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Quiz prepared by Jose Thomas

Books• Written ; All Questions Identify the Book

• 10 Questions

• 10 Points Each

1. Acknowledgement

“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.”


“PERSONS attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.


Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.”


4. In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?'

5. Author’s Note

“Maash in Malayalam is taken from School-master in English; Kutti , literally child , is a mildly affectionate way of addressing a younger person and is sometimes part of a name; Yajaman , the servant’s appellation for his master, is a placatory form of address ; Attha , Umma are in the Muslim patois, father , mother. Umma is also a Muslim woman is addressed; Acchan (fem: Acchi) is a term of respect used for older people and is usually suffixed to names. Also Ettan , Etta , Annan ; Poothams are familiar demons and are, at times , comical.”

6. Dedication

“To all my fellow Indians”


‘_________ ; or , The Modern Prometheus ‘


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world”

9. First Lines

“It was inevitable ; the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love”

10. Letter

My Dear ____,

I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand, a word you say, but I shall still be your affectionate Godfather,



1. Dedication

“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.”



“PERSONS attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.


Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.”



Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

4. In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?'

The God Delusion

5. Author’s Note

“Maash in Malayalam is taken from School-master in English; Kutti , literally child , is a mildly affectionate way of addressing a younger person and is sometimes part of a name; Yajaman , the servant’s appellation for his master, is a placatory form of address ; Attha , Umma are in the Muslim patois, father , mother. Umma is also a Muslim woman is addressed; Acchan (fem: Acchi) is a term of respect used for older people and is usually suffixed to names. Also Ettan , Etta , Annan ; Poothams are familiar demons and are, at times , comical.”

Legends of Khasak

6. Dedication

“To all my fellow Indians”

Playing It My Way


‘_________ ; or , The Modern Prometheus ‘



“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world”

The Hobbit

9. First Lines

“It was inevitable ; the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love”

Love in the Time of Cholera

10. Letter

My Dear Lucy ,

I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand, a word you say, but I shall still be your affectionate Godfather,


The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

Clockwise• 16 Question

• Bounce – 10 points

• Pounce – 10/-5


The following is conversation from the 2015 movie Mr. Holmes starring Ian Mckellen as an 80 year old Sherlock Holmes between Holmes and co passengers in a train

“Sherlock Holmes: You shouldn't do that. Tap the glass.

Boy: How did you know I was going to?

Boy's Mother: You must forgive my son, he loves X .

Sherlock Holmes: It isn't a X, it's a Y. Different thing entirely.”

X and Y

X- Bee ; Y- Wasp


In an article following the death of X , Economist and MP BhalachandraMungerkar, in an article in DNA , observed that Y had died on the same day 57 years ago. In the article he also says

“ Perhaps no other two towering personalities of the 20th century had such common mission, common hardship, common struggle, and common legacy for future generations as X and Y”

X and Y? Both of whom received the Bharat Ratna in the same year.

X- Mandela; Y-Ambedkar


In an episode of Last Week Tonight by John Olivier , he compares a problem that President Obama has been promising to fix since taking office to the album Hotel California stating

“You can never leave and like the album is a permanent stain on America's reputation”


Guantanamo Bay Prison


What less popular version of whose life does the paintings depict.

Jesus Christ as in Quran


X is a standard response to a specific situation. In many countries , X is used by regimes to conceal censorship . During the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia , the fake X were used to conceal internet censorship , the people having found out created an imaginary character ‘Ammar X’ representing the invisible censor. The end of ‘Ammar X’ was announced not long after the ousting of Ben Ali




_____________ is a Madhwa saint who was considered to be an reincarnation of Prahlada . He performed numerous miracles and is worshipped by many even today. A building in Chennai named after him owned by one of his followers was in news for being open to sanitary workers from various districts. The building was also the stage for three day fast by Team Anna activists.

FITB and who owns the building

Raghavendra , Rajnikanth


In picture is a piece of cutlery combining a fork and a knife . The design

called a ___________ pattern , after a Britisher who was quite

appropriately presented a similar knife in Gold by the Countess Spencer.

Horatio Nelson


Reacting to the second Kerala State Film Awards Prem Nazir commented that though Olavum Theeravum and Kottarakkara were appropriate choices for Best Film and Best Actor , he award for Best Actress had to go to X (who was the Second Best Actress) and not Sharada.

