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Mediterranean Environments: Geomorphological and Human


Micro-climates of Ilingas Gorge

Alexander Ball (100366783)

Connor Spruce (100358074)

Katie Malbon (100368388)

Elizabeth Fletcher (100322112)

Ronnie Woollaston (100365464)


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Contents1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................3

1.1    Aims and objectives.....................................................................................................3

1.2    Feasibility.....................................................................................................................3

2.0    Methodology....................................................................................................................3

3.0    Observations of climatic variables...................................................................................5

3.1    Location 1- Beach........................................................................................................6

3.2    Location 2- Entrance to Gorge....................................................................................7

3.3    Location 3- Initial step up.............................................................................................8

3.4    Location 4- Concrete Ridge up....................................................................................9

3.5 Location 5- Start of concrete wall............................................................................10

3.6     Location 6- Bridge....................................................................................................11

3.7    Location 7- After the Bridge.......................................................................................12

3.8    Location 8- First Wide Bend......................................................................................13

3.9    Location 9- Cut in the gorge wall...............................................................................14

3.10    Location 10- Tree Island..........................................................................................15

3.11    Location 11- Before the narrowing of the gorge......................................................16

3.12    Location 12- Narrowing in the gorge.......................................................................17

3.13    Location 13- Tree and vegetation cluster................................................................18

3.14    Location 14- Narrowest point in the gorge...............................................................19

3.15    Location 15- After the narrowing.............................................................................20

3.16    Location 16- Stripped Trees....................................................................................21

3.17    Location 17- Landslide with trees............................................................................22

3.18    Location 18- Boulders..............................................................................................23

3.19    Location 19- Landslide blockade.............................................................................24

4.0    Analysis of climatic variables........................................................................................25

4.1    Analysis of Light Intensity (LUX) South to North.......................................................25

4.2    Analysis of Air Temperature (℃) South to North......................................................26

4.3    Analysis of Wind Speed (m/s) South to North...........................................................27

4.4    Analysis of Relative Humidity (%) South to North.....................................................28

5.0 Presence of a Microclimate..............................................................................................29

6.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................30

7.0 Reference.........................................................................................................................31

8.0 Appendix..........................................................................................................................32


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1.0 Introduction The Ilingas gorge is located along the South coast of Crete in the Sphakia Bay (Goetz,2015) approximately 1km from the village of Chora Sphakia (see figure 1). The gorge is 8km in length and the trend is South to North off the coastline. The surface and topography of the gorge is very irregular with many braided channels, a wide variety of sediment that ranges from small rocks to very large boulders and tall, steep sides. There is also very little vegetation in the gorge itself towards the South, there is only a few shrubs and trees, the further up the gorge there is more vegetation as shown, however up on the sides of the gorge there is a large amount foliage as can be seen in figure 1.

1.1    Aims and objectivesWhilst there at Ilingas Gorge, the aim was to answer the question ‘Do distinctive microclimates exist within gorge systems?’. Throughout this report, the term microclimate will be referred to a small area with a distinct climate that contrasts with that of the surrounding area (Barter,2008). There are several climatic variables that will be tested to see whether microclimates are present in the gorge; these include wind speed, humidity, temperature, and light intensity. The objective was to collect critical amount of data including; collecting light intensity, to collect data for air temperature, to collect wind speed and the relative humidity. A final objective was to observe the surrounding area, recording field observations to help give us a better understanding of the possible changes while ascending the gorge i.e morphology and life, that might allow us to assess the question further. The last objective was to ‘establish whether the gorge can be compartmentalised’ (Pope, 2016).

1.2    FeasibilityThe feasibility of this project is simple enough to do with the equipment provided and having more the two people to do the collection of the data, the whole group knew what they were doing as it was planned the day before with a project outline form (see appendix 40), there were problems when ascending up the gorge, including a landslide after area 19 producing a unsuitable route to the reaches further up the gorge.

2.0    MethodologyThe group visited 19 sampling points based on the decision that there was a distinctive change in the climate, due to morphological and other observations in the gorge, over one day between the times of 09:13 to 15:00hrs. The recording points were identified by field photographs, field sketches, GPS co-ordinates and observations were noted about each location and each location was named to create an individual identity for the gorge areas. The measurements taken at each location were temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), wind speed (m/s) and light intensity (LUX). This involved taking three measurements from the left, centre and right of the gorge to produce an average for each location and to reduce the impact of the anomalies, for example in appendix 1 there is an anomaly in the second left light intensity reading, the measurements were taken at arms length to reduce impacting the climate and give an accurate representation of the area. The data collected was recorded in tables and analysed the asses is there is a presence of different microclimates within the gorge system. Further advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods are stated in table 1. The equipment used to collect the data was an Visali


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Temperature/Relative Humidity Probe, Anemometer, Light Meter, and a Garmin Global Positioning System (GPS) (Pope, 2016).

Figure 1: Ilingas Gorge, Sphakia Bay

Aerial view [0.8:20000] (Google Maps,2016)


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Table 1 (Fletcher at al., 2016) Advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods. (Clifford,2010; Kitchin and Tate, 2000; McNamara,2006)

3.0    Observations of climatic variables


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3.1    Location 1- Beach 0238197 3899257

Time- 9:15

On the left (L), there are small rocks and pebbles on a flat surface with a bigger incline than the centre but less than on the right. The ridge is low than the right with no signs of life in this area. In the centre (C), there are large boulder with sand and pebbles with a relative flat surface with an acute incline. To the right (R) the sediment is small with pebbles and small boulders. The right side is the steeper side of the gorge and is shaded.

Air Temperature- The air temperature as shown in table 3 shows that there is an average from the left and right of the area as shown in table 3. With only a small fluctuation to the left. This is because of the sun's positioning, which casts a shadow on the right of this area.

Relative Humidity- The humidity as shown in table 3 correlates with the air temperature. The centre however dips. This is because of the lack of cover in this area. Katabatic air can move more freely through the centre therefore reduces the humidity in this section.

