Download - CSS Basic Syntax (3)




This presentation covers Part-3 of a basic introduction to CSS syntax

See “HTML Basic Tags” for an introduction to HTML markup

See Part-1 to get started with CSS

See Part-2 for Font and Text properties

This presentation is designed to be a next step for learning CSS

All you need to get started is a text editor and a browser

So, enjoy!


With practice, you will be able to:

Set an element’s height and width property

Set border properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Set rounded corners using the border-radius property

Set padding properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Set margin properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Center an element by setting margins

Recognize when margin collapse may occur

Calculate a container’s extended width and height using the box model

Set outline properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Not Here

See other presentations in this series for

Selectors, color, and background properties – Part 1

Font and Text properties – Part 2

Lists, links, and tables - Part 4

Floats, layouts, and positioning elements – Part 5

Working with color – Part 6

Responsive and mobile design – depending on interest

CSS3 Effects – depending on interest


<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> Container Text </title>

<style> ... </style>



<div> <p>

Add this <span> span tag </span>

to a paragraph within a div tag

</p> </div>



Create this HTML template for use with the samples that follow

A span tag is added to a paragraph tag wrapped in a div tag

A style tag is added for internal styles


div {

background: darkGrey;


p {

background: lightGrey;


span {

background: yellow;


All HTML tags create containers for their content

Add a background to the template tags to see the default containers


div {

background: darkGrey;


p {

background: lightGrey;

font-size: 2em;


span {

background: yellow;

font-size: 16px;


Change the paragraph font-size to 2em to see how the container size changes

Change the span font-size to 16px to see how the container size follows the font size


div {

background: darkGrey;


p {

background: lightGrey;

font-size: 2em;


span {

background: yellow;

font-size: 2em;


For something interesting change the span font-size to 2em

The em units are multiples relative to the parent’s font-size

The span font becomes 4x larger than the original because the paragraph font is also 2em – and 2 x 2 = 4


div {

background: darkGrey;

height: 500px; width: 500px;


p {

background: lightGrey;

font-size: 2em;

height: 200px; width: 75%;


span {

background: yellow;

font-size: 16em;


Containers have a height and width property that wraps to the size of the container contents

The height and width can be set in CSS independently of the contents

Add the height and width properties to the CSS code as shown opposite


div {

background: darkGrey;

height: 500px; width: 500px;


p {

background: lightGrey;

font-size: 2em;

height: 200px; width: 75%;


span {

background: yellow;

font-size: 16em;

height: 2em; width: 100px;


The height and width properties have some limitations

Add the height and width properties to the span tag and note how there is no change to this inline element

(The same is true for table rows)

The height and width properties always work with block level elements

Summary 1

All HTML tags create containers for their content

Containers have a height and width property that wraps to the size of the container contents

The height and width can be set in CSS independently of the contents

The height and width properties have some limitations but always work with block level elements


Borders can be added to any element

Borders are added outside of the container dimensions

Borders extend the visual size of the element and add to its overall dimensions

The content (container) width and height remain unchanged and as declared

The combined dimensions of border and container are the height and width of the contents plus the width of the border

The top and bottom border adds to the height

The left and right border adds to the width


div {

border: 2px solid red;


img {

border: 5px dashed blue;


Borders can be declare using a single border property

The values are declared in a space separated list as width, style and color

This applies the same border style to all four sides of the element

The order is significant with shorthand notation – width style color


div {

border-width: 2px;

border-style: solid;

border-color: red;


img {

border-width: 5px;

border-style: double;

border-color: blue;


The three border properties can be declared individually using the more specific notation

When specific properties are used, the order is not important


div {

border: 1px solid red;


img {

border-width: 5px;

border-style: double;

border-color: blue;


Width can be any measurement unit or stated as thin, medium, thick

Border color can be any of the CSS colors

A list of styles follows

Border Style

dotted, dashed, solid

double, groove, ridge

inset, outset

none, hidden

A style must be declared for the border to be displayed

Any of the styles shown opposite can be used

Some of the 3D effects will vary with the border color and width

A hidden border still takes up space

An image can also be used for the border – more later


div {


1px 2px 3px 4px;

border-style: dotted dashed;


red green blue;


