Download - Cult of the Sun among Huns and their descendants by Borbala Obrusanszky


Secretariat of the International

Association for Mongol Studies



Vol. 46, 2013


President Klaus Sagaster (Germany)Honorory President Ozawa Shigeo (Japan) Bira Sh (Mongolia)Vice-Presidents Bazarov B.V (Russia) Bawden Ch (UK) Chingeltei (PRC) Choi Kee Ho (Korea) Enkhtuvshin B (Mongolia) Humphrey C (UK) Tumur-Ochir S (Mongolia) Schwarz H.G (USA) Secretary-General Tumurtogoo D (Mongolia)Executive Director Ishdorj Ts (Mongolia)

The International Association for Mongol Studies (IAMS) is an International non- governmental scholarly organization uniting Mongolists, Centres of Mongol studies and Associations on a voluntary basisThe IAMS aims at encouraging Mongol studies, assisting scholarly activities of Mongol study Centres and Scholars Mongolists, promoting munual understanding and cooperation among scholars from different countries of the world (from the IAMS Constitution.


This “Mongolica” was prepared by the IAMS Secretariat

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The views expressed in the materials, contributed for the “Mongolica” are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect views of the Editors or the IAMS Secretariat-----------------------------------------------------

ISSN 1024-3143

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013



I. Ìîíãîë ñóäëàëûí ºã¿¿ëýë

Âàí Õàî (ÁÍÕÀÓ). Ö.Äàìäèíñ¿ðýí áà ÕÕ çóóíû

Ìîíãîëûí óòãà çîõèîëûí ñóäëàë ø¿¿ìæëýë 7

Îêàäà Ê (ßïîí). Ã.Æèãæèäñ¿ðýíãèéí íàéðóóëñàí

“Èõ Íàöàãäîðæ” áàðèìòàò - óðàí ñàéõíû êèíîíû òóõàé 13

Ï¿ðýâæàâ Ý (Ìîíãîë). Ìîíãîë õýëíèé õýì õýìæýý ñóäëàë 20

Ðèí÷èíäîðæ Æ (ÁÍÕÀÓ). “Áýíñýí”-èé ¿ëãýðèéí òóõàé 35

Öåíäèíà À.Ä (ÎÕÓ). Ñóðãààëûí çîõèîëûí óëàìæëàë

øèíý óðàí çîõèîëä 50

Öýðýíñîäíîì Ä (Ìîíãîë). Òýíãýðèéí îðîí “LI YUL”-èéí òóõàé 52

×óëóóí Ñ (Ìîíãîë). Øèíæëýõ óõààíû õ¿ðýýëýí äýõ

Ë.Äýíäýâèéí æèë¿¿ä 57

Ëèøòîâàííûé Å.È (Ðîññèÿ). Ñòàíîâëåíèå è ðàçâèòèå íàóêè

î Ìîíãîëèè â Âîñòî÷íîé Ñèáèðè (XVIII-XIX ââ) 80

Î÷èð A (Ìîíãîëèÿ). Ïðîòîòèï è ïðîèñõîæäåíèå íàçâàíèÿ

Ìàíãàñà (MANG US) ãëàâíîãî ãåðîÿ â ìîíãîëüñêîì ôîëüêëîðå 88

Obrusānszky Borbāla (Hungary). Cult of the Sun Hunnish

and Mongolian Connections 94

II. Ýðäýì øèíæèëãýýíèé ºã¿¿ëýë

Àêèðà Êàìèì¿ðà (ßïîí). Àëòàéí óðèàíõàé÷óóä:

