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Creative Methods of Teaching


The purpose of this paper is to consider and evaluate the traditional methods of teaching

from ancient times and the new creative ways of teaching which are to be student

oriented involving them completely in the process of learning. Basically the switch over

from traditional to creative teaching is due to the change in the surrounding of the

students and the easily accessible varied information to them. The modern generation of

the students needs participatory and innovative teaching which necessarily requires a

teacher to be highly creative. The rapid competition and technology boom have made

teacher to mould and come out of the old traditional attire. They need to adopt the notions

of new world and impart knowledge to the students in the most creative way. An attempt

is made in this paper to discuss some of the creative ideas to teach language and

literature. There is also discussion about involving multimedia in teaching to make it

more effective. Some models of creative teaching are also provided in this paper. The aim

of the paper is to open the dialogue among teacher fraternity to bring forward some of the

applicable creative ideas to be used in the classroom which ultimately enable our students

to understand the subject by taking keen interest in it.

1. Introduction

Education is a process to lead mankind in the most progressive and developed stages

of future life. It is a slow but very effective process followed from ancient times probably

in every stage of human development. As mankind had been changing with time,

education process had also undergone various changes. But the changes were very minute

as the rate of human development was also too slow. With the development of modern

science and the assimilation of technology in our life the humanity has acquired a rapid

speed of development and accordingly education systems changed. This speed further

intensified with the beginning of new millennium. It has become very necessary for the

teachers to adopt a new and creative approach to maintain the strength of teaching

process as one of the strong forces of human development.

2. Process of education from Ancient Times and its importance


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The first formal patterns of Education can be traced in Vedic period of our nation.

During Vedic period education was imparted by two agencies – formal and informal. In

both these ways verbal and oral procedures were followed to impart knowledge to the

students. There were three schools existing in those days namely ‘Ashramas’ or

‘Gurukuls’ as primary schools, ‘Charamas’ as secondary schools and finally ‘Parishads’

as schools for higher studies and research. During Vedic period the teacher was at the

center of the education system. He was called ‘Guru’ or ‘Acharya’ and held a reverend

position among the students. Thus teacher was considered as guide, leader and architect

of society. Patanjali compares the teacher with an umbrella who gives shelter to his

students. In Mahabharata, qualities of the teacher have been mentioned as he must be a

profound scholar, eloquent orator and must understand the difficult books. Thus in Vedic

period place of teacher was very prominent in shaping the society. In Vedic period three

major teaching methods were prevalent.

1. Sravana - In this process students used to listen the text uttered by the teacher

by which the knowledge was preserved and transmitted.

2. Manana - In this process the deliberation and reflection was done by the

students on the topic taught.

3. Nididhyasana – In this third stage students used to meditate and tried to attain

the realisation of truth.

The prominent feature of Vedic Education System was to achieve a kind of synthesis

between individual and social development. It aimed at all round development of the

students. It was expected by the educationist like Mahatma Gandhi when he defined the

term education as: ‘By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in child and

man – body, mind and spirit’. Thus it was a coherent process adopted in Vedic period.

After Vedic Period, we can trace major changes in Education system occurred in

Buddhist period. The prominent change seen is from individualistic approach to

institutional organization in education system. In this period also the methods of teaching

were based oral discussions, preaching, repetition and exposition. It aimed at purity of

character. Thus it was training of moral character more than psychological development

of the students. Conferences were arranged on every full moon and first day of the month

(Pournima and Pratipada) in Buddhist sanghas. In this period some prominent centers of


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Education like Takshashila, Kashi, Nalanda had become established education power


During Medieval Period Muslim rulers in India had started a new system of

education which is known as Maktab-madarsah system. In this system education aimed at

making the individual capable of earning for himself. It was also religion oriented and the

teachings of The Prophet Muhammad. Along with this system the old Pathshala system

for Hindus was continued. All these systems continued till the British Period. In British

period we see radical changes in Education system especially advocated by Macaulay.

