Download - Crisis communications case studies workshop


2. OVERVIEW A series of case studies (CSs) & lessons learnt (LLs) Some brief CSs with LLs summarised 3 detailed CSs for group discussion on LLs & apps Helping build business resilience 3. Crisis communications during 1974 Brisbane Floods 4. 4 Resilient leaders communicate with honesty & transparency at all times Source: AGD/TISN publication Organisational Resilience: The Relationship with Risk Related Corporate Strategies (2013) 5. Communicate at all times Kursk sinking, 12 Aug 2000 Helping build business resilience Lt Dmitri Kolesnikov Kursk survivor leader 6. Captain lieutenant Dmitri Kolesnikov, was one of three surviving officers of that rank, took charge and wrote: "It's dark here to write, but I'll try by feel. It seems like there are no chances, 10-20%. Let's hope that at least someone will read this. Here's the list of personnel from the other sections, who are now in the ninth and will attempt to get out. Regards to everybody, no need to be desperate. Kolesnikov. 6 7. 7 Admiral Popov, Exercise Commander Official reactions It sank! Delayed searching! 8. "For President Vladimir Putin, the Kursk crisis was not merely a human tragedy, it was a personal PR catastrophe. Twenty-four hours after the submarine's disappearance, as Russian naval officials made bleak calculations about the chances of the 118 men on board, Putin was filmed enjoying himself, shirtsleeves rolled up, hosting a barbecue at his holiday villa on the Black Sea. Amelia Gentleman wrote in The (UK) Guardian, 24 August 2002 when reviewing Kursk: A Time to Die, a special report 8 9. 9 Nadezhda Tylik, mother of Kursks navigator & wife of a retired submariner & other Kursk families questioned President Putin for hours on 22 August 2000, Vidyaevos Officers Club. Dmitri Kolesnikovs coffin first to arrive at the Northern Fleet HQ 10. 10 Emotional decision making in a crisis Raise the Kursk! 11. Varanus Island, WA GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 1 3 June 2008 3 of 6 pipelines ruptured; 1/3 WA gas supply disrupted 12. 12 & VIDEO 13. Varanus Island, WA Managing traditional media Helping build business resilience & sound 14. 14 15. 15 16. 16 17. 17 18. 18 19. 19 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 26 FACT SHEET provided at Apaches 4 June 2008 MEDIA CONFERENCE 27. 27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 36. 36 37. 37 38. 38 39. 39 40. 40 41. 41 42. 42 43. 43 44. 44 45. 45 46. 46 47. 47 48. 48 49. 49 50. 50 Varanus incidents occurred between 1330 and 1427 hours 3 June 2008 Media Release No Issuing time & date Notes 1 1505 hours 3 June 2008 Contact Apache Call Centre or MD 2 1625 hours 3 June 2008 Contact MD or Purple Communications 3 1815 hours 3 June 2008 & from Houston, TX 4 0830 hours 4 June 2008 0930 hours Perth Time MD hosted a Media Conference 5 1000 hours 4 June 2008 6 1030 hours 5 June 2008 7 1415 hours 6 June 2008 8 1400 hours 23 June 2008 9 1 August 2008 10 6 August 2008 11 10 October 2008 51. Perth Bikers live chatting from Barrow Island 51 OK, TRADITIONAL MEDIA COVERED, BUT WHAT ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA!? 52. GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 1 - TRADITIONAL MEDIA CENTRE STAGE SOCIAL MEDIA A SIDESHOW 52 You are facilitating a crisis comms debriefing for Apache NW & Purple Communications held Nov 2008, then reporting. What is your assessment & recommendations focussing on responding to traditional media? 53. THEN REPORT BACK YOUR ASSESSMENT & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APACHE NW & PURPLE COMMUNICATIONS FOR FUTURE CRISIS COMMS WITH TRADITIONAL MEDIA 54. 54 Tall Tim Pethick, Founder Nudie Juice Engaging social media & your customers to assist in a crisis CRISIS LEADERSHIP 1 55. 55 29-05-2004 - Dear nudie member, Well, after 14 months of nudie fun, we've had our first really big hiccup. (This one's more of a loud burp really.) You see, last night our entire nudie headquarters and squeezing facility burnt down. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but we did lose quite a bit of good fruit - and all our squeezing machines. But we've never let the occasional hurdle spoil our fun (after all, what fun would hurdlers have without hurdles?) so, in typical nudie fashion we'll take this one in our stride and get back on the horse and, lucky for us, the nudie horse loves jumping hurdles too! Now, here's the little bit of bad news for you: As we've only got one squeezing facility, it means our whole supply chain has been stopped in its tracks. This is a technical way of saying won't be able to make any more nudies for a little while. (Probably a few weeks.) But fear not! We're already out there working against the clock to get nudies back in the fridge at your favourite nudie stockist. 56. 56 The search for a new squeezing facility is at top of mind right now. We'd love to hear from anyone with an oversized kitchen, an unused barn or even a high-tech warehouse able to hold a large amount of very big squeezing machines. Seriously, any ideas to help us get back on the horse that loves hurdles would be much appreciated. The support we've already got from nudie fans has been overwhelming - with offers of production lines, bottles, fruit, office space and squeezing equipment. We'll keep you updated with any news via our website and you can email any ideas to help us get nudies back in fridges ASAP to [email protected] Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks for your support. Tall Tim From liquefiedstars - I loved them right from the beginning, before anybodys even heard of them :sad: I hope they get back on track soon. 57. 