil (d) Russia

    15. Worlds largest open u niversity is

    (a) IGNOU (b) DU

    (c) NOU (d) IPU

    16. Nobel pr ize for literatu re 2010 won by Closa.

    Closa is wh ich langu ages auth or?

    (a) English (b) Spanish(c) Italian (d) German

    17. Who is the presiden t of Telengana Rashtr a

    Sam iti, which is demand ing for a separate

    Telgana state d ividing the state of And hra


    (a) K. Chandrababu Naidu

    (b) K. Chandra Sekhar Rao

    (c) Jagan Mohan Redd y (d) P. Rosaia

    18. Which comm ission recomm ends 10 percent

    quota for Muslims in government jobs,

    educational institutions and social welfare

    schemes?(a) Rangnath Mishra Commission

    (b) Barua Comm ission

    (c) Dinkaran Commission

    (d) Tiwari Commission

    19. Which one of the following is not matched


    (a) Calcutta H igh Court 1862

    (b) Delhi High Court 1966

    (c) Gujarat H igh Court 1960

    (d) Uttarakhand H igh Court 2008

    20. Which statement is not correct?

    (a) The united n ations has d esignated 2011

    the International year of chemistry.

    (b) The theme of the international year of

    chemistry is chemistry-our life, our


    (c) Its aim to r aise awareness of chemistry

    among th e general public.

    (d) Events for the year are being coordinated

    by WHO.

    21. Which city of world is also known as the

    Manhattan of the Desert?

    (a) Rawalpindi (Pakistan)

    (b) Surat (India)

    (c) Shibam (Yemen)

    (d) Teharan (Iran)

    22. The UN general assembly consists of the

    representat ives of all the member states. Each

    state has one vote, but-may send how m any


    (a) 2 (b) 4(c) 5 (d) 10

    23. Consider the following statements:

    1. Security council consists of 15 members,

    each of which has one vote.

    2. There are five permanent and 10 non-

    permanent mem bers.

    3. The permanent members have the power

    to veto any move

    Which statement/ statements is/ are true?

    (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2

    (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3

    24. Match the following:List I List II

    (Organization) (Head q uarter)

    A. Fao 1. New York

    B. UNESCO 2. Paris

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  • 8/6/2019 Current Affairs Pre 2011 Manorma Year Book


    Current Affairs

    C. IAEA 3. Rome

    D. UNICEF 4. Vienna


    A B C D

    (a) 1 2 3 4

    (b) 4 2 3 1

    (c) 3 2 4 1

    (d) 3 2 1 4

    25. When the p ost of High Comm issioner for

    Hu m an Rights was established?

    (a) 1984 (b) 1990

    (c) 1993 (d) 2008

    26. The Intern ational Maritime organization

    (IMO) was established as a specialized

    agency of UN by UN Maritime conference in

    1948. Where is the Head quarter of IMO


    (a) Geneva (b) Paris

    (c) London (d) New Delhi

    27. The leagne of Arab states is also known as

    Arab League is a volunta ry association of

    countr ies of Arabic speaking. When w as this

    organization instituted?

    (a) 1948 (b) 1945

    (c) 1946 (d) 1949

    28. The Europ ean Union (EU) is a sui gener is

    political body. What is the number ofcountries related with EU?

    (a) 25 (b) 27

    (c) 28 (d) 31

    29. Consider these statements:

    1. The Gulf co-operation Council (GCC) is a

    loose political and economic alliance of

    six gulf countr ies.

    2. The GCC was formed in May 1981 against

    the back drop of the Islamic revolution in

    Iran and the Iraq-Iran w ar.

    3. The HQ of GCC is situated in Riyad

    (Saud i Arabia)Which statements are tr ue?

    (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2

    (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3

    30. Interpol is the w orlds largest international

    police organizat ion with 188 member

    countries. In which year Interpol was


    (a) 1920 (b) 1923

    (c) 1939 (d) 1956

    31. Which count r y i s no t the m ember o f

    organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting

    Countries (OAPEC).

    (a) Egypt (b) Algeria

    (c) Iran (d) Iraq

    32. Going Rogue is the autobiograp hy of

    (a) Sarah Palin (b) Bill Clinton

    (c) Boris Yeltsin

    (d) Mohammad Yunus

    33. Which award is known as the Green Oscar?

    (a) Grammy Award

    (b) Nobel Peace Prize

    (c) Whiotley Golden Award

    (d) Pulitzer Award

    34. Which pair is correctly matched?

    (a) Br it ain INR (b) Liberia RMB

    (c) Ch ina YEN (d ) Jap an Dollar

    35. Jony Aw ard is given for achievement in

    wh ich field?

    (a) Music (b) Sports

    (c) Theatre (d) Social service36. Who wrote I have measured out my life

    with coffee sp oons?