One reason to use the more specific notation is to vary the values per side

If 4 values are used, they follow the order of Top, Right, Bottom, and Left

TRBL spells “trouble”

Here the border width is 1px across the top, 2px on the right, 3px across the bottom, and 4px on the left


div {


1px 2px 3px 4px;

border-style: dotted dashed;


red green blue;


If only 2 values are used the top and bottom are paired with the first value and the left and right are paired with the last value

Here, the border-style is dotted across the top and bottom and dashed on the left and right sides


div {


1px 2px 3px 4px;

border-style: dotted dashed;


red green blue;


When 3 values are used the top and bottom are independent and use the first and last value and the left and right are paired with the middle value

Here, the border-color will be red on top and blue on the bottom with the green value used on each side


div {

border: 1px solid red;


img {

border-width: 5px;

border-style: double;

border-color: blue;


The next slide lists all of the individual border property combinations

There a lot of them which adds to the complexity of learning them at first

Stick with the simpler declarations at first and add variations when needed

Border Properties





















Summary 2

Borders are added outside of the container dimensions and extend the visual size of the element

The combined dimensions of border and container are the height and width of the contents plus the width of the border – added for each border

Borders can be declare using a single border property in a space separated list as width, style and color – the order is significant

Or, the borders can be declared in a more specific notation using any of the border property declarations

Summary 2

Width can be any measurement unit or stated as thin, medium, thick

Border color can be any of the CSS colors

A style must be declared for the border to be displayed

Values can be declared in a single declaration which applies to all sides

Values can be declared with 4 individual values for Top, Right, Bottom, and Left

If 2 values are declared the top and bottom are paired with the first value and the left and right are paired with the last value

If 3 values are declared the top and bottom are independent and use the first and last value and the left and right are paired with the middle value


CSS3 provides for rounded corners using the border-radius property

Browser support for CSS3 is limited to the newest of browsers

The property can be applied to the background of an element even without a defined border

For this presentation we assume it is declared with borders

Border Radius

div {

border: 1px solid red;

border-radius: 25px ;


img {

border: 1px solid red;


15px 20px 25px 30px ;


The border-radius property can be applied to all corners in a single value

Or they can be applied to individual corners using a combination of values

When 4 values are used they apply clockwise from the top-left

Values can be set to 0 to skip specific corners (without a measurement unit)

Border Radius

div {

border: 1px solid red;

border-radius: 25px 30px;


img {

border: 1px solid red;

border-radius: 20px 25px 30px;


If 2 values are used the values are paired to opposite corners

Top-left and bottom-right

Top-right and bottom-left

If 3 values are used

the first and last value applies to the top-left and bottom-right

the middle value is paired with the top-right and bottom-left







The border-radius properties can be declared using shorthand notation

Or using the more specific notation shown opposite

Note how the position is interjected between border and radius

Summary 3

The border-radius property is new to CSS3 and limited to current browsers

It creates rounded corners for borders (and backgrounds even without a defined border)

The border-radius properties can be declared using shorthand notation

Or using the more specific notation – per corner

Summary 3

The border-radius property can be declared as a single value to all corners

Or to individual corners using a combination of values

When 4 values are used they apply clockwise from the top-left

2 values are paired to opposite corners

3 values combine the middle value with the top-right and bottom-left


Padding can be added to any element (with some exceptions)

Padding is added between the content container and the border if any

Or the content container and margin if no border


Padding extends the visual dimensions of the element and adds to its overall size

The visual dimensions of the element are the height and width of the contents plus the dimensions of the border and padding – on all four sides

The top and bottom add to the height

The left and right add to the width


div {

padding: 2em ;


img {

padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;


Padding requires only a dimension value in its declaration

Padding takes on the background color of the container and does not have any style attribute

When declared as a single value it applies to all 4 sides

Four values are applied clockwise from the top – top, right, bottom, left


p {

padding: 2em 4px;


.nav {

padding: 2px 5px 1px;


Two values pair the top-bottom and left-right

Three values apply the first and last value to the top and bottom with the middle value combine left-right sides

The dimension can be any unit of measurement and even mixed units


p {

padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;


p {

padding-top: 1px;

padding-right: 2px;

padding-bottom: 3px;

padding-left: 4px;


