Download - Crocodile Stitch Boots (Adult Sizes)

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    Crocodile Stitch Adult Boots Designed by Lianka Azulay 2012

    Technical Editor: Leila Hoerner

    Text and images Copyright 2012 by Bonita Patterns & Lianka Azulay, all rights reserved. No pattern may be reproduced or distributed mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission. Finished products created with this may be used for commercial sale. It is appreciated if design credit to Bonita Patterns is listed in finished products.

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    Crocodile Stitch Adult Boots Designed by Lianka Azulay 2012


    3 skeins of Vickie Howell Sheep(ish) Worsted Weight in Chartreuse (ish); 70% acrylic, 30% wool (167 yards/152.7 m per skein) or worsted weight yarn of your preference.

    Yardage: Approximately 500 yds (255 g) Size F (3.75 mm) crochet hook

    Yarn needle; Sewing Needle 6 size 3/4 (19 mm) buttons Stich markers Gauge:

    With size F crochet hook in SC pattern: 9 sc and 9 rows = 2"

    CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain gauge.

    Pattern Notes:


    Beginning (beg) Chain (ch) Double Crochet (dc) Repeat (rep) Right Side (RS) Single Crochet (sc) Slip Stitch (sl st) Space (sp) Stitch (st) Together (tog) Wrong Side (WS) Yarn Over (yo)

    Special Stitches Used:

    Back Post Half Double Crochet (bphdc) Yo and insert hook from the back to the front around the post of the st of previous row. Complete as for a regular hdc stitch.

    Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc) Yo and insert hook from the front to the back around the post of the dc of previous row. Complete as for a regular dc stitch

    Front Post Half Double Crochet (fphdc) Yo and insert hook from the front to the back around the post of the st of previous row. Complete as for a regular hdc stitch.

    Front Post Half Double Crochet Two Stitches Together (fphdc 2 tog) [Yo, insert hook from front to back around post of next hdc, yo, draw up a loop] 2 times, yo, pull through all loops on hook 1 fphdc decreased. Front Post Double Crochet Six Stitches Together (fpdc 6 tog) [Yo, insert hook from front to back around post of next hdc, yo, draw up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook] 6 times, yo, pull through all loops on hook 5 fpdc decreased.

    V-Stitch (V-st) Work (dc 1, ch 1, dc 1) in stitch indicated.

    Finished Sizes:

    Small: US size 6 7 (9 inches sole)

    Medium: US size 8 9 (9 inches sole)

    Large: US size 10 (10 inches sole)

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    1. In short, the Crocodile Stitch is formed by a two-row repeat: a row of V-sts followed by a row of scales. This is a fairly easy pattern to execute and fast to memorize. The only novelty about this design is that the scales are crocheted in front of the V-sts with clusters of front post double crochets (fpdcs) from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, as opposed to working them on top of the row, like in most shell patterns.

    2. Instructions given to size Small size in black font; changes for sizes Medium and Large are in [ ] and color coded in red and blue for easy identification.

    Row 1: Ch 5 [5, 5], sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; turn (4 [4, 4] sc) Row 2 - 5 [2 5, 2 5] increase: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc across to last st, 2 sc in last sc; turn (12 [12, 12] sc) Row 6 22 [6 25, 6 28]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (12 [12, 12] sc) Row 23 24 [26 - 27, 29 - 30] increase: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc across to last st, 2 sc in last sc; turn (16 [16, 16] sc) Row 25 -31 [28 - 34, 31 - 37]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (16 [16, 16] sc) Row 32 [35, 38] decrease: Ch 1, sc in first sc, skip next sc, sc in each sc across to last 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last sc; turn (14 [14, 14] sc ) Row 33 [36, 39]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (14 [14, 14] sc) Row 34 [37, 40] decrease: Ch 1, sc in first sc, skip next sc, sc in each sc across to last 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last sc; turn (12 [12, 12] sc ) Row 35 [38, 41]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (12 [12, 12] sc) Row 36 [39, 42] decrease: Ch 1, sc in first sc, skip next sc, sc in each sc across to last 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last sc; turn (10 [10, 10] sc ) Row 37 [40, 43]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (10 [10, 10] sc) Row 38 [41, 44] decrease: Ch 1, sc in first sc, skip next sc, sc in each sc across to last 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last sc; turn (8 [8, 8] sc ) Row 39 [42, 45]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (8 [8, 8] sc) Row 40 [43, 46] decrease: Ch 1, sc in first sc, skip next sc, sc in each sc across to last 2 sc, skip next sc, sc in last sc; turn (6 [6, 6] sc ) Row 41 [44, 47]: Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn (6 [6, 6] sc )

