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Home Business Startup Course 1:

Creating The Mindset

of the Business Owner

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A Guide to Getting Started

with your new business

In Partnership with ISBNStores:

Page 2: Creating the Mindset of the Business Owner

Getting Started with Your New Business

Congratulations, you are reading this course information because you have

decided to change the direction of your life and yield to the possibilities for

success that inspires you. During this course you will discover the overwhelming

reasons why you have just positioned yourself to build wealth, improve

relationships in your family, and achieve long-held dreams.

You will learn what motivated you (reason why) to start a business and how to

convert that “reason why” into a powerful force that drives you to success.

Getting Started

It is universally accepted and agreed upon that the foundation to building wealth

is achieved by starting your own business. Unfortunately for most people there’s

also an awareness that most businesses die a quick death, leaving the owner

exhausted, financially strapped, estranged from loved ones, and often divorced,

These two counter balancing factors cause some people to ignore the potential

benefits of wealth creation through business ownership, and others to take great

personal risks to have the opportunity to start a profitable business.

Our course is designed to not only give you a clear picture of both sides of the

equation, but also influence you to take the proper steps to ensure that your

business is successful in spite of the barriers you’ll likely face. You have chosen

the latter and it is our privilege to prepare you to build your business to succeed

massively and profitably.

Let us examine some of the actual facts about starting a business. Every

successful business person starts out with fear and anxiety about their business.

They are terrified about a whole host of things including the perceived

quality/value of their product; the pricing and positioning of their product; the

strength and power of their competition; the effectiveness of their marketing; their

ability to deliver the product or service quickly and efficiently; operating capital;

cancellations, refunds; and a hold host of related issues.

These are universal issues that every business startup faces. They can become

immovable barriers to those starting a business without proper mentors, coaches

and trainers, or small bumps in the road for students participating in this program.

We believe that the following tutorial will energize, inspire, and inform you how to

make the mental shift that will lead to personal success in building your business

to profitability.

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proposal text here. Continue proposal text here. Continue proposal text here.

Prepare for the Journey


Creating The Mindset of a New Business Owner

SHBU in partnership with ISBNStores

Keep inspiration at the center of your activities because it is

fuel for your soul.

Home Business Startup Course

Page 3: Creating the Mindset of the Business Owner

Why we begin a new business with changes in thinking?

Most people discover that becoming an entrepreneur requires learning a totally different

set of behaviors, using a completely unique set of skills, and thinking with a whole new

mental paradine. Simply put, in order to build a successful business enterprise you need

to develop the entrepreneur mindset.

The mindset that you must adopt requires you to change the way you think about creating

something within your mind and manifesting that thing in the tangible world.

First of all know that there are no limits to your imagination. You can imagine any

innovative design, process, or invention without limitation. You can imagine a business

that serves twenty five thousand people or twenty, it’s up to you. There are strategies that

trigger economic forces to work in your favor and those who work against your ideas.

We begin your training on “Creating the Mindset of the Business Owner” by getting

you to answer the most important yet unassuming question. Why do you want to be in


Most want to be in business because of the possibility of making lots of money. Others

want to own a business to become famous, and still others want independence from the

toil of laboring under an unreasonably demanding boss. Whatever your reason is for

wanting to start your own business it has to become the force that drives you to building a

profitable enterprise.

• People who try to achieve things like lose weight, stop drinking, or smoking

through the use of their will usually fail. The will is not usually powerful enough to

change ingrained habits and emotional cravings, only your reasons-why have that power.

• The power of your why gets you to stick through the mundane, grueling and

laborious aspects of building a business.

• Until and unless you set a powerful reason why you’ll abandon any new path that

you set in your life when the journey becomes difficult. Your reason why and your desire

has to become greater than any other reasoning in order to push you beyond your doubt.

• Without a strong enough reason “Why” you will give up too easily when

difficulty and opposition set in.

Daren Hardy, of success magazine, once told this story to explain how the power of your

why can drive you to pursue your goal in spite of many obstacles.

He said “If I asked you to walk across a 2 by 30 wood plank on the ground for $20.00

you would have no problem doing it. However, if I placed that plank on top of two

buildings, connecting them, and asked you to walk across them from one to the other for

100.00 you probably would say no thank you.

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Finally, if I told you your child was in the next building and it was on fire, you would

find the courage to make the trip over the 2 by 30 wood plank to save your child from the

burning building.” This analogy should help you understand the power of having a strong

reason why for starting a business.

When your reason “why” is big enough, you will be willing to perform almost any

“how.” In order to ignite your creativity, resourcefulness and determination, think about

something in your life that you can’t live without and make that your reason why you

need your business to succeed.

Money, material possessions, and status usually cannot ignite your heart to battle through

the difficulties of developing a business. However, saving a sick mother, or child by

raising money for a rare medical procedure might jump start your creativity, drive and

determination to build that profitable business.

Preparing your Mindset to Launch a Business

To prepare to start a business you must expose yourself only to that which brings you

power and not those things that weakens you. Initiate a self-imposed 30 day re-

programing of your mind by avoiding all negative stories and reports about the economy

by taking the following action:

Discontinue reading and watching all news shows, magazine shows, reports and

updates about the economy;

Avoid listening to economic updates on major radio networks, and business

news shows;

Put away Forbes, Inc., Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, and any other

magazine that track the economic activities of the market place.