Wind Speed- Wind speed in table 3 is low relative to other sections. This is due to the dimensions of the gorge at this point. The gorge being at the widest allows air to not be funnelled into a certain point. The wind speed is therefore at a reduced level. The fluctuation to the left is likely to be because of the formation of the gorge as there is a bend and air would be forced towards the left wall rather than the right.

Light Intensity- The intensity of light in this section varies. This is because of the shade produced by the right side of the gorge. Light therefore fails to reach the right wall till midday, table 3 shows the light intensity on the right side of the gorge at 9:15 which isn’t a fair representation of the average light intensity in this section of the gorge.

Table 2 (Ball,2016), Analysis of climatic data results.

Table 3 (Ball,2016) Climate average


Figure 2:(Ball,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge.


Air Temperature28.4 27.9 27.2

Relative Humidity52.6 50.1 51.6

Wind Speed 0.6 0.4 0.4

Light Intensity65.1 52.2 7.9

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3.2    Location 2- Entrance to Gorge0238227 3899297

Time- 9:19

On the left (L) it is sunny, there are small to medium sized rocks, has a low but steep gorge side with a few patches of grass and few insects. It is also approximately +4m above sea level. In the centre (C) which is sunny, there are medium sized rocks with an acute incline. To the right (R), it is a thin gorge channel where there are large boulders deposited. There is a slight incline on the low height gorge side and is shaded.

Air Temperature- On the left of the gorge air temperature is much higher than on the right. This is because of the shade of the gorge produced by the gorge sides in this area. The further the sun moves around the warmer the air temperature gets. That explains the increase but not maximum temperature in the centre of the gorge.

Relative humidity- On the left of the gorge humidity is shown to have reduced, this could be down to the sun heating up the water vapour earlier forcing it to climb much quicker than in the right side and centre of the gorge.

Wind speed- Wind speed is constant as shown in 3.0 and because of the curvature of the gorge it will be travelling at greater speed on the right side, which is shown in table x

Light intensity- The measurement of LUX reflects where the sun is at this time of day. The sun covers the East side of the gorge until later. Therefore, intensity is lower.

Table 4 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.                   


Air Temperature 28.8

27.4 25.9

Relative Humidity 47.2

51.3 53.7

Wind Speed 1 0.7 0.7

Light Intensity 63.9

63.7 8.4


Table 5 (Ball,2016) Average Climate

Figure 3:(Ball,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge

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3.3    Location 3- Initial step up                0238219 3899348


To the left (L) there are more alive grass, with more small rocky sediment and has a steep but low sided gorge which means it can be sunny on this side. The centre (C) which is sunny, has small alive grass with small rocky sediment. To the right (R), there is small loose sediment in the small part of the gorge. The sides are high and steep sided. On the slightly steeper incline, there is dead vegetation and there is evidence of artificial fluvial channel which has created a ridge in the gorge.

Air Temperature- The temperature of the air in the initial step up is constant throughout. The variation on the left of the gorge is due to the sun being able to heat up that area before the centre and right. This creates the small fluctuation.

Relative Humidity- The humidity of the area resembles that of the temperature. All around the same quantity. However, the fluctuation is due to faster evaporation of water from right to left because of the shade produced by the right wall of the gorge.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind in this area is much higher than previous sections. This is because there is a narrowing in the gorge, there is also no bend in this section or for the coming sections. The wind is therefore focused down the centre of this section. Creating a higher reading for the centre.

Light Intensity- The intensity of light in the area reflects the shadow created the right wall of the gorge. The light intensity dip on the left as shown in table 7, could be due to shading from an anomaly.  

Table 6 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results

Table 7 (Ball,2016) Average Climate


Figure 4:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 27.3

26.7 26.3

Relative Humidity 51.5

53 55.3

Wind Speed 1.7 2.1 1.9

Light Intensity 42.7

50.3 7.3

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3.4    Location 4- Concrete Ridge up0238221 3899408

Time- 9:37

On the left (L) there are flood defences including an artificial step and bed covered by rocks, large boulders, and no clouds, manmade paths produced by footpath erosion, lots of butterflies, small amounts of vegetation. In the centre (C) there is very small to medium sized rocky sediment with lots of grass on the wide gorge floor which is shaded with steep sides. The right (R) of the gorge the channel is narrow. On the high, steep gorge sides there is grass growing all the way up high as well as loose sediment. On the gorge floor, there is no sign of life and has a shallow incline which is covered in shade, with evidence of a landslide also a concrete wall of the bridge.

Air Temperature- The temperature of the air drops in this area from right to left, progressively getting cooler. This is due to the shading caused by the gorges right bank. Which doesn’t allow the ground to absorb heat then emit it.

Relative Humidity- The humidity follows a similar pattern to the air temperature. Increasing from left to right. This is also because of the heat from the sun creating water particles to move at a higher rate towards the atmosphere. The sun only being available on the left side causes this to happen at this time.

Wind speed- Wind speed is a constant in this area of the gorge. This is because of the straight section and the reduction of friction because of the smoothness of the concrete walls at the side in sections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 further up the gorge.

Light Intensity- The right wall of the gorge is again creating a shadow. Creating the right side to have more sunlight at this part of the day.

Table 8 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.

Table 9 (Ball,2016)

Average Climate


Figure 5:(Ball,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 27.9

27.1 26

Relative Humidity 47.3

51.3 54.8

Wind Speed 1.4 1.4 1.4

Light Intensity 39.3

8 6.7

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3.5 Location 5- Start of concrete wall

02382224 3899420

Time- 9:47

To the left (L), there are very large boulders with a higher diversity of plants and more insects. There is a clear small fluvial channel and a manmade concrete step to slow down water. In the centre (C), there is a lot less vegetation than the right, it has a thin fluvial channel, lots of small rocks and is shaded.To the right (R) of the gorge which has a small gorge width it is steep, low gorge sides, and has a manmade concrete wall. In this area, there is small sediment, some grass, the area is shaded, and has a steep incline. There are animals in this area.