Ìîíãîëûí ñîöèàëèñò óãñààòíû ç¿éí îíîëä 103

Äàãâàäîðæ Ä (Ìîíãîë). Ìîíãîëûí áà äàÿí äýëõèéí

òîãòâîðòîé õºãæèë: ò¿¿õýí ¿éë ÿâö, ñóðãàìæ, ä¿ãíýëò¿¿ä 111

Æèàí ×óàí (ÁÍÕÀÓ). ×èíãèñ õààí ×èõóðãó óóëûí õºíäèéí

èõ çàìûí ñóðãààëûí ýýäðýýòýé àñóóäëûí òàéëáàð 119

̺íõáàÿð Á (Ìîíãîë). ÕÕ çóóíû òºãñãºë, ÕÕI çóóíû ýõýí ¿åèéí

Ìîíãîëûí óðàí çîõèîëûí ñóäëàë ø¿¿ìæëýëèéí òîâ÷îî

(1990-2007) 124

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


Ìÿãìàðöýðýí Ø (Ìîíãîë). Íàðíû àðàë, öàãààí àðàë,

¿çýñãýëýíò àðëûã îëîõîîð õèéñýí ñóäàëãàà ¿ð ä¿í 148

Îòãîíöýöýã Ä (Ìîíãîë). Ñîëîíãîñ, Ìîíãîë èðãýäèéí

ãýðëýëòèéí ºíººãèéí áàéäàë, õýòèéí òºëºâ 158

Ñîäáààòàð Æ (ÁÍÕÀÓ) “Áºðò ÷îíî”-ûí òóõàé ýíä¿¿ðýë 172

Óóãàíáààòàð Æ (Ìîíãîë). Ìîíãîëûí îð÷èí ¿åèéí æ¿æãèéí

çîõèîëûí òóóðâèë ç¿éí ÷èã õàíäëàãà

(1990-2010 îíû æèøýýí äýýð) 177

Äðîáûøåâ Þ.È (Ðîññèÿ). Êòî íàó÷èë Ìîíãîëîâ

ïîêëîíÿòüñÿ íåáó? 180

Ïàíîâ À.È (Ðîññèÿ). Ñîâðåìåííàÿ èíòåãðàöèÿ Ðîññèéñêîãî

îáðàçîâàíèÿ â Ìîíãîëèþ 195

Òàãàðîâà Ò.Á (Ðîññèÿ). Ê ñåìàíòèêî-êîãíèòèâíîìó àíàëèçó

êîíöåïòà “ÿçûê” áóðÿòñêîãî ÿçûêà 201

Ôàëèëååâà Í.Â., Ôèëèí Ñ.À., Äóãàðæàâ Ë.,

Åðîôååâà È.À (Ðîññèÿ). Ïðîáëåìû âçàèìîäåéñòâèÿ

Ðîññèè è Ìîíãîëèè â ñôåðå îáðàçîâàíèÿ 207

Zolzaya Choijin (Mongolia). The cultural basis of the body

is a container Metaphor in English and Mongolian 225

III. Ìýäýýëýë

Ýìãýíýë. Ïðîôåññîð ×èíãýëòýé (1924-2013) 239



MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013



Obrusダnszky Borbダla (Hungary)

One of the significant sacrifices of the Eurasian steppe civilisation is the “Sun

greetings” sacrifice, which is an ancient tradition among Mongols. As the Secret

History of Mongols records, Temujin or the later Chinggis khan waked up at

dawn and prayed to the rising Sun. On the other hand, Sun, or Sunbeam had a

special task in the nomadic royal dynasties: it contributed to born a Heavenly son,

who was able to unite the world or the whole Eurasian steppe belt.

Regarding some research results, worship of the warm and life-giving Sun can

be observed in almost all ancient communities, and most of them sacrificed Sun.

However, there is specific item which related only Eurasian steppe peoples. One

of them was Sun greetings tradition, which inherited among Mongols, and widely

developed those people of all Eurasian steppe, who preserved steppe tradition as


If we carefully observe the ancient steppe nomadic way of life, we would

realise the ancient steppe tribes didn’t believe that midnight was the turning

point of the day as along the modern calculation, but the sunrise. Such traces and

thinking way can be found in the Eurasian steppe peoples traditions throughly

Eurasian steppeland. The rising Sun at dawn divided two worlds, night and day, or

the dark and the light, one ends and starts a new day. This change was celebrated

by the Mongols and their ancestors every morning giving thanks for the Sun and

the Heavently God (Möngke Tengri) in order to save the Nomadic communities.

