Download - Croaker Newsletter Sept 2011 Final-1

  • 8/4/2019 Croaker Newsletter Sept 2011 Final-1


    Welcome to our 5thedition of the WSN Restoring

    Our Waterways Croaker Newsletter for 2011.

    Welcome to an extra issue of

    the Croaker Newsletter. There

    was so much going on

    connected with the

    Environment that I felt that all

    the news needed to be

    recognised and all the coming

    events to be advertised.

    Whats been going on, Tree

    Plantings by the Schools 29th July and then the

    Community Tree Planting on 31st, followed by the

    Schools SEED Environment Day on the 4th August,

    CLC Presentation for students to work with ROW on a

    waterways project on the 10th, Launch of WSNs new

    website on the 13th, Remembering Tree Planting on

    the 14th. ROWs entry in the Water Week Short Film

    Competition has been completed and sent in. On the

    1st September the launch of WSN Food Groups Fruit

    Fly project and the official opening of the ECO Living

    Centre. Events coming up; September is Biodiversity

    Month lots of great things on, and National Landcare

    month in the NE. Also Sustainable House Day Sunday

    11th September. Octobers newsletter is just about full

    Wangaratta Show 7th & 8th, Walktober Walk and

    Ride to Work/Town on Wednesday 12th, My Backyard

    Rules on the 15th, Water Week activities all week 15th

    - 21st and ROWs All things Water Expo on the Friday

    21st , National Recycling Week in November, National

    Volunteers Day 5th December and hey presto itsChristmas. Enjoy your read and it is great to have

    articles written from a few more people in this issue.

    Who said there is nothing to do connected with the

    environment for the community to enjoy in


    Extra News ROW has 6 students from WHS

    Community Learning Challenge (Year 9) who are going

    to work with us on our waterways for this semester.

    Diane Farmer, Coordinator, WSN Restoring Our Waterways

    [email protected]

    0439 020 448

    PO Box 772 Wangaratta VIC 3677

    TWAS A GREAT SEASON FOR PLANTINGNational Tree Planting Day

    Sunday, 31stJuly 2011, Article by Diane Farmer

    What a fabulous day

    the sun was shining

    and all was well with

    the world, not like

    last year raining,

    cold and miserable.

    Walking to the site

    was the usual milesfrom the nearest road but a little exercise never hurt

    anyone. Especially when its along one of the great

    paths beside our waterways, frogs croaking, a

    Cormorant sitting sunning itself and the great sound of

    Three Mile Creek flowing very nicely. I arrived at 10am

    and there was only a man and his daughter and

    Council Staff Scott, Andrew, Tatum and Rhys but

    within 5 to 10 minutes people were coming from

    everywhere. One lady

    from St. Johns village was

    on her morning walk and

    decided to join us, several

    young families, mums

    with 2 or 3 children and

    several single members of

    the community. Numbers

    ended up being around 26

    and Andrew & Rhys had

    400 holes dug with plants


    Introduction 1

    Twas a Great Season for Planting 1 - 3

    North East SEED Day 3

    WSN Launch Website 3

    Wangaratta Community Fruit Fly Campaign 4

    Upcoming Events 4 - 6

    Wangaratta Community Pride Adding Colour 6

    to West End Place

    WSN Groups and Information 6

    September , 2011 Issue #5

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    September 2011

    and guards beside them.

    Firstly we had a talk from

    Scott about our waterways

    and Debra in and beside

    the creek and its purpose.

    While standing there

    Andrew started to climb

    down the bank to where a

    great big tree was across

    the creek, he had spotted

    some bright orange string attached to the tree. When

    he pulled it up there was a container attached

    (someone was trying to catch something illegally), not

    when Andrew is on the job, who ever you are. Andrew

    then gave us a demonstration on how to remove the

    plant from the container and plant it, and then we allset off. Some people preparing the guards and stakes

    others into the planting. It is so great to watch this

    part of the day; its like a team of ants crawling over

    the ground with a determination to achieve their

    objective, in this group of humans case to help

    improve the environment beside our waterways.