Air Temperature- The temperature of the gorge on the left side of the gorge is much higher compared to that on the right. This is due to the shadow cast on the right side from the wall of the gorge.

Relative Humidity- The humidity in this section is relatively similar due to the shading in the area. Stopping the water vapour from evaporating. The smaller fluctuations are more likely down to katabatic wind coming down from the gorge

Wind Speed- The wind speed fluctuates as shown in table 11 this is due to the deposition of the rocks in 3.6 creating a step and a natural break for the wind on the right side of the gorge. Slowing the movement of wind.

Light Intensity- Light intensity in this area is low because there is a shadow cast by the left wall of the gorge.

Table 10 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.

Table 11 (Ball,2016) Average Climate


Figure 6:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 25.8

26 27

Relative Humidity 54.9

53.6 50.4

Wind Speed 1.7 1.5 1

Light Intensity 8.2 6.7 5.7

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3.6     Location 6- Bridge0238268 3899514

Time- 9:55

To the left (L) of the manmade bridge, it is shaded with very little sediment only small rocks with no vegetation as it is the concrete floor and side, making the area smooth. The centre (C) also has no vegetation but quite a lot of litter from the road above including cans and paper, there is little to no sediment and is extremely shaded. To the right (R) there is evidence of a landslide by mass movement. Just to the North there are lots of diverse plants and grass and there is no sight of incline until after the bridge. The making of the bridge means that the side of the gorge is narrower. The wall is also smooth

Air Temperature- The temperature of the gorge ranges between 26.7 and 25.9 as shown in table 13. To the right of the gorge it is cooler than on the left this is because of the shading produced by the bridge. It is assumed that this is because of katabatic wind coming from further up the gorge rather than heat directly from the sunlight

Relative Humidity- The humidity as well follows a distinctive pattern, the right side being more humid than the left. This is also assumed because of the wind flow pattern found in 3.7, that it will cause the wind to travel differently through this area.

Wind Speed- The wind speed in this area is low from the physical blockade of the bridge. It was assumed that the speed of the wind may have been greater but as table 13 shows the speed remains low. This is assumed that it is because of the next area having a step in the rock forcing the wind above the bridge rather than below it.

Light Intensity- The LUX reading in this area are low because of the shading of the bridge as shown in table 13. The maximum reading was 1.2 in this area.

Table 12 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.


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Table 13 (Ball,2016) Climate Averages


Figure 7:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 26.7

26.1 25.9

Relative Humidity 52.6

52.8 53.4

Wind Speed 0.7 0.4 0.2

Light Intensity 0.9 1.2 1.2

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3.7    Location 7- After the Bridge0238305 3899600

Time- 10:00

The left (L) of the gorge has very high walls with some large boulders. The side is steep with no vegetation and small sediment the centre (C) of the gorge is shaded with no vegetation and has very small and loose sediment on the ground, the right (R) side of the gorge has steep sides that are tall which means that this part of the gorge is shaded. Lots of shrubs are found on the steep incline. There is evidence of life (faces).

Air Temperature- The temperature of this area was lower than the previous section and higher than the next area. This is due to the movement of the wind in this area, and the shading created by the right side of the gorge. Which will reduce the sunlight infiltration. The katabatic wind also moves the warm air through this section before it hits the floor of the gorge, where the recordings were taking place. Therefore, the air from up the gorge would not reach the group and move above the bridge instead. This results in a lower air temperature.

Relative Humidity- Humidity in this area is high and regarding the spatial placement of it in this section it is constant ± 0.7% as shown in table 15 this is due to the lack of movement from the wind, and because of the right side of the gorge stopping light from getting to this area the saturation of the air is higher at this region of the gorge.

Wind Speed- The wind speed is higher than in section 3.6. This is due to the morphology of the landscape a lip in the floor as shown in figure 8, forces the air to move above the area and over the bridge. The readings where the wind speed was taken place were in higher locations than where the humidity was taken. This minor anomaly has shifted the pattern that the group were looking for. It does however show that there are minor differences between height for where the wind speed is higher and where it is lower.

Light Intensity- The intensity of light is low throughout this area. This is because of right bank of the gorge creating a shadow. The LUX as shown in table 15 does not get above 5.5.

Table 14 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.                                      

Table 15 (Ball,2016) Climate Average


Figure 8:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 26 25.9 25.5

Relative Humidity 53.5

53.9 54.2

Wind Speed 1.9 1.9 0.8

Light Intensity 4.7 5.5 5

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3.8    Location 8- First Wide Bend0238322 3899631

Time- 10:11

To the left (L) of the gorge it is sunny and has high, steep sides. The gorge has a much wider channel which bends east. There are dead trees on the side of the gorge. Situated on the gorge floor is lots of vegetation (shrubs), small rocks and bones of animals which give evidence. In the centre (C) which is on top of a mound, there are less shrubs. It is shaded and has clear fluvial channels with medium sized rocks and large boulders. There are some birds in this area as well as a herd of goats. On the right (R), there are many trees on the steep, high side of the gorge as well as large boulders which is in the shade. There is a step in the gorge bed with no shrubs.

Air Temperature- The temperature in this area of the gorge has a larger range than that of any other previous sections. This is because of the morphology of the gorge in this area. The large bend means that katabatic wind can move air throughout this section differently depending on which position the recordings are taken from. The temperature differentiates. The left side of the gorge has a greater temperature than the right. The range being 3.4℃ as shown in table 17

Relative humidity- The humidity also differs throughout this section of the gorge. The right side of the gorge recording at 9.3% higher than the left as shown in table 17. This is due to shade being produced by the gorges right wall stopping evaporation from occurring at a higher rate.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind follows the morphology of the bend. The bend travels from South to East therefore wind would be travelling at a much higher speed on the right of the bend due to the angled rock creating a natural barrier.