X? Who later on managed to win one more State Award in 1987.



Four friends on their usual session of weekend debauchery decided to engage in a children’s game ; each of them drew lots to be King, Minister , Police and Thief . The Police had to identify the thief among them and the game ends with trial and reprimand of the Thief.

Synopsis of which acclaimed literary work.

Ozhivudivasathe Kali


The four arts of the Chinese scholar, were the four main accomplishments required of the Chinese scholar-gentleman. They were

• Qin – Musical instrument Guqin.

• Qi – _____________

• Shu – Chinese Calligraphy .

• Hua – Chinese Painting.

Qi ? It had been in the news in the last month or so.

Go Game (Weiqui)


The ______ ______ Index was introduced in the September 1986 edition of ‘The Economist’ as illustration of the purchasing power parity between two currencies. The ______ ______ was chosen because it is available to a common specification in many countries . One of the major disadvantages of the index is that it cannot be used in many countries , one of them being India.

For what specific reason does the index not work in India.

Big Mac; Big Mac contains Beef


ID both people with pipes.

Karunanidhi, Mujibur Rahman

13‘Three 9/11s choose your own’ was an article written by P Sainath in The Hindu on the 5th anniversary of the September 11 attacks in which he speaks about two other incidents where the creators tried to change the world had happened on September 11

One , happened in South America, he calls a neo liberal 9/11 which exported terror and not democracy.

The other happened around a 100 years ago in Africa which helped change the world for the better.

What were the two incidents.

Gandhi launching Sathyagraha; Chilean Coup


The first edition of the event was set to be held from September 1 – 20 , 1939 . The event was organized to counter the popular event of its times ,which many thought had become a vehicle of Nazi and Fascist propaganda. On the opening day of events Germany invaded Poland and the event was cancelled to be revived in 1946 after the end of the Second World War.


Cannes Film Festival


In 2011 , after the crowd turned violent in a friendly match against Shakhtar Donetsk, Fenerbahce was ordered to play two matches behind closed doors. To avoid playing in an empty stadium , the club appealed for some remission , which was granted.

As a result what was special about the match between Fenerbahce and Manisapor in September , 2011.

Crowd of all women and children


Mysore Paints and Varnishes is the only company authorised to make indelible ink for elections in India. The company was started by NalvadiKrishnaraja Wodeyar to manufacture another product exploiting the supply of raw material from the surrounding forests of Mysore.

What product? Still widely used by ,among others, India Post and the Election Commission

Sealing Wax

Academy Award for Best Documentary

• Written

• 10 Questions

• 10 Points Each

Best Documentary Feature (2007)

1. The film depicted the campaign of one of the most prominentcampaigners of the cause, who scripted the feature . The producersdecided to make the movie the after they had seen a slideshow presentedby him at the premier of the 2004 movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow'. Oneof the taglines used for the movie was “By far the most terrifying film you willever see.”

Id the movie and the screenwriter, who later went on to share the NobelPrize for Peace ,with an international organization of working on the samecause.(5+5)

2. ‘The Cove’ directed by Louie Psyhoyos was widely acclaimed but ran into controversy with Japanese press who accused the film for being filmed with secret cameras , portrayal of Japanese people and being unfair in narrative. The film follows an activist, Ric O’Barry in narrating an activity in Taiji, Japan with death count of about 23,000 . A counter documentary ‘Beyond the Cove’ was later made by filmmaker , Keiko Yagi to counter the Japan bashing.

What was ‘The Cove’ about.

Best Documentary Feature (2010)

3. ‘One Day in September’ directed by Kevin Macdonald with sparse narration by Michael Douglas , the film examines an incident of international significance . The documentary includes interviews with the victims spouses , the first filmed interview with a surviving perpetrator and many including security guards narrate the events . The film accuses the security being lax and the rescue operations being unprepared.


Best Documentary Feature (2000)

4. ‘When We were Kings’ directed by Leon Gast shows the build up to an event in the 1970s hosted by a central African country. The two protagonists of the event joined the film crew in receiving the Oscar as a token of peace and friendship between them.

Event or the two protagonists. (10 or 5+5)

Best Documentary Feature (1997)

5. ‘The Times of ________ ______’ is about a US politician who was assassinated in 1978 . His work has elevated him to iconic martyr status in the community he campaigned for and among whom he was the first elected . He was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. His portrayal in a later movie brought the actor significant glory.

