Download - Creating Great Content Fast: Tips On Creating High-Quality Content with Private Label Rights (PLR)

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Creating Great Content Fast: Tips On Creating High-Quality Content

with Private Label Rights (PLR)

Brought to You By…

http://www.plrvillage.comAmy Harrop

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Table of Contents

Table of ContentsBrought to You By….................................................................................................................................1An Explanation Of Private Label Rights...................................................................................................3Is Using PLR A Mistake?...........................................................................................................................5How To Use Private Label Rights Content................................................................................................7Benefits Of Using Private Label Rights Content.......................................................................................9How To Use Private Label Rights Content..............................................................................................11How To Revise Your PLR Content And What To Do With It..................................................................13How To Use PLR Content To Exploit Long Tail Keywords....................................................................15Picking PLR Articles That Provide Useful Information..........................................................................173 Ways To Use PLR Products To Boost Your Blogging..........................................................................19Choosing Private Label Rights In The Most Profitable Niches...............................................................22Fresh Content With PLR Articles In 10 Minutes.....................................................................................24What You Need To Do Before Submitting Your PLR Articles................................................................26Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................28

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An Explanation Of Private Label Rights

Private label rights for digital information products are very popular among internet marketers. You may or may not have heard of private label rights before. When you have been online for any length of time you will definitely know what they are. However, for those of you who don’t know what private label rights for digital information products are let me explain.

Private label rights will allow you to buy a product from someone along with all of the rights that go with it such as the source file (word document), sales page, graphics and so on. This will give you the right to make as little changes or as many changes are you want to on the product. You can change just specific areas if that is what you want to do.

Some of the changes that you can make are:

One: you can change the title or name of the product.

Two: you will be able to add your own name to the product as the author.

Three: you will be able to change the E-cover on the product if it is an eBook.

Four: you will be able to put your own affiliate links throughout the product wherever you want them.

Five: you can change, add or remove any of the content on the product.

Six: you will even be able to change the sales letter so that it sounds better to you.

Seven: you can even change the price of the product if that is what you want to do.

Now you need to know what the difference is between private label rights products and the more common resell rights. Private label rights means that you are given the editable rights to add, remove or change the product anyway that you decide to, and with resell rights products you are only given the right to sell

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the product and can’t change anything.

You can sell both of these products and keep 100 percent of the profits. However, with the private label rights products you have a lot more control over the product than you would with the common resell rights products. I am not saying that one type is better than the other one. The one that you sell is totally up to you. However, having more control over a product can mean that you can make that product more unique than it was before. This can mean more profits for you. So you want to make sure that you really think about which one is more important for your business.

One other thing that you want to remember is that with the private label rights you will be able to add credibility to your name. This means that when you have your own product people will be more likely to believe that you know what you are talking about. This is not always true but it can be and it can mean more profits for you.

Plus with private label rights for digital information products you will be able to have your own product without having to go through the hassle of creating that product. This will save you a lot of time and a lot of effort. That way you can concentrate on selling your new private label rights product. These products are definitely worth buying if you can afford to get them. You just want to make sure that you find a product that your customers are hungry for. The more they want it will mean the more money that you can make from it. So take the time needed to find that perfect product that your customers will gladly hand over their money for.

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Is Using PLR A Mistake?

It's amazing what a bad reputation private label content (PLR) has in the Internet Marketing world. I was just reading a blog post in which the author (who shall remain nameless) was blasting anyone who uses PLR, calling them some pretty unflattering names. In his opinion, anyone who uses PLR doesn't care about their business and is doomed to failure.

Yikes. As much as I have to disagree with his overall view, he did bring up some valid points:

1) He used the term "junk PLR" over and over again throughout his post, so I know he was referring to the poor-quality content that reads like it was written by a third-grader. Having been unfortunate enough to purchase some of that myself in the past, I understand his dissatisfaction.

However, nowadays things are changing! More and more professional writers are seeing the benefits of writing for a larger client base, rather than focusing solely on individual contracts. Most often, these are writers who have been earning a full-time income from their writing skills for years, and they know their topics well. The result is high-quality, professionally written material that can be very useful for the online business owner.