Light Intensity- Light is affected by the gorges right wall again, producing a shadow influencing the cover on the right side. The LUX readings are lower in the centre and right areas.

Table 16 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.

Table 17 (Ball,2016) Climate averages


Figure 9:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of the Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 30.1

27.5 26.7

Relative Humidity 42.3

51.5 51.6

Wind Speed 0.1 1.2 1.2

Light Intensity 71.1

7.4 4.2

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3.9    Location 9- Cut in the gorge wall0238393 3899218

Time- 10:25

To the left there are a few large boulders in a fluvial channel with large trees up on the high, steep gorge sides. There is evidence of a landslide that has occurred, which has caused the movement of shrubs increasing the biodiversity. The centre of the gorge at this site is shaded. It has lots of shrubs and small rocks in the very wide part of the gorge which has a medium to steep incline. There is also signs of animals such as goats in the area. To the right there is lots of trees growing healthy along with other vegetation. This side of the gorge is shaded, with a manmade wall to the far right, which could suggest anthropogenic factors could have a change to the climatic variables.

Air Temperature- The air temperature is highly influenced by the shade produced by the gorges wall, the right side gets less sunlight therefore the temperature is considerably lower 2.6℃ difference from the left to the right at table 19 shows.

Relative Humidity- The humidity resembles the air temperature, because of the shade evaporation cannot occur at a high rate on the right side of the gorge therefore the air is more saturated with water.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind in this area is influenced by the corrosion of rock on both sides of the gorge, with there being inlets on both the left and the right of the gorge the wind is funnelled into the centre and the wind does not have a high rate of speed on the outside.

Light Intensity- The right side of the wall casts a shadow onto the gorge, which is shown in table 19, as there is a dramatic drop in LUX on the right and centre compared to the left.

Table 18 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.

Table 19

(Ball,2016) Climate averages


Figure 10:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 28 25.8 25.4

Relative Humidity 47.2

54.4 55.3

Wind Speed 1.8 2.3 1.8

Light Intensity 57.1

6.9 5.5

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3.10    Location 10- Tree Island0238462 3899802

Time- 10:35

In this area, the gorge has a very wide channel with steep sides and a medium incline. A large proportion of this area was shaded and the sediment was largely variable with rocks ranging from small rocks to large boulders. There is trees up the side of the gorge, some of which had the bark stripped off them, and a high amount of shrubbery throughout this part of the gorge. To the right of the gorge a landslide had occurred changing the morphology of the gorge, this could also account for the 1 large boulder that was on this side of the gorge. In the centre of the gorge there was a small 'island' sort of habitat that was home to ants, spiders, butterflies, and wasps along with a small pack of goats.  

Air Temperature- The temperature in this area is considerably lower than previous sections because of the change in direction of the gorge. The left and right walls now cast a shadow onto the inlets on the right and left side and influence the temperature of the gorge. In the centre, there is tree cover. Which also influences the temperature in the centre of the gorge.

Relative Humidity- The humidity of this area doesn't have a large range as the data in table 21 shows that it is only 1.6% difference between areas. The relation between this and the wind speed can also be seen with the reduced humidity in the left and right side correlated with the wind speed on both sides as well.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind is extremely low in this area, this is because of the size of the gorge at this point being at one of the widest in the system. The area is also flat and straight therefore the particles can be distributed evenly across the section. The tree cover affects the centre of the gorge. As figure 11 shows that the tree cover stops wind from infiltrating the centre of the gorge.

Light Intensity- The shading due to the change in direction of the gorge means that the left and right sections have low light intensity. The light would only reach the areas at the centre of the day because of the inlets at both sides. The centre is shaded due to tree cover, sun would therefore not infiltrate this section at a high percentage.

Table 20 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.

Table 21

(Ball,2016) Climate average  


Figure 11:(Ball,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 25.5

25.1 24.8

Relative Humidity 54.9

56.3 57.5

Wind Speed 1.9 0 0.6

Light Intensity 6.9 1.1 5.3

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3.11    Location 11- Before the narrowing of the gorge0238489 3899924

Time- 10:55

This part of the gorge had a much thinner width than previously with steep sides but not as high as before. Towards the left side of the gorge it was shaded with lots of shrubbery and trees around, there was also a few large boulders that dominated the gorge. In the centre of the gorge it was sunny with the dominate sediment being much smaller, the vegetation in this area is very scarce with the majority appearing to be dying. Along the right side of the gorge it remained sunny and there was an increase of shrubbery. There were also a few goats in this area.

Air Temperature- The lights infiltration influences the temperature of this area. The right side of the gorge is in the shade therefore the temperature is lower by 3.5˚C as table 23 shows.

Relative Humidity- The humidity reflects the air temperature. With the right side of the gorge having higher saturation rates compared to the left and centre this is due to a lower evaporation rate on the right of the gorge because of the lack of light.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind is low at this section of the gorge, as stated in 3.10 the gorge remains wide and the wind is not funnelled into an area of the gorge. There are also inlets on both the left and right. The measurements in table 23 were also taken from the inlets on the left and right of the gorge.

Light Intensity- The right side of the gorge is in shade due to the gorge wall and the tree located in this area as shown in figure 12 the shading means that the right side of the gorge will not get the light till the afternoon.

Table 22 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.

Table 23 (Ball,2016) Climate average.


Figure 12:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 29.9

30 26.5

Relative Humidity 42.2

40.8 50.6

Wind Speed 0.2 0.5 1.3

Light Intensity 70.1

58.4 8.8

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3.12    Location 12- Narrowing in the gorge0238554 3899968

Time- 11:08

This part of the gorge was again narrow with very high and very steep sides. There was a medium to low incline with the whole of this area being shaded. Towards the left side there was a rock slump therefore meaning for only a few shrubs. Towards the centre there was an increase in shrubbery with the sediment being predominantly very jagged rocks. One the right side there was a few trees with a couple of dead ones, there was a small amount of shrubbery and evidence of animals (Bones).

