Download - Create Digital Experiences that matter to Candidates


PowerPoint Presentation

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Digital experiences that matter to candidates

Digital agency in the centre of the universe, Liverpool UK

Clients UK europre

Working in the other worlds, we constantly see best practice in the world of B2B and B2C

What are the digital strategies and techniques that we see that when applied into your world - give you and advantage

We do all we can to understand humans and their behaviour, and by learning and fine tuning what makes people tick

How do we understand them and their JourneyHow do we attract themHow do we convert them



Ph.CreativeDigital Marketing AgencyCandidate Experience@googledave

58 page guide on CX and how helped VG and Virgin Media

Ill also put this slide up at the end, so you can take a photo of it 2

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

So, candidate experience, customer experiencebrand experience its the same thing.

In fact, Id argue that you actually get to know your candidates far more intimately than the consumer side..

Just think about the different touchpoints. The people they meet, the people they talk to, the communication they receive, the different offices they visit.

Not only this. But they the invest time in you (much more than money) a lot of time and energy. They also cmmmit emotoins and flleing to you during the process.

The question is how do you make them feel.

As we will discover, how you make them feel along the way this is your brand experience

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

In your world, I truly believe that we have to be a people first space - after all this is what you do you are in the world of people and the relationship you grow and nurture

More so than most as we are all about the people.

But, were obsessed with process and then making people absorb the process

ATS (all pants!) just image if you had a 18 page application form to apply who cares!! (asos)

Mindset where people are first, the process second and then technology should be the enabler, not the dictator

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

People are more informed that ever before they want to know something, they just jump on the phone!

For each decision we want to make better informed decisions be smarter and make the right choice.

Peoples decision process is not a method/message it is now a conversation word of mouth is stronger than ever before.

Marketing isnt a method or processits now more fluid, its more like a conversation

We dont go online any more, we live online

So many competing voices. They dont care! Candidate controlled marketing

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Techs not the only thing thats changing. Human are too!

63% research starts on a mobile device, tablets is 4%...

By 2020 50% of search will start by voice Voice search Louie (aka Google Junior first girlfriend is SIRI!), Google Siri, VIV,

People communicate through conversations, not keywords. We type at 40/50 word per minute

We talk at about 140

We need to be ready


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Google ZMOT Explain model.

For each decision we want to make better informed decisions be smarter and make the right choice.

Peoples decision process is not a method/message it is now a conversation word of mouth is stronger than ever before.Before we reach a decision we go looking for the information the question is where do we go looking.

ZMOT is the moment you grab your phone, jump on your laptop and start learning about something and is the moment people touch the brand.

ZMOT is an online and offline it is multiple journeys across multiply devices you need to be there when the customer goes looking.


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

So candidates jump around online, offline have conversations on social and with real people they check out LinkedIn they check out your website and they read content about you whether its yours or not.

ZMOT is the moment you grab your phone, jump on your laptop and start learning about something and is the moment people touch the brand.

ZMOT is an online and offline it is multiple journeys across multiply devices you need to be there when the customer goes looking.

14.5 sources

72% 2- 6 hours.

What are the experiences you provide during these moments, moments between the moments and the micro-moments



@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Design for Happiness

Happiness is a journey not a destination

Happiness is contagious and can make you famous and unhappiness can have the opposite effect

Your employer brand experience is the moments and the micro moments they have with you on their journeyMemories, are the ones that you feel so create multiple moments of happiness

And the more they feel happiness in their journey with you the great their brand experience


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

When you mapped the process, what often happens we say what do we want?

But is the wrong question What do they want? Do you know? Have you asked? How do you learn?

DO we want to

Make candidate do thingsMake candidates want to do things

Empathy is the key


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Be curious, dig deeper.

Data makes creativity greater

Data isnt just about numbers. It gives information about people and how they behave

In the world of design thinking on of the critical thing is to observe and what do we learn? How often do you observe?

Data with a human touch

Data tells us what, humans tell us why


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


Hands up.

When last you applied across multi devices for a job? Went looking for information about what its like to work in your team?

The store manager walksks the floor 15-20 times a day to see how it feels to them


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

CX how to do this

Whose carried this out before? / Whose heard of this before?

