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Page 1: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013




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US Economics Digest US ECONOMICS

FOMC Meeting Preview –

If You Like the Show, Don’t Change the Channel Federal Reserve officials presumably are pleased with market and economic

developments since QE3 commenced in September. Equities have rallied,

job growth has strengthened, and household confidence is building.

Admittedly, the direct influence of QE3 on these welcome trends is difficult to

quantify. And several FOMC participants have voiced increasing discomfort

with continued easing. But the core members of the Committee have already

signaled their preference for more asset purchases, and the majority of

voting members likely will support them.

The FOMC meets March 19-20. We expect no change in the $85bn monthly

asset purchase pace for now, especially with sequester layoffs a reasonable

consensus forecast. The Committee likely will reaffirm the policy thresholds it

introduced in December. An update to the exit strategy is possible, too.

We are finally seeing building evidence that the household risk aversion that

persisted through the post-recession period is diminishing. Consumers have

stepped up their pace of borrowing and are venturing out the risk curve in

choosing their investments.

Bernanke said in recent Congressional testimonies that if QE3 appears to be

working, the Fed will keep purchasing assets. If not, the Central Bank will try

something different. The circumstantial evidence suggests that the low

interest rates engineered by the Fed are, slowly but surely, having their

desired effect. This implies that it’s still full speed ahead for QE3.

Exhibit 1: US Households Beginning to Take On More Risk Change in debt outstanding, household sector*, SAAR, $bn









'99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12


Consumer Credit

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse * Sector includes domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts.

13 March 2013

Economics Research

Research Analysts

Neal Soss

+1 212 325 3335

[email protected]

Dana Saporta

+1 212 538 3163

[email protected]

Page 2: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013

13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 2

FOMC Meeting Preview – If You Like the Show, Don’t Change the Channel

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke said in his Congressional testimonies last month

that if QE3 appears to be working, the Fed will keep purchasing assets. If not, he asserted,

the Central Bank will try something different.

Fed officials presumably are pleased with market and economic developments since the

current asset purchase program commenced in September 2012. The S&P 500 equity

index has rallied some 6% in six months. Job growth has strengthened. And, as we

explore in more detail below, household risk aversion – so evident throughout the sluggish

recovery – is finally showing signs of thawing.

Admittedly, the direct influence of QE3 on these welcome trends is difficult to quantify. And

it is true that several vocal FOMC participants are becoming increasingly uncomfortable

with continued easing. But the core members of the Committee – including Bernanke and

Vice Chair Yellen – have already signaled their preference for still more balance sheet

expansion, and the majority of voting members likely will support them.

The FOMC next meets on March 19-20. We expect the Committee’s March 20 policy

statement to convey the Fed’s intention to continue purchasing MBS and long-term

Treasury debt. We see no changes in the $85bn/month asset purchase pace for now,

especially with sequester-related layoffs a reasonable consensus forecast.

The FOMC likely will reaffirm the economic thresholds it introduced in December. An

update to the Fed’s exit strategy – first laid out in June 2011 – is also possible as soon as

March 20. We expect any new policy normalization plan to retain the potential for – but

downplay the inevitability of – outright asset sales from the Fed’s portfolio.

Results of next week’s meeting will be released in three stages. The FOMC policy

statement will hit the newswires at about 12:30pm EDT on Wednesday, March 20. This

will be followed by updated FOMC economic and fed funds rate projections at 2:00.

Chairman Bernanke will then hold a press briefing at 2:15.

Policy slowly gaining traction

We still anticipate the Fed’s open-ended purchase program (QE3) will persist through

2013 and perhaps into early 2014, though probably not in its current form. QE3 allows for

flexibility in the size of the monthly purchases, and it may be that the Fed will choose to

decrease the size of its purchases later this year, say to $30bn each in Treasuries and

MBS. Such a scenario would bring us to just over the $1.1 trillion mark in balance sheet

expansion by March 2014 (if we include all 2012 MBS purchases).

Exhibit 2: FOMC to Continue Purchasing $85bn/month, At Least for Now Credit Suisse forecasts, $bn

Quarter MBS purchases Treasury purchases Total

Q3 2012 23 0 23

Q4 2012 40/mo 0 120

Q1 2013 40/mo 45/mo 255

Q2 2013 40/mo 45/mo 255

Q3 2013* 40/mo thru mid-Sep. 45/mo thru mid Sep. 180

Q4 2013 30/mo 30/mo 180

Q1 2014 0 30/mo 90

TOTAL 588 583 1171

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse * Forecasted cut in asset purchase size at the September 17-18, 2013 FOMC meeting.

