
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


854 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, MN 55117

Parish priest: Mircea Vasiu - home (651) 489-561

- office (651) 488-5669 / cell (734) 497-4544

- email: [email protected]


În preajma Crăciunului, multe din colindele

noastre străbune ni-L binevestesc pe "Hristos,

Mesia chip luminos". Acest fapt nu este rodul

intâmplării. Există deopotrivă atât un temei

teologic profund, cât si o necesitate reală în ceea ce

ne priveşte, pe care se întemeiază acest vers.

Pe de-o parte, vorbim despre Întruparea Celui

ce este "Lumina din Lumina, Dumnezeu adevărat

din Dumnezeu adevărat", iar pe de alta, despre

nevoia de lumină pe care o resimţim toţi cei care

întâmpinăm Naşterea Sa având chipul umbrit de

păcate, de grijile cotidiene, de monotonia vieţii etc.

"Cu noi este Dumnezeu"

Profetul Isaia i-a dat Domnului, cu peste 700

de ani înainte de întruparea Sa, numele de

Emanuel: "Iată, Fecioara va avea in pântece si va

naşte Fiu, si vor pune numele lui Emanuel (7, 14).

Acest nume înseamnă "cu noi este Dumnezeu".

In cântarea cu acelaşi nume din slujba

Pavecernitei, mărturisim cum "Poporul cel ce

locuia in întuneric si in umbra morţii a văzut

lumina mare. Căci cu noi este Dumnezeu". Altfel

spus, Dumnezeu Cuvântul se intrupează pentru a-l

scoate pe om din întunericul cel mai din afară si a-l

face partaş luminii Sale.

Noi cei de astăzi am pierdut acea bucurie dată

de trăirea conştienta a prezenţei dumnezeiesti.

Creştinul care nu mărturiseşte doar la nivel

declarativ "cu noi este Dumnezeu", ci mai ales

existenţial, are întotdeauna chipul luminos. Acesta

cunoaşte că este chemat de Hristos să vieţuiască in

veşnicie întru lumina Sa.

"Răsărit-a lumii lumina cunoştinţei"

Dacă citim pericopele evanghelice in care ni se

relatează evenimentul Naşterii Domnului, dacă

privim icoana sau dacă ascultăm imnurile

praznicului si colindele, constatăm cum toate ne

vorbesc, sub o formă sau alta, despre prezenţa si

însemnătatea luminii.

Dar in toate acestea este subliniată mai ales

natura duhovnicească a luminii. Lumina lui Hristos

nu este cea fizică. Este lumina Sa necreată,

Naşterea Domnului, prin unirea celor două firi, in

persoana lui Hristos, oferind omului posibilitatea

impărtăşirii de energiile dumnezeieşti in chip


In acest sens, troparul praznicului, nu face

decât să ne vorbească despre cunoşterea lui

Dumnezeu întru lumina: "Naşterea Ta Hristoase

Dumnezeul nostru, răsarit-a lumii lumina

cunoştinţei, că întru ea cei ce slujeau stelelor, de

la stea s-au învăţat să se închine Ţie, Soarelui

dreptăţii, si să te cunoască pe Tine, Răsăritul cel

de sus, Doamne, slavă Ţie".

Acesta este si motivul pentru care in Taina

Botezului, "taina luminării omului" sau taina

naşterii celei de-a doua, Biserica cere de la Hristos

in numele celui nou botezat veşmânt de lumina:

"Dă-mi mie haină luminoasă cela ce Te îmbraci cu

lumina ca si cu o haină".

"Întru lumina Ta vom vedea lumină"

Tot despre lumina lui Hristos ne vorbeşte

"Doxologia Mare", o cântare a Bisericii ce se

intemeiază pe binevestirea Naşterii Domnului

făcută de îngeri păstorilor din preajma

Betleemului. Doxologia începe după ce preotul


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN

proclamă: "Slavă Ţie, Celui ce ne-ai arătat nouă


Apoi strana răspunde cântând imnul: "Slava

întru cei de sus lui Dumnezeu si pe pământ pace,

între oameni bunăvoire. Lăudămu-Te, bine Te

cuvântăm, închinămu-ne Ţie, slăvimu-Te,

mulţumim Tie pentru slava Ta cea mare. [...] Ca la

Tine este Izvorul Vietii, intru lumina Ta vom vedea

lumina. [...]”