During British Rule there were few people demanding English Education in India.

The prominent leader among them was Raja Ram Mohan Roy. He wanted to actualize

social reforms out of it. Raja Ram Mohan Roy worked for development in education field

because he believed that education can liberate human being from ignorance and provides

an opportunity to improve on individual and social basis. In the later part of history we

find impact of Macaulay minute on Indian education system. In this Macaulay Minute

three main things were incorporated as:

1. The learned natives of India are to be encouraged.

2. Literature to be revived and improved.

3. Knowledge of sciences is to be promoted among Indians.

The impact of Macaulay remained for a long time in Indian education system.

After independence Govt. of India appointed a Commission in November 1948.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was the chairman of this Commission so it is also known as

Radhakrishnan Commission. This Commission report had elaborated the projected

direction of Education in India. In view of the commission, ‘any one who wishes to live

intelligently in the modern world should have some knowledge of selected material from

three major fields. These are (1) Science and Technology, (2) Social Studies, (3)

Humanities including language and literature, fine arts, ethics, philosophy and religion.’

This report has given importance to the study of language and literature. Radhakrishnan

Commission writes, “The function of literature is not only to discipline our intelligence,

but also quickens their sensibility”. Confirming this view it is to be understood that

teachers of language and literature must adopt creativity to impart create interest among

students which will enable them to learn basic fundamental requisites of development of


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progressive civilization. Till the beginning of new millennium the traditional methods

were only followed in classrooms to teach language and literature. These methods were

prototypes where mostly one way communication was taking place. As mostly teacher

used to deliver lectures and students used to listen only made the receiver (student) a

passive object without any active participation in the whole learning process. So it was

only teaching without bothering the learning on the part of the students. It was sonly one

way flow of information. The material provided to the students was only in the form of

notes and text books. The interaction with the students in the classroom was missing. The

whole pattern of teaching was result oriented and thus the real goal of education was

missed due to orthodox and prototype methods.

But after the changing of Millennium the whole atmosphere and surrounding

changed. The technology boom has opened wide accesses for the students and so they are

now well informed and sharp receivers of new ideas. To assimilate new ideas and

innovations in teaching, the teacher need to be CREATIVE.

3. Creativity as an essential requisite

…. I will argue instead that making sense of development of creative

works requires no elaborate construction, because creativity is firmly rooted in past

experience and has its source in the same thought processes that we all use every day.

- Weisberg, Robert

Considering this view, creativity is not a matter to be achieved with hard labour it can be

considered as a small change in the approach of performing activities. Being creative

means to engage in some activity that causes something new to come into existence or

into ‘being’. We express creativity every day, from the moment we wake up until the

moment we fall asleep. Some psychologists also consider that even dreams are a

reflection of creativity at work. In primitive times, creativity centered around the basic

struggle for life. Humans spent most of their time in search of food, clothing and shelter.

Pottery making, weaving cloth, and the production of weapons and tools were all done by

ordinary individuals. The technical skills required to produce something new and

important for the community were not complex. Creativity itself may or may not have

been highly valued. It was probably not seen as anything separate from daily living.


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As society evolved and became more complex, people specialized. Eventually,

individuals who were skilled in one area formed groups in different professions. Thus we

have started living in era of competition. This competition has become intensified in new

millennium. The science and technological advancement made our lives fast and

innovative. So obviously this impact is seen among the students of modern schools and

colleges. To cope up with the needs of these students, a teacher must be well equipped

with technology at the same time he must be creative enough to impart knowledge to his

students to the fullest extent.

4. Teacher must shake-hand with technology

Use of multimedia has become the essential and integral part of modern teaching.

It involves combination of text, audio and video which transforms the ordinary teaching

into an interesting and participatory one. Teacher can use multimedia to modify the

contents and present them creatively so as to cast its impact on the students. For example:

The Teacher teaching the drama ‘Oedipus Tyrannies’ must explain the history of Greek

theatre as well as the physical conditions of Greek drama. A good multimedia

presentation can show the students the actual pictures of the theatre conditions in Greek

times and the dramatic scenario can be elaborated so as to give the students the feel of

Greek drama. The pictures given below can create more interest among the students

about the Greek drama.