Some remarkable Mongolian beliefs remained in the Secret History of

Mongols, which recorded some nomadic sacrifices. It summarised Chinggis

khaan’s origin and life, one important part of it when Temujin escaped from his

pursuers due to Burkhan Khaldun, that’s why He decided to sacrifice Burkan

Kaldun every day at dawn and greets the rising Sun. The source explains how this

ritual took place: the later great khagan took his hat in His hand, He loosened belt

and he threw it over His neck. Then striking his breast with His hand, he knelt

nine times to the Sun, sprinkling offering of mare milk in the air, and he prayed.1

After he ordered that every successors have to be done the same way.

It was one of the earliest description of the holy mountain ceremony among

Mongols. Previously the Secret History of Mongols mentioned only Burkhan

Khaldun as the centre of the Borjigin tribe.2 Also the same source mentioned a

particular geographic name, which may relates the Sun greetings ceremony.

Along the Ulz river had a Naratu - sitügeen place, which probably related to the

Sun ceremony centre, where special sacrifices had been performed as some

Mongolian scholars think of.3 Fortunately, not only these two datas found in

the ancient historical sources, but other 13th century sources mentioned it,

particulary those foreign envoys, who visited the Mongolian court, they also

portrayed some elements of this ritual.

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


One of the first envoy was Peter from Russia, who reported the habit of

the Tatars on His way to the Khan court. He recorded, that every morning

Mongolians raised their hands toward the God.4 Similar ceremony was recorded

by Plano Carpini, whose work devoted the description of the Mongolian beliefs.

He explains: “The Sun, in addition, the Moon, fire, water and earth revere and

worship , the first of the food and drink and fruits dedicated to them, especially in

the morning before they eat or drink.”5

The foreign travelers probably noticed the same ceremony as the Secret

History of the Mongols did, but probably the envoys had no right to participate

in the whole ceremony, that’s why they reported only some fragments. These

fragments are valuable information for us, because the complement exists such

an ancient Mongols ceremony. It is possible that the Khan not only bowed to the

Sun, but drinks - e.g. mare milk - are offered to it, and the ceremony has to be

done at sunrise. We realise from the foreign envoys one important information,

the cult is not only for the nobles, but also the common people also dedicated

sacrifice to the Sun.

A certain part of the ancient cult of the Sun greetings is to reconstruct the

Mongolian case surviving records. The Sun greetings ceremony has to be done

on a hill or mountain, where the tribesman may have arrived before sunrise.

He arrived there without having breakfast. As the Secret History of Mongols

mentioned, Chingis khaan brought only some mare milk with Himself to Burkhan

Khaldun in order to sprinkle it over, and on the top, He get off His main emblems

of power, belt and hat, and they sacrificed to the Sun.6

As the Secret History of the Mongols recorded, Temujin commanded to be

held the Sun greetings ceremony for their all children and successors. As the

Mongolians said, Burkhan Kaldun had a long tradition of ancient ceremonies,

among both local pastorals and noblemen. When the Buddhism spread Mongolia

in the course of the 17th century, Zanabazar, who belonged to Tushetu khan

linage, estabished a chapel at the foot of the Burkhan Khaldun. He sent lamas

to guard the ancient ceremony centre, maybe he involved the ancient rites into

the new faith and lamas protected the sacred territory conducted rites until

the 1930’s.7 From that time communists prohibited to practice any religious

ceremonies in the territory of Mongolia, so the local pastorals might prayed

secretly. After the collapse of Communism in Mongolia, Burkhan Khaldun have

been the one of the main sacrificed centre of Mongolians.

Around Burkhan Khaldun preserved the ancient Sun sacrifice, but some

special Mongolian epics, e.g. Janggar. Some Mongolian tribes in the altay

Mountains, like Uryankhai, held a special oboo ceremonies, where participants

prayed the rising Sun and knelt in front of the oboo at the top of the moutain. We

must clearify these kinds of offerings in order analyse, whether there are any

connections with the ceremony of Burkhan Khaldun.