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 3

A look back at the initial objectives of the Fed’s asset purchases, beyond the emergency

restarting of paralyzed markets in 2008-09, suggests that the monetary policy medicine is

working largely as desired, albeit slowly. As Bernanke explained in August 2010:

“I see the evidence as most favorable to the view that [the Fed’s asset] purchases work

primarily through the so-called portfolio balance channel, which holds that once short-term

interest rates have reached zero, the Federal Reserve's purchases of longer-term

securities affect financial conditions by changing the quantity and mix of financial assets

held by the public.”

Or, in other words, by pursuing extremely low yields for relatively “safe” assets, the Fed

sought to encourage more risk-taking behavior among both institutional and individual

investors. Appreciation in corporate bond and equity prices, it was theorized, would in turn

promote a virtuous cycle in which demand, investment, and – importantly – job growth

would strengthen.

The US recovery from the great recession is already nearly four years old, and we are

finally seeing building evidence that the household risk aversion that persisted

through the post-recession period is diminishing. Consumers have stepped up their

pace of borrowing and are venturing out the risk curve in choosing their investments. Data

released just over the past few weeks – from the New York Fed, the Federal Reserve

Board, and the Investment Company Institute – illustrate this point.

In its Q4 report on Household Debt and Credit, the NY Fed announced that aggregate

consumer debt increased slightly in Q4-2012, by $31bn, a reversal from the downward

trend that has been in place since late 2008. As of December 31, 2012, total consumer

indebtedness was $11.34tr, 0.3% higher than its level in Q3. (But overall consumer debt

remains considerably below its peak of $12.68tr in Q3-2008.)

Exhibit 3: Total Household Debt Balance and its Composition

$ trillions

Source: FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax, Credit Suisse

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 4

This modest increase in consumer debt was driven by the third consecutive quarterly rise

in non-housing-related debt, with auto loans up by $15bn; student loans up by $10bn (to

$966bn), and credit card balances up by $5bn. Mortgages, the largest component of

household debt, were roughly flat, and home equity lines of credit (HELOC) declined in the

fourth quarter (Exhibit 3).

The report noted that overall, delinquency rates continued to improve in Q4. As of

December 31, 8.6% of outstanding debt was in some stage of delinquency, compared with

8.9% in 2012Q3. About $978bn of debt is delinquent, with $712bn seriously delinquent (at

least 90 days late or “severely derogatory”).

While overall delinquency rates are now back to pre-recession levels—around 8-1/2%—

they are still well above the 3-5% rates that prevailed in the first half of the 2000s.

A glaring exception to the delinquency improvement is student loans (Exhibit 4). The 90+

day delinquency rate on student loans continues to rise and now stands at 11.7%. Note

that according to the NY Fed, “these delinquency rates for student loans are likely to

understate actual delinquency rates because almost half of these loans are currently in

grace periods, in deferment, or in forbearance and therefore temporarily not in the

repayment cycle. This implies that among loans in the repayment cycle, delinquency

rates are roughly twice as high.”

NY Fed Director of Research James McAndrews cast the data in a positive light. He said,

along with some positive economic developments, “there has been a notable increase in

risk appetite among financial market participants over recent months, although there was

some pull-back and volatility this week following the election results in Italy.”

McAndrews added that “data indicate that the recent improvement in the housing market

was accompanied by a slight increase in the level of household debt. While it is too soon

to conclude that a trend has been established in which households are beginning to

increase their debts again, there are signs that the four-year long contraction is slowing.”

Exhibit 4: Loan Delinquencies Trending Lower with One Glaring Exception

Percent of household loan balance 90+ days delinquent

Source: FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax, Credit Suisse

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 5

Back Where We Started

The Federal Reserve Board’s “Flow of Funds” report, released on March 7, tells a similar

story. Households in the aggregate continued to pay down mortgages through 2012. But

mortgage debt in Q4 contracted at the slowest pace since 2009. Meanwhile, consumer

credit growth is gaining momentum, although again the student loan aspect of this debt

increase is worrisome.