I'll even go so far as to say that any hack writer who puts out junk content will not be in business for long. The only way to build a successful long-term writing business is to stand by your work and provide the utmost quality and value for your customers - whether you're writing for one client at a time, or providing PLR content to many clients.

2) This blog owner also seemed to be under the impression that anyone who uses PLR content is lazy or untalented and doesn't want to put in the time and creativity to create their own products. It's probably true that some people don't want to create their own products - but I highly doubt the reason is laziness or lack of talent. Rather, I think that many people have great ideas and knowledge

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but don't know how to form it into a finished e-product. Either their writing skills are not strong enough, or they are pressed for time, or they just happen to find a great PLR product that already conveys the ideas they would have included in their own product.

There are as many valid reasons for using PLR content as there are business models. My client base includes professional life coaches, business coaches, relationship coaches, public speakers, internet marketers, professional bloggers and more. These people are anything BUT lazy and untalented! They have thriving businesses and they see real value in sharing quality content with their visitors.

3) Finally, this blog author was very firm in his belief that PLR content provides no value to the customer who purchases it because it's being sold on other websites as well. This is a valid point because it's very possible that a customer might end up purchasing the same ebook or report more than once, not realizing it's the same material.

However, the majority of people understand the value in modifying PLR content so that it's more unique to them. You don't have to completely rewrite something in order to make it unique! What many people do is go through and insert their own comments, experiences and advice into the original copy. They may add a few exercises for the reader to help clarify the concepts, or even bundle the original copy with other PLR material so it creates a completely new product. There are endless ways to do it. The true value the customer receives is in the ideas and concepts themselves. Do they help the customer? Does the material provide helpful advice and information that overdelivers in value? If so, you've got a sure winner!

So, after reading all of this, do you feel that using PLR is a mistake like "Mr. Negative"? Or do you see how it can work to your advantage, like so many other successful business owners today?

It's all about how you use it to bring added value to your customers and visitors.

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How To Use Private Label Rights Content

If you are looking for a way to take your website to the next level you may want to consider using private label rights content. This craze has picked up over the last year or so, and there is no sign of it slowing down in the near future.

The main reason that this trend has become so popular is quite simple. When you use private label rights content you will have the ability to update your site with new content every month. This means that you will never again have to worry about your site getting stale due to the same old information. In addition, you will never have to write another article. All of your private label rights content is delivered to you direct each month, and then all you have to do is post it to your site.

But even though you can simply get the content from your provider and post it, there are other ways that you can take advantage of private label rights content. Simply put, you do not have to settle for the content the way it is. When you have private label rights you can do to your articles whatever you please.

A few of the more common modifications methods are as follows:

1. Basic edits can be done to any of the content that you receive. This means that if you do not like the sentence structure, you can simply change things around to suit your needs. In addition, you can also take out any information that may not be pertinent to your site. This is also helpful if you are dealing with size constraints on the content that you are posting to your site.

2. If you do not feel that an article goes well with the rest of your content, you can simply keep the main ideas, and reword everything else. Even though this may take a few minutes, it is well worth it.

3. Adding words to private label rights content is also very common. If there is something missing you can simply insert it where necessary and continue on. Also, if an article is not long enough to suit your needs, you can add to it in order to meet your size requirements.

The thing to remember is that with private label rights content you can modify

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them however you want. The content is yours to play with, and you can make it work for your particular site in whichever way you deem necessary.

In addition to modifying your content in order to make it more suitable to your needs, you may also want to look into using it any other ways. Since the content is yours, you can do things such as create e-books or online courses. This is a great way to start up an additional stream of income without much hassle at all.

Overall, private label rights content is something that you should look into if you have a website. This is one of the best ways to keep your site up to date and current.

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Benefits Of Using Private Label Rights Content

One of the most popular questions circulating the internet industry today is how private label rights content can help build traffic. And if you know the answer to this question as well as the benefits, you may find out that your site is more successful than you ever thought possible.

Private label rights content can be legally edited after you purchase the rights. This means that you can do whatever you want with the articles; it is up to you to make the work.

Listed below are a few reasons on why you should use private label rights content, as well as how it can benefit your site.