Working in other worlds like hospitality and retail we look at customer journey mapping

So, very natural to turn this into Candidate Experience journey mapping

Something else of interest reward people on experience they create

Porsche, Lloyds reward behaviour of experience your team, hiring managers?15

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

G and Virgin Media tomorrowthis is some of the

Moments and moments between the moments

What we look at, and the measure of emotions

ZMOT is the attraction phase. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)

Great tip was to set an expectation of feeling

Youll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session dont miss it!



@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

The one click buy button

Its the one click bankruptcy button

We make decisions 90% subconsciouslymaking decisions before we event thought about them!

Thats why this is Genius we are buying things subconsciously and then its to bloody late!


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


Who won Yahoo v Google

Yahoo, but you still dont know what you are trying to be does anybody know?

Google. What would you like to search for

And they are world class at taking you theresimple, easily with clarity18

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

(Voice of the customer)

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

VOC Voice of the Candidate (validation fact and fiction)

Problem with communication we listen to reply, we dont listen to understand (we dont learn much by talking! Wedding day)

Hands up how many of you get feedback?

End of the process - its too late (mention virgin media and real time analytics for happiness..We need to know how they feel along the journey

To truly deliver a world class experience we need to listen to understand, get to know them

If you think about it whats one of the most important aspects of assessing someone. Listening to understand


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

What do candidates want to know?

Whats important to them along their journey

LinkedIn can help you find out

This info is from them21

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Asking questions

Heres Jeff 22




@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Ph.CreativeDigital Marketing AgencyFarnborough International Limited2016

Hands up if you ask feedback ? When do you ask?

Dont just ask them at the end of the process, have listening posts along the way!

What would be good here is to use the happiness index for virgin

Be available when your candidates are looking and asking (outside of hours and weekends!)

Dont just measure and ask at the end of the process, its good, but be proactive along the way and youll improve how people feel and think about you!

Listening points listen and learn, review and adapt your CX journey based on what you hear and understand.


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Take you candidate persona topics

Use Answer the public to help you find out the questions that get asked

Answer the questions

Dare even to put your brand name int here and see what gets said!26

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

A great question to ask

Dont ask why

Askwhy not27

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Tell the nationwide story and wanted to share some of the attraction strategies and tactics we used

Talk numbers

Their mission 60/40 96/4

1.2m job board spend

To reject a candidate take one person time 6 mins on average - -reduce that time frame

Where do people start a job search@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Where we go for info about a company?

Biggest job board in the world that will tell you everything you need to know

Where do people start a search?

In the world of CX in retail, hospitality, self service is where huge investment is going

You could argue that the greatest self service tool is actually google itself

Mention Nationwide and 3.2m work of job application value (add in numbers.)


Where do people start a job search@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Where we go for info about a company?

Biggest job board in the world that will tell you everything you need to know

Where do people start a search?

In the world of CX in retail, hospitality, self service is where huge investment is going

You could argue that the greatest self service tool is actually google itself

Mention Nationwide and 3.2m work of job application value (add in numbers.)

Why because they have invested in SEO


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Digital eco system,

All activities influence one another

Create experiences that matter to candidates

Youll gain increased visibility online, when it matters to them..

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Imagine going into a huge library asking for a book on a subject and the librarian recommends the top 10 books.

They can do that because they read them and understand them and you would trust the relevancy of the books.

Google is just like a great big library, and you mission is to make friends with the librarians, so when be going in ask him or her can they recommend a book on they put you in the top 5 or 10 recommendations..

Find you first for the help and support they need to help them with the needs, pain and pleasure points

Will help them from ZMOT and across the digital journey

Enhancing your employer brand, across the moments and moments between the moments

Helping you influence the path of attribution moving them towards you and tour talent communities and job applications

Saving you millions and imrpove your ROI around cost per application and hire + building talent communities for today and tomorrow33

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

A lot of the tech in your world stops this from happening

ATS systems, stop job detail pages from being indexed

This is like taking ASOS and not allowing anyone to find the product category and product detail pages

Explain what we are seeing here

Meaning that the librarian (google) cant even find or read you book and its pages in the first place!!

If this happened in the world of ecommerce you quite literally would go search for products and you wouldnt be able to find them!


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Houston we have a problem most ATS stop the librarians from even reading your book in the first place

Which means often youre not giving a great experience because they will struggle to find your jobs, and the answers!Houston there's a problem

A lot of the tech in your world stops this from happening

ATS systems, stop job detail pages from being indexed!