Map of Greek Theatre Ancient Greek Theatre

Thus use of audio-visual techniques offer an edge over traditional teaching patterns.

Basically multimedia learning is an interactive process in which students get involved in

the process and can grasp the contents more acutely. In case of subjects like literature and


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language it has started proving a boon for the teachers and those who use it can realise

the importance of its usage through the great feedback from the students. There are

various multimedia tools available for us now. For example: Power point presentations,

Flash player, Macromedia, Movie maker, Win amp, Flash Slide show software etc. are

available which give ample scope for the teacher’s creativity. Despite the availability of

multimedia tools, the teacher must possess creativity to utilize these tools in the

classroom and make the best presentation. The quality named ‘Creativity’ is needed for

the teachers of language and literature the most as they need to deal with the lives and

feelings of the people which are varied and most unpredictable. Creativity is also useful

to simplify the matters and take them to the students in the most acceptable way.

5. Creativity as a policy of simplification:

Many of the concepts in literature and language are complicated and complex. The

students hesitate to learn them due to their complex nature. In such situation the role of a

creative teacher is to simplify the concepts by deriving some creative methods and offer a

simplified version of those concepts to the students. A simplified model regarding the

concept of supernaturalism by S.T. Coleridge can be elaborated as follows:

The British Romantic poet S.T. Coleridge while describing the concept of

supernaturalism has given a very interesting but complicated definition of the concept.

He wanted to deal with supernatural subjects in his poems so as to ‘transfer from our

inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these

shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which

constitute poetic faith.’ This idea of constitution of ‘willing suspension of disbelief’

becomes difficult to understand for the students. So a creative teacher can perform an

experiment in the classroom to explain the concept effectively to the students.


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In this way students understand that why they are not able to put foot on the paper

where Lord Ganesha’s drawing is drawn. They start believing the other paper and pious

and they willingly suspend their disbelief. This is exactly what S.T. Coleridge meant by

willing suspension of disbelief to constitute poetic faith.

Such creative models can be prepared by the teachers to simplify the concepts in

language and literature. This experimental methods need creative mind to present similar

contents in the most appealing and attractive matters. Applying creativity has vast scope

and expanse in the field of teaching. Every day in the life of students can be made

enchanting and they can be brought under the umbrella of knowledge and development.

High-scaled imagination is needed on the part of teacher to practice creativity in the

classrooms which then turn to pleasure houses for the students.

Being Creative means combining knowledge and imagination

-Vincent Ryan Ruggiero

6. Conclusion

Thus with the change of modern world, the students get exposed with the new technology

and so they expect innovative and new methods of teaching in the classroom. It is

necessary for the teacher to handle this new expectation with the help of multimedia and

technology. It is very necessary for the teachers to be creative so as to impart knowledge

to the students to the fullest extent. The teachers of language and literature must use

creativity as a unique tool for the simplification of many concepts and create an

atmosphere of participation and interaction in the class so as to benefit the students to

develop their language and concepts of life.


1. Publication Division, Govt. of India: The Report of University Education

Commission, 1950

2. Weisberg, Robert. Creativity: Beyond the Myth of Genius. New York: W.H.

Freeman and Company, 1993.

3. Arieti, Silvano. Creativity: The Magic of Synthesis. New York: Basic Books,


4. Fritz, Robert. Creating. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991.


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5. Gamez, George. Creativity. Mumbai: Jaico Books, 2006.

6. Altekar, A.S. Education in Ancient India, Varanasi: Nand Kishore and Bros.,


7. Mukerji, S.N. Education in India: Today and Tomorrow, Baroda: Acharya Book

Depot, 1964

8. Thomas, F.W. History and Prospects of British Education in India, George Bell

and Sons, 1891
