Download - Creating the double page spread

Page 1: Creating the double page spread


Page 2: Creating the double page spread


Page 3: Creating the double page spread

To begin with I inserted a rectangle at the top of the page in order to give the article an edge.

Page 4: Creating the double page spread

To the right side of the page I inserted a large quote in order to catch the readers attention, this was one of the major components of my researched double page spreads.

“My music is driven entirely from personal feelings and experiences. It’s all about my home”

Page 5: Creating the double page spread

Underneath the image I inserted the line Home sweet home summing up simply the most intriguing answer of the Q&A and hopefully pulling the reader into the article hoping to learn of the personal thoughts and feelings of the artist.

Page 6: Creating the double page spread

I allowed an image to take up a third of the page again based on my research which showed that an image can be as important as the article itself to pull the reader in. In the end I decided to go for the raw image rather than my edited version as it contrasted with the colours of the page.

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This interview is entirely exclusive to this magazine.

While it goes mainly unseen due to it’s size and colour I inserted a quality and affirmative sealing to the bottom of the article. Due to the fact that I am trying to appeal to an audience seeking after exclusivity I believe this was a necessary addition.

Page 8: Creating the double page spread


Page 9: Creating the double page spread

Again as seen previous I used a large quote taking up a section of the page, in this way again the reader is pulled to the article and in using a stars name such a “Ed Sheeran” the reader is compelled to continue reading the spread.

“Well to be honest with you it was more Ed Sheeran

found me”

Page 10: Creating the double page spread

Again as seen previous I allowed an image to take up a large portion of the page, this draws in male readers due to Morgan’s good looks. Also breaking up the text creating a more intriguing page. Moreover all these pictures are exclusive and appealing to fans of the artist.

Page 11: Creating the double page spread

A regular device used throughout marketing and audience theory is repetition. In order to remind the reader of the brand I have decided to inert the logo again creating continuity and reminding the reader where the article came from.

Page 12: Creating the double page spread

A big draw of my magazine will be that of star and public interaction. For this reason as this will be my first publication I have decided to put this title in, reminding the audience that the magazine is made exclusively to them from the stars. This encourages them to follow the next instalment hoping to have their own questions asked.

Page 13: Creating the double page spread

After putting the two side by side I realised quickly there was an continuity error with the grey bar at the top of the page.

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I deleted the bar at the top in order to make the page a more even double page spread.

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