Download - Curing insomnia long term depends heavily on the unconscious mind

  • 1. Unconscious Mind

2. Would you like to RELAX and SLEEP well EVERY NIGHT? 3. Unconscious Mind 4. Our unconscious mind plays a fundamental role in our health and wellbeingand the changes that sustain them. 5. So what is the unconscious mind? 6. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)uses the word unconscious to meannot in the present-moment awareness. 7. So what is the unconscious mindresponsible for? 8. Your memory is stored in yourunconscious, it runs your body,the formation of habits, and itpreserves your bodys balance. 9. The unconscious mind allows usto do many things on auto pilot,freeing up mental bandwidth. 10. If we had to consciously think about breathing, blinking and so on. We would not be able to function properly in the world. 11. Therefore, creating lasting changetakes place at an unconscious level. 12. We become aware of the changeconsciously when we are ready.You may have begun to see how thisimpacts our sleep. 13. In factit has often been said that sleep itself is a shift in consciousness. 14. There are many approaches out thereto help cure insomnia. 15. However,they dont address change at an unconscious level,so their long term impact is minimal. 16. This is often seen with medication,where on-going use of pills is requiredto deal with the problem. 17. Thats not to say that medication is bad. Only that a natural, non-invasivesolution in the long term is preferable. 18. Sleepora includes bespoke brain entrainment, tried and tested NLPtechniques, neuroscience principles plusthe latest thinking in tackling insomnia. 19. Its designed around your individual needsso is flexible enough to help you with your own sleep challenges. 20. Relax & Sleep Well with To find out more and sign upfor offers & discounts go to