57 58. 58 Visible & distributed leadership CRISIS LEADERSHIP 2 59. 59 Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani CRISIS LEADERSHIP 3 60. 60 Captain Chesley Burnett Sully Sullenberger III CRISIS LEADERSHIP 4 61. 61 Capt Richard Champion de Crespigny GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 2 4 Nov 2010, A380 uncontained engine failure when departing Singapore Changi Airport 62. 62 Snr Check Captain David Evans - first announcement to the passengers following Engine No 2s explosion over Batam Island, Indonesia 87MToI78&feature=em- share_video_user 63. Challenges kept coming 1) flying; 2) landing & then stopping Engine 1 with fire foam & water it took 3 hours to flame out 64. 64 65. 65 Senior managers communicate with honesty & transparency at all times OFEbA&feature=em-share_video_user 66. Ulf Waschbusch, Passenger 80A & unofficial spokesperson share_video_in_list_user&list=PL26651BC2E063FF02 67. GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 2 SOCIAL MEDIA AHEAD RUNNING OF OFFICIAL SPOKESPEOPLE 67 You are facilitating on a formal crisis comms debriefing for QANTAS within 30 days, then reporting. What is your assessment and recommendations focussing on spokespersons? 68. THEN REPORT BK YOUR ASSESSMENT & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR QANTAS & ROLLS ROYCE FOR FUTURE CRISIS COMMS ESPECIALLY SPOKESPEOPLE 69. WHEN DID YOU JOIN? 69 After 4 February 2004 After 21 March 2006 After 6 October 2010 70. 20 December 2008 Continental 1404, Denver Tweet Holy f****** s*** I wasbjust in a plane crash! 70 SOURCE: Karen Masullo, Firestorm Anatomy of a Crisis Tweet Posted 19 July 2013 71. A series of 3 reports by Jeannette Sutton, Carter Butts, Emma Spiro & Britta Johnson analysing tweets following the 15 April 2013 Boston bombings 71 Project HEROIC is a collaborative, US National Science Foundation (NSF) funded effort by researchers at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs & the University of California-Irvine to better understand the dynamics of informal online communication in response to extreme events. Through a combination of data collection & modelling of conversation dynamics, the project team aims to understand the relationship between hazard events, informal communication &emergency response. 72. 72 Boston Police PIO SOURCE: Sutton, J., Spiro, E., Johnson, B., and Butts, C. (2013). Following the Bombing Online Research Highlight Report 1. 73. 73 Tweet volume across thematic content areas, grouped by organizational sector SOURCE: Sutton, J., Johnson, B., Spiro, E., and Butts, C. (2013). Tweeting What Matters: Information, Advisories, and Alerts Following the Boston Marathon Events. Report 3 - Online Research Highlight. 74. Shelter in place alert for Cambridge, Massachusetts, residents while police sought to recapture the final Boston Marathon bomber Mitchell oil processing facility fire alert to residents to shelter in place misdirected & misspelt, 16 Sept 2011 RESIDENT OFFICIAL ALERTS IN A CRISIS 75. THE GOLDEN HOUR IS NOW 20 secs! ASIANA 777 CRASH AT SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 6 JULY 2013 GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 3 76. 76 170857047.html#/comics/ From across San Francisco Bay, Fred Hayes was videoing takeoffs & landings including Asiana 777 crashing 77. Krista Seiden tweet within less than a minute of Asiana 777 crashing at SFO on 6 July 2013. She was inside the terminal boarding a SouthWest flight to Phoenix when the Asiana incident A Google Marketing Executive 78. san-francisco-plane- crash/16akl2k3l?from=sharepermalink&src=v5% 253ashare%253asharepermalink%253auuids 79. 83 Posted within minutes of Asiana 777 OZ 214 tail strike on SFO sea wall 80. 84 & a Samsung EVP 81. GROUP DISCUSSION CASE STUDY 3 - SOCIAL MEDIA CONTROLS THE STORY 85 YOU ARE PART OF ASIANAS COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT GROUP WHAT NOW! 82. 88 Melissa (Mel) Irons 83. 89 Vicky Villeneuve & Maxime Gagnon Desbiens from Quebec City 84. 90 Edward Burkhardt, Exec Chairman Rail World Inc interviewed on scene on 10 July after Lac-Mgantic Quebec train derailment, which occurred on 6 July 2013 85. 91 7 steps to prepare for a crisis 1. Understand the crisis 2. Adapt the right mindset 3. Have ears everywhere 4. Get your crisis team in place 5. Develop your network 6. Set up your internal communication platform 7. Practice! Practice! Practice! SOURCE: Melissa Agnes Crisis Management 7 Step Guide to Preparing Your Business For a Social Media Crisis Special Report (2012) 86. 92 Source: Figure 1, Concept of organisational resilience, p 6, Research Paper 1 CEO Perspectives on Organisational Resilience Resilience model adapted for crisis communications Monitor & make friends b4 the crisis Need a social media policy plus spokespersons traditional & social media Respond to errors of fact; transparent open & honest communications 87. 93 Any questions or comments? 93 Helping build business resilience References then Publications & Resilience for Research Paper 1 CEO Perspectives on Organisational Resilience (2012) & Organisational Resilience: The Relationship with Risk Related Corporate Strategies (2013) Chris Miller 0416 113 250 b4crisis@grapevine.