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- Where do you see real creativity in the media?

I see real creativity in the films that are mostly not blockbusters. Blockbusters in my opinion come across as very generic and don’t break boundaries in terms of what I expect from a film and they more often than not don’t interest me. They are similar to films that everyone likes and films that are popular. I see creativity in independent/alternative titles. For example, Boyhood (2014, Richard Linklater) was incredibly creative and original in my opinion and I was amazed when I watched it this recent summer. The same applies to the music industry. Popular music mostly sounds the same and doesn’t take a lot of effort or wow me. They don’t show an obvious amount of creativity. Most of the time they are created to make money. The more creative sounds from the music industry comes from alternative/indie music scene. An example of an alternative, creative artist who is also popular due to his fusion of creative, ‘different music’ and accessible sound is SBTRKT. Another example is The XX.

A few of the many possible examples


- Boyhood- Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind- Her- Grand Budapest Hotel- Every other Wes Anderson Film


- Flying Lotus – Cosmogramma- Shabazz Palaces – Black Up- Grizzly Bear – Veckatimest

These are mostly alternative films and albums and artists. This is because most creativity can be recognised in something that isn’t generic. Alternative media is alternative for a reason – they are different to the popular media people expose themselves to. Creativity can be something original or something seen before but done in an interesting, unique and imaginative way, which is mostly done by the alternative side of media.

I believe that it is easier to be creative in the media in this digital age as there are more options available to the creator, be it music or film, to expand their vision further to make something creative and imaginative, in ways that couldn’t have been done before the digital age. As well as this, there many more sources of inspiration today, with mostly anybody being able to make music or create films, so in this way it is easy for people to become inspired to become creative. However, it may be hard to be creative as the reliance on popularity requires it to be generic and accessible, which may limit the creative potential. As well as this, so many people today make films and create music, that it may be hard to be creative and think of an original sound that hasn’t been done before.

5 short films:

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That’s Not Supposed to Happen

This is an animation about two alien like creatures who seem to be able to control a sequence of events. They argue over what should happen. One causes a man waiting in the rain to be shot by another man, to which the alien gets annoyed at the other alien and punches him. They fight and the whole world is crushed, but the one of the aliens turns back time to when the earth was not destroyed. I liked the film as t had a clever idea for a story that ii found intriguing. Also, the quirky style of the story and comedy was also very creative and appealing. I also enjoyed the deeper meanings to what was going on in the film, and it inspires me to include small, hard to notice meanings in my film. For example, by using vents that occur in the short film, I could try and communicate a message to the viewer.


This story is about a fragile being made of balloons searching the streets looking for a form of connection, as everybody around him is human. He is different and cant connect with the people around him. He eventually find a fellow being made of balloons, however they struggle to meet each other. Once they do, their entire bodies have popped and all that’s left is one balloon. I really enjoyed this story. Once again, my favourite part was the deeper meaning that came with the film about human nature, connection and love, as well as isolation and loneliness. The best thing about this film was the fact that it made me feel. It was a touching story that really moved me towards the end when the balloon body finally found something to connect to. I look to incorporate this into my film, to make the audience connect to my short film. I also really enjoyed the beauty of the cinematography and the score.

The Eagleman Stag

A stop motion short film about a man called peter who discovers that the longer we live the shorter time passes. He becomes a scientist and begins expeditions and collects insects. He discovers the cure for his problem in a little beetle that can grow its head back. I enjoyed this film a lot as visually it was incredible. The hand crafted, stop motion of the film was excellent, and the lighting was very good, and it was all shot in a way that made it very artistic and very interesting, and thus very creative to watch. Also the story was a smart and meaningful story that left an impact on me after I finished watching it. I hope to do the same thing with the short I create; to leave an impression on the viewer.

A Truncated Story of Infinity

A guy named Vincent is going through his normal life, and the film discusses and explores the infinite amount of variations that could happen in vincent’s life, an ordinary man. It explores the different types of things that could happen and the different things he could feel. This film was very enjoyable as the film was entirely narrated, which sometimes makes a film less effective, however, in this instance it made it very interesting as the topic of the short film was the question of infinity, and having him guide us through the variations of a man’s life in one day makes it very interesting and engrossing. Also, the cleverness of the way its filmed, for example, the way the film is out together when Vincent s drinking tea. His shirt keeps on changing as he drinks the tea, to show the different

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variations of the multiple possibilities and different Vincent’s in the universe. I hope to use this clever use of cuts within my short film.

Until The Quiet Comes

This is a short film created by Kahlil Joseph and Steven Ellison. This was made as a story to accompany an album release by Steven Ellison AKA Flying Lotus. The short film is about the streets and harsh life of living in L.A. however, told through dream like sequences. What I admire most about this film is the beauty of it. The visuals, the music and the message are gorgeous. They made the film to seem dream like through editing, the way it was filmed and colour. As well as this, the music and the occurrences in the film were weird and strange, once again forcing this dreamlike sequence in the film. I hope to bring the idea of a dream into my short film.