Some Mongolian researchers think, the above mentioned ceremony hasn’t

been establish by Temujin in the 12th century, but His ancestor, or Bodonchar

also had it. Some Mongolian researchers suggested that the origin of the Sun

greetings ceremony goes back hundreds of years, in fact Z.Batszajhan mentioned

in His monography, titled a Hunnu considered that root might trace back as far as

the Huns.8

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


Nowadays, not only pastorals in Mongolia inherited the Sun greetings

sacrifice, but those Mongolians, who live in Ordos, Ejen Khoroo and keep Chingis

Khaan’s cult. They also kept celebrating the ancient Sun greetings ceremony in

the first day of the Lunar New Year. The darkhats wake up before dawn, when

nobody looked at the traces of five main animals, took mare milk and went to the

White Flag’s Court in order to sacrifice the rising Sun. They poured milk, lighted

candles, sang songs, knelt in front of the White flag and read Sangin takhilga and

Sűldin sang. After it, they bowed three times before the flag and left that place. At

the end of the ceremony they got around three times the sanctuary, and departed

from the nearby, when lighted a new fire, food and drink offerings were carried


It is true, the Sun greetings custom was quite early, goes back the steppe the

ancient steppe hstory. Unfortunately, we have only some fragments about that,

because the early nomadic states haven’t been recorded their own history in

books, they preserved their origins and great deeds in orally, e.g. in lyric forms.

The one of the first written sources for Huns is Sima Qian’s Shi Ji Chronicle,

where He noted that the Hunnic Shanyu got up at dawn, go out to the tent, bow

down to the Sun and the same thing had happened in the evenig with the Moon.

The ceremony is very similar to the Mongolian version, the missing information

due to the fact, the foreign writer hadn’t known all related details. Perhaps Huns

hadn’t been allowed for foreigners to participate in, that’s why he only reported

the external event. However, it turns out that the religious activity already existed

in Inner Asia during the Hunnic period, who established a huge empire in Asia, on

the other hand, the Sun and the Moon became supreme power symbol of Huns.

We have archaeological evidence for that, in Gol Mod excavation the Hunnic

royal emblem apperead from the tomb. It should be noted that the Secret History

of Mongols has survived this dual emblem, it was the symbol of union of world.

The Sun and Moon was a special meaning of Borjigin tribe also, as Dei Sechen

explained it, in His dream suddenly appeared White Falcon, the sacred animal of

Borjigin tribe, holding Sun and Moon in his leg, Dei Sechen knew, wh would visit


The details of the Mongolian tradition is worth looking for among the tribes

who also inherited the most elements of the ancient steppe civilisation, which

belonged to Saka, Scythians and Huns. Most scholars think, the some Inner Asian

people - both Saka or Yuechi and Huns - carried out their own heritage westward.

Unfortunately, lack of historical sources of that time, we are not able to date

the origin of this special cult. Most data can be drawn from the ancient Chinese

sources, some of them remained in the Mongolian period, and we have rich epic

or folk tradition, which exists today, but we are not able to clarify their origin.

Ancient geographer, Strabon, who lived in the 1st century BC recorded that

Central Asian Massagetas worshipped the Sun and sacrified white horse for that.11

One element of ancient Sun sacrifice can be observed in Kazakhstan, the former

territory of Massagets, where presently young people -after gratuating the school

in the end of May - climb the highest mountain or bridge in the evening and await

for the Rising Sun. 12

For us, the Massagetas have a particular significance, because Byzantine

chronicler, notably Prokopius of the 6th century, used its name for decription of