1. By using private label rights content you will save yourself a lot of time over the course of a month. Think about, how long would it take you to write a high quality article? An hour, maybe longer? Instead of tying up all of your time writing new content, you can simply use private label rights content. This way you can post new content to your site on a monthly basis in no time at all.

2. When you use private label rights content you can avoid outbound links that are included with other articles. This way you can make your content look much cleaner, while also having the ability to add links that you are interested in.

3. You can edit private label rights articles in whichever way you would like. This means that you can complete edits, or add and subtract as much information as you would like. Remember, you own the articles so you can do whatever you want to them.

4. You can take credit as the writer of the article. By doing this you will be able to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. This alone will go a long way in garnering new clients, which will in turn increase your profits.

5. When you buy private label rights content, you are buying articles that you written by professionals. This means that you never have to worry about the content being inaccurate, or poorly written. If you are not a great writer yourself,

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this is reason enough to use private label rights content.

6. Buying private label rights content means that you are going to get several articles related to the same subject. This makes things much easier because you will be able to build your site with your interest in mind, and then find private label rights content that adheres to those guidelines.

These are just some of the benefits that go along with using private label rights content. If you are not sure if private label rights content are right for you, why not give it a shot? It will only cost you a few dollars, and it may end up making you much more than that. Consider it an investment in your company. You may be surprised at how well private label rights content will work for your website.

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How To Use Private Label Rights Content

If you are looking for a way to take your website to the next level you may want to consider using private label rights content. This craze has picked up over the last year or so, and there is no sign of it slowing down in the near future.

The main reason that this trend has become so popular is quite simple. When you use private label rights content you will have the ability to update your site with new content every month. This means that you will never again have to worry about your site getting stale due to the same old information. In addition, you will never have to write another article. All of your private label rights content is delivered to you direct each month, and then all you have to do is post it to your site.

But even though you can simply get the content from your provider and post it, there are other ways that you can take advantage of private label rights content. Simply put, you do not have to settle for the content the way it is. When you have private label rights you can do to your articles whatever you please.

A few of the more common modifications methods are as follows:

1. Basic edits can be done to any of the content that you receive. This means that if you do not like the sentence structure, you can simply change things around to suit your needs. In addition, you can also take out any information that may not be pertinent to your site. This is also helpful if you are dealing with size constraints on the content that you are posting to your site.

2. If you do not feel that an article goes well with the rest of your content, you can simply keep the main ideas, and reword everything else. Even though this may take a few minutes, it is well worth it.

3. Adding words to private label rights content is also very common. If there is something missing you can simply insert it where necessary and continue on. Also, if an article is not long enough to suit your needs, you can add to it in order to meet your size requirements.

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The thing to remember is that with private label rights content you can modify them however you want. The content is yours to play with, and you can make it work for your particular site in whichever way you deem necessary.

In addition to modifying your content in order to make it more suitable to your needs, you may also want to look into using it any other ways. Since the content is yours, you can do things such as create e-books or online courses. This is a great way to start up an additional stream of income without much hassle at all.

Overall, private label rights content is something that you should look into if you have a website. This is one of the best ways to keep your site up to date and current.

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How To Revise Your PLR Content And What To Do With It

Many website and business owners choose to purchase articles from another source to save time and funds writing fresh content in-house. A popular avenue for purchasing is private label rights (PLR) or buying articles that are basically ghostwritten that come packaged with rights to use them however you'd like.

Some popular ways to revise and use PLR content are:

1) When you use the articles to advertise your products or services, it may be better to break the articles down into several smaller ones that consumers can review quickly. Because you own the articles, you can edit them in any way you choose…so add a photo or graphic and even audio and a video clip to spruce them up a bit.

2) If you’ve hired someone to ghostwrite your PLR articles just for you, you have the option of using them just as they are. All you need to do is to add your name and byline and you are well on your way to becoming a success. This can help bring in traffic and income. If the articles are well written, you are well on your way to building a solid reputation in your field.

3) Package some of your PLR content and create information products: ecourses, print and electronic downloadable guides, reports, ebooks, tutorials, autoresponder series and more.

4) Monetize your content by placing it online on web pages, blogs, in forums where article posting or snippets are allowed, in emails and autoresponders – and adding Google™ Adsense with it or banner ads, affiliate links, ebook covers for Clickbank products linked to your affiliate sales page and other money-making avenue streams.