Not fit for purpose.!! No expeirence is the worse experience of all!!35

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Ph.Creative ARMPresented by: @googledave

Google now rewards experienceWho are googles customers all of us

Rank brain is its AI and now part of how it looks at the results presented to a user based on search, context and then how they behave based on their experience upon landing into a web page on any device

And it wants its customers to have agreat experienceso if you are focused on people, the content and how you make them feel you goin more visibility in Google

This is the Liberian getting great feedback from people whove read the book

And lets not forget Voice search. Answer the questions that you candidates go looking for during their ZMOT and the


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Take your candidates and listen to understand what questions they have across the moments of truths

How do you inspire them to drive and create the initial stimulus and awareness

How do you educate them on you, your people and your organisation

Your employer brand and evp is through this journey, creating experience s of you happiness, un-happiness, found or not ound

The question is can you be found in the right place at the right time

So, listen and learn I challenge you to find the top 100 questions across their journey and inspire, educate, convince and support them along there way37

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Tell the BAE story.

Cant say what they do

Wanted developers dv qualified

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Unseen heros was born.

By the power of asking and listening to people.

Then the missoin changed 120 DV qualified.42

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

23% of consumers would give up sex for a month to receive info that interest them (obviously they partners are REALLY un-interesting!)75% consumers like it when brands personalize their content to themExperiences tailored to human

Personalise content to your personas, make it relevant and interesting and help them on their journeyNurture them



@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Commscsore research

23% of consumers would give up sex for a month to receive info that interest them (obviously they partners are REALLY un-interesting!)75% consumers like it when brands personalize their content to themExperiences tailored to human

Personalise content to your personas, make it relevant and interesting and help them on their journeyNurture them



@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Personlised coke bottle

Story of Louie couldnt get one because of his spelling.

Kept the story alive. By realising a website to allow you to personalise the bottles

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


Earn attention create transmedia storytelling

Our graze box

Apple Designer attraction campaign


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

People need to feel safe and secure, Feel they are understood, Feel enabled and supportedOne of the best ways to show this is through Homophily people form ties with those they consider similar to themselves (birds of a feather flog together) similarity = interaction and helps build the relationship and develops trust.

Storytelling and placing those you want to connect with placing the candidate as the hero (mirroir reflection, they see themselves int eh story(here we can talk about what is it in your values, EVP, the way you work, you people, that will resonate most with your target personas?)


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

From validations exercise weve carried out, creditiblity and trust are crucial for candidates..

If you do this

Brand level and people level

Provide value, help and support into you talent communities (not pools) value through you and your peoples expertise and you gain authority and be a voice they want to listen to and begin to trust

EAT and google loves it! Indeed they say its crucial for SEO and being found when people go searching55

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Nationwide and their magnificent 7

Nurture experiences are you employer brand experiences and where you live and breathe you evp

Are you there when they ask you and need you?

How are you set up to help across the journey.

This isnt just about your empoyer brand experience

It at a personal level your people are the human connections for you organisations, what are the PVPs? personal value propositions?

Personal value proposition (similarity + interactions = conversations and relationships)56

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Storytelling and placing those you want to connect with placing the candidate as the hero (mirroir reflection, they see themselves int eh story

Stories shouldnt just end the end is a catalyst for the next story

The great things about a story is that they live on, and keep getting told

Create anticipation. Keep your EVP alive showing candidates the experiences that resonate with them

Dont get to caught up in your brand history and heritage (by all means honor it), but look to now and the future as well people will want to be part of shaping the next chapters in your stories, which is a new chapter for them

Stories will be the foundations for trust and loyalty with people. encourage your audience to tell stories for and about you


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Paul and Patrick

Real life EVP.58

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Disappointment by design

Engineering disaffection


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Behaviours is changing, remember when you use websites ten yeasr ago, using the same way now would be redicolous


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Innovation also comes form iteration

Continuous listening, learning and observing human behavior in a digital world

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016


@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

@googledavePh. Creative#TalentConnect2016

Maybe swap for Boom Klopp!72



Its been emotional!@googledave@phcreative

Ph.CreativeDigital Marketing AgencyCandidate Experience@googledave