Download - Creating the Advert


Editing Advert The Advert had been done similar to the front cover of the Digi-pak as I was using the same images for the advert, so when potential target audiences see the poster – they are able to see that the Digi-Pak is related to this. So I Cut around the body of Josh (The Boy) and pasted him into another image of Jessica (The Girl) on her own holding her hand out, thus connecting the two together as though she was linking hands to a

ghost. I changed the opacity level of Josh down to around 40% to make him seem ‘Ghost-Like’.

Editing Advert I had taken the photo as a landscape shot and not a portrait like I should have, but this was for the purpose of the Digi-Pak. I copied the skyline shown in the original image and pasted them on top of the image, so it

seemed like a portrait shot of the pair.

Editing Advert I added the same text from the digi-pak (Jemma Pixie Hixon and Fade Away), but this time the singles title I faded to convey the meaning of the music. Also, I added HMV and Itunes logo’s which I had copied around

and layered on top of the poster.

Final Advert