5) Interview industry experts and your own clients and turn your content into interview pieces and case studies for your sites and reports. Insert their photos and audio video testimonials, too.

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6) Add your own content – other PLR content, other ghostwritten content, public domain content, co-authored content. Expand what you have and take it further.

7) Do joint ventures with others: create PLR packages together, advertise to each others lists, exchange links, etc.

8) Package your PLR - -create up-sells or packages where people can purchase the ebook, the ebook with audio and video, and all items with extra Bonus items like a guide and report that all go together.

The key is to make sure everything goes together well with your PLR content. I.E. you don’t want to see a dog training guide with a web hosting package. Keep like things in mind.

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How To Use PLR Content To Exploit Long Tail Keywords

How many sites do you own, where the traffic generated from long tail keywords far exceeds that of the main keyword? I know personally about 60% of my sites gain most of their traffic through their long tails as opposed to their mains. Therefore how can we exploit the long tail keywords of individual niches in a way that will maximize traffic without spamming the search engines?

So What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are basically keywords that contain the main keyword(name of the niche) plus other words. For example if the main keyword was ‘cosmetic surgery’ an example of a long tail would be ‘cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles’.

So What’s So Great About Long Tails?

Good question and the answer has to do with their level of competitiveness. Most long tail keywords are linked with low competition in the search engines. Well you may think “so what, hardly anyone searches for ‘cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles’ or ‘dog training in Montana’”. You’re right, but what if you had 50 pages that all targeted different long tail keywords? Let’s say the average amount of visitors that one of those keyword brings in a month is 100. Multiply that by 50 and you’ve got 5000 unique’s each and every month.

Now tell me this, how hard do you think it would be to rank for those keywords? Easy! That’s right, most long tail keywords are incredibly easy to rank for in the search engines. In fact on many occasions all that’s required would be to upload a page that has content targeted towards a long tail and as soon as it’s gets indexed, you may find it ranking on the first page immediately.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should forget about targeting your main keyword and just focus on the long tails. By all means you should still have a page - usually your home page – that targets the main keyword for your niche, but you have to realize that almost all of the time it’s going to require a lot of SEO before you see any real traffic coming from that particular keyword. So, why not at the same time, build pages that will gain traffic faster and act as window pages into the main heart of your website?

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So what do I do if I don’t have time to write 50 pages worth of content?

PLR Content to the Rescue

Right now PLR content is easily the best way of exploiting the long tails of any particular niche. Why? Well depending on the type of PLR content you have at your disposal, most PLR articles are written based around specific long tail keywords. That means you will be able to build pages that have content specifically optimized for individual long tail keywords, which the search engines will absolutely love! If you don’t want to spend a lot of time writing article after article on topics like ‘dog training in Montana’ or ‘lip eczema relief’ and you can’t afford to pay someone to write these articles for you, PLR content is the solution you are looking for.

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Picking PLR Articles That Provide Useful Information

The concept of article writing is to provide the readers with useful, honest and entertaining information, on topics the readers are interested in. When writing an article, the authors are branding themselves as 'The Expert' on the chosen topic. The end result of publishing articles to the internet is the articles will drive an automatic and continuous stream of traffic to the author's website.

Unfortunately, although there are people who find a great deal of pleasure in writing articles, this can be a daunting task for some. And this is where private label content (PLC) comes into play. PLC generally refers to articles, e-books and manuals where the contents are free to change. They are very useful to overcome writer's block and time restraints. Making use of private label contents can help you project a polished, professional appearance to your visitors while still giving you control of the information presented.

However you will need to pick the correct articles to make your sites successful. Not all PLR articles are created equal! Sometimes it is obvious that an article seems a bit 'lightweight'. Publishing articles on the Internet means there is not an editor to scrutinize the details and say yes or no. There are PLR articles and ebooks that only include the basic information that everyone but the man from Mars knows.

Good private label articles or ebooks should contain useful information where there is something tor learn. They should not only be used to get backlinks from article directories or to introduce a new site to search engines. For example, everyone knows that Fido needs to be fed, watered and exercised properly to be a happy doggie. But does everyone know the symptoms of a certain disease that particular breed is prone to and what to do about it? If you can provide information such as this in your article, you will soon have a happy readership.