Padding can be declared as a single property – or as individual properties

Summary 4

Padding is added between the content container and border if any

Or the content container and margin if no border

Padding extends the visual dimensions of the element

The top and bottom dimensions add to the height

The left and right dimensions add to the width

Padding requires only a dimension value and takes on the background color of the container and has no style attribute

Summary 4

When declared with a single value it applies to all 4 sides

Four values are applied clockwise from the top – top, right, bottom, left

Two values pair the top-bottom and left-right

Three values pair the middle value with the left and right sides

The dimension can be any unit of measurement and even mixed units

Padding can be declared as a single property – or as individual properties


Margins add visual separation between elements by adding space outside the border and padding areas

Margins add to the visual dimension of an element without changing the height and width properties of the content container

Margins aggregate when two elements are adjacent


div {

padding: 2em ;


img {

padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;


Margins require a dimension value in its declaration

Margins take on the color of the surrounding background and they do not have a style attribute

When declared as a single value it applies margins to all 4 sides

Four values are applied clockwise from the top – top, right, bottom, left


p {

padding: 2em 4px;


.nav {

padding: 2px 5px 1px;


Two values pair the top-bottom and left-right margins

Three values apply the first and last value to the top and bottom with the middle value combine left-right sides

The dimension can be any unit of measurement and even mixed units


p {

margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px;


p {

margin-top: 1px;

margin-right: 2px;

margin-bottom: 3px;

margin-left: 4px;


Margins can be declared as a single property – or as individual properties


div {

height: 500px; width: 500px;

border: 1px solid red;

margin: auto;


div {

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


To center an element horizontally set the margin to “auto”

Some authors use the shorthand notation to set left and right margins

Others specifically set the margin-left and margin-right properties to assist documentation

Margin Collapse

h1 { margin: 10px ; }

h2 { margin: 20px ; }

Top and bottom margins sometimes combine with too much whitespace

Browsers will collapse vertical margins into a single margin and assign the largest of the two margin values

It the h1 and h2 headings opposite followed each other in html code the browsers would collapse the top and bottom margins into a single, vertical margin of 20px

Summary 5

Margins add space outside the border and padding areas

Margins require only a dimension value in its declaration

When declared with a single value all four margins are applied equally

Four values apply to the top, right, bottom, and left

Two values pair the top-bottom and left-right

Three values pair the middle value with the left and right sides (width)

Summary 5

The dimension can be any unit of measurement and even mixed units

Margins can be declared as a single property – or as individual properties

Elements can be centered within a container by setting the margin to auto

Margin collapse occurs to reduce the vertical whitespace between elements

The Box Model

Throughout this presentation we have emphasized that borders, padding, and margins add to the visual dimensions of an element

The height and width of the content does not include borders, padding, or margin

The borders, padding, and margins form an extended box around the content

This is referred to as the “box model” and is used by web designers to calculate the overall dimensions for positioning and layout

This will be covered in more detail in a later presentation on layouts


div {

height: 300px;

width: 300px;

padding: 25px;

border: 25px ;

margin: 25px;


The overall dimension of this div tag is 450px by 450px calculated as follows:

The height and width of the contents is set to 300px by 300px

Add the padding on all four sides:25 + 25 = 50px on height and width

Add the border on all four sides:25 + 25 = 50px on height and width

Add the margin on all four sides:25 + 25 = 50px on height and width


Unlike borders, an outline does not add to the overall box model dimensions

It does not push the margin out like the border does

The outline properties include width, style, and color – and offset

It is declared similar to borders

div {

outline: 1px solid red;


div {

outline-width: 1px;

outline-style: solid;

outline-color: red;


Use the same width and style values as borders

Use the same declaration options as borders

Summary 6

The box model is used for positioning and layout

It aggregates all of the border, padding, and margin values with the content

The outline property does not change the overall dimensions of the box model

It uses the same property declarations and values as borders


How did you do? Are you able to:

Set an element’s height and width property

Set border properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Set rounded corners using the border-radius property

Set padding properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Set margin properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

Center an element by setting margins

Recognize when margin collapse may occur

Calculate a container’s extended width and height using the box model

Set outline properties in a single declaration or with specific notation

s l i d e d e c k b yP e t e r R u s h t o n