Exhibit 5: Household Beginning to Take On More Risk

Change in debt outstanding, household sector*, SAAR, $bn









'99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12


Consumer Credit

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse * Sector includes nonprofits, domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts.

How do we explain this increase in household borrowing? For one, increased access to

credit may be playing a role. Faster income growth is probably another factor. A third

possible explanation is the fact that households, in the aggregate, have nearly regained

the wealth they lost during the Great Recession.

Exhibit 6: Household Wealth Nearly Back to 2007 Peak

Household sector net worth*, $ trillions









'72 '75 '78 '81 '84 '87 '90 '93 '96 '99 '02 '05 '08 '11

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse * Sector includes nonprofits, domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts.

Page 6: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013

13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 6

The difference between household assets and liabilities at the end of December 2012 was

reported at $66.1 trillion, some $1.2tr more than at the end of the previous quarter. In

comparison, the $2.9tr rise in Q1-2012 was the biggest jump in household wealth since

Q4-1999 ($3.5tr).

Exhibit 7: Selected Household Sector Asset Values*

$ trillions







'72 '75 '78 '81 '84 '87 '90 '93 '96 '99 '02 '05 '08 '11

Financial assets

Real estate


Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse * Sector includes nonprofits, domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts.

In Q4, the value of corporate equities and mutual funds owned by households increased

by about $130bn, and there was a $480bn increase in the value of real estate owned by

households. This was the largest jump in real estate values since Q1-2006. Household

wealth is just $1.3tr (or 2%) below its Q3-2007 peak. Assuming home prices don't fall this

quarter and equities hold on to most of their gains for another two weeks, wealth likely will

hit a new high in Q1-2013.

How recent increases in household wealth will translate into near-term spending is an

interesting question. Our recent work on the wealth effect suggests that changes in

housing wealth have a greater influence on consumer spending than changes in stock

market wealth. But wealth effects appear to have shrunk since the 2007-2008 financial

crisis, and more so for housing wealth than for stock market wealth.

One implication of this result is that the Federal Reserve will need to “engineer” even

larger bull markets in house prices and stock prices for any given desired pick-up in

economic growth. (See our February 13, 2013 US Economics Digest: Honey, I Shrunk the

Wealth Effect.)

There are several potential explanations for our estimate of a smaller housing wealth

effect since the last financial crisis, including the following:

Since the housing bubble burst in early 2006, housing wealth volatility has remained

elevated at levels well above its historical norm. Households will be less likely to view

gains in asset prices as permanent, and their willingness to spend will thus be restrained

(Exhibit 8).

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 7

Exhibit 8: Household Real Estate Values Become More Volatile

Q/Q % changes, +/- one standard deviation








'53 '56 '59 '62 '65 '68 '71 '74 '77 '80 '83 '86 '89 '92 '95 '98 '01 '04 '07 '10

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

Mortgage equity withdrawals, once the main channel through which consumers generated

the cash flow to spend beyond their current take-home pay, show no sign of recovery

following the collapse from 2006-2008. Less cash from monetized home equity implies

less purchasing power and consumer expenditures, and hence a smaller housing wealth

effect (Exhibit 9).

Exhibit 9: Freddie Mac: Total Home Equity Cashed Out

Prime conventional mortgages, $ billions








'98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12

Q2-2006: $84bn

Q4-2012: $8bn

Source: FHLMC, Credit Suisse

Also, and perhaps most important for the outlook, is the unprecedented bifurcation of

households who contributed to lower aggregate debt-to-asset ratios by default/foreclosure/

charge-offs and those who contributed to the same statistical result by continuing to

service their debt (Exhibit 10).

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 8

Exhibit 10: Aggregate Household Financial Ratios Mask Underlying Divergence

Household credit debt/assets








'52 '55 '58 '61 '64 '67 '70 '73 '76 '79 '82 '85 '88 '91 '94 '97 '00 '03 '06 '09 '12

1990s avg:



Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

Sudden inflows into equity mutual funds

Mutual fund flow data from the Investment Company Institute also are consistent with

the theme of moderating household risk aversion. (Since mutual funds are largely a retail

investment vehicle, we use ICI data as one proxy for household attitudes toward risk.)