Air Temperature- The temperature of this section of the gorge is relatively low compared to the rest of the data from 3.1 to 3.9. This is due to shading of the gorge walls at both sides. With it being the narrowest part of the gorge the light will only be available at this section during midday for a limited period. The Sun's infrared radiation therefore does not have a long time to be absorbed by the ground and can reduce the temperature of the area considerably. There is also constant wind blowing throughout this section of the gorge which keeps the air moving and the temperature down

Relative Humidity- The humidity of this area is relatively average throughout this section. This is because of the lack of sunlight. It is however reduced by the constant movement of the wind throughout the entirety of this section.

Wind Speed- The wind speed remains constant in this area from the left to the right. With it picking up in the centre due to the funnelling of the system. The speed of the wind at this time of day is assumed to be lower than average due to other characteristics of the gorge and the results of a similar formation of rocks in 3.14. The speed of the wind may not be reflective of the true characteristics of this section of the gorge.

Light Intensity- The light intensity is at one of the lowest in the gorge system due to complete shading as the walls are at their highest at this point, as well as this the narrow gap in the system reduces the time that the light can be present on this area of the gorge. The data at this point could be considered accurate of the characteristics compared to other sections where shading is only for a short period time such as that in 3.3.

Table 24 (Ball,2016a) Description of climatic data results.                                                                                                         


Table 25

(Ball,2016) Climate average


Figure 13:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge


Air Temperature 26.6

26 25.6

Relative Humidity 52.5

53.2 53.4

Wind Speed 1.3 1.6 1.3

Light Intensity 3 3.7 2.6

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3.13    Location 13- Tree and vegetation cluster0238656 3900000

Time- 11:15

In this area, the gorge has a shallow incline with very steep and extremely high sides. The whole area was shaded and the channel was narrow. To the left side there was a high amount of shrubbery, shade, and clear signs of water where some rocks were wet. There were a few very large boulders in this area that lay in an array of fluvial channels. In the centre of the gorge there was less shrubs and again more large boulders but the sediment was mainly medium sized. There were also a few birds flying around in this area. To the right side there was small loose rock piles and a few clusters of shrubs. There were also a few coves on the edge of the gorge.

Air Temperature- The air temperature at this location differentiates between 26.2 on the left and 25.2 on the right as shown in table 27, this is due to the bend forcing air towards the right of the gorge wall as the morphology of the land pushes the wind towards the right wall and moves the warm air through this system.

Relative Humidity- The humidity in this area fluctuates between 50.3 and 55.4 as shown in table 27 this is because of the land having ridges in. The data at the left side was higher up and had a soil cover. Which will hold more moisture, also being covered by a tree, evaporation does not occur as much as the centre. Which is low lying compared to the other areas and there is no soil therefore it is more prone to evaporation. The right side of the gorge like the left also has soil cover and vegetation present. There is therefore more moisture in the air around it.

Wind Speed- The wind speed increases towards the right side of the gorge because of the bend, the air is forced towards the outside, but because of the rise on the right side the air is then forced towards the left creating the increase in both the left and right and the lower recordings in the centre of the gorge. This is also influenced by the height of the centre compared to the left and right, it is in shelter because of the drop.

Light Intensity- The gorge is narrow at this point and the walls are at the highest. This produces a shadow across the entire gorge.

Table 26 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.                                    

Table 27 (Ball,2016) Climate average


Figure 14:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 26.2

26.5 25.2

Relative Humidity 52.5

50.3 55.4

Wind Speed 0.5 0.3 0.8

Light Intensity 2.3 2.8 1.8

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3.14    Location 14- Narrowest point in the gorge0238577 3900099

Time- 11:33

In this part of the gorge the channel was very narrow with no shrubbery at all. There were also lots of dead wood lying about meaning this area is not suitable for growth of vegetation. The left side of the gorge was shaded but the further to the right it became sunnier. There was a large amount of animal life in the area with insects such as ants and flies.

Air Temperature- The temperature in this section is higher towards the edges of the gorge, this is because of the katabatic air which moves through this section of the gorge, the walls of the gorge funnel it to the centre.

Relative Humidity- Humidity of the gorge is constant throughout this section with only fluctuations between the centre and the right of the section spanning 0.8% as shown in table 29. This is because of the constant wind speed throughout the area.

Wind Speed- The wind speed is high in this area because of the funnel created by the walls of the gorge system. Minor fluctuations on the right of the gorge is due to the minor bend in this area.

Light Intensity- With the gorge walls being high and close to one another in this area the sun doesn't get around the area until midday. The time the results were taken does not show an accurate representation of the area. However, at this point of the day the left gorge wall blocked the sunlight and created a shadow on the left side of the gorge.

Table 28 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.

Table 29 (Ball,2016b

Climatic data.



Figure 15:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 27.3

26.9 27.8

Relative Humidity 49.4

49.3 48.5

Wind Speed 2.8 2.8 2.6

Light Intensity 2.9 66.1 67.4

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3.15    Location 15- After the narrowing0238554 3900199

Time- 11:40

This part of the gorge had a narrow width with very steep sides and very small sediment deposits apart from the right side where there were very large boulders. There was very little sign of life, bar flies and wasps, in this area with little to no shrubbery. The bed of the gorge was imprinted with fluvial channels and was very uneven.

Air Temperature- The temperature at this area has 1℃ fluctuation for the right and the left. This is due to the light intensity in the area. The right side is in shade and therefore heat radiation cannot be absorbed then given off over time.

Relative Humidity- The humidity is influenced by both light intensity as the evaporation of water molecules is higher on the left, so water saturation is lower. The right will also have an increase in humidity due to the healthy and abundant vegetation.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind is influenced by the cover at this location. The right side has vegetation for cover against wind. The left side with steeper walls and the narrow width produces a funnel in this section increasing wind speed.

