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Dynamics AX 2012 | Manufacturing

Lately I have been spending a lot of time delving into the manufacturing module within Dynamics AX 2012, so I thought that it might be useful to create a worked example to showing the full lifecycle of production by defining a bill of material, and then use it within a production job to consume inventory and create finished goods.

In this example, I thought that I would go back to my New Zealand roots, and use the traditional recipe for a Hangi as the example. Yumm.

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Recipe: Hangi for



1 80 pound pig

10 Loaves bread

2 Whole mutton

8 pounds Butter

8 Chicken

5 boxes Dried mixed herbs

10kg Potato

2 Rewana Bread

5kg Kumara

4 pounds Butter for the rewana

4 Pumpkin

8 Cabbage

Watercress (optional)

Cooking Directions

Usually most of the preparation is done the night before so that everything is ready for the morning lighting of the Hangi. However if you don't have enough large pots to hold the peeled vegetables in (must be left soaking in water) then peel them and prepare them in the morning.

Cut the pork and mutton into even size chunky portions and season with salt. Keep the chicken whole, season with salt and wrap in tin foil.

Placing the food in the correct order in the baskets is crucial as everything will be cooking at the same time. So place the large roast meat on the bottom of the baskets with chicken on top of that.

Put the potato's and kumara into mutton cloth and place on next with cabbage quarters to fill in any gaps.

To make the stuffing, crumb the bread using blender, add melted butter and mixed herbs, mix well. Finally place the stuffing in mutton cloth and place on top of vegetables.

Here is the recipe that I will be using for this example. If you want to make this yourself, then make sure that you also dig a big hole to cook the food in.

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Recipe: Hangi for


Part Code Qty Product Unit Qty Total Qty Scaled Qty

@1010 1 80 lb Pig 80 lbs 80 lbs 34%

@1020 2 Whole Mutton 40 lbs 80 lbs 34%

@1030 8 Chicken 4 lbs 24 lbs 10%

@2010 10 kg Potato 22 lbs 22 lbs 9%

@2020 5 kg Kumara 11 lbs 11 lbs 5%

@2040 4 Pumpkin 2 lbs 8 lbs 4%

@2040 8 Cabbage 2 lbs 8 lbs 4%

@0010 1 Hangi 233 lbs 233 lbs 100%

To help with this process I converted the recipe into a worksheet showing the main ingredients, and converted units.

I also converted the quantities into percentages so that when I create the recipe I will be able to easily scale up the quantities based on the number of servings that I want to plan for.

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Create the Product


In my example, I am starting from a fresh slate with no existing products. So the first step in the process is to define the product codes.

The quickest way to do this is to create a new Released Product.

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Create the Product


To create the base product information I just need to give the system the Product Number, Name and the base inventory codes.

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Create the Product


Just repeat this step for all of the other product codes that we will be using in the recipe.

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Configure The

Released Product


From the Manage Inventory group we want to define some default site and quantity information within the Default Order Settings.

Also, while in here, it is also a good idea to change the default order type from Purchase Order to Production so that the system will recommend producing the product rather than purchase it from an outside source.

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Configure The

Released Product


From the Manage Inventory group we want to define some default site and quantity information within the Site Specific Order Settings.

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Configure The

Released Product


These defaults will help you later on by defaulting in site and warehouse information.

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Released Product


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Released Product

And the product validates without any errors which is a bonus.

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Turn Your Product

Into A Template

After you configure a product, you may want to save the product definition off as a template. This will save away all of the key information like the costs, UOM’s, codes etc.

All you need to do to do that is to select the Create Personal/Shared Template option from the ribbon bar.

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Turn Your Product

Into A Template

And then just give the template a name.

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Create The BOM

Now we want to define the BOM for our Hangi. Since we are already in the product definition, the easiest way to do this is through the Engineer tab on the ribbon. We can define the BOM through the Lines option.

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Step 4

Create The BOM

This will open up the BOM design wirksheet.

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Create The BOM

Just create a new BOM.

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Create The BOM

And then add all of the material inputs.

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BOM Defined

Now we have all of the input materials defined on the BOM.

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Create The BOM

To use the BOM, we just need to approve it.

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Create The BOM

And then Activate it.

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BOM Created

Now if we open up the BOM Designer, we will get a different view of the BOM.

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BOM Created

From the designer you can also see all of the configuration information.

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Create A Production


Now that we have the BOM defined, let’s use it in a production job.

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Create A Production


Create a new Production Order and choose your finished product from the Item Number list. This will then bring in all of the default production information, including the default BOM that we just created.

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Production Order


Now we have a Production Order in the system.

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Create A Production


Release Order To


From the ribbon bar we can now start the order and release it to production.

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Create A Production


Pick the Production


To pick inventory, select the Picking List function from the Journals section on the View tab.

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Picking List Created

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Picking List Created

The Picking Journal will show you all of the material requirements, scaled up to the quantities required for you output quantity.

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Pick Ticket

And you can now print out a Pick Ticket.

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Create A Production


Post Production


Now we can post the production order quantities to update inventory.

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Create A Production


Report As Finished

The final step in the process is to report the production job as finished.

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Create A Production


Report As Finished

This step will close the job for maintenance and perform the final journal updates.

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Hangi for 100

Now we have consumed the raw materials and produced 100 pounds of Hangi.

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Murray Fife

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