Sfinţii Părinti si intreaga Traditie a Bisericii, ne

adeveresc faptul că vederea luminii dumnezeiesti

este ultima treaptă a urcuşului duhovnicesc în viaţa

aceasta, ce nu este posibilă fără purificarea de

patimi si dobândirea iubirii curate.

Crăciunul luminării şi impodobirii sufletului

Constatăm cu tristeţe cum omul contemporan,

în preajma Crăciunului, tinde să reducă

însemnătatea luminii, doar la nivel exterior,

rezumându-se la a cumpăra instalatii luminoase cât

mai complexe si lumănari cât mai originale etc.

Acesta depune tot efortul să împodobească strazile,

magazinele, casele, bradul, cu riscul de a da uitării

propriul suflet.

Pierdem din vedere esentialul, faptul ca

Naşterea Domnului este o sărbătoare a chipurilor

scăldate in lumina lui Hristos, o sărbătoare a

împodobirii sufletului.

Biserica ne arată însă de fiecare dată calea către

lumina cea adevarată si către podoabele care se

cuvin a le dobândi. In Biserică ne luminăm sufletul

prin post, ni-l împodobim prin dar, însă devenim

cu adevărat “lumină si poboabă” numai prin

Spovedanie si Împărtăşanie si prin celelalte Sfinte

Taine ale Bisericii.

La început spuneam că nu este deloc

intâmplător faptul că există colinde care ni-L

binevestesc pe "Hristos, Mesia chip luminos".

Chipul Pruncului Hristos scăldat in lumină, nu este

altceva decât o prevestire a Schimbării Sale la

Faţă, o prevestire a descoperirii Slavei Sale si a

posibilităţii noastre de a "ne lumina", altfel spus,

de a-L cunoaşte împărtăşindu-ne de ea.

Why we keep the Sabbath (Sunday) day holy?

In Genesis 2:3, we are told that after God created the world, he rested on the seventh day.

Exodus 20:9-11 tells us “Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a

Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work… For in six days the Lord made

heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the

Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

After Christ’s resurrection, the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, designated Sunday as the

Sabbath, in honor of God’s day of rest and Christ’s Holy Resurrection. We are to keep the sabath

holy by attending the Divine Liturgy and refraining from unnecessary work.

“Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us

encourage one another…” (Hebrew10:25)

THE PASTOR SAYS: “Isn’t it remarkable how the apostles covered so much territory and accomplished

so much in spreading the Good News without cars, television, cell-phones, texting tweeting or the internet?!”

“Postul stă nu numai în a mânca rar, ci în a mânca puțin; și nu numai în a mânca o dată, ci în a nu mânca mult. Nechibzuit este postitorul care așteaptă până la ceasul mesei ca atunci să se dedea mâncatului cu nesaț atât cu trupul, cât și cu mintea.”

Sfântul Serafim de Sarov, Rânduieli de viață creștină,


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


December 1, 1918 – Romania National Holiday

Despite the hostility and open

opposition of some of its powerful

neighbors, Romania managed to

achieve the centuries-old dream of

reunification. It was not an easy road;

there were two world wars, political

instability, authoritarian regimes, more

foreign occupations and finally, the

darkest years of the Communism.

King Carol I died in the fall of 1914,

and his nephew Ferdinand I came to the

throne. He was married to Queen Mary, a

niece of Queen Victoria of England.

After maintaining neutrality (1914-

1916) during the first two years of World

War I, Romania joined the Allied Powers,

declaring war on the Empire of Austria-

Hungary. The aim was to win back

Transylvania. The campaign was not easy,

two-thirds of the country, including

Bucharest, were occupied by the armies of

Germany and Empire of Austria-Hungary,

and in 1918 it was obliged to negotiate a

peace treaty with Germany.

Five months later, Romania rejoined the

war and soon the Greater Romania was

created. The international peace treaties

of 1919-1920 signed at Neuilly, Saint-

German, Trianon and Paris, established

the new European realities and also

certified the union of the Romanian

provinces into one single state. The

national Romanian holiday, on

December 1st, celebrates the unification of

the country on December 1st, 1918.