Hungry for returns but wary of equities, retail investors in recent years have deemed bond

funds an acceptable compromise between the competing desires for yield and safety

(Exhibit 11). Demographics are also playing a role in household portfolio allocation

decisions, as an aging population tends to desire less risk.

Exhibit 11: Hungry for Returns but Wary of Equities

Cumulative net inflows by year, $bn







'06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12

Equity funds

Bond funds

Source: Investment Company Institute, Haver Analytics®, Credit Suisse

Page 9: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013

13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 9

But, as weekly data in Exhibit 12 suggest, there was an abrupt change in this pattern

recently, as retail investors began making net new investments in both bond and equity

mutual funds. It is not uncommon to see stronger net inflows into equity mutual funds at

the start of each calendar year, but inflows in early 2013 were particularly dramatic.

Exhibit 12: A Sudden Surge of Inflows into Equity Mutual Funds

Weekly net mutual fund flows, $ billions








1/4/12 2/29/12 4/25/12 6/20/12 8/15/12 10/10/12 12/5/12 1/30/13

Equity mutual funds

Bond mutual funds

Feb 27

Source: Investment Company Institute, Haver Analytics®, Credit Suisse

The question remains whether this retail investment behavior heralds a more protracted

portfolio shift or if it will prove to be a temporary, short-lived adjustment. Net inflows into

equity mutual funds persisted for the eighth consecutive week of the new year, but

they have been shrinking in size. It is too soon to draw a firm conclusion. (We explore

this question in our February 10 US Money Matters: Mutual Funds: Seismic Shift or Short-

Term Pop?)

FOMC participants’ economic projections

The March 20 post-meeting announcements will include updated FOMC economic

projections and participants’ latest preferences for the path of the fed funds rate target.

Now that the FOMC revises its economic projections during the third month of each

quarter, the estimates Committee members make in December for the same year should

be fairly accurate. As it turned out, the nearly flat growth result for Q4-2012 (+0.1%)

apparently took the Committee – as well as private forecasters -- by surprise. Real GDP

grew just 1.5% last year on Q4/Q4 basis, below the FOMC central tendency range of


The FOMC may downgrade its 2013 growth forecast, since it now needs to factor in the

headwinds created by the budget sequester. The 2.3%-3.0% range submitted in

December for 2013 real GDP growth may be shaved by as much as 0.5 percentage point.

What FOMC members decide to do with their unemployment rate forecasts will be of

particular interest, given this statistic’s multiple moving parts. A slower growth forecast

ordinarily would be associated with raised unemployment rate projections. But if the labor

force participation rate is expected to keep declining, we may see little or no adjustment to

the FOMC’s 7.4%-7.7% range for 2012 (Exhibit 13).

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 10

Exhibit 13: FOMC Economic Projections as of December 12

GDP and PCE price indexes (Q4/Q4%), unemployment rate (Q4 average)

2012 2013 2014 2015 Longer run

Change in real GDP 1.7 to 1.8 2.3 to 3.0 3.0 to 3.5 3.0 to 3.7 2.3 to 2.5

Sep'12 projection 1.7 to 2.0 2.5 to 3.0 3.0 to 3.8 3.0 to 3.8 2.3 to 2.5

Jun'12 projection 1.9 to 2.4 2.2 to 2.8 3.0 to 3.5 -- 2.3 to 2.5

Apr'12 projection 2.4 to 2.9 2.7 to 3.1 3.1 to 3.6 -- 2.3 to 2.6

Unemployment rate 7.8 to 7.9 7.4 to 7.7 6.8 to 7.3 6.0 to 6.6 5.2 to 6.0

Sep'12 projection 8.0 to 8.2 7.6 to 7.9 6.7 to 7.3 6.0 to 6.8 5.2 to 6.0

Jun'12 projection 8.0 to 8.2 7.5 to 8.0 7.0 to 7.7 -- 5.2 to 6.0

Apr'12 projection 7.8 to 8.0 7.3 to 7.7 6.7 to 7.4 -- 5.2 to 6.0

PCE inflation 1.6 to 1.7 1.3 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0 1.7 to 2.0 2.0

Sep'12 projection 1.7 to 1.8 1.6 to 2.0 1.6 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.0 2.0

Jun'12 projection 1.2 to 1.7 1.5 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0 -- 2.0

Apr'12 projection 1.9 to 2.0 1.6 to 2.0 1.7 to 2.0 -- 2.0

Core PCE inflation 1.6 to 1.7 1.6 to 1.9 1.6 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.0 --

Sep'12 projection 1.7 to 1.9 1.7 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.0 1.9 to 2.0 --

Jun'12 projection 1.7 to 2.0 1.6 to 2.0 1.6 to 2.0 -- --

Apr'12 projection 1.8 to 2.0 1.7 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.0 -- --

FOMC's central tendency Variable

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

FOMC participants’ fed funds rate preferences

Diagrams of potential future paths for the funds rate target will also be updated next week.