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


Huns. What is certain is from this notice, some of the allied tribes of Huns lived

not only in Central Asia, but they moved westward under leadership of the Huns,

they reached Caucasus Mountain, where also related steppe peoples lived. The

Huns allied with some steppe tribes there by sworn brotherhoodship, that’s

why they were be able to quickly took over the whole Central Asian and Black

Sea region and even reached and passed the Derbent gate (or Hunnic - gate)

and reached the Transcaucasian territory, where settled down. Perhaps their

inheritance was preserved by successors and we can find it in the territory of

present-day Azerbaijan, where some group of people pilgrimated in a particular

way. The third highest point of the Caucasus 3629 - meter-high Babadag. The

locals worship as a sacred mountain and in July and August and made pilgrimage

on the top of the mountain. The locals start climbing in the evening and they await

the rising Sun, to pay tribute to it.13

We are able to find the ancient Sun greetings cult the westermost part of the

great Eurasian steppe, which was the centre of the European Hun Empire, the

territory of the former Kingdom of Hungary. The elements of ancient sun sacrifice

remained in use in some places of the Carpathian Basin, where Hungarians live.

Sekler-Hungarians, who live in Romania, now, had a very special pilgrimate in

Csiksomlyo at every Pentecost. Every year thousands of Hungarians, Seklers and

Changos climbed up to Somlyo mountain nearby, and prayed for a long time. They

wait for the sunrise without food or water to greet the life-giving Sun. According to

their special belief, those, who pray deeply, would be able to see the Holy Spirit.14

The origin of the special ceremony is unknown for scholars, it is not derived from

the Christian tradition nor folklore of the surrounding nations. It is sure, that

they preserved the ancient Hunnish Sun greetings cult. The Seklers themselves

are very proud of their Hunnish origin, and they main symbols are Sun and the

Moon, which can be seen on their flag and their own gates. Fortunately, not only

in one place, but same other territories of Former Hungarian Kingdom preserved

the similar ceremonies. Sun greetings was in practice among Changos, who

live in eastern edge of the Carpathian mountains. Andrew Duma, local teacher

and scholar, who lives in a small village Klezhe said that their parents and

grandparents prayed every morning to the rising Sun, in the villages knolled the

bell in every morning, and prayed for the Heaven. Some people went to the brook

to bow the Sun, some people did it at the public wells. 15 The same notice is from

Ferenc Zajti, orientalist, who brought up near the great Hortobágy plain, Hungary,

where local shepherds welcomed the rising Sun every morning. They respected

the Sun and raided their hats and prayed an prayer. 16

We find the ancient Sun greetings ceremony among Paloc people, who live in

northern part of Hungary. On every 15th August they celebrate their special day

dedicated to Hungarian Goddess, or protector. In village Beny locals kept vigil one

day before, and awaiting the sunrise in the border of the village. They pray for the

rising Sun. According to the fragmentary information, we realise that Hungarians

celebrate the rising Sun the similar way as Mongolians did: they raised their hat,

and prayed the God.

The Sun - as the historical sources indicate - has another responsibility so it

required to fertilised wife of the steppe khagan. Based on the survived stories, the

sunbeam often appeared in a woman’s dream, when she felt sunbeams, or envoy

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


of the Heaven, a falcon marked Her chest or sunk into her womb. Both of them

let Her know to born a son soon. The Secret History of the Mongols has a well-

known story about Alangoa whom regularly a ray - like people visited, after that

she bore three sons in succession.17 In this story, a ray of sunshine to have an

anthropomorphic character, buti t derived from Sunbeam. According to the story,

Alangoa knew that Her three sons were born by Heavenly power, they said to Her

sons in one time. A rather similar story has been recorded in the 19th century

in the Bolor Toli chronicle, which summarised not only Mongolian history, but

the history of the steppe peoples, which preserved in early Chinese sources. In

the Mongolian authors noted that within the North China tribal confederation

erected Hong tribe and one leader or Kuvang, had a son in a wonderful way: His

wife has been feritilized by Big Dipper’s light.18 In addition, other early Chinese

sources recorded some unique stories about wonderful birth, some of them had

been collected by Z. Batsaikhan, who found very special stories in Jin - shu, Bei -

shu and the Sui - shu chronicles. Although the author has recorded several unique

birth stories, we just presented, in which clear ancient element of Cult of Sun can

be found. The Chinese Jin - shu Chronicle recorded the following story. Cong Liu,