Light Intensity- The light intensity in this area is relative to the shadow produced by the right wall of the gorge. The right side is 81.9% lower than the left as shown in table 31.

Table 30 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.

Table 31(Ball,2016) Climatic data.


Figure 16:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 27.4

27.3 26.4

Relative Humidity 49.2

47.8 53.6

Wind Speed 2.6 1.1 1.3

Light Intensity 84.9

84 3

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3.16    Location 16- Stripped Trees0238622 3900329

Time- 13:50

In this region is the gorge again the sides were steep and very high but this time the channel width was slightly wider. The sediment ranged from small rocks to large boulders and there was a large blanket of grasses. The whole area was sunny and the only life visible was some birds nesting in trees on the side of the gorge.

Air Temperature- The temperature in this area is the highest as shown in table 33 this is due to the time of day, with the sun being at the highest point and highest intensity during the day the air temperature increases significantly. The right side being in the shade gets less heat, however due to the winds, warm air is forced down the gorge and into the shade on the right side.

Relative Humidity- The humidity is low in this area. Mainly due to the intensity of the sunlight causing the water in the air to evaporate at a higher rate. This reduces the percentage in the air, as shown in table 33. The right side is higher because of the shade produced by the right wall of the gorge.

Wind Speed- The speed on the wind is higher at both sides of the gorge, this is due to the curved walls because of abrasion and corrosion at the bottom of the gorge walls. This creates wind to flow in these sections at a higher speed.

Light Intensity- The light intensity shown in table 33 is at one of the highest readings. This is due to the sun being at the highest point, and subsequently producing the highest LUX reading. The right side is in shade, giving a fluctuation. Which is mirrored in the temperature and humidity readings as previously discussed.

Table 32 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.                               

Table 33 (Ball,2016) Climate average.


Figure 17:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 29.9

28.5 27.8

Relative Humidity 40.4

40.2 43.6

Wind Speed 1.5 0.6 1.8

Light Intensity 87.6

89.3 8.8

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3.17    Location 17- Landslide with trees0238635 3900470

Time- 13:39

In this area, the gorge had trees and shrubs all up the side of the gorge and the whole area was covered with sun. The gorge had a much shallower incline and an even channel bed. There were a few large boulders but most the sediment was much smaller. There was also quite a lot of life in this part of the gorge that included birds, lizards, wasps, and flies.

Air Temperature- The temperature is at the average peak here as shown in table 35. Light intensity remains constant the fluctuations are most likely due to wind patterns in this section of the gorge. The centre being the windiest means that the radiated heat is blown down the gorge

Relative Humidity- Humidity in this area is relative to when the sun hits the section of the gorge. The left side of the gorge has sunlight at an earlier time so the water vapour is evaporated earlier and humidity is lower. The wind speed also affects the humidity. The higher wind speed in the centre as shown in table 35 is wind from further inland, with that brings moisture.

Wind Speed- The speed of the wind is affected by obstacles in this section of the gorge. This includes boulders and trees on the left and right side of the gorge. The centre being flatter means that wind can travel at a higher velocity. The trees also create a natural funnel towards the centre too.

Light Intensity- The intensity of light is the highest as shown in table 35 this is because of the widened gorge and the positioning of the sun. Which affects the entire area in the gorge area.

Table 34 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results

Table 35 (Ball,2016) Climate average.


Figure 18:(Spruce,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 30.8

27.2 27.7

Relative Humidity 38.9

45.2 43.1

Wind Speed 1.1 2.4 1.3

Light Intensity 96.5

91.5 91.5

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3.18    Location 18- Boulders0238624 3900531

Time- 13:29

This section of the gorge was quite narrow with some very large boulders but mainly sandy deposits and soil. The area was mainly sunny with only the left side of the gorge being shaded. There was again a large blanket of grasses but all other vegetation was scarce.

Air Temperature- The temperature of the air in this area is lower than 3.17. However still higher than the lower stages of the gorge. This can be assumed that because of the Sun's intensity the average temperature as shown in table 37 is higher than before. The lowered rates on the left is likely because of the increase in water vapour on the left due to increase in dead vegetation.

Relative Humidity- The humidity depends on the vegetation in the area. The left has a lot of dead vegetation with decomposition happening. There is also shaded areas reducing the evaporation.

Wind Speed- The speed of wind in this area is difficult to measure because of the large boulders obscuring the wind flow in the area, a representative picture of the area can be difficult to get off 3 readings. The centre however being the clearest offers less obstruction and allows wind to travel faster than on the left and right.

Light Intensity- The intensity of light is high in the area, due to little obstruction. As like the wind reference, 3 readings aren’t representative of the area as there are sections covered in shade than can offer different readings, depending on where the meter is held.

Table 36 (Ball,2016) Description of Climatic data results.

Table 37 (Ball,2016) Climate average.


Figure 19:(Ball,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 27.2

28.1 28.6

Relative Humidity 46.5

40.8 40.4

Wind Speed 1 1.9 1.3

Light Intensity 83.1

94.7 87.6

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3.19    Location 19- Landslide blockade0238612 3900664

Time- 13:15

When the group reached this part of the gorge they found there had been a large landslide therefore blocking our path. The gorge was very steep and the area was surrounded by large boulders. The bed was uneven due to fluvial channels and there were minimal shrubbery bar large trees up the side of the gorge. There was also no life in this part of the gorge.

Air Temperature- The air temperature in this area is high because of the increase in shade due to vegetation. The left side was partially shaded due to trees and therefore temperature is at the highest there and on the unshaded left. This is similar to the data found by Page et al. (2015)

Relative Humidity- Light intensity affects the humidity of the section. The shaded areas where vegetation is present contributes to the water vapor in the air. The right side of the gorge as shown in table 39, where light intensity is higher produces a reduction in percentage of water in the air.