As another example, there are various private label articles that provide information about virus protection. Now it seems that everyone knowns that an antivirus software is essential to a computer’s ability to fend off viruses and other malicious programs. A good PLR article should contain useful tips or info

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such as to list some antivirus software (e.g. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, etc) and why the software are recommended.

Quality PLR articles tend to be easier to modify because the contents are usually presented in an organized order. For instance, "Fighting off Viruses: Advancements in Antivirus Software Suites" is a PLR article that presents a list of several antivirus software. The article contains several sections: an introduction that covers some reasons why protecting a PC from viruses is getting harder, a few simple steps to protect against virus threats and some recommended antivirus software.

Now you can do some modifications easily such as adding some features for each antivirus software presented on the article. You may also recommend another antivirus software that you are using and tell the readers your own experience with it. This will help the readers to make the right decision when choosing an antivirus software.

In summary, good private label contents should provide useful information. People should be able to learn something or get ideas from the contents. By creating useful information you will become a resource for other websites that may link to you, providing your site with valuable hyperlinks. Information is a great way to show your visitors that you have something worthwhile to impart and they will be more likely to recommend you to others.

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3 Ways To Use PLR Products To Boost Your Blogging

Blogging requires you to produce a lot of content on a regular basis. If you do not have a ghostwriter writing your blog content, then it means you will need to spend some time writing some blog posts.

(Private Label Rights) PLR articles and e-books are very popular these days, and they can help you to unleash the power of your blogging.

This article outlines how you can use PLR content to make your blogging quick and easy.

1.Buy PLR articles or e-books and customize them into blog posts. All you have to do is to look for PLR content that relates to your niche, break that content into smaller pieces and customize it to make it unique. Remember that for search engines to index your blog and drive traffic to your blog, you need to have unique information. After you have customized this content, put it into blog posts. This process will make it easy and quick for you to generate content for your website.2.Buy PLR articles and e-books, customize them into your own e-books and make them available on your blog for free. This will make your blog very informative and helpful, which will make your visitors want to bookmark your blog and visit it on a regular basis. These regular customers will generate you some sales as they are likely to buy more products from you. By using PLR content and customizing it into your own e-books and reports, you make it easy for you to create e-books or reports which you can give away on your blog. Writing e-books from scratch can cost you a lot of money or take a lot of time. PLR articles and e-books make it easy for you create your own products that you can post on your blog for your visitors to read.3.To attract traffic to your blog, you can compile PLR content into special reports, make them unique and give them away to your list. In these reports, you can add the links to your blog. This can be very powerful because on your blog you will be selling more of your own products or affiliate products. Using this approach can help you sell new products to your list on a regular basis.

These three tips can help you use PLR content to increase the power of your blogging. PLR content that you can quickly customize means that you can

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generate content for your blog very quickly. PLR content is also fairly cheap. The more unique and fresh content you have on your blog, the more traffic you drive you to blog.6 Ways How You Can Use PLR Articles To Drive Traffic To Your Website And Boost Your Internet Marketing Business

Private Label Rights (PLR) content is very popular on the internet today. PLR content is written by a ghostwriter and sold to other people to use as they wish.

PLR e-books, reports or articles are special type of license which you purchase where you are lawfully allowed to edit and publish the article as your own. Because you have the right to edit the article as you wish, it means that you can use it as web content on your site or add your links to your website and distribute it.

Outlined below are some key ways you can use PLR content to drive traffic to your website and boost on internet marketing profits.

Boost your article writing and submitting using some PLR content. All you need to do is to simply edit the PLR articles and customize them to make them your own. Using PLR articles saves you a lot of time in writing your articles. By using a PLR article, you can improve it and end up with a powerful article that will drive traffic to your website.Increase your sales by developing your reputation as an expert in your niche. PLR articles make it so much easier for you to quickly build your reputation as an expert. Pass on some of the PLR content to your customers and build their trust. You can then make some one-time-offers or recommend some of your affiliate programs to them, thereby generating some sales.Improve your search engine rankings by submitting your customized articles. By submitting articles with your resource box and URL, you basically create one way links to your website, which helps with search engines.Create and market information products using your PLR content. Edit and customize PLR articles and compile them into an e-book or special report. It takes time to write an e-book, and it can also be costly if you were to hire a ghostwriter. You can therefore use PLR articles or e-books and add more value to them to create hot-selling e-books. You can sell these reports or give them for free on your website. When you give these articles for free, you can include your website URL in them. This in turn will drive traffic to your website.Use PLR content to provide an e-course or offer a newsletter. Building a list is