    Within an hour all the trees and bushes were all

    planted 400 in total. It was great to see a terrific job

    done so well in such a short time and nice hot soup,

    roll-ups, farewell cake to Rhys and tea, coffee or

    cordial was there ready for us and served by Tatum.Lots of mixed conversation, comradeship and meeting

    new people was enjoyed by all.

    Thanks to all who attended and of course Councils

    staff for organizing the day and all the hard work

    preparing the ground for planting. Hope to see you all

    next year.

    SCHOOL TREE PLANTINGFriday, 29th July 2011, Article by Tatum Newton, Rural City

    of Wangaratta, Technical Officer-Environment

    School National Tree Day

    was held on Friday 29th

    July at Mitchell Avenue

    Reserve. Over 400 plants

    were planted along the

    one mile creek, to return

    valuable vegetation. Four

    Schools participated in the event including: Cathedral

    College, Our Lady's Primary School, St Patrick's

    Primary School and St Bernard's Primary School. Rural

    Schools were not forgotten with Moyhu andSpringhurst Primary School also undertaking in their

    own National Tree Day, by planting a further 200

    native plants within their School grounds.


    OF WANGARATTA 2008-2011

    The project in a nutshell

    The Remembering Trees

    project came about as a

    way to link tree planting

    with supporting those

    community members who

    are experiencing grief

    following the death of a

    loved one. Following a death, people can sometimes

    feel helpless and unprepared in knowing how tosupport themselves or others. The Remembering Trees

    Project involves an invitation to people to plant a tree

    in memory of family friends and pets who have died.

    The project is now in its fourth year.

    Why we chose tree planting

    Ovens & King Community Health Service (O&KCHS)

    look for ways to remind the community that death and

    dying are a part of life. It is never easy when someone

    you love dies. We all search for some way of giving

    meaning to our loss. As trees are an enduring symbolof life and time, a Remembering Tree is a wonderful

    way to remember someone close - a living memorial

    that celebrates life.

    For the Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) offset

    planting is required when mature indigenous trees

    need to be felled. These plants help in regenerating

    the sparse understorey along roadways and creeks

    and will be extremely useful habitat for declining

    native bird species.

    What has happened?

    In 2008 an opportunity arose for O&KCHS and

    Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW) Palliative Care to

    partner with the RCoW when two mature indigenous

    trees were cut down on an out of town roadway. The

    inaugural event was held on a Sunday in August to

    capitalise on any national Grief Week promotion. Over

    the next three years more than 150 people

    participated in planting trees along Chicks Rd.

    In 2011 the tree site was moved to One Mile Creek

    near Cribbes Rd. More than 110 people of all ages

    came along on Sunday 14th August. The Rural City of

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    September 2011

    Wangaratta have placed a sign at both the Chick Rd

    and One Mile Creek/Cribbes Rd planting sites to

    acknowledge the significance of these revegetated

    sites. O&KCHS have written a guide to assist others to

    replicate this activity. (Contact

    [email protected] a copy)

    It has been fantastic to see people in our community

    improve the environment and provide grief support to

    each other as family members, friends, colleagues or

    neighbours alongside professional staff who help out

    on the day.

    Comment about the Day

    August 14th was a warm springy day. I walked with

    my 2, 4 and 16 year old grandchildren to the

    remembrance tree planting at Cribbes Road not thatfar from where I live.

    My 16 year old grandson certainly knew the meaning

    and significance of the planting.

    When my 2 and 4 year old get older and they come to

    visit. We will be able to wander back to the place

    where I will be able to reminisce with them on what a

    beautiful moving day it was. Not only remembering

    their great grand parents but at the same time helping

    the environment.