In the histogram showing preferred rate hike dates, there was in December a modest

migration further into the future. The mean, median and mode were all in the 2015 rate

hike camp; 14 of 19 officials did not believe a rate hike is appropriate before 2015 (Exhibit

14). We expect to see a sizable majority in the 2015 column again on March 20.

Exhibit 14: FOMC: Appropriate Timing of Policy Firming Number of participants

3 3




3 3



3 3




















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016






Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

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13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 11

The Fed’s second chart will reflect the “appropriate pace” of tightening. The December

chart showed the distribution of FOMC estimates for the appropriate level of the funds rate

target at the end of 2012 and each of the following three calendar years.

Note that four of the 19 FOMC participants looked for rate hikes totaling 100bp or more by

year-end 2014. This was down from six in September. We assume that at least four of the

FOMC’s more hawkish participants (mainly among the Regional Fed Bank presidents)

have maintained similar preferences for tightening within the next 15 months.

Exhibit 15: Appropriate Pace of Policy Firming

Count of policymaker projections for fed funds rate target at year-end







2012 2013 2014 Longer Run2015

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

Updated Exit Planning

Bernanke, in response to questions during his semiannual testimony to Congress, said the

exit strategy laid out in June 2011 needs to be reviewed. We see a small chance that an

updated strategy will be unveiled as soon as March 20 (although the Committee may need

a few more months to deliberate).

While the basic exit outline likely will be left intact, Bernanke suggested the timing of such

steps as outright asset sales may be revised. He noted that the Fed may decide to hold

securities longer than previously envisioned and perhaps not sell them at all – just let them

roll off the balance sheet as they mature (or, in the case of MBS, are amortized or pre-


Theoretically, the Fed should be able to tighten policy without actively shrinking its balance

sheet. It would do this by hiking the interest it pays on reserves, with the fed funds rate

presumably following IOR higher. In order to promote a tighter relationship between IOR

and the fed funds rate in this scenario, the Fed probably would need to neutralize large

swaths of excess reserves (perhaps several hundred billion dollars’ worth) via reverse RPs

and term deposit accounts.

Page 12: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013

13 March 2013

US Economics Digest 12

Exhibit 16: Bank Reserves Exhibit 17: Fed Funds vs. IOR

$bn Percent







Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13

Excess reserves

Required reserves








Dec-08 Aug-09 Apr-10 Dec-10 Aug-11 Apr-12 Dec-12

Federal funds effective rate

Interest on reserves (IOER)

Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse Source: Federal Reserve, Credit Suisse

Echoing a comment in the January 29-30 FOMC meeting minutes, Bernanke also

suggested in testimony that holding securities longer may serve as a potential future

alternative to more asset purchases. The minutes noted the following:

“In this regard, a number of participants discussed the possibility of providing monetary

accommodation by holding securities for a longer period than envisioned in the

Committee's exit principles, either as a supplement to, or a replacement for, asset


* * *

It is difficult to identify a direct causal link between the Fed’s QE initiatives and improving

trends in the economy (including the nascent normalization of risk appetite among

households). That said, circumstantial evidence suggests that the low interest rates

engineered by the Central Bank are, slowly but surely, having their desired effect. As a

result, the most likely monetary policy resulting from the March 19-20 FOMC meeting is

unchanged policy.

Page 13: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013


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Page 14: Credit Suisse, US Economics Digest, March 13, 2013

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Investment principal on bonds can be eroded depending on sale price or market price. In addition, there are bonds on which investment principal can be eroded due to changes in redemption amounts. Care is required when investing in such instruments. When you purchase non-listed Japanese fixed income securities (Japanese government bonds, Japanese municipal bonds, Japanese government guaranteed bonds, Japanese corporate bonds) from CS as a seller, you will be requested to pay the purchase price only.