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very important in internet marketing, and you can use PLR content to offer an e-course on your web site. You can send regular emails to your list with a link to your website, and this increases the number of people who visit your website. Keep your list interested by regularly supplying them with useful content. As you know, your list is an important aspect of your business. You can send these PLR articles to your list in your niche on a regular basis. This will make them visit your site on a regular basis.Create your own article directory in your niche using PLR content to improve the search engine optimization of your website. You can also add affiliate links or Google AdSense on your article directory, thereby increasing your website traffic and profits.

PLR content can be used to drive traffic to your website and boost your internet business’ profits.

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Choosing Private Label Rights In The Most Profitable Niches

When I first got into private label rights some time ago I would be expected to pay a minimum three digit fee for the same type of package youcan get for much less. The raw potential of PLRs remains as high as ever - in fact with the sensational growth of information led earnings opportunities such as Adsense, Pay Per Lead, Blogging, Audio/Video etc they have become more valuable than at any point in history.

Today, we’ll look at the power of having pre-made content in four highly potent niche markets. You must obtain private label rights in prosperous niche markets in order for them to generate active and consistent revenues over a period of time.

Let’s look at some of the more tempting markets where PLR is widely available:

PLR Product 1 - Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a big growth industry. If you're into Adsense, a Google keyword report I have access to reveals that on average you'll earn $220 for every thousand visitors that you draw (the maximum bid for an Adsense ad is over $7). Perhaps more interestingly, almost 8,000 people are searching for "affiliate marketing" every single day and there are no shortage of quality affiliate programs to earn from within this niche.

PLR Product 2 - Cashing In On eBay

How many people search for eBay a day? Over 850,000 - that's over 27 million people every month. The auction giant receives something in the region of 1.5 billion page views a month and about 9,000 new customers every day. Those numbers should have you salivating because both buyers and sellers flock here. The maximum Adsense ad is over $5 per click. As a content publisher you should certainly consider a presence in this niche.

PLR Product 3 - eBook Creation & Marketing

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It's incredible how eBooks have exploded year on year since the turn of the milenium. Now, over 800 people search "eBook marketing" every day. There is real potential here to create a resource that shows others how to create/market their own eBooks. The possibility for drawing back end income is pretty good with lots of additional products that can be worked into the backend. Perfect niche to release a viral book.

PLR Product 4 - Pursuing Wealth

"How to get rich" draws 800+ searches a day and again, this type of product is better suited as a viral product that ties in a big-ticket wealth creation program.

There you have it – four niche markets where you can readily find private label rights products for use to create your own eBooks, websites, blogs, courses and so on. Remember, as powerful as PLRs are, they only mean something if you actually put them to use.

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Fresh Content With PLR Articles In 10 Minutes

First of all I would like to say upfront I can't guarantee you will take every PLR article and make it unique in 10 min. Simply said I don't know you and each person has different situations for instance some of you may be able to type 100 wpm while others are hunt and peck typers.

What I am stating is I personally have taken articles and made them unique within 10 minutes. In some cases it has taken 30 minutes to an hour depending on the type and length of the content.

If you own lots of Private Label Rights Articles and they're just sitting on your hard drive because you feel it just takes to long to make them unique or too expensive to have them rewritten then you'll want to read this article.

Some of the things you can do with PLR articles is turn them into a paid product, or add them to another PLR ebook to make a new product all together.

You really just want to make yourself a little more unique than everyone else out there promoting the same PLR ebooks and articles and by combining PLR's together, you can be more unique.

Another really good idea is to make audio eBooks out of some of the PLR articles you have not doing anything but sitting on your hard drive. Audio files are an easier way for folks to get the information they are looking for but would rather not read it.

Not only is the audio files more convenient but you can also charge more for this type of media due to the perceived value and the ease of use.

