Download - Cross-device strategy by Ruben van den Born


About cross-device experiences - through the eyes of an agency Ruben van den Born. ProductTank – February 24th 2015

Ruben van den Born Strategy Director for DigitasLBi Background in business administration and a passion for digital innovation @rvdborn

Yes 88%

No 10%

Don’t know 2%

Is your organization currently undergoing a digital transformation?

Digital Transformation Survey, Altimeter Group (2014)

We are a global marketing and technology agency that transforms businesses for the digital age.

Founded in 1993 Started with CD-ROM software. Focus: Websites & Games

2001: International collaboration Focus: All online channels

2013: Acquired by Publicis. Part of global media network Focus: Digital transformation

A brief history

“I want a website”

“I want an app, and

something social”

“I want my business to

be more digital”


In the Netherlands 66% is using 3 or more connected devices (China: 31%, US 50%, Norway 56%)

Multi-device has gotten so fundamental

that it’s completely integrated in everything that we do.

Creating consistent digital experiences

is getting more complex…

! Non-linear journeys that can take a long time ! Multi-device and multi-location path through the journey

This could easily be someone's journey

Context is king How does what we create fit into the lives of the people we create it for?

Context Process Value

Location Device Moment Interests Connection

Recent history


Preferences & settings

Weather conditions Experience Habits

Social relations

(Branded) Utilities

Connected commerce

Innovation labs

(Branded) Utilities

Connected commerce

Innovation labs

Connected commerce

Innovation labs

(Branded) utilities

Smartphones are increasingly important during all stages (However, still 75% purchases come via desktop/laptop)

ROPO: Research Online, Purchase Offline (88% have used their smartphone before purchasing in store)

Showrooming effect (18% leaving after consulting phone; 28% considering)

‘Digital in store’ is enhancing the experience (Offers, iBeacons, pay via tablet, interactive store window etc.)

Connected Commerce Survey, DigitasLBi 2014





Innovation labs

Connected commerce

(Branded) utilities

What’s next?

The number of connected devices grows continuously. This means new possibilities of engaging with your customers.

Tech innovation Solution

User insights Problem

Differentiating relevance


Volvo casefilm:

“Like air and drinking water, being digital will be noticed only by its absence, not its


Nicholas Negroponte, 1998