Download - Cross-Platform Mobile Development - Technical Stuff


13390265 - Akash Kubavat

• Native

• Cross-Platform

• Web-based

• Hybrid

Scenario with leading mobile operating systems

* IBM, Native, web or hybrid mobile app development, 2012. IBM Software Thought Leadership

White Paper

Cloud service

generates app, which

can be distributed to…

Java based

core coding

• iOS

• Android

• BlackBerry

• Windows

• Symbian

• Palm

• Samsung Bada

• Binary executable per device easy to recognize

• Easy access to API’s available by OS faster performance

• SDK’s are platform-specific easy to develop

• Code Reusability Low

• Development & maintenance Time-consuming & expensive.

• Designers are required to be familiar with different UI components of each OS more complexity and confusion for single developer

• Upgrade flexibility Low

• Single source codebase easy to develop and maintain

• Works with different target platforms in-budget and in-time

• Extension of ‘known’ background no additional languages

• Limited native API access, ultimately ‘a library’ is using library

• Doesn’t generate source code no further tweaking, like LongPressevent of TextField

• If web-based run on browser, which ‘it self’ is an application

• UI mapping is the biggest issue , like...