FITB title with his name

Best Documentary Feature (1985)

6.‘From ___to ______: Isaac Stern in China ‘ documents the rehearsals and performances of famous violinist and music teacher Isaac Stern , the first American to collaborate the Chinese Cultural Symphony Society and hence portraying the breaking in of Western Culture in Chinese society.

Fill the appropriate title of the movie with the names of two men of considerable significance in their respective fields.

(Both names start with the same alphabet)(No part Points)

Best Documentary Feature (1980)

7.‘Saving face’ directed by Shamreen Obaid Chinoy and Daniel Junge was the first Oscar won by a Pakistani production , in addition it also won the Emmy for Best Documentary . The film follows London based Pakistani surgeon performing reconstructive surgeries. The film ran into trouble when the one of the subjects of the film Rukhsana claimed that Chinoyhad not given her the promised compensation and her husband had disowned her for working in the film. A suit was filed by a Karachi based organization to not screen the film in Pakistan to protect victim identities , which Chinoy agreed. Chinoy won her second Oscar this year for her film ‘A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness’ on honor killings in Pakistan.

What was the ‘Saving Face’ about.

Best Documentary Short (2012)

8. ‘Smile Pinki’ directed by Megan Mylan shot in Hindi and Bhojpuri was the story of Pinki Sonkar a five year old from Rampur UP , whose life gets transformed after corrective surgery for cleft lip. Pinki and he surgeon DrSubodh Kumar Singh attended the award ceremony . Her international fame after the film had led to her being invited and performed a decisive task at an annual London event.

What decisive task.

Best Documentary Short (2009)

9. ‘White Wilderness’ directed by James Algar was about the wildlife in Artic produced by Walt Disney Productions . The documentary is noted for the scenes showing a misconstrued phenomenon. The documentary attracted controversy when a 1982 documentary ‘Camera Cruelty’ showed that the footage was not real but staged by Disney, the phenomena was not voluntary but forced by the film crew using rotating platform.

What phenomenon .

Best Documentary Feature (1951)

10. Man on ______ directed by James Marsh , is about Phillipe Petit and a group of friends performing an unauthorized act on August 7th 1974 in New York City. The film structured like a heist film shows Petit and friends planning and executing the act. Though charged with offenses including trespassing , they were dropped in exchange of a similar performing a similar act at Central Park for children.

What act, based on which another movie was made in 2015 , did Petit perform.

Best Documentary Feature (2009)


Best Documentary Feature (2007)

1. The film depicted the campaign of one of the most prominentcampaigners of the cause, who scripted the feature . The producersdecided to make the movie the after they had seen a slideshow presentedby him at the premier of the 2004 movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow'. Oneof the taglines used for the movie was “By far the most terrifying film you willever see.”

Id the movie and the screenwriter, who later went on to share the NobelPrize for Peace ,with an international organization of working on the samecause.

An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore

2. ‘The Cove’ directed by Louie Psyhoyos was widely acclaimed but ran into controversy with Japanese press who accused the film for being filmed with secret cameras , portrayal of Japanese people and being unfair in narrative. The film follows an activist, Ric O’Barry in narrating an activity in Taiji, Japan with death count of about 23,000 . A counter documentary ‘Beyond the Cove’ was later made by filmmaker , Keiko Yagi to counter the Japan bashing.

What was ‘The Cove’ about.

Best Documentary Feature (2010)

Dolphin Hunting

3. ‘One Day in September’ directed by Kevin Macdonald with sparse narration by Michael Douglas , the film examines an incident of international significance . The documentary includes interviews with the victims spouses , the first filmed interview with a surviving perpetrator and many including security guards narrate the events . The film accuses the security being lax and the rescue operations being unprepared.


Best Documentary Feature (2000)

Munich Massacre

4. ‘When We were Kings’ directed by Leon Gast shows the build up to an event in the 1970s hosted by a central African country. The two protagonists of the event joined the film crew in receiving the Oscar as a token of peace and friendship between them.