Now that I've given you some ideas of what can be done with articles and eBooks I'll go ahead and walk through one of the methods I use. With that said lets go ahead and get started!

First of all you need to change the title to something that is a good match to the content and also something that would have one or two good keywords in the title.

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Normally I'll take an article that has around 500 words and add a short paragraph at the start and maybe at the close usually only the start is sufficient.

After the title is changed and a paragraph is added then it's time for the content to be changed. I've found the quickest way to do this is as I'm reading through the article change the words into my own. Perhaps I'll add a sentence or delete a sentence as I'm going through the content this really is Dependant on the flow of the original article.

Once this has been completed it's time to proofread the new article. Finally after any errors are corrected I'll read the entire article one more time to make sure that it has good content and that people will genuinely benefit from the content.

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What You Need To Do Before Submitting Your PLR Articles

Get back to basics before you submit your private label rights (PLR) articles to online article directories. Think back to your earlier school years and dust off those skills you thought you might never use again.

If you’ve got a product or service to sell, you probably have a web site. If you don’t, you need to either get one or use affiliate or PLR sites, and then take some time to determine what kind of content you need to both attract and keep your reader’s attention in order to sell your items.

Next take a look at the PLR articles you have. Of course, the first thing to do is to make sure that the content you provide is well written and informative. Grammatical or other kinds of mistakes that come from poor writing skills are going to drive readers (and thus your traffic) away faster than anything else you might do. So go through your PLR articles, revise them to fit your marketing needs and edit them as needed.

Then before you rush off and add your byline or resource box and submit them to article submission services or directories, check the content in your articles to make sure that you haven’t made the following mistakes:

1. Don’t forget to provide useful and accurate information in your articles.

If you’re submitting your articles to generate leads and promote your products as well as your web site, you’ll want to provide articles with content that has truly interesting and accurate information that’s useful to the reader. Even though you’ll want this information to be “teaser” information that will cause him or her to come to your web site and purchase the products, and it still has to be both targeted and informative.

So avoid any hype or other useless information whose only purpose is to drive traffic to your site, word about this will get around very quickly and this will actually hurt your traffic and therefore your sales. Make sure that the information you provide is absolutely targeted for your reading audience and useful to the reader by itself, not just as a means to sell your product or products.

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2. Don’t forget to take every opportunity available to market your articles — and then look for some more opportunities.

After you’ve made sure that you provide valuable information to your reader in your articles, look for ways to promote, promote, promote with the articles to increase traffic to your web site. Among the first of these are keywords. Although search engines are becoming increasingly “smart” and you can no longer pad your articles with keywords the way you used to in order to get noticed, you can carefully include keywords sparingly in your article content that truly is relevant to what you’re talking about. This will increase links to your site and therefore, more search engine results will bring your site up in the results.

Also look for other marketing means like using snippets of you articles on blogs and in forum posts, and tagging them in social networking sites as helpful resources for others. And there’s always pay-per-click, pointing readers to your articles.

3. Don’t break the rules. Before you submit to directories, make sure that you meet their guidelines.

Internet writing is a special kind of writing, in that what you say it needs to be in relatively short and to the point, with eye-catching headlines that will make the reader want to check out the content. Then make sure that the articles you write are both free of character errors (i.e. run your content through a text editor first like Notepad) and easy to read, and that you have the allotted number of hyper links in the body of the article(s) as well as the resource box.

By taking these few steps, you’ll ensure that your web site gets the publicity you need and you’ll be able to increase your traffic and return on investment in turn. It pays to take a time out to check these few things first when using PLR articles.

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As you can see, you can incorporate PLR into almost any kind of business! It really is the fastest way to get the kind of high quality content that you need for success.

Now you know just what PLR can do for you, it’s time to get out there and get your hands on some high quality PLR in your niche!

Remember, I sell a number of PLR article packs at – and feel free to get in touch there if you ever have any questions about using PLR.

To your success!- Amy Harrop

Useful Resources

• – for my own high quality PLR article packs in a variety of niches.

• High-quality niche PLR

• • Google Keyword Tool – For finding the best keywords to target with your articles.• Aweber – The email list manager of choice, I love how easy it is to use and the fact

that it comes with a $1 30 day trial.

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