    Comment by Patti Stafford

    NORTH EAST SEED DAYThursday, 4thAugust 2011, Article by Diane Farmer

    What a beautiful

    sunny day for 150

    grade five students

    from Yarrawonga,

    Winton, St Bernards,

    St Patricks and Our

    Ladys to enjoy North

    East School Environment Education Directory (SEED)

    at Warrina Park Wangaratta. Workshops from NE

    Water, Parks Victoria,

    Department of

    Sustainability and

    Environment, Rural

    City of Wangaratta,

    NECMA Waterwatch,

    DPI, Cleanaway, SES

    Storm & Floodsafe,

    Landcare, Anything Solar, Park Lane Nursery and

    Plastic. Along One Mile Creek there was hands on

    water testing with Waterwatch and a great walk

    learning about Biodiversity with Council staff. Potting

    Plants with Park Lane Nursery was a real hit and lots

    of fun games kept the students interested as they

    learnt about the environment. It was fantastic to see.

    There are four of these great days a year held indifferent areas which should be a must for all schools

    in the North East, I know I will be looking forward to

    next years event. Thanks to the school students,

    teachers and presenters for a very interesting day.

    WSN LAUNCH WEBSITESaturday, 13thAugust 2011, Article by Gill Baker

    A delightful evening

    at Rowan and

    Brians house on

    Saturday 13th August celebrated

    the launch of the



    Networks website A

    group of about a dozen dedicated members had a

    chance to look through the website, as well as doing

    some networking and future planning.

    Peter Amor, who is responsible

    for developing the website to itspresent excellent standard, was

    thanked for the many voluntary

    hours he has put into this. The

    results of the 100% Renewable

    campaign, and information about

    the Energy Meter Library, Fruit

    Fly Campaign and Sustainable

    House day can be found on the website, as well as a

    photo archive. Websites are necessarily works in action

    so we look forward to future developments and links.

    Planters on the day Brian

    and Diane

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    September 2011


    CAMPAIGNSeptember 2011, Article by Tony Lane

    This is an initiative of the

    Wangaratta SustainabilityNetwork in partnership

    with Dept. of Primary

    Industries, The Rural City

    of Wangaratta, The Centre

    for Continuing Education

    and Goulburn Ovens TAFE.

    Following the significant fruit fly outbreak last summer

    in Wangaratta, it has been recognised that the

    community requires additional support and information

    to combat the fruit fly menace across spring and

    summer. The proximity of Wangaratta to commercial

    fruit growing areas is another important reason for

    local residents to take the right action in combating

    and reducing the fruit fly problem.

    In the weeks ahead there will be information provided

    to the general public at events such as the Wangaratta

    Show and the My Backyard Rules Expo held at the

    rural campus of TAFE. Information on the fruit fly

    campaign will also be available at Rural City of

    Wangaratta ( and via the

    Wangaratta Sustainability Network( websites.

    The Wangaratta Sustainability Network website will

    provide regular updates regarding the campaign in

    Wangaratta and provide links to other websites with

    relevant information.

    In the mean time if you are seeking further

    information please [email protected]


    Landcare Week

    Monday 5thSunday 11thSeptember

    September is Landcare Month

    in North East Victoria, with a

    series of celebrations occurring

    across the region. Landcare

    will be recognising members

    nominated for Service Awards,

    and celebrating the

    achievements of Landcare over the past 25 years.

    All current and past landcare members and supporters

    within North East Victoria are invited to attend the

    Landcare Active Service Awards, on Friday the 9th of

    September at the Wangaratta Performing Art Centre

    from 6:00pm - 10:00pm. For bookings please contact

    Catriona Brown on (02) 6024 9110 by Friday the 2nd

    of September. For further information please visit:


    Sustainable House Day will be held Australia wide on

    Sunday 11th September. Homes on display will be

    opened between 10.00am and 4.00pm. Wangaratta

    Sustainability Network is organising the day in the

    Wangaratta area. Four homes in the town all within 15

    minutes of the town will be opened by the owners and

    the EcoLiving Centre at the Barr Reserve will also be


    Wangaratta Area Homes

    807 Wangaratta-Eldorado Road, Londrigan 15 Weir Street, Wangaratta

    5 Crisp Street, Wangaratta

    286 Warby Tower Road, Killawarra

    HP Barr Reserve Community Centre Schilling

    Drive, Wangaratta

    National Recycling Week

    Monday 7thSunday 13thNovember

    Do you know whereyour waste is really

    going? Why do we

    have to recycle? Want

    answers? Then you

    should attend the

    travelling waste

    seminar, held during national recycling week (7-13

    November 2011) an educational bus tour that takes

    the community directly to the issues. Further

    information please contact the Rural City of

    Wangaratta on (03) 5722 0888.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    September 2011