who belonged to the royal Hunnish clan, had a wife, who once dreamed that the

Sunbeam sunken into Her chest. Another story goes about, a certain Mr. Fu Yu's

wife, was fertilized by sunbeam, also. 19

In particular, the ancient Hunnish tradition only preserved in those tribes,

who descendant their unique Hunnish cultural heritage. Central Asian Hunnish

tradition inherited by Turkic peoples, whose leading clan or Ashina originated

from Northern-Liang Hunnish dynasty. In their miraclous dream not the

sunbeam, but the falcon appeared, which is the envoy of the Heaven and brought

news about the upcoming son. Imre Adorjan in His book titled “The children of

Turul” gathered miraculous birth motifs among Turks. He said, the Ottomans

Turks, who settled down in Anatolia int he 14th century, originated from Central

Asian Khorasan. One of His ancestor was Er - Togrul got His name because of

His mother’s dream. On Her chest ascended the growing moon made it full and

disappeared in Ottoman’s chest. Then a great tree loins began from the woman’s

womb, which extends over seas, countries and branches. However, Abdul

Qumran dervish dreamed that a falcon expanded its wings over the young ruler,

which overlayed the two continents (Asia and Europe).20

In Manas, the famous Kyrgyz epic a bird had told the boys the coming future.

A little poem reveals it: "The dream bless Jakip, but the dream brings joy, but the

bird is a child now will be Jakip baby!"21

Among the first Hungarian royal clan, Arpad who were proud of successors

of Attila the Huns, preserved special miraclous myth, of child birth. We can find

sunbeam and a falcon motifs together. One version has been recorded by Gesta

Hungarorum, which mentioned a story of the miraculous conception as the

following: “After eight hundred nineteenth year of the Lord 's incarnation, as I said

above, King Ugek Magog’s descendant was noble leader of Scythians, married a

maiden, called Emese, who was King Enedbelia’s daughter. From this marriage

born a son, who got the name Almos (Sleepy). However, he got the name due to

a divine miracle, because his mother in her sleep dreamt a divine vision, appeared

turul, and flied on Her chest and made Her pregnant.”

MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013


The second set of data was compiled in 1358 by the Chronicum Pictum,

which was not named the Turul as their progenitors, it only delivered divine

news about the upcoming son. “Eleud, Ugek’s son, who lived in Scythia, married

Eunodbilia’s daughter and had a son, who was named Almus (Sleepy) because a

miraclous event. When His mother was pregnant, in a dream appeared turul kind

bird, and made known to Her womb comes from the stream, and multiply in a

foreign land.”22 Third historical record is from the 15th, the author is an Italian

Dominican friar, Petrus Ranzanus, who served as Naples ambassador for three

years (1475-1478) resided king Matthias 's court. He also wrote a record about

the Hungarians, which mentions fabulous Emese 's dream. “It held among

Hungarians (Hungaros) that Almos prince's name derived from the mother

of a vision. Before you could have been born because of a wonder, because a

turul kind falcon flew to Her, and penetrated her uterus, which then wonderful

luminous stream burst from a huge light emanated towards the distant parts of

the world, there agreed, but all rays treat, out of himself , and the light of the

whole area seemed to absorb. Because the language of the Huns (Hunnorum

lingua) the dream vision they say Almus, the boy got the name Sleepy.23”

The miraculous story of conception is not only maintained in the historical

chronicles pages, but is available at an early pictorial representations, also called

„heavenly rapture”. There some Siberian shaman objects, where the same scenes

can be seen. There is a parallel of it in Europe. One picture can be seen in one jar

of Nagyszentmiklós treasure, where the mythical bird in the sky just to raise a

woman. It is surely connected with the miraclous dream of steppe khatuns.