Wind Speed- The speed of wind is affected by the positioning of the rocks in the gorge. With the landslide being a prominent feature in this location, the position of rocks affect the wind speed. The centre being in a cove has wind funnelled from above, which is forced downward. The right side of the gorge is sloped and flatter, also allowing wind to travel at a higher speed. The left was the highest point in this section at which doesn’t allow the free movement of wind.

Light Intensity- The left side is covered by a tree and therefore produces a lower intensity. The centre was in an alcove and shaded by the wall of the gorge. The right side had no impact from the gorge walls or any vegetation so had the highest LUX reading as shown in table 39.

Table 38 (Ball,2016) Description of climatic data results.

Table 39 (Ball,2016b) Climate



Figure 20:(Woollaston,2016) Photographs of Ilingas gorge


Air Temperature 28.4

27.6 28.2

Relative Humidity 43.1

44.2 40.7

Wind Speed 0.8 1.4 1.3

Light Intensity 3 4 94.4

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4.0    Analysis of climatic variables.

4.1    Analysis of Light Intensity (LUX) South to North.Light intensity is the rate light is distributed across an area. This can change for many reasons such as distance from the point of origin and the strength of the light source. Trends found in the Ilingas Gorge can be seen in table 40.

Table 40: Light intensity analysis

Overview of the trends from South to North of all sites.

Light intensity varies throughout the gorge; from 2.3 (site 13) to 96.5 (site 17) (see figure 21). These sites have similar GPS co-ordinates and similar light intensity readings from a study carried out by Page et al. (2015) which helps to triangulate the readings and ensures the data collected is reliable and accurate.

This is the only climatic variable that is affected by only one other factor, the blocking of direct sunlight. The right side of the gorge is mainly in shade, due to the high gorge sides and the position of the sun at the time of day when the data was collected. This would explain constant low light intensity from the right side of the gorge until the 14th site as shown in figure 21, which is when the gorge became wider and sunlight began to hit the right side of the gorge causing light intensity to increase.

Table 40 (Spruce,2016) Analysis.

Figure 21 (Ball et al.,2016) Climatic data variables for all sites.


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4.2    Analysis of Air Temperature (℃) South to North

Air temperature is generated via movement of air molecules creating kinetic energy and friction between which then determines the air temperature. Blaster et al., (2010) says that “as gas molecules move more quickly, air temperature increases”. The trends in air temperature can be found in table 41.

Table 41: Air temperature analysis

Overview of the trends from South to North of all sites.

As figure 22 shows air temperature is constant throughout the gorge. The lowest air temperature recorded was 25.2℃ and the highest was recorded at 30.8℃ which is a low range. This range is very similar to results found by Page et al., (2015) which supports the data the group found. Also, figure 22 infers that the left side of the gorge had a higher air temperature compared to the right and the centre of the gorge.

Sites 8, 11, 16 and 17 have the highest air temperature. This could be because these sites are located on an East to West pathway, compared to the other sites which are South to North. This means the rocks will have been in sunlight longer and therefore absorbed more of the sun rays, which will emit more infra-red radiation and therefore produce a higher air temperature.

Table 41 (Spruce,2016) Analysis.

Figure 22 (Ball et al.,2016) Climatic data variables for all sites.


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4.3    Analysis of Wind Speed (m/s) South to North.

Wind speed is created via differences in the levels of atmospheric pressure from one area to another, so for example if pressure is high, wind speed is low and vice versa.

Table 42: Analysis of wind speed

Overview of trends from South to North of all sites.

The group found that wind speed increases as the gorge narrows which is shown in figure 23. This could be explained because as the gorge gets narrower the same amount of air particles have to travel through the smaller space.

It was also found that the lower wind speeds found at sites 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 had a higher vegetation cover, which will cause friction on the air molecules and therefore slow down wind speed. In the bridge area, the morphology of the gorge influenced the direction and speed of the air particles, creating lower results as shown in figure 23.

Another reason which Balster et. al., (2010) talks about is that heat affects wind speed. As heat increases air particles get an increase in kinetic energy and therefore speeding them up.

Table 42 (Spruce,2016) Analysis.            


Figure 23 (Ball et al.,2016) Climatic data variables for all sites.


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4.4    Analysis of Relative Humidity (%) South to North.

Relative humidity can be described as the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. It is mainly affected by the change in air temperature. The analysis of the results are seen in table 43.

Table 43: Relative Humidity Analysis

Overview of the trends of relative humidity across all the sites

On average relative humidity decreases the further up the gorge the data was recorded. As figure 24 shows, as humidity at site 1 was recorded at 51.4% and by site 19 it had fell to 42.6%. This could be due to the katabatic wind that blows dry air down the gorge and therefore resulting in a lower humidity higher up the gorge. This is supported by some previous studies carried out by Page et al., (2015) who found the same decrease in humidity.

Another reason for this could be the effect of heating the air particles which will give them more kinetic energy and force them to evaporate at a greater speed. This will then increase humidity the further up the gorge.

A final reason for the decline could be the natural landscape of the gorge. As the sites became more northern, the distance from the sea increases and therefore resulting in less amount of readily available water vapour thus causing a decreasing humidity.   

Table 43 (Spruce,2016) Analysis.

Figure 24 (Ball et al.,2016) Climatic data variables for all sites.


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5.0 Presence of a Microclimate

The MetOffice (2011) define a micro-climate as a small scale, prevalent climate whose climatic variables are subtly different to the conditions prevailing over the area. Across the Ilingas gorge the micro-climates are discussed within table 44.

Table 44: Locations of Microclimates within Ilingas Gorge

Overview of the trends from South to North of all the sites.

Based on the MetOffices definition, a microclimate within the Ilingas Gorge is where one of the nineteen sites are distinctly different to the other sites around it. Based upon the data provided throughout the report it can determined that sites 8, 10, 11 16 and 17 have microclimates. However, difficulties arise, when suggesting these microclimates exist due to there not being enough spatial and temporal data to back this up. The report only represents data from one day, so therefore it cannot be conceived that there is a change in these sites but they could be small and temporary microclimates.

