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Cultural Geography

Recent trends in Cultural GeographyBikash Das4th SemesterDept of Geography & Disaster ManagementTripura [email protected]

What is culture?Culture is The Sum of All Learned Behaviour of People Reflected in The Way of Life.

Culture is a Latin word derived from Cultura mean cultivation. This word first used by Roman orator Cicero.

Culture is integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that is both is a result of and integral to the human capacity of learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generation.

Culture thus consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of arts, rituals, ceremonies and symbols. It has plays a crucial role in human evolution.

Language, Ideas & Beliefs, Codes, Institutions, Tools & Techniques,Works of Arts,Norms & Values Culture consists of:

Culture consists of:Religion,Customs, Rituals & Ceremonies,Symbols. Norms & ValuesTaboos,

Are you A taboo?Do you eat pork/beef?Have you ever kissed in public?Should you have more than one wife or husband?Do you eat with your left hand?Do you eat fertilized duck eggs?Do you wear shoes in the house?Have you ever talked back to an adult?

Notes on CulturalLearned. The process of learning ones culture is called enculturation. Culture is not merely passively absorbed, but rather taught and learned by agentive individuals with differing levels of power.Shared. Members of a particular society have their culture in common.Patterned. People in a given society live and think in distinctive and describable ways.

Mutually constructed. By means of constant and ongoing social interaction, individuals create, recreate, and change the nature of a particular culture.Symbolic. Those within a particular culture possess a shared understanding of meaning.Arbitrary. Culture is not based on natural laws but rather is created by human beings.Internalized. Culture is habitual, taken for granted, and perceived as natural.

Culture and GeographyCultural geography is the study of cultural products and norms and their variations across and relations to spaces and places. It focuses on describing and analyzing the ways language, religion, economy, government and other cultural phenomena vary or remain constant, from one place to another and on explaining how humans function spatially.Cultural geography is the study of product and norms and there variation across and relation to spaces and places.

Cultural geography is define as the study of the patterns and interactions of human culture both material and non-material, its evolution, culture oriented space, organization etc.

Cultures and EnvironmentEnvironmental Determinism - human events can be entirely explained by the effects of the environmentCultural Ecology :is two-way relationship. Cultural Ecology is the study of the cause-and-effect interplay between cultures and the physical environmentChallenge-Response Theory (Toynbee) : a difficult environment causes people to build a civilization. People need the challenge of a difficult environment. Weather of the middle latitudes led to more determined and driven work ethics

Cultures and EnvironmentPossibilism : Physical environment influences, but does not control, human events, choices and constraints are based on cultural, economic, political and technological factors

There is no necessities...

Nature does not drive a man..

Evolution of cultural geographyThough the first traces of the study of different nations and cultures onEarthcan be dated back to ancient geographers such asPtolemyor Strabo, cultural geography as academic study firstly emerged as an alternative to theenvironmental deterministtheories of the early Twentieth century, which had believed that people and societies are controlled by theenvironmentin which they develop. Rather than studying pre-determined regions based upon environmental classifications, cultural geography became interested incultural landscapes.

Cultural landscapeCarl Ortwin Sauer(December 24, 1889 July 18, 1975)The Father of Cultural Geography

Cultural landscapeThe concept was led byCarl O. Sauer. Sauer defined the landscape as the defining unit of geographic study. He saw that cultures and societies both developed out of their landscape, but also shaped them too.This interaction between the 'natural' landscape and humans creates the 'cultural landscape.

