Download - CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a

Page 1: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a

CROSS CURRENTS February 2020

Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA

Vol. 31 No. 2

Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks

the start of a 40-day period which is an allusion to the

separation of Jesus in the desert to fast and pray which is

called Lent. During this time he was tempted (Matthew

4:1–11, Mark 1:12–13, and Luke 4:1–13). While not

specifically instituted in the Bible text, the 40-day period

of fast and pray is also analogous to the 40 days during

which Moses repented and fasted in response to the

making of the Golden calf. (Exodus 34:27–28)

Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day of prayer and

fasting. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and falls on the

first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence before Easter.

As it is the first day of Lent, some Christians begin Ash Wednesday by marking a Lenten

calendar, praying a Lenten daily devotional, and abstaining from a luxury that they will

not partake of until Eastertide arrives.

Ashes are ceremonially placed on the heads of Christians on Ash Wednesday, either by

being sprinkled over their heads or, in English-speaking countries, more often by being

marked on their foreheads as a visible cross. This custom is credited to Pope Gregory I

the Great (c. 540–604). In the 1969 revision of the Roman Rite, an alternative formula

(based on Mark 1:15) was introduced and given first place "Repent, and believe in the

Gospel" and the older formula was translated as "Remember that you are dust, and to dust

you shall return." The old formula, based on the words spoken to Adam and Eve after

their sin, reminds worshipers of their sinfulness and mortality and thus, implicitly, of

their need to repent in time. The newer formula makes explicit what was only implicit in

the old.

Please join us on Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020, at 7:00 PM as we begin our Lenten


Page 2: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a


Once again, it’s time for a fundraiser, fellowship, and a great

afternoon out!

Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 8th, at 3:00 PM in the afternoon to see “Tuesdays

at the Café” on the stage of Off Broadway Live in Santee. This musical play of friendship

and the challenges life brings to each of us will provide an entertaining afternoon for all!

Gather your friends and family and call the box office to secure your tickets as soon as

possible. And, don’t forget to tell them that you are calling for an Alpine Community

Church fundraiser!

Main Floor Seats (60 seats) = $40 each

Box 1 Tables for TWO (incl. $10 concession card) =

$90 per table ($45 per seat)

Box 2-9 Tables of FOUR (incl. $20 concession card) =

$180 per table ($45 per seat)

Booth Table of FOUR (incl. $20 concession card) =

$188 per table ($47 per seat)

ACC will receive a 30% donation from our total ticket sales! We will be competing with

another group for the seats, so don’t delay!

To Purchase Your Tickets for “Tuesdays at the Café”:

Call Off Broadway Live at (619)988-5483

9490 Cuyamaca St., Santee

Sunday March 8th, at 3:00

Need a ride? Don’t worry, we can carpool!

Page 3: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a


Valentine's Day, also called Saint

Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint

Valentine, is celebrated annually on

February 14th. Originating as a Western

Christian feast day honoring one or two

early saints named Valentinus,

Valentine's Day is recognized as a

significant cultural, religious, and

commercial celebration of romance and

romantic love in many regions around

the world, although it is not a public

holiday in any country.

Martyrdom stories associated with

various Valentines connected to

February 14 are presented in martyrologies, including a written account of Saint

Valentine of Rome imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers, who were

forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman

Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine restored sight to

the blind daughter of his judge, and before his execution he wrote her a letter signed

"Your Valentine" as a farewell.

The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer

in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century

England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other

by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as

"valentines"). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped

outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten

valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards. In Europe, Saint Valentine's

Keys are given to lovers "as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver’s

heart", as well as to children, in order to ward off epilepsy (called Saint Valentine's


Happy Valentines Day

Page 4: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a


Love Gently

When I was a student at San Diego State University, evangelists

of one stripe or another would come to the campus every

Tuesday and try to spread the word of the Lord. You would

think that this would be wonderful, right? Well, it would have

been, except for the way they did it. They would hold up signs

saying, “God Hates Sinners.” Then, they would yell about things

like lakes of fire and such. I remember an incident when a lady

was talking to a group of women and telling them that men

only wanted one thing from them. She proceeded to talk in what I would consider

pornographic language, thinking that this was the way to teach about God. She talked in

the way that some young children would, which caused the women to laugh. Obviously

her message wasn’t being received the way she intended.

We all love hearing the Word of the Lord. To be fair, not everyone who talked about God

on campus did it in the way I just described. However, if we want to teach The Word, do

we want to do it by talking of hate and using pornographic language? Of course not!

Think about the way Jesus loved. There were times when he would get angry and express

forcefully his disapproval of sinners. Yet, he was always as welcoming and loving as

possible, especially to those who were sinners. We certainly don’t want to talk about God

using dirty language. It is certainly not true that all men are monsters and only want one

thing. To be clear, the woman didn’t exactly say “monsters,” but it was close enough. The

fact is you’re not going to get anybody closer to heaven by telling them that God is a raging

and disapproving parent who is just waiting to send them to Hell at every turn. If you

want to teach people about God’s love then be gentle and love them in return. As for me, I

believe God’s unconditional love means exactly what it says; unconditional love.

Jordan O Neal

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2019 Annual Financial Report

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As I think about Epiphany which ends the end of February. I think about epiphanies I have had in my life. I wonder about the history of Alpine Community Church and wonder about all the epiphanies that have come out of this faithful community. Aha moments that have caused the church to come into existence, calling different pastors, and different mission projects that the church has taken on.

That is the wonder of the Holy Spirit. It is always working in the life of a congregation and in our own lives and most of the time we miss the aha moment that caused us to walk in a new direction.