    (a) Mitton (b) Eliot

    (c) Barnard shah (d) M K Gand hi

    37. The first kite mu seum w as set u p in 1975.

    This museum also known as Shankar

    Kend ra. In w hich city of India this m useum


    (a) Mumbai (b) Ahmedabad

    (c) Chandigarh (d) New delhi

    38. A former p rime minister of India is entitled

    to government accommodation for whichperiod of time?

    (a) 5 years (b) 10 years

    (c) 20 years (d) Life time

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    Manorma Year Book

    39. The inventor of ice cream was

    (a) Joseph Schumpeler

    (b) Gerald Tissain

    (c) Austin peta

    (d) Costa H ango

    40 .The index that measures p rogress in

    countries in longevity, knowledge and

    standar d of living is

    (a) HPI (b) HDI

    (c) WDI (d) GDP

    41. The 29 year old, w ho defeated somn ath

    chatterjee in Jadh avpu r to become one of

    Indias youngest pa rliament arians in 1988?

    (a) Pranav Mukherjee

    (b) Mamta Banerjee

    (c) Kabir sum an (d) Munnun Sen

    42. Which statement/ statements is/ are not true?

    1. Mother Teresa was born in Bengal.

    2. Mother Teresa was fluent in Bengali.

    3. She never spoke Bengali.

    (a) only 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3

    (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 2

    43. Which book was not wr itten by Premchand?

    (a) Godan (b) Gaban

    (c) Jai Somnath (d) Ranbhum i

    44. Match the following:

    List I List II(Books) (Author)

    A. Gandhi & Stalin1. Rabindra nath Tagore

    B. Gitanjali 2. PT Usha

    C. Gold en Gir l 3. Up aman ya Cha tt er jee

    D. Last Bu rd en 4. Lou is Fish er


    A B C D

    (a) 1 2 3 4

    (b) 4 1 2 3

    (c) 4 1 3 2

    (d) 1 3 2 4

    45. A money Bill can be introd uced in(a) Lok Sabha only

    (b) Rajya Sabha only

    (c) Either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha

    (d) Joint session of parliament

    46. How man y regional languages are listed

    und er the eighth schedule of the constitution

    of Ind ia?

    (a) 24 (b) 22

    (c) 18 (d) 15

    47. International Labour Organization (ILO) has

    its headquar ter at

    (a) The Hague (b) Geneva

    (c) New York (d) Condom

    48. RTI stands for

    (a) Research and Technology institute

    (b) Rural and Transparency infrastructure

    (c) Right to information

    (d) Revenue Transactions in India.

    49. Which one of the following is the first

    Na tional Park of India?

    (a) Jim Corbett Na tional Park

    (b) Bandipur N ational Park

    (c) Kanha National Park

    (d) Sariska National Park

    50. Which one of the following coasts of Ind ia is

    most affected by the violent tropical cyclones?

    (a) Malabar (b) Andhra

    (c) Konkan (d) Gujarat

    51. The Ex-officio secret ar y of N ation al

    Developm ent Council is

    (a) Home Minister(b) Finance Minister

    (c) Prime Minister

    (d) Secretary of planning comm ission

    52. Where is the volcanic mountain Mount st

    Helena Situated ?

    (a) USA (b) Germany

    (c) Italy (d) South Africa

    53. The largest prod ucer of coffee in Ind ia is

    (a) Kerala

    (b) Karnataka

    (c) Jharkhand (d) Andhra Pradesh

    54. Silver Revolution in Ind ia is associated with(a) The production of Eggs

    (b) The prod uction of Milk

    (c) The prod uction of Rice

    (d) The production of Oil

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    Current Affairs

    55. Aquap hopia is the term associated w ith

    (a) Water (b) Fire

    (c) Build ing (d) Dag

    56. The vitamin w hich has cyano cabalamin is

    (a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin B 12

    (c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin K

    57. The Karp oor Chandr a kalish International

    Award is associated with

    (a) Sports (b) Music

    (c) Journalism (d) Social works

    58. Ashok kumar of India is well known player

    of wh ich sport?

    (a) Cricket (b) Football

    (c) Golf (d) Tennis

    59. In ternat ional Hum an Righ ts Day i s

    celebrated on

    (a) 1st December (b) 10th December

    (c) 5th October (d) 5th June

    60. Kaiga II plant w hich sup plies electricity is a

    (a) Hydel project

    (b) Coal project

    (c) Nuclear power reactor

    (d) None of these

    1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)

    11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (d)

    21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (b)

    31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (b)

    41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (a) 50. (b)

    51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (c)

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    IAS PRE 2011 - Current AffairsMedium: English

    Price: Rs. 190/-Pages: 446Author: S.A. Majid


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