Event or the two protagonists. (10 or 5+5)

Best Documentary Feature (1997)

Muhammad Ali and George ForemanRumble in the Jungle

5. ‘The Times of ________ ______’ is about a US politician who was assassinated in 1978 . His work has elevated him to iconic martyr status in the community he campaigned for and among whom he was the first elected . He was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. His portrayal in a later movie brought the actor significant glory.

FITB title with his name

Best Documentary Feature (1985)

Harvey Milk

6.‘From ___to ______: Isaac Stern in China ‘ documents the rehearsals and performances of famous violinist and music teacher Isaac Stern , the first American to collaborate the Chinese Cultural Symphony Society and hence portraying the breaking in of Western Culture in Chinese society.

Fill the appropriate title of the movie with the names of two men of considerable significance in their respective fields.

(Both names start with the same alphabet)(No part Points)

Best Documentary Feature (1980)

Mao , Mozart

7.‘Saving face’ directed by Shamreen Obaid Chinoy and Daniel Junge was the first Oscar won by a Pakistani production , in addition it also won the Emmy for Best Documentary . The film follows London based Pakistani surgeon performing reconstructive surgeries. The film ran into trouble when the one of the subjects of the film Rukhsana claimed that Chinoyhad not given her the promised compensation and her husband had disowned her for working in the film. A suit was filed by a Karachi based organization to not screen the film in Pakistan to protect victim identities , which Chinoy agreed. Chinoy won her second Oscar this year for her film ‘A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness’ on honor killings in Pakistan.

What was the ‘Saving Face’ about.

Best Documentary Short (2012)

Acid Attack Victims

8. ‘Smile Pinki’ directed by Megan Mylan shot in Hindi and Bhojpuri was the story of Pinki Sonkar a five year old from Rampur UP , whose life gets transformed after corrective surgery for cleft lip. Pinki and he surgeon DrSubodh Kumar Singh attended the award ceremony . Her international fame after the film had led to her being invited and performed a decisive task at an annual London event.

What decisive task.

Best Documentary Short (2009)

Toss at the Wimbledon Final

9. ‘White Wilderness’ directed by James Algar was about the wildlife in Artic produced by Walt Disney Productions . The documentary is noted for the scenes showing a misconstrued phenomenon. The documentary attracted controversy when a 1982 documentary ‘Camera Cruelty’ showed that the footage was not real but staged by Disney, the phenomena was not voluntary but forced by the film crew using rotating platform.

What phenomenon .

Best Documentary Feature (1951)

Lemming Suicides

10 .Man on ______ directed by James Marsh , is about Phillipe Petit and a group of friends performing an unauthorized act on August 7th 1974 in New York City. The film structured like a heist film shows Petit and friends planning and executing the act. Though charged with offenses including trespassing , they were dropped in exchange of a similar performing a similar act at Central Park for children.

What act, based on which another movie was made in 2015 , did Petit perform.

Best Documentary Feature (2009)

Tight Wire Walk between the WTC Twin Towers

Anti Clockwise• 16 Question

• Bounce – 10 points

• Pounce – 10/-5


In 1955 , Pope Pius established the Feast Day of St. Joseph the _______ . The date for the feast was chosen to coincide with another celebration to counter balance the its impact . The day is supposed to instill dignity and spirituality in _________ , to whom St Joseph is the patron saint.

What celebration does this coincide with ?

International Labour Day


"Did Shivaji commit a sin in killing Afzal Khan or not ? The answer to that question can be found in the Mahabharat itself. Srimat Krishna's advice in the Gita is to kill even our own teachers and kinsmen. No blame attaches to any person if he is doing deeds without being actuated by a desire to reap the fruits of his deeds. Shri Shivaji did nothing with a view to fill the void of his own stomach. With benevolent intentions he murdered Afzal Khan, for the good of others. If thieves enter our house and we have not sufficient strength t drive them out, we should without hesitation shut them up and burn them alive. God has not conferred upon the foreigners the grant, inscribed on a copperplate, of the Kingdom of Hindustan. The Maharaja (Shivaji) strove to drive them away from the land of his birth. He did not thereby commit the sin of coveting what belonged to others. Do not circumscribed your vision, like a frog in a well; get out of the Penal Code, and enter the extremely high atmosphere of the Srimat Bhagavad Gita, and consider the actions of great men."


These words invited sedition(IPC Section 124(A)) charges to writer as it had supposedly insisted a violent act in the next week marking one of the early revolutionary terrorism activity in the Indian freedom struggle.