I wonder about Simon and Andrew, what it was like for them to be called by Jesus to follow him. In Matthew 4:19 Jesus says to these two; “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” What was going through their heads, they had fished all their lives and Jesus was now calling them to fish for people. What did Jesus mean by that? It was captivating enough that they followed, and Simon then became Peter and we know the history of what happened with that. Little did they know what was to come in the next three years.

We are called to follow, we are called to fish for people and we are called to love one another, what will happen when we all say, Yes and follow. May we all become like Simon and Andrew and follow Jesus to where ever we are being called.

Shalom, Ken

“Colman Contemplations”

Pastor Ken and Robin Bellas need some help with the youth group. We meet twice a

month and there are time that one of us can not be present. If there is anyone who

believes in youth and would like to help lead our youth through their high school

years please give Pastor Ken a call.

Page 7: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a


Message from the Moderator....

February marks another new beginning for our church. The

Liturgical year or “church year” started last December with

Advent. In the Western World, our calendar year begins on

January 1, New Year’s Day. If we stretch our imagination, we can

think of February as another new year. This is the first month

following the Annual Meeting and election of officers and board

members for the church. February is the month that our newly

elected leaders take over from the previous year’s leadership.

Many of those that were just elected will smile or perhaps

grimace at that comment because most of our newly elected leaders are returning for

another term in their same position. Their experience and carrying forward of ideas

from prior years makes for a very short learning curve!

But leadership in the church is not just what happens in Cabinet or Board meetings. It

happens every day within the body of the church. It comes from the participation of all

members of the congregation. I am always delighted to reflect on the mission activities

and other events of the church and see just how many volunteers and supporters

participated to make things happen. Every person who contributes what they can within

their own personal means and energy level makes a difference. Many members of our

church want nothing to do with monthly meetings or committee assignments, but are

the first in line to volunteer to pull weeds, clean the decks, create goodies for the bake

sale, prepare soup for Lenten suppers, help with the Carnival or Rummage Sale, or

provide food for the Blessing Box.

So, as we start another new year, I say Thank You to all who agreed to serve in a new

position or agreed to serve another term on the same committee or board of the church.

I also extend a grateful Thank You to all who will be volunteering their time, talents and

energy to make our mission and outreach projects successful in the year ahead.

Happy New Year,

Tom Myers

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Secretary of Records 2019 Report

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ray Sopfe should not be contacted about every issue in the

church. Dan Hames (619) 445-2657 is now the maintenance chair and should be

contacted about anything pertaining to the church property. If there are issues with

facilities and rentals, please contact Peggy Barnum (619) 445-8124.

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The first Guild meeting of 2020 had an attendance of thirty-three members and guests.

Speaker Dr. Steve Van Camp gave a very interesting overview of his volunteer work in

"prison ministry" at Centennial State Prison near El Centro. He explained the need of

providing Christian principles to those open to hear these teachings by working one on

one or in group sessions.

During the business meeting, the calendar for the year was reviewed. It is as follows: Palm Sunday Bake Sale-April 5th; Rummage Sale-May 8-9th; Bake Sale- Sept 27th; Christmas Boutique & Bake Sale-Dec 6th; Boutique-Dec 13th and Guild Christmas party Dec 12th. A list of proposed Mission projects was presented, and a vote will be taken at the February meeting.

The next meeting of the Guild will be Saturday, February 8th. Our speaker will be Ronald Epps from the organization, Promise2Kids. This organization helps children in the foster care system especially the children who reach 18 years of age and are exited out of the foster care system. This means they are left to navigate finding jobs, finding ways to continue to go to school, and just succeeding where most youth are not limited. Most youth have other resources provided by their parents or other supportive adults. Foster youth can be on a level playing field with the help of Promise2Kids.

Women’s Guild

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Birthdays and Anniversaries


ERWIN, Dorothea 02/02

WEIL, Hilda 02/10

SOPFE, Doug 02/11

O’NEAL, Misty 02/12

TODD, JR., Damien 02/12

SMAZEL, Judy 02/15


BOYER, Donna 02/17

FENTON, Tatty 02/17

FERRIS, Jef 02/19



There are NO anniversaries this month.

Please send articles and pictures for the Cross Currents to:

Cross Currents Editor: Rev. Dr. Richard D. Freeman Email: [email protected] Cell Phone: (619) 701-0517

May we remember the following in our daily prayers: Judy Bauer, Ronnie Carson, George

Doble, Dorothea Erwin, Pat Houser, J.J. Jacoby, Carol Ann Johnson, Roberta Kershaw &

Family, Eddie Lopez, Frances Lopez, David Poindexter, Rufo Sandoval, Jeff & Desiree

Stevens, Lorena Strong, Lenny Tyler, Rocco Worley, Our Military, Police, First Responders,

Firefighters, and Border Patrol Personnel.

Remember in Your Prayers

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Page 12: CROSS CURRENTS - alpineucc.orgCROSS CURRENTS February 2020 Alpine Community Church (UCC), Alpine CA Vol. 31 No. 2 Ash Wednesday comes on February 26, 2020. It marks the start of a


CROSS CURRENTS Published Monthly Editor Rev. Dr. Richard Freeman

Production Manager Denise Horan

The editor welcomes contributions

But they must be received by the third Sunday of each month.


CHURCH United Church of Christ

2225 W. Victoria Drive

P.O. Box 212

Alpine, CA 91903-0212

Mission Statement Our Mission as the Alpine Community Church is to serve God by

creating an environment of fellowship following the teachings of Jesus

Christ. We minister to the needs of our congregation and community,

motivating ourselves with love, faith and hope.

Join us each Sunday

9:00 AM Worship and Sunday School

Holy Communion offered every Sunday

10:00 AM Fellowship in Fuller Hall follows worship