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Cultural Study:Nonverbal Communication &


Sydnee BrownKaelani MitchellLiliana Serrano

Debbie Stokke-Gatti

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Nonverbal                  Gestures        Communication           The process of sending and receiving messages without talking. Studies indicate that about 55% of communication is done through non-verbal movements which include:• touch • glance • eye contact  • proximity • gestures • facial expression • posture


"Nonverbal communication ranges from facial expression to body language. Gestures, signs, and use of space are also important in nonverbal communication. Multicultural differences in body language, facial expression, use of space, and especially, gestures, are enormous and enormously open to misinterpretation." -Heathfield

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 " Everyone smiles in the same langauge."

 -Author Unknown

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Nonverbal Communication & Gestures Around the World     

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Nonverbal Communication & Gestures Around the WorldNorth America: • Women greet with a slight

nod and men greet with a firm handshake. (Canada)

• It is proper to use a firm handshake with direct eye contact. Use of thumbs up, peace symbol and okay sign.(USA)

• Men and women greet with an "abrazo" a light hug and kiss or pat on the back. (Mexico)

South America: • Hands on hips translate to

hostility or challenge. Stand closer when conversing. To raise a fist in the air with knuckles pointed outwards is an expression of victory.(Argentina)

 • Pinch of the earlobe between

thumb and forefinger to express appreciation.


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•In Egypt the communication and interactions (both verbal and nonverbal) are highly motivated and dictated by the Islamic religion that is comprised of approximately 90% of the population. •Greetings in Egypt consist of a firm RIGHT hand shake for first time introductions or business meetings. For greetings among friends it consists of a RIGHT hand shake, left hand on the shoulder, and a kiss on the cheek. This greeting is shared between individuals of the same sex only.

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Egypt•It is also common in this country for the wives of the men to go un-introduced or acknowledged. •In Egypt the showing of the sole of the foot is considered rude because the sole is thought to be the dirtiest part of the body. •The left hand is also considered to be “unclean” using your left hand to accept a gift or during an introduction is a demonstration that you find the conversation, individual, gift, or introduction to be unclean. •Giving and receiving gifts is a HUGE part of the Egyptian culture. When you are invited to a house as a guest you are supposed to arrive with a  gift. All gifts MUST be accepted. To not accept a gift is considered rude.

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The People

The people of Ireland are very interested in people and place great value on getting to know you.

Irish people are naturally courteous, quick witted and will go out of their way to welcome visitors to their country. The Irish prefer a less stressful lifestyle and are very close knit.

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Meeting and Greeting

 In Ireland it is expected that you shake hands with everyone present, this includes men, women and children, and furthermore is done at business or social gatherings. Shake hands again when leaving. A firm handshake with eye contact is expected.

Body Language- The Irish are not very physically demonstrative and are not comfortable with public displays of affection.The Irish are uncomfortable with loud, aggressive behavior. A"Reverse V for Victory" gesture is considered obscene.

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The Head Wag 

When A Irishman passes you on the street and quickly wags his head as if to say "no" he's just saying "hi."

 The Irish have made non verbal communication an art


Gentle poke- They like you 

Half hidden thumb-Asking for a lift 

One finger wave- Greeting when passing another driver on the road


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Irish people make the sign of the cross when passing a church.

Irish people nod their heads up and down or side to side does not always mean they agree or disagree. Because they reserve the right to reserve their decision until there is no more decisions or the other person gives up.

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Reading SelectionStudent's could read:Maggie’s Door by Patricia Reilly GiffHistorical Fiction (ISBN 978-0440415817)In the mid-1850’s, nearly a million Irish immigrants came to the UnitedStates to escape starvation from what seemed to be an unending potatoblithe. During this same time, approximately one million Irishmen starved todeath simply because there wasn’t enough food. Even for those who came tothe US, times were very rough. Read Maggie’s Door to understand just howdifficult it was for Irish families during the Irish potato famine and howtheir lives were affected upon reaching America.    

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Japanese Gestures


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In Japan it is respectful to bow when greeting someone.  There are different angles that are used for when greeting people of different stations.  The deeper you bow, the higher the opposite persons station is to yours.    It is considered polite to greet the host of a party with a gift.  The gift must be accepted and you should offer it with both hands to show the importance of the gift. 

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 Give up seats for pregnant or elders when on a train or subway.   Handle possessions, even your own, with care.  Do not lightly toss an object.


Looking directly in someones eyes while talking with them. 

 Folding your arms over your chest/having hands in your

pockets while talking. 

Leaving blankets unfolded.

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Nonverbal Communication & Gestures as a Unit Study 

How can the four culture studies be used in a Unit Plan?  These four culture studies can be used in a unit plan on discussing the impact of nonverbal communication. This can be done in connection to a unit theme of respect, communication, and citizenship.

 How would it deepen student's understanding of cultures from around the world? This unit would deepen student’s understandings of cultures from around the world by drawing attention to the importance of understanding how much we communicate without using words. This would enable students to start to become more aware of their body language and nonverbal communications during conversations with others.

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Reading Response # 1

What would you do if you had to leave your country, and travel to a new place? Would you keep your traditions going or would you learn new ones? How would you adapted your current gestures and body language so that people understood what you were trying to say?  

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Reading Response #2

After learning about other cultures nonverbal customs, write down what seemed the most interesting to you and what you were most suprised about.  Next, compare and contrast your culture with one other culture you learned about of your choice. 

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Book List:

1. Title: Body language / Karen Price Hossell.     Publisher, Date: Chicago, Ill. : Heinemann Library, c2003.         Summary: Presents an overview of the types, functions, and meanings of body language, how it is used by people in different professions, and some of the differences in interpreting body language in other countries and cultures. 2.  Title: Gestures: The Do’s and Taboos of Body Language Around the World/Roger E. Axtell. Publisher, Date: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 1st edition (August 1991).      Summary: This book provides a guide for proper etiquette and business practice throughout the world. It talks about over 200 different gestures in countries all of the world and provides advice on body language and behavior throughout the world.  

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Book List Cont...

3. Title: 70 Japanese Gestures: No Language CommunicationPublisher: Stone Bridge PressSummary:This book takes an inside look at gestures commonly used and describes how to use them correctly.  Its purpose is surrounded by the ideal of using no verbal communication at all.

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Look What Came From Ireland

Product Details Reading level: Ages 4-8 Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: Franklin Watts (March 2003) Language: English ISBN-10: 0531166287 ISBN-13: 978-0531166284

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1. Heathfield, Susan M. Listen With Your Eyes: Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication. Accessed July 14, 2011   

2. Wu, Charlene. Cultural Gestures. Accessed July 14, 2011. 

3.Ireland-  4. Hays, J. (2009). Japanese Customs, Manners and Etiquette. Retrieved July 15, 2011, from