    Warby Ranges Hike with Benalla Bushwalking Club

    Sunday, 4th September, 9.00am, Warby Ranges

    Join Benalla Bushwalking Club for a hike in the nearby ever popular Warby

    Ranges. The bush land should be alive with spring wildflowers including grevilleas,

    wattles and some of the earlier orchids.

    Meet at the old post office at 9.00am.

    Bring your lunch, refreshments, wet weather gear. We will finish with afternoon

    tea together before returning home.

    RSVP/Further information Laurice Kneen on (03) 5721 2892.

    Chiltern-Mt. Pilot National Park Discovery Outing

    Saturday, 10th September, 10.00am, Chiltern Mt Pilot

    National Park

    Join the Albury-Wodonga Field Naturalists for an outing in the Chiltern Mt. Pilot

    National Park. Spring is a fantastic time to explore the park and to spot and learn

    about the animals and plants that inhabit this special part of North East Victoria.

    Meet at 10.00am Acacia carpark Wodonga.

    BYO lunch and refreshments for the day.

    For more information and to register your interest contact Anne Andrews (02)

    6056 4112.

    Creatures of the Night Spotlighting near Chiltern

    Tuesday, 13th September, 6.00pm 8.30pm, Chiltern

    The night will involve a walk and talk with

    Jerry Alexander, Biodiversity Officer with

    DSE, and give people the opportunity to spot

    our nocturnal wildlife as they emerge from

    their homes on dusk. Spotlights will be used

    to locate and identify animals after dark

    along a significant roadside in the Chiltern

    area, and the night will finish with a debrief

    and a cup of billy tea provided for all

    interested participants.

    Numbers are restricted and RSVPs are essential. Participants must be capable of

    sitting still and quietly for 30 minutes on dusk, and walking a distance of up to

    2km at night. Participants must bring warm clothing, sturdy boots and a reliable

    torch (or spotlight). Due to the constraints involved with spotlighting, young

    children may not be sui table for this event.

    RSVPs essential Stuart Roberton (02) 6043 7984 or

    [email protected]

    Yeddonba, Mt. Pilot, Flat Rock Hike - Benalla Bushwalking Club

    Wednesday, 14th September, 8.45am, Beechworth area

    Last year, after fires and then a very wet year, these areas produced a massive

    display of new vegetation and flowers. I am hoping they will repeat the

    performance this season. We will visit the Yeddonba aboriginal art site first, with a

    most attractive short circuit walk, and then drive to Mt. Pilot for lunch on the


    After lunch we drive through Beechworth to visit Flat Rock, another broad graniteoutcrop, which has great views, at least one gnamma hole and is surrounded by

    micromyrtus, rice-flower and box-leaf wattle plants in full bloom. They are all

    short walks with some climbing, but no real difficulty.

    RSVP and for more information Vaughan Cowan (03) 5762 1980.

    Spring into Nature with TFN

    Saturday, 17th September, 1.30pm - 4.00pm, Beechwortharea

    Join Trust for Nature for an afternoon walk

    though a beautiful covenanted property

    close to historic Beechworth. We will be

    looking at wildflowers, birds and rare plants

    as well as checking nest boxes for native

    wildlife. Afternoon tea provided.

    Meet at the corner of Gorge Rd and

    Beechworth-Wodonga Rd, Beechworth.