The Earths Surface As Modified By Human Action

Creating cultural landscapes

Recent Trend inCultural Geography

Modern cultural geographyMany Ideas was brought from RATZALS Anthropogeographie.This branch of geography has influenced two group of GeographersFrench Regional Geography SchoolCultural Landscape School (Berkley School of California, USA)

The major tradition of Cultural Geography in the 20th Century has been Americans, the courses in cultural geography common in USA and Canada.Relatively rare in European Geographical Teaching outside Germany. Cultural Geography in Europe was developed in English Speaking world by Carl O. Sauer. In India it is relatively New Branch. A.B. Mukerji Student of Sauer was the Pioneer. Sauer's work was highlyQualitativeand descriptive and was surpassed in the 1930s by theRegional Geographyof Richard Hartshorne, followed by theQuantitative Revolution. Cultural geography was generally sidelined, though writers such as David Lowenthal continued to work on the concept of landscape.

themes in cultural geographyCultural Ecology

Culture Realm

Landscape Studies

Cultural Interaction

Cultural Diffusion

Cultural EcologyEcology is two-way relationship between Organism and Environment. Cultural Ecology is the study of the cause-and-effect interplay between cultures and the physical environment.

To what extent does the environment affect culture?EnvironmentCulture

To what extent does culture rework the environment?CultureEnvironment

Culture Regions/ RealmsCultural Regions is a distinct, culturally discrete spatial unit; where certain cultural norms prevail.

Types of Cultural Regions:Formal RegionA area inhabited by peoples who have one or more cultural trait in common. Ex: Bengali spoken Region.Cultural region also depend on multiple related traits. Ex: An Eskimo culture region might depend on language, religion, type of economy, type of social organization and typical form of Dwellings. Functional RegionDenotes an area that has been organized to function politically, socially or economically. Ex: Newly formed Telengana State. TTAADC, Tripura. Formal cultural region is abstract rather than concrete but functional cultural region is not culturally Homogeneous.

Traditional Rural Formal Culture Regions of North America

Forces that Stabilize Culture RealmsDespite diffusion, cultures remain fixedHistorical GeographyStudies the past and how geographic distributions have changedHow people have interacted with their environment, and created the cultural landscape.Historical Consciousness (self reflection on history)Fixed Assets (Infrastructure)Values - Preserve key aspects of culturePassed down from generation to generation

Aerial view of Denver. Can you see any boundary zones?

Culture complexesA culture complex is a closely related set of culture traitsSome links are historicalGermanic language Protestant religionRomance language Catholic religionSome links are causalurban culture tolerance of lifestyle diversity

Cultures change in two ways:Cultures change internally

Technology plays an important roleCultures change externally by borrowing of cultural elements from one society by members of anotherCultural Diffusion process of spreadingAssimilation process of adoptingEvolutionismDiffusionism

Culture HearthThe source areas from which radiated ideas, innovations, and ideologies that change the world beyond.

Example of cultural Hearth & DiffusionDoraemonNoodles


Cultural InteractionCultural Interaction is when two or more cultures of different origin interact with one another. Cultural Interaction enhances development when interaction is in a positive way.

Cultural DiffusionThe process of spread of cultural attributes from Cultural Hearth to new places.

In todays world there are different cultures which are coming in contact with each other either in one way or the other. Cultural diffusion involves the spreading out of a culture among a greater population. It can also include the distribution, intentional or not, of cultural traits or cultural behaviour from a particular locale to other places.

One of the important goal of Modern Cultural Geography is to analyse the diffusion pattern. When, from Where, Why, and How one Culture traits is diffusing from its hearth over new spaces.

Trade & Cultural diffusionDiminishes isolationTriggers change - Important force of diffusionTrade, economy, and culture intertwinedPart of Economic GeographyStudy of how various people make a living, how economies develop, and tradeExport surplus, Import Luxuries

War and CultureIntroduce New CultureNew Social FormationNew Cultural RitualsDiffusionAssimilationDestruction of Old CultureTechnological AdvancementChange in Cultural LandscapeNew Ideology, Norms, Values

Folk CultureCultures that preserve traditions often bound by distinctive, religion, nationality, or languageRural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient group, homogeneous in customStrong family or clan structure and highly developed ritualsTradition is paramount change comes infrequently and slowlyUrban folk culturesImmigrant groups preserving native culture

