Download - csa q&a Our missiOn - Grinnell Heritage Farm · 2016-11-03 · Farmers Market, Cedar Rapid Farmers Market, and Des Moines Farmers ... regisTraTiOn fOrm 2017 Name Address City + Zip

Page 1: csa q&a Our missiOn - Grinnell Heritage Farm · 2016-11-03 · Farmers Market, Cedar Rapid Farmers Market, and Des Moines Farmers ... regisTraTiOn fOrm 2017 Name Address City + Zip

Our missiOn TO farm Our land in a way ThaT will leave iT beTTer fOr The nexT generaTiOn. giving Our children, grandchildren, and beyOnd The OppOrTuniTy TO harvesT The bOunTy we see On The farm TOday.

csa q&awhaT is csa? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSA is a partnership between a farm and a community of supporters that provides a direct link between the production and consumption of food. CSA members make a commitment to support the farm throughout the season and assume the costs, risks, and bounty of growing food along with the farmer. In return, the farm provides a healthy supply of seasonal fresh produce throughout the growing season. Becoming a member creates a responsible relationship between people and the food they eat, the land on which it is grown, and those who grow it.

is csa righT fOr me? If you have a goal to eat seasonally, cook more often, try new vegetables, or make baby food, CSA is a good solution. With CSA, the shares will vary from week to week depending on what is in season. The beginning of the season starts out lighter and naturally becomes heavier as the summer and fall bounty of vegetables come in. Every CSA is different. A great resource to see if our CSA is a good fit for you is to review our archived newsletters. They’re available on our website. At Grinnell Heritage Farm, we try to grow a wide variety of vegetables and herbs, including the familiar carrots, beans, and potatoes along with the more unusual romanesco cauliflower and celeriac.

will i knOw whaT TO dO wiTh iT? We help you by providing a weekly CSA newsletter. It will include farm happenings, a listing of what you’re getting in the share that week, recipes that utilize share contents, storage tips and more. Prior year newsletters can be found on our website. We encourage you to review them to see if our CSA will be a good fit for you.

can i share? Several of our shareholders share their share. They simply make arrangements with another person and take turns picking up the share every other week.

usda cerTified Organic prOduce, flOwers, and herbs

csa = cOmmuniTy suppOrTed agriculTure

find us on facebook and twitter

abOuT uswe are cerTified Organic.Grinnell Heritage Farm, owned and operated by Andrew and Melissa Dunham, produces USDA organic vegetables and flowers.

we are a family farm. Andrew is a 5th generation Iowa farmer on the 80 acre family farm located northeast of Grinnell. The farm has been in the family for over 150 years and is counted amongst the oldest family farms in central Iowa. Andrew became interested in pursuing a career in local agriculture as an agricultural extension officer serving in the Peace Corps in Tanzania, East Africa. His experience working with subsistence farmers and growing vegetables on a one-acre plot nudged him in the direction of undertaking an internship on an organic vegetable farm in Northeast Iowa upon his return to the United States. Andy manages field and packing shed operations. Melissa adeptly handles our accounting, marketing, and human resource needs, in addition to many of our farmers’ markets. Aunt Janet has been an avid gardener for her whole life. Janet is our specialty weeder with both hand and hoe. She also plays a key role in occupying the youngest Dunham of the family.

we are a cOmmuniTy.In addition to this being a family affair, the farm is aided by seasonal employees and lots of help from extended family, friends, and shareholders. They truly put the Community in CSA. In addition to CSA, our farm vends at the Saturday Iowa City Farmers Market, Cedar Rapid Farmers Market, and Des Moines Farmers Market. We also sell to select grocery stores including New Pioneer Food Coop and Whole Foods Market.

andrew + mel issa dunham

Page 2: csa q&a Our missiOn - Grinnell Heritage Farm · 2016-11-03 · Farmers Market, Cedar Rapid Farmers Market, and Des Moines Farmers ... regisTraTiOn fOrm 2017 Name Address City + Zip

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please selecT yOur shares fOr 2016 Spring Share 4 weeks $90 Pick Up Location #

Summer Share 20 weeks $595 Pick Up Location #

Student / Faculty / Fall Share 10 weeks $360 Pick Up Location #

Winter Share 8 weeks $285 Pick Up Location # I Love Veggies! Share (includes all above) $950 Pick Up Location #

Lifetime Carrot Holder Share (lifetime) $7,500 Pick Up Location #

Total Cost

Refer a New CSA Shareholder Discount Deduct 3% from total (limit 1). Person referred must sign up for a summer share in order for you to receive discount. Name of Referral

Early Bird Discount Deduct 3% if paid in full by February 1, 2017.

