Download - Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

Page 1: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

WORKSHOP GAMINGCiro Continisio / Alessio Ricco


crowdfuture 2012

Page 2: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

FARM ATTACK: Unusual game

Page 3: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

FARM ATTACK: Unusual game

$168 di $1,800● Grafica amatoriale● Inglese non professionale● Chiaramente ispirato ad un gioco recente● "Unusual game": che vuol dire?● Descrizione poco chiara● Fallisce nell'evidenziare i punti di forza

(nessuna pitch sentence)● Stretch goal presenti già dall'inizio

Page 4: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

FARM ATTACK: Unusual game

Descrizione originale:

The game was created by accident and based on a simple idea to begin with: there was a farm and its farmer who needed to defend his corn plantation with all his might, but then we acknowledge that we could give the scenario more depth, so to the action we added variety and strategic elements like being able to buy from the "Family shop" traps and power-ups which can be placed on the fields at the start of every level. In order to be able to buy such "infernal contraptions" Geremia will need to collect grains of corn throughout the levels, which will then allow him to pay for his purchases at the ship run by Charlotte (His psychopath wife). Furthermore, we have added to "Farm Attack" some power-ups which Charlotte, from time to time, without warning, will launch on the "battlefield" from the house's chimney. By collecting these packages, Geremia will obtain power-ups which will make him surprisingly become an assault soldier, a clown with a useless weapon, a man from space with a freezing laser and so on ( we don't want to spoil the surprise).

Page 5: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

FARM ATTACK: Unusual game

Descrizione rivista:

FARM ATTACK is a defense strategy game where the player plays the role of Geremia, a farmer who's tasked to defend his corn fields from a pest invasion.

The game looks similar to Plants vs. Zombies, but with an added layer of depth: you will be able to control Geremia himself, as he jumps around the field shooting insects and placing traps.

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The Curse of KullvariaA Pirate Twin Stick Shooter for iOS

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The Curse of KullvariaA Pirate Twin Stick Shooter for iOS

$220 di $11,000● Gioco spiegato bene● Pitch sentence ben fatta● Video non proprio entusiasmante● Rewards molto costosi:

25$ per accedere al beta testing, 100$ per un item in game con il proprio nome

● Reward lontani fra loro nei tier più bassi:5$, 25$, 100$, 250$, ...

● Il gioco, essendo iOS, non è fra i rewards

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The Curse of KullvariaA Pirate Twin Stick Shooter for iOS

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Castle Story

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Castle Story

$702,516 di $80,000● Il progetto è spiegato molto bene● Ricorda molto Minecraft, ma mette bene in

chiaro in cosa differisce e cosa aggiunge● Hanno aggiornato la pagina aggiungendo

man mano le nuove reference● Un buon mix di reward, con molti tier (13)● Tanti update, nuovi video ben fatti e stretch

goal hanno portato il totale al 900%● Supporto a Paypal

Page 11: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

Planetary Annihilation

Page 12: Crowdfuture Workshop: - Crowdfunding per il gaming. Analisi Progetti Falliti/Di successo- C. Continisio - A. Ricco

Planetary Annihilation

$2,229,344 di $900,000● Ottima grafica, buona idea di fare un

rendering del gameplay● Il costo è realistico e non sottostimato● Il genere di gioco è complesso, ma hanno

mostrato buone credenziali ed un team strutturato

● Buone referenze● Supporto a Paypal