Download - Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Page 1: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Creative ThinkingReading images

Apply imagination

Page 2: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Effective Talk for Learning

Page 3: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Launch ActivityReading Images

Where is this?

What do you think is about to happen?

Page 4: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

The aims of today’s lesson...

To develop your creative thinking skills by using your imagination

To develop your talking skills by being able to contribute at least one idea to your group

To develop your listening skills by respectfully listening to others.

To continue considering the ultimate question ‘Does God Exist?’

Page 5: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Reading Images

• Look at the picture and discuss the following questions;

What kind of people are in the picture?

What do you think they are doing?

What do you think they are thinking?

Where do you think they are going?

Be prepared to feedback your ideas to the class

Page 6: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.
Page 7: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.
Page 8: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.
Page 9: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.
Page 10: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Jesus on the tube

If you were sitting on the Tube and someone came and sat next to you, in full Byzantine costume, is it likely that you would nod quietly and say I bet that’s Jesus? As you sit there with the glow of this person’s halo highlighting your newspaper as you read, and the gentle hum of his presence setting off your mobile phone or fast forwarding your ipod, would you think Yep, bit odd but definitely Jesus. It is more likely that you would sigh and wonder why the Nutter always has to sit next to you.

Page 11: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Jesus on the tube

I wondered what would happen if Jesus did get onto the Tube. How many of us would acknowledge him? We are very conditioned to ignore each other on public transport, and make sure that what tiny personal space we have remains unpolluted by our neighbours, we certainly don’t like to make eye contact. But what if Jesus DID get into your carriage, and you did make eye contact with the Son of God, wouldn’t the earth move for you? I wonder if you would be utterly terrified and utterly enlightened all at once – and could you tell anyone else about it, or would you turn into a Nutter, like the Looney next to you with the Byzantine clothes and fancy light show on his head?

Page 12: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

Jesus on the tube

This painting is about Jesus sitting on the Circle Line one day, and being studiously ignored by those sitting next to him. He looks directly out at you, so you cannot ignore him, even if you want to. Maybe Jesus did sit next to you once; maybe he sits next to all of us, frequently. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he is waiting for you to recognise him, and won’t give up or get off the Northern Line until you do.

Page 13: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.


What do you think? Would we know God if we saw him/her?

Imagine you thought you did see God – how would you react?...

Discuss in teams and feedback the most surprising, realistic or funny reaction.

Page 14: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination. your imaginations to answer thesequestions:

What do you think these people are thinking?

What are they saying to each other?

How do you think they are feeling?

What do you think you might of done or how would you of felt if you were there?

Page 15: Creative Thinking Reading images Apply imagination.

What have we learnt....?

What other lessons do you have to use your imagination in?

Did your team work well together? Give reasons for you answers

When else do you have to work as a team and use team talk rules?

Are there times outside of school where you have to use your imagination?

Have you come up with further ideas to answer the big question ‘does god exist?’

What is the most important thing you have learned this lesson