Lokmanya Tilak


Who and Why?

Romanian Football Team;To promote Math among children


The year long centenary celebrations of a Kerala venture was inaugurated by John Paul II in 1986 . The organization claims to work on the noble goals set by the founding fathers.

• To represent the needs of the common man to the rulers.

• To protect and safeguard the inalienable rights of the people.

• To fight for Truth, Justice and Freedom and to unite the separated brethren of Kerala.




There is no documental evidence proving this. In 2015 , an Argentine journalist on assignment to the country reported about a Taxi driver who vividly remember the incident. A newspaper from the country calls it a local joke summing up the changes that has happened in the world.


Fidel Castro prophetic statement


Lego Batman


• No Alcohol Drinking / Smoking during business hours.

• Wearing White Cap during business hours.

• Carry Identity Cards.

• No Leave without Prior Notice.

Rules of conduct to be followed by a group of people with origins in the late 19th century known worldwide for their discipline and efficiency .



X1 is a multiple participant crime employing X tactics. Multiple people executes a crime like looting a store simultaneously and swiftly where the employees get overwhelmed by the sheer the number of offenders . The number of offenders gives an implied threat of violence and therefore it is more akin to a robbery. X1 is a slight play on the word X , a popular activity in recent times.

X or X1

Flash Rob ;Flash Mob


Yakutia is one of the coldest settlements on

Earth and is under threat from climate

change. They presented this statue , materials

donated or gathered by the natives , especially

women was presented to someone , who

posted this picture on social media.


Leonardo Dicaprio


“Great human achievements are always the result of combined endeavours in which numerous people take part. It may be that one person takes the last step, but the other persons also count and should not be forgotten. For us to show a narrow and deplorable nationalism in such matters is not to add to the credit of our country but to lead people to think that we are petty in outlook and suffering from some kind of inferiority complex”

Excerpts from a letter Nehru wrote to Chief Ministers. What controversies regarding a Historic landmark event is he addressing here.

Conquest of Mt Everest

• Controversy regarding who reached the top first , Tenzing or Hillary

• Controversy regarding the nationality of Tenzing .

Promotional images used by Guatemalan newspaper Publinews , on the

launch of a edition of the newspaper which they claim to be first of its kind

in Americas. What was special about the edition.


Braille Edition


These form border between Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. They were named by Columbus after St Ursula and her followers , which later got shortened to the present name. The Eastern parts are governed by Britain and the Western parts by US. The flag of the British territories feature St Ursula and lamps of her followers , and the flag of the US territory features the acronym of the name of the area.


Virgin Islands


Cricketers Ian Botham and Bob Willis teamed up with long term friend and winemaker Geoff Merrill launched there own brand of wine , which upon release got nicknamed __________ by the people . This prompted lawyers of a European company to call Botham regarding the use of their name for the wine ,to which Botham claims to have replied

“…..I won’t make any cars if you promise not to make any wine”



Botham Merill Willis


One of the first hoaxes to reach mass audience in the internet was, in 1994, the Microsoft acquisition of the X. The hoax included a press release state that Microsoft has acquired the X , in exchange of an unspecified number of shares of the Microsoft common stock. The head of the institution X was supposed to become a Senior Vice President in Microsoft , and the combined efforts of both organizations will be used to tap the growing market X was in. The services provided by X would be available online and Microsoft would have exclusive online rights over the texts associated with X.

Microsoft later made an press release debunking claims


Roman Catholic Church


A satirical news websites Waterford Whispers News published an article about the first _______ ____ parade being held at Berlin and alleged clashes with a rival group of dyslexic protestors . The story was plagiarized by some of the reputed media firms in India and reported as news prompting the content creator for WWN , Colm Williamson to comment

“Of course, it’s fake. We’re having a good laugh reading the articles being reported.”


Grammar Nazi


He was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis , characterised by inflammation in joints , most commonly in the wrist and hand. His condition makes it painful for him to perform tasks associated with his profession in a conventional manner , his flamboyant style is thus attributed to mitigating pain and need to keep his body fluid , according to himself the style is “0/50 reality/show”. The unconventional style is often criticized ; for instance a recently deceased compatriot of his likened him to ‘Bozo the Clown”

Who ?

Billy Bowden