Popular CultureCulture of people who embrace innovation and conform to changing normsRapid diffusionMass cultureFood, clothing, items that are mass producedMass taste = some loss of individuality and cultural identity Marketing of popular cultureOften highly individualistic and groups are constantly changingMoney based economy prevailsReplacing folk culture in industrialized countries and many developing nations

AcculturationExchange of cultural features that results when groups come into continuous firsthand contactImmigrants adapt to cultural change resulting from contact with the dominant group by using one of four strategies: Assimilation (adopting)Integration (multicultural)Segregation (separate)Cultural Leveling

Cultural divideAcultural divideis "a boundary in society that separates communities whose social economic structures, opportunities for success, conventions, styles, and norms are so different that they have substantially different psychologies". A cultural divide is the virtual barrier caused by cultural differences, that hinder interactions, and harmonious exchange between people of different cultures. For example, avoiding eye contact with a superior shows deference and respect in East Asian cultures, but can be interpreted as suspicious behavior in Western cultures.

Culture, Technology & Globalization

Electronics Revolution

Concept of Global Village

World at a single click

Culture of the Entire Globe Affected Once More When

Culture and Technology

GlobalizationThe increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, AND CULTURAL CHANGE. Cultural globalization is happening fastest.

Culture and technology of Today's India

Cultural ImperialismEuropean ways are superiorChristianity a major catalyst (conversion)Economic & military superiorityMethodsForceTraining/schoolingReference Group Behavior (desire to belong)RewardingDegrading

Westernization TodayDiffusion continuesWealthy buy Western productsYoung adopt western stylesMedia & TV increase rate of diffusionTourismNon-Western Professionals (Europe & U.S.)Transforming traditional cultures/folk culturesCULTURAL LEVELLING

U.S. InfluenceVery strong9/11 Ripple EffectNegative views of American policiesDrugsPeace-KeepingSpread of U.S. CultureEconomic Power

Do you know the origin of these brands??

Me Also Dont Know.........

CinemaChange in ThinkingCultural MixingDimension of RelationshipWestern InfluenceFood Habit, DressingMusicSocial Values & Moral Changes

Globalisation-Culture-TerrorismSome groups of Orthodox Mohammedan peoples of Middle-East countries are spreading terrorism worldwide which is called Jehadh by them. It is nothing but a struggle in their own way to preserve their cultural heritage and restrict the diffusion of western culture amongthem.

Individuals and communities have their have their own values, meanings, customs and knowledge system that affirms identity and diversity and play a key role in sustainable livelihoods. However, such features have been frequently ignored in developmental planning. Geographers apply the cultural ideas and try to explain all sorts of man-made spatial system.Cultural Geography demonstrates the significance of understanding the interface between Culture, Community, Livelihood, Sustainability , Planning and Development.Why Cultural geography???

Darwin...........Survival for the FITTEST......

I think the Greatest innovation among the theories of Social Science.........

In a New Environment....

Animals survives through Physical Adaptation.....

We with our CULTURE........Why Cultural geography???

ReferencesAhamed, A. (1999); Social Geography; Rawat Publications; Jaipur.Bhattacharyya, D.C. (2010); Sociology; Vijoya Publishing House; Kolkata.Hamnett, C. (1996):Social Geography: A Reader, Arnold, LondonHusain, M. (1994); Human Geography; Rawat Publications; Jaipur.Norton, W. (2000) : Cultural Geography, Oxford University Press, New YorkPeet, R.(2004): Modern Geographical Thought, Blackwell Publishers, Massachusett, USARobbins, R.H. (2001): Cultural Anthropology, Thomson & Wardsworth, Belmont, USASen, J. (2011); A Text Book of Social and Cultural Geography; Kalyani Publishers; New Delhi.Vincent, J. & Del, C.J.(2009): Social Geography: A Critical Introduction, Willey Blackwell, West Sussex, UK www.jstor.org_stable_pdfplus_10.2307_20002771 www.jstor.org_stable_pdfplus_10.2307_20002425

Thank You....