All 5 microclimate sites are affected by the increase in altitude and the natural topography and morphology of the gorge. The increase in gradient changes the climatic variables as discussed in sections 4.0 through to 4.3.

At site 8, there is a drop in relative humidity for the first time in the gorge, while at the same time air temperature rises. There is also a massive flux in light intensity as shown in figure 21. As evidence, at site 10, there is a large rise in relative humidity, while the other climatic variables drop. Light intensity has the largest change at site 11 than any other throughout the gorge, while the data shows air temperature rises just a little here. At sites 16 and 17 there is increased vegetation and an increase in all climatic variables, showing the possible link between the two factors.

Table 44 (Spruce,2016) Locations of Microclimates within Ilingas Gorge.


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6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, upon inspection of the raw data there are no significant trends to support the idea that there are permanent and disinvite microclimates in the Ilingas gorge. But from the groups observations in the gorge it became clear that there were separate microclimates as they progressed through the gorge. For example, there is a clear difference in vegetation as the group moved through the gorge. Along the coast there was little to no plants or animals meaning there was a low biodiversity. But further up the gorge the groups findings show a wide variety of trees, shrubs and grasses. This coupled with the presence of life including insects, goats and birds. Which suggests a much higher biodiversity in this area. This therefore could indicate a microclimate.

It can be interpreted that the data presented in this report does not show these microclimates for several reasons. Firstly, the group only ran the tests in the gorge for one day. This may not have given them an accurate representation of the area in terms of wind speed, humidity, light intensity, and air temperature, thus not giving them the trends in the data to show microclimates exist in the gorge. Therefore, to improve the project the group should revisit the gorge and take more recordings over a longer period to give a more reliable data set. Data could also be improved by taking readings at the same time at each location, with better technology.

Another way to get a more accurate data set would be to have recorded the climatic variables at more points in the gorge. This however was not feasible in the gorge as there had been a large rock fall at ridge, which halted the progress up the gorge meaning only 19 sites were recorded, severely reducing the amount of data the group could collect.


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7.0 Reference

Ball, A. (2016) Photographs of Ilingas Gorge. [Photographs]

Ball, A.(2016)Climatic data. [Table]

Ball, A.(2016)Description of Climatic data results. [Table]

Ball, A., Fletcher, E., Spruce, C and Woollaston, R. (2016) Climatic data variables for all sites. [Graph]

Balster, L., Gillies, J., Kelly, C. and Smalls, C. (2010) what is Air Temperature? In: Environmental monitor (2015) Science Library. Available from: [Accessed 10th November 2016]    

Barter, Guy. Learn To Garden. 1st ed. New York: DK Pub., 2008. Print.

Clifford, N., French, S. and Valentine, G. eds., (2010). Key Methods in Geography. Second Edition. SAGE.

Fletcher, E. (2016) Advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods.[table]

Goetz, R. (2015) The southern coast between paleochora and Plakias 24: From Chora Sfakion to Loutro. In: Goetz, R. Crete: The finest coastal and mountain walks - 60 walks - GPS pp, 128. Munich: Bergverlag Rother GmbH.

Google Maps (2016) Ilingas Gorge [on-line]. Available from:,24.1275406,5271m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x149c9e17b5db8353:0xa9a8cf67114165a6!8m2!3d35.2022754!4d24.1243595. [Accessed 1st November 2016]

Kitchin, R. and Tate, N.J., (2000) Conducting research into human geography. Theory, Method and Practice. Prentice Hall.

McNamara., C. (2006) Overview of Basic Methods to Collect Information [on-line]. Available from: [Accessed 1st November 2016]

MetOffice (2011) introduction. In: Microclimates - National Meteorological Library and Archive Fact sheet 14 - Microclimates (version 01) (PDF). Avaiable from: sheet No. 14.pdf (Accessed 15th November 2016)

Page A, Linden D, Smith R, Straw S, Hackett T and Perett W, (2015) Mediterranean Environments: Geomorphological and Human perspectives. Derby University.

Pope., R. (2016) The microclimates of Ilingas Gorge handbook. Derby University.

Spruce., C. (2016) Analysis.[Table]

Spruce., C. (2016) Locations of Microclimates within Ilingas Gorge.[Table]


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8.0 Appendix

Appendix 1: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 1

Appendix 2: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 2

Appendix 3: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 3

Appendix 4: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 4

Appendix 5: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 5

Appendix 6: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 6

Appendix 7: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 7

Appendix 8: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 8

Appendix 9: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 9

Appendix 10: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 10

Appendix 11: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 11

Appendix 12: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 12

Appendix 13: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 13

Appendix 14: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 14

Appendix 15: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 15

Appendix 16: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 16

Appendix 17: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 17

Appendix 18: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 18

Appendix 19: Physical description and Climatic Variable data sheet - Site 19

Appendix 20: Gorge field sketch - Site 1

Appendix 21: Gorge field sketch - Site 2

Appendix 22: Gorge field sketch - Site 3

Appendix 23: Gorge field sketch - Site 4

Appendix 24: Gorge field sketch - Site 5

Appendix 25: Gorge field sketch - Site 6

Appendix 26: Gorge field sketch - Site 7

Appendix 27: Gorge field sketch - Site 8

Appendix 28: Gorge field sketch - Site 9

Appendix 29: Gorge field sketch - Site 10

Appendix 30: Gorge field sketch - Site 11


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Appendix 31: Gorge field sketch - Site 12

Appendix 32: Gorge field sketch - Site 13

Appendix 33: Gorge field sketch - Site 14

Appendix 34: Gorge field sketch - Site 15

Appendix 35: Gorge field sketch - Site 16

Appendix 36: Gorge field sketch - Site 17

Appendix 38: Gorge field sketch - Site 18

Appendix 39: Gorge field sketch - Site 19

Appendix 40: Project outline form

Appendix 41: Risk Assessment form

Appendix 42: Tables of results (climatic variable averages)