I elect to take no discount(s) and put the funds toward the operation of the farm and its growth.

Total Discounts

Total Amount Due

regisTer by mail Or Online$100 is due at time of registration.

Fill out this form and mail payment to: grinnell heritage farm 1933 penrose street grinnell ia 50112

Multiple smaller payments prior to the start of the season are welcome. Share balance is due upon start of the season.

seasOnal availabiliTyView our archived CSA newsletters on our website to see what we distributed in the past.

may jun jul aug sep OcT nOv dec

melons strawberries beans peas arugula cabbage lettuce swiss chard kale sp inach sp inach asparagus broccol i broccol i brussels sprouts caul iflower celeriac cucumbers eggplant kohlrabi peppers rhubarb romanesco caul iflower sweet corn tomatoes bas il chives c ilantro d ill garl ic onions summer squashes winter squashes beets carrots potatoes radishes radishes rutabagas sweet potatoes turnips white baby turnips

lOgisTicsiT’s as easy as One, TwO, Three! [ 1 ] Pick up CSA Share

[ 2 ] Register online for our weekly newsletter

[ 3 ] Eat Fresh Veggies

Every week, you will pick up a box of fresh organic produce at your drop site. The weekly newsletter is provided to help you learn about farm happenings, the contents of the week’s share, and recipe ideas.

pick up lOcaTiOns fOr all shares01 Smoky Row Coffee House des moines 1910 Cottage Grove Thursday 3:00-7:00 pm

02 Grinnell Heritage Farm grinnell 1933 Penrose St, Grinnell Wednesday 3:00-7:00 pm

03 Iowa City Farmers Market iowa c ity Downtown Iowa City Saturday 7:30-12:00 noon

04 Jasper Winery des moines 2400 George Flagg Parkway Thursday 3:00-7:00 pm

05 Jean’s House iowa c ity 200 Ferson Rd Wednesday 3:00-7:00 pm

06 New Pioneer Food Co-op cedar rap ids 3338 Center Point Rd NE Wednesday 1:00-7:00 pm

07 Prairiewoods hiawatha 120 E Boyson Rd Wednesday 1:00-6:00 pm

08 Rockwell Collin’s cedar rap ids Rockwell Rec Center Wednesday 1:30-7:00 pm

09 Sayde & Cristian’s cedar rap ids 1908 4th Ave SE Wednesday 2:00-7:00 pm

10 Whole Foods Market west des moines 4100 University Ave Thursday 2:00-7:00 pm

addiTiOnal pick up lOcaTiOns fOr summer and fall shares Only11 Bright Futures Chiropractic kalona 131 E Ave Wednesday 5:00-7:00

12 Frontier Natural Products Co-op norway 3021 78th St Wednesday 12:00-6:00 pm

13 Swain Chiropractic altoona 410 Center Place Southwest Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm

csa share OpTiOnsspring share Four weeks of fresh greens, storage crops (carrots, beets, etc.), asparagus, and more during the month of May. You will receive 4-5 items per week. This share starts the first week of May.

summer share 20 weeks of a wide variety of produce. You’ll receive between 8-12 items per week. This share starts the first week of June and ends mid-October. There will be a one-week hiatus from CSA the week of July 4th.

sTudenT / faculTy / fall share 10 weeks of a wide variety of produce. This is ideal for college students and faculty returning to the area from summer break or for those of you who do a lot of traveling during the summer months. This share starts mid-August and ends mid-October.

winTer share Four distributions during the months of November and December. Each distribution is meant to provide you with two weeks’ worth of produce. The share will have a large volume of storage crops that you can keep well into the months of January and beyond, plus a variety of fresh greens. The delivery dates will coincide with the major holidays so you will be able to enjoy farm fresh produce during those special meals.

i lOve veggies! share This share includes all of the shares above: the whole season from May to December.

lifeTime carrOT hOlder share Love our farm and the veggies that grow on it? Join us for life! This share will give you a Fruit and Vegetable CSA membership for life with our farm. We realize this is a big commitment — view details about this share on our website or call the farm. These shares are limited.