    Directions for SOLE (Make 2 using the same directions)

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    Last Round - sole edging: Ch 1, sc evenly around entire sole, working 2 sc in each corner, join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off. (96 [102,108] sc around sole)

    NOTE: Before beginning to crochet the body of the bootie, With right side of sole facing you, start at the last stitch of the sole edging (where you fastened off the sole; this is st 1) count 22 (22, 22) sts counterclockwise and place 1st marker in the 22nd (22nd, 22nd) stitch (TIP: Use different colors of stitch markers to easily identify first and second marked places). Starting again with the next stitch after the first marker as st 1, count 47 (53, 59) sts continuing counterclockwise from the first marker and place 2nd marker in the 47th (53rd, 59th) stitch. After placing markers, you should have 48 sts for the heel section and 48 sts for the front section (54 sts for the heel section and 48 sts for the front section; 60 sts for the heel section and 48 sts for the front section). Important: The heel section includes both stitches with the markers. Move place markers as you crochet body in the round.

    With right side of sole facing you, attach yarn to stitch of 1st place marker and work body of boot as follows:

    Rnd 1: Working in back loops only; Ch 2 (count as hdc), hdc in each st around, join with sl st in first hdc (96 [102, 108] hdc). Rnd 2: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), fphdc in next hdc, * bphdc in next hdc, fphdc in next hdc, rep from * around, join with sl st in first bphdc (96 [102, 108] sts). Rnd 3 6: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), fphdc in next fphdc, * bphdc in next bphdc, fphdc in next fphdc, rep from * around, join with sl st in first bphdc (96 [102, 108] sts).

    Directions for BODY (use same directions for both right and left foot booties)

    This picture shows the placement of stich markers on the sole edging.

    TIP: When making the SC around the sole, make sure they are evenly spaced by making them at the end rows, the bottom and top sts, and finally 1 SC in each corner. The even distribution of the SCs around the sole will be as follows:

    Small Size: 41 sc (left side of sole) + 4 sc (bottom sts) + 41 sc (right side of sole) + 6 sc (top sts) + 4 sc (corners) = 96 sc around sole

    Medium Size: 44 sc (left side of sole) + 4 sc (bottom sts) + 44 sc (right side of sole) + 6 sc (top sts) + 4 sc (corners) = 102 sc around sole

    Large Size: 47 sc (left side of sole) + 4 sc (bottom sts) + 47 sc (right side of sole) + 6 sc (top sts) + 4 sc (corners) = 108 sc around sole

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    Rnd 7 decrease: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), * fphdc in next fphdc, bphdc in next bphdc, rep from * around to 2nd place marker; Begin front section decrease - fphdc next fphdc, ** skip next bphdc, fphdc in next fphdc, rep from ** around, join with sl st in first bphdc (72 [78, 84] sts). Rnd 8: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), * fphdc in next fphdc, bphdc in next bphdc, rep from * around to 2nd place marker, (fphdc 2 tog over next 2 sts) 12 times [12 times, 12 times] join with sl st in first bphdc; (60 [66, 72] sts). Rnd 9: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), * fphdc in next fphdc, bphdc in next bphdc, rep from * around to 2nd place marker, (fphdc 2 tog over next 2 sts) 6 times [6 times, 6 times] join with sl st in first bphdc; (54 [60, 66] sts). Rnd 10: Ch 2 (count as bphdc), * fphdc in next fphdc, bphdc in next bphdc, rep from * around to 2nd place marker, fpdc 6 tog (see special stitches and pic below), join with sl st in first bphdc; Fasten off and remove stitch markers (49 [55, 61] sts).

    fpdc 6 tog - [Yo, insert hook from front to back around post of next hdc, yo, draw up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook] 6 times, yo,

    pull through all loops on hook 5 fpdc decreased.