Determine to read and listen to only that material which inspires positive belief in

your abilities to achieve.

Listen to CD’s or watch DVD’s that teach you creative aspects about what is

possible to achieve in business and life.

Focus on anything that promotes personal development, and personal


Jim Rhon, Author of “One Year Success Plan,” and a world renowned business

coach, taught that you must spend more time working on yourself than you do on

your business in order to see success.

T. Harv Eker, Author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” stated that “rich

people find ways to surmount their problems while the poor allow their problems

to overcome them.”

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Rhonda Byrne, Author of “The Secret,” in her research on the law of attraction

discovered that we become more like the things we focus on;

In Earl Nightingale’s famous recording “The Strangest Secret” he stated success

comes down to one thing that “we become what we think about most of the


Successful and wealthy people have somehow stumbled upon the knowledge of the

power of the mind and how it works. They practice picturing clearly the thing that they

want, and they refuse to focus on those things they do not want.

The power of the mind attracts what it focuses on, good or bad, it does not judge what it


The human mind works like a computer. Whatever you put into it is what comes out of it.

The mind does not discriminate nor judge what is placed in it. You can create what you

expect in life. What drives your expectation is what your mind focuses on.

Therefore, make sure you reset your activities to only expose yourself to the positive

things that give you faith in yourself, and not those that tear down your self-confidence.

This 30 day re-programing should also include the following:

Become a student and develop an insatiable appetite to learn how to become a

successful business owner.

Determine to use the tools that you are given in this course and don’t become the

tool yourself.

Start your business part time. That way you can test whether the market wants

your product in its present form without risking all your resources.

Set boundaries for yourself and family when working from home. Set up work

hours, where you will conduct business at home, and don’t allow your business to

take over the family lifestyle.

Chart your course and set your goals. Make a commitment to stay motivated and

enthusiastic for 1 year.

Adopt our system of operating a business or create your own. Use the tools that

are given to you in this course.

Continually build a database of business associates, and call them weekly.

Structure your time and life’s activities around your goals.

Focus on becoming bigger than your debt, and bigger than your problems by

personal development activities.

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Build your self image. Battle against family, friends, associates who distain the

entrepreneur pathway you’ve chosen and think your wasting your time.

Know that your personal development is the most powerful activity that supports

the growth of your business. “Success is not a doing- process, it’s a becoming-

process. Success is something you attract by the person you become.

Jim Rohn said “for things to improve, you must improve, for things to get better

you must get better, for things to change you must change.”

Here’s a personal development action plan that will give you some

specific steps to follow for your first year.

I. Read 10 pages of an informative and inspirational book or magazine daily.

(Five in the morning and five at night).

II. Listen to 30 minutes of instructional audio each day.

III. Flush your thoughts with positive outcomes, inspirational stories, solutions,

and achievements of people. Focus on ideas of how to create more prosperity,

health, love, abundance, growth etc.

IV. Read books like “Think and Grow Rich,” “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

“The Magic of Thinking Big,” and “As a Man Thinketh.”

V. Do It Now!! Newton’s law states that: A body at rest tends to stay at rest

unless acted upon by an external force. A body in motion tends to stay in

motion unless it is impeded by a force greater than itself.

What Successful Entrepreneurs know about failure

In order to get success fast, go get some failure fast. The key to success is experiencing

failure. In fact if you want success double your rate of failure.

When getting started in selling a product make it your goal to find people who will say

no. That’s right make the no’s your initial goal instead of becoming discouraged by them.

Find as many people as you can to say no to your product because then you will become

closer to accomplishing your goal.

Strangely enough you will have to see failure and rejection as progress toward your goal.

Find at least ten people to tell you no in the next week. It will move you to those who will

say yes quicker.

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How to use Your Resolve

When accepting the challenge of building a business you must resolve to use all your

mental, emotional, and physical energies. To resolve to do something means to come to a

definite or earnest decision about it. Nothing can resist the human will that would stake

even its own existence on its stated purpose.

You can build a business even when everyone tells you it cannot be done- you’ll never

make it. Some will tell you, we have a better more easier business opportunity over here;

others will say, wait until the economy improves before you try to start that business.

Finally, those close to you will urge you to wait until your circumstances are better before

you start building a business in this economy. We are telling you these things to prepare

you for what people around you will be thinking and saying. When you hear these types

of comments know that you are on the right track and that this course will prepare you for

every challenge you face.

Top five Characteristics of the successful business owner

I. Positive Attitude

II. Commitment and Persistence

III. Personal Passion

IV. Caring for People

V. Belief in Self and Self Confidence

To build a great start up company you must first consume great content into your mind.

This results in powerfully creative thoughts on how to get things done. Finally, getting

things done leads to great expectations for the success of the business which results in

significant profits.

Therfore, do everything in your power to guard the quality of content being placed in

your mind, take action today implementing the things you learned in this course.

Course #1 Creating The Mindset of the Business Owner is a vital component of getting started in

building your business. Review this summary along with the video tutorial, study questions, and learning

objectives. Make sure you get on the weekly Conference calls where our students can engage

instructors with questions about various aspects of building their business. Secondly, participate in the

online forum where you can list your comments, ask questions, and check out recommended resources,

from your peers. Finally, contact your assigned business coach for personal one-on-one mentoring and


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Call 856-359-4851 for assistance

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Month Day Year

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