According to above mentioned data we can summarise, that Inner Asian

Hunnish and Mongolian stories tightly connected with Sunbeam, it fertilised the

woman. In the Central Asian Post-Hunnish or Turkic stories, the bird functioned

as paternal element, it contributed with marking to the wife of the khagan to have

children. The Hungarian examples are the most interesting, where both elements,

the Sunbeam and the falcon appeared in the miraclous dream. In order to

understand meaning of the old legends, we must think of not the modern peoples

's head, those people's heads to live in harmony with the nature and believed in

Shamanism. According to its ancient concept, both Sunbeam and falcon are the

envoy of the Heavenly power, we have not made a distinction between the these

forces, just heavenly power has fertilizing power of the Sun and the hawkish

(turul) bird. The sunshine of Heaven in the same way as a bird of prey. In the

ancient Shamanic faith the sun symbolizes the man's strength, because life comes

from the sky, land and add it to the form.

From the above mentioned detailed datas prove, that in the eurasian Steppe

civilisation the Sun greetingss ceremonies had a great significancy. They respect

the rising Sun, which gave the humankind ife and warm and regarding the royal

dynasties to be born a special son for the throne. The first record concerning

the Hunnish royal house, where maybe that man would ascended the throne,

who was selected by Heaven by birth, so the great nomadic khagans had to be

particular origin. That’s why they said they were Son of Heaven, or Tengri Khan.

Not only the Hunnish Shanyu, but the Turkish Bilge khagan, and Mongolian

Alangoa’s sons had the same concept of their own origin, they were created by


MONGOLICA Vol. 46, 2013



1 MNT 103. 2 Purev, 2003. 124.3 MNT 133. 4 Peters record. In: Györffy, 1986. 5 Carpini. III. 5.6 MNT 103.7 Some ruins of a Buddhist chapel can be seen at the foot of Burkhan Khaldun. 8 Batsaikhan, 2006. 135. (Hungarian version). Other explanation Look at: Sh. Gaadamba,

1990. 223.9 Erkhsechen, 2010. 60.10 MNT 63.11 Strabon, XI. VIII. 6. 12 Guldana Sarbassova’s information. She is from Kazakhstan, but She works at

Amsterdam University, Netherland. 13 Azerbaijan fieldwork in 2010. July.14 My own fieldwork in May 2009. 15 Duma, 15-16.16 Zajti, 1928. 1.17 MNT 21.18 Bolor toli, 232. 19 Batsaikhan, 2003. 23-24.20 Adorjan, 1998. 13. 21 Adorjan, 1998. 13.22 Chronicum Pictum, 23.23 Demeny, 2004. 42-43.

LITERATUREAdorján, )mre なひひぱ. A turul gyermekei. Oguz eredetmondák és a magyar népi kultúra. )n: Fejér Megyei Pedagógiai Szolgáltató )ntézet Székesfehérvár.Anonymusなひばの. Gesta (ungarorum. Translated by Pais Dezso. Batsaikhan, Z. にどどぬ. Nüüdelchdiyn domog zui deh belegiyn bus tőrőlt. )n: Ugsaatni Zui Sudlal. にど-にね. にどどは. (unok. ゅ(ungarian translationょ Translated by Borbala Obrusanszky. Farkas lorinc )mre Publishing. Chronicum Pictumなひぱね. (ungarian royal Chronicle. Translated by Bellus )bolya. (elikon, Budapest.Demeny, )stván Pálにどどね. A magyar hősi epika. Európa Folklór )ntézet, Budapest. Duma, Andrásにどどの Csángó mitológia. (avas, Kézdivásárhely. Erkhsechenにどなど. Tsagaan süld hiygeed tuuni dagagsad. )nner Mongolian Peoples Publishing. (ohhot.Gaadamba, Sh. なひひど. Mongolin nuuts tovchoon. Ulaanbaatar. Jimbadorjiなひぱね. Bolor toli. Undestni (evlel, (ohhot. Purev, Otgoniにどどぬ. Mongol boogiyn shashni ner tomyoni tailbar toli. Mongolin Shinjleh Uhaani Akademi. Tuuhin (ureelen. Ulaanbaatar. Strabon なひばば. Geographica. Translated by Balazs Janos. Gondolat, Budapest. Zajti, Ferencなひにぱ. A hun-magyar őstőrténelem. Veszta-kőnyvtár, Budapest