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    NOTE: Before beginning to crochet the cuffs of the boots you will need to move stitch markers to new places, as follows: with right side of sole facing you, start at the last stitch of the body (where you fastened off the body; this is st 1) count 8 (10, 12) sts clockwise and place 1st marker in the 8th (10th, 12th) stitch (TIP: Use different colors of stitch markers to easily identify first and second marked places). Starting again with the next stitch after the first marker as st 1, count 36 (38, 40) sts continuing counterclockwise from the first marker and place 2nd marker in the 36th (38th, 40th) stitch. These markers will guide you were to start your Right and Left cuffs.

    Row 1 (WS): Ch 7 [Ch 7, Ch 7]; With wrong side of work facing you, make a sc in where you placed 1st stitch marker (on the right side of boot), sc in each st across; turn (49 sc + 7 ch [55 sc + 7 ch, 61 sc + 7 ch]) Note for Row 1 (see pic below): The chain worked in the beginning of Row 1 is the foundation for the strap with scales that overlaps bootie side and is used as buttonholes for the cuff

    Directions for CUFF (Right foot) Cuff is worked in rows.

    Important stitch marker instructions before starting work on Right and Left cuffs

    This is how the new stitch marker placement on the boots body will look like.

    Remember to count clockwise to place your markers on the body, instead of counterclockwise as you did when you placing the markers on the sole.

    Row 1 (WS): Ch 7 [Ch 7, Ch 7]; With wrong side of work facing you, make a sc in where you placed 1st stitch marker (on the right side of boot)

    sc in each st across; turn (49 sc + 7 ch [55 sc + 7 ch, 61 sc + 7 ch])

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    Row 2 (RS): Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn (56 sc [62 sc, 68 sc]) Row 3 (WS): Ch 4 (count as dc and ch-1), dc in same stitch as beg ch, * skip next 2 sc, V-st in next sc rep from * across to last 12 sc, skip next 2 sc, dc in top of last 10 sc (this last 10 dc will make a band where you sew on the buttons); turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Note for Row 3: The last 10 dc worked in Row 3 is the foundation for the edge where you will sew on the buttons during finishing phase. Row 4 (RS): Ch 1, sl st in next 10 dc, Ch 1, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of first V-st, work 5 fpdc (see pic A), ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways and post of second dc of V-st is upside down (V point of V-st will be facing right, see pic B), working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc * skip next V-st, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc (see pic C), ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc, rep from * across (see pic D); turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) Row 5 (WS): Ch 3 (count as a dc), work a V-st in next ch-1 sp, * yo, insert hook in both next ch-1 space and in space between scales directly behind ch-1 sp and complete a V-st (see pic E), work a V-st in next ch-1 sp (see pic F), rep from * across to last 10 sts, dc in in top of last 10 sts; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 6 (RS): Ch 1, sl st in next 11 dc and in next Ch-1 sp, ch 1, working from top to bottom around post of first hdc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways and post of second dc of V-st is upside down, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc, * skip next V-st, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc, rep from * across to last V-st, sl st in next ch-1 sp, sl st in next 2 sts (see pic G); turn. (7 [8, 9] scales) Row 7 (WS): Ch 3 (count as a dc), work a V-st in ch-1 sp of first V-st, * V-st in next ch-1 sp, yo, insert hook in both next ch-1 sp and in space between scales directly behind ch-1 sp and complete a V-st, V-st in next ch-1 sp, rep from * across to last 10 sts, dc in in top of last 10 sts; turn; (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 8: Repeat Row 4; turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) Row 9: Repeat Row 5; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 10: Repeat Row 6; turn. (7 [8, 9] scales) Row 11: Repeat Row 7; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 12: Repeat Row 4; turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) there will be 5 rows of scales on the cuff. Last Row (WS): Ch 1, sc in next 2 sts, sc in next ch-1 sp, sc in next 2 sts, * insert hook in next ch-1 sp and in sp between scales directly behind ch-1 st and complete a sc, sc in next 2 sts, sc in next ch-1 sp, sc in next 2 sts rep from * across to last 10 sts, sc in each of the last 10 sts. Fasten off (56 sc [62 sc, 68 sc])