    Bring sturdy shoes, binoculars , chair,

    water, raincoat/sunscreen

    RSVP by Friday 9th September to Jim Blackney (03) 5728 6620 or 0419 842 082

    or [email protected]

    Warby Ovens National Park - Biodiversity Camp Out

    Saturday, 24th September 3.30pm

    Sunday 25th 12 noon,Warby Ovens National Park

    A community family event hosted by Parks Victoria

    and DSE in the fantastic Box-Ironbark forests of the

    Warby Ovens National Park. A fun-filled camp out with

    heaps of nature based activities including spotlighting,

    bird walk, wildflower walk, star gazing and nest box

    monitoring. Saturday night dinner and Sunday

    morning pancake breakfast provided.

    Where The Forest Camp, Killawarra Forest, Warby

    Ovens National Park

    Registration by Wednesday 14th September via

    the Wangaratta Government Centre (03) 5723 8600.

    For more details contact Mary Anderson, DSE

    Wangaratta (03) 5723 8693.

    What to bring Tent & camping gear, drinking water, chair, torch, eating utensils,

    appropriate footwear, cold/wet weather clothing.

    Brush-tailed Phasco ale

    Flat-leaf Bush-pea Pultenaea platyphylla

    Bulbine Lily by Matt Looby

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    September 2011

    Biodiversity Week continued

    Whats Cool in the Common!

    Friday, 30th September 9.30-11.30am, Wangaratta Common,

    cuppa provided.

    Walk and talk with DSE and Parks Victoria tolearn about cool stuff in the Wangaratta

    Common Nature Conservation Reserve.

    Meet at Greta Rd entrance (past Merriwa

    Indus tries).

    Bring Appropriate Footwear and clothing.

    Drinking water, field guides if you have


    RSVP by Monday 26th September to Mary Anderson, DSE Wangaratta (03) 5723


    Hamilton Park Woodland & Wildflower Interpretive walk

    Sunday, October 2nd, 2.30pm, Hamilton Park near


    One of North East Victorias best kept secretsis a small patch of bushland right in the

    heart of the Hamilton Park community. This

    area is a relatively weed free example of

    grassy woodland/spring soak native

    vegetation with over 70 native plant species

    identified in a recent audit organized by the

    Hamilton Park arboretum committee. Ground

    layer wildflowers are of particular interest.

    The short stroll, to be led by Matt Looby from Wangaratta DSE, will take about an

    hour. Cuppa afterwards. Birdos bring binoculars.

    Directions From Warby Range Road (between Glenrowan and Taminick Gap Rd)

    turn into Henley Drive and then right into Kurrajong Lane.

    Contact/RSVP Glen Scholfield 03 5766 2626 [email protected]


    Promoting the Prides goals to participate in partnerships with community groups

    and organisations, members attended the West End Place to add colour to the

    neighbourhoods newest place.

    A wasted space has been given a new building which has been developed by the

    Rural City of Wangaratta, Department of Planning and Community Development,

    Wangaratta Lions, Office of Housing and Wangaratta Community Pride.

    To quote Coral Clarke, The idea of the kids painting the wall is to createownership of the area. The design featuring

    reeds, butterflies, lizards, gum leaves, hand prints and body outlines of three children

    has taken on a very happy feeling; just the thing to encourage socialising and

    gathering round for a Bar-B-Que.

    Eight adults and fifteen children participated in the activity with the Wangaratta

    Community Pride donating the paint and Marg Pullen offering some tips on design.

    Certainly a worthwhile partnership and a wonderful example of projects undertaken

    and achieved with Pride.


    Publicity/Advocacy Food Sustainability Home Energy Waste Action Group (WAGS)

    Membership Now Due!

    For more information contact:

    DrRowan OHagan- Secretary/Treasurer Email: [email protected]

    12 Deakin Court, Wangaratta VIC 3677 Website:

    Ph. (03) 5721 8231

    This Newsletter designed by the Volunteers at Community Skillsbank, Wangaratta.

    Under the umbrella of the

    Wangaratta UrbanLandcare Group

    Family/Household/Organisation $10 per year

    Single $5 per year

    Student $2 per year



    Pink Bindweed b Matt Loob Photo by Matt Looby

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