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    Row 1 (WS): With wrong side of work facing you, make a sc in where you placed 2nd stitch marker (on the left side of boot), sc in each st across, Ch 8 [Ch 8, Ch 8]; turn (49 sc + 8 ch [55 sc + 8 ch, 61 sc + 8 ch]) Note for Row 1: The chain worked at the end of Row 1 is the foundation for the strap with scales that overlaps bootie side and is used as buttonholes for the cuff Row 2 (RS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each st across; turn (56 sc [62 sc, 68 sc]) Row 3 (WS): Ch 3 , dc in next 10 sts * skip next 2 sc, V-st in next sc rep from * across; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Note for Row 3: The first 10 dc worked in Row 3 is the foundation for the edge where you will sew on the buttons during finishing phase. Row 4 (RS): Ch 3 (count as dc), working from top to bottom around post of first dc of first V-st, work 4 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways and post of second dc of V-st is upside down (V point of V-st will be facing right), working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc * skip next V-st, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc work 5 fpdc, rep from * across to last 10 dc, sl st in last 10 dc; turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) Row 5 (WS): Ch 3, dc in next 10 sts, work a V-st in next ch-1 sp, * yo, insert hook in both next ch-1 space and in space between scales directly behind ch-1 sp and complete a V-st, work a V-st in next ch-1 sp, rep from * across to last ch-1, dc in in top of last st; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 6 (RS): Ch 1, sl st in first 2 sts, sl st in next ch-1 sp, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways and post of second hdc of V-st is upside down, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc, * skip next V-st, working from top to bottom around post of first dc of next V-st, work 5 fpdc, ch 1, turn work so V-st is sideways, working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc, rep from * across to last V-st, sl st in next ch-1 sp, sl st in last 10 sts; turn. (7 [8, 9] scales) Row 7 (WS): Ch 3, dc in next 10 sts, work a V-st in ch-1 sp of first V-st, * V-st in next ch-1 sp, yo, insert hook in both next ch-1 sp and in space between scales directly behind ch-1 sp and complete a V-st, V-st in next ch-1 sp, repeat from * across to last ch-1 sp, V-st in last ch-1 sp, dc in last st; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 8: Repeat Row 4; turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) Row 9: Repeat Row 5; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 10: Repeat Row 6; turn. (7 [8, 9] scales) Row 11: Repeat Row 7; turn. (15 V-sts +10 dc [17 V-sts + 10 dc, 19 V-sts +10 dc]) Row 12: Repeat Row 4; turn. (8 [9, 10] scales) there will be 5 rows of scales on the cuff.

    Directions for CUFF (Left foot) Cuff is worked in rows.

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    Last Row (WS): Ch 1, sc in next 10 sts, sc in next ch-1 sp, sc in next 2 sts, * insert hook in next ch-1 sp and in sp between scales directly behind ch-1 st and complete a sc, sc in next 2 sts, sc in next ch-1 sp, sc in next 2 sts rep from * across to last 4 sts, sc in each of the last 4 sts. Fasten off (56 sc [62 sc, 68 sc])

    With sewing needle and thread, sew three buttons evenly spaced along hdc edge of bootie cuff. The spaces of the V-sts on the opposite side of cuff will serve as buttonholes. This way, you can easily adjust the fit around the ankle.

    (Picture A) Ch 2 (count as hdc), working from top to bottom around post of first dc of first V-st, work 3 fphdc (see pic A)

    (Picture B) Ch + 3 fphdc completed, turn work so V-st is sideways and post of second hdc of V-st is upside down (V point of V-st will be facing right)

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    Photo Tutorial: Yarn weight and hook size were changed for better visualization of stitches on photos.


    This is an unbuttoned view to show button placement.

    Note that any of the scales or V-sts of the cuff can be used as button holes.

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    (Picture C)Working from bottom to top around post of second dc of V-st, work 5 fpdc

    (Picture E) Yo, insert hook in both next ch-1 space and in space between scales directly behind ch-1 sp (see pic E), and complete a V-st

    (Picture F) This shows the wrong side of the work where all V-sts line up on top of each other.

    Bonita Patterns

    Should you have any questions about this pattern, please contact me at [email protected] and

    I will be happy to assist you.

    Now you can purchase Bonita Patterns and download your pattern instantly at my new website:

    (Picture D) This is how the first row of scales look.

    (Picture G) Rows 3 through 6 completed.

    Bonita Patterns

    Bonita Patterns

    Bonita Patterns

    Bonita Patterns

    Yardage: Approximately 500 yds (255 g)Directions for SOLE (Make 2 using the same directions)Directions for BODY (use same directions for both right and left foot booties)Important stitch marker instructions before starting work onRight and Left cuffsDirections for CUFF (Right foot) Cuff is worked in rows.Directions for CUFF (Left foot) Cuff is worked in rows.Finishing