King Ferdinand I and Queen Mary were crowned sovereigns of Greater Romania at Alba Iulia in

October 15, 1922, thereby making the unification of the Romanian territories official.


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN

The period that followed the end of

the First World War is remembered in

Romania for the economic and cultural

advances and also for the major reforms

such as the universal ballot (1918), the

land reform (1921) and the Constitution

(1923) who was an updating of that of


The inter-war period was among the

most flourishing for Romania, a period

when cities developed – including

Bucharest, which was then called the

Little Paris and compared to the French

capital, many of the Romanian literature

masterpieces were written.

Compared with Romania before the

First World War, Greater Romania was

another country. It had more than twice

the area: 295,000 sq/km compared with

137,000 sq/km in 1914. In 1912, its

population had been barely more than 7

million; in 1930 it was 18 million.

When King Ferdinand died in 1927,

he was not followed to the throne by his

son, Prince Carol who had given up his

right to the succession. Instead, the new

king was Carol’s under-aged son Mihai

(Michael), in whose name regency was

established from 1927-1930.

In 1930, Carol returned from exile and

proclaimed himself king, with the name

of Carol II. In February 1938, Carol II

established his own dictatorship and in

1940 appointed Ion Antonescu as prime

minister. However, the king was forced

to abdicate in favor of his son, Mihai, but

power was effectively taken over by

General Ion Antonescu. On 1 September

1939, the Second World War broke


World War II also began with

Romania being one of the neutral

countries, but this situation didn’t last for

too long. By June 1941, the Romanian

troops were fighting alongside of Nazi

Germany in the invasion of USSR.

Romania surrendered when soviet troops

entered the country in 1944 and

Antonescu was overthrown and

eventually executed at the end of the


Romania turned their weapons against

Germany and placed its whole military

and economic capability at the service of

Russia’s Red Army. After the war, the

Paris Peace Treaty (1947) had re-

established Romania’s sovereign rights

over Transylvania, but Basarabia,

northern Bucovina and the Herta area

were passed under Soviet occupation.

The Russian occupation of Romania at

the end of the Second World War saw

the abdication and exile of King Mihai

and the establishment of a Communist

People’s Republic in 1947.


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


On 11/24/ 2013 - donated by Ardeleanu Family for their daughter Katherine’s 21st

birthday - La mulţi ani!

On 11/30/ 2013 - donate de Andreea Grigore pentru sănătate şi binecuvâtare de la


On 12/06/ 2013 - donated by Carmen & Viorel Herea pentru sănătate si iertare;

On 12/08/ 2013 - donate de familia Grigore pentru sănătate şi binecuvântare de la

Dumnezeu cu ocazia zilei de naştere a lui Laurenţiu si ziua

onomastică a d-lui Nicolae – La mulţi ani!

On 12/25/ 2013 - donated by Hoolihan Family for good health and blessing from God;


Ioan Osvar $ 60 - IMO Vasilica Osvar

Daniela & Viorel Gheorghe $ 50

Ronald Bongard $ 60 - Anniv. Donation

Cătălina Morăraşu $ 100

Liliana Badea $ 25

Mike & Paula Pascutoi $ 40 - Nov.& Dec. pledge donation

Anca Zamfirescu $ 25

Andreea Tudosie $ 125 - 2013 membership

Anca Zamfirescu $ 125 - 2013 membership

Amelia Taut $ 125 - 2013 membership

Dorin Vasin $ 125 - 2013 membership

Ştefan Radu $ 125 - 2013 membership

Romell & Maria Alaman $ 250 - 2013 membership

PLEASE, make an effort and send your parish dues, today! May God see your love and reward you abundantly!

2013 membership is $125 ($55 are going to our Episcopate and $5 to department of Missions)

November 14, 2013 Online Donations –Thank You

Carolyn Manciu $100 Eugenia Cerghizan $20

anonymous $10 Fr. Mircea Vasiu $50

Dan Luca $100 anonymous $100

Doina Neculescu $300 anonymous $25

anonymous $25 Maria Golden $150

Tudor Felea $25 Dorina Vincze Turcean $50

Irinel Ardeleanu $100 Silvia Antonescu $30

Ecaterina G. Jancik $40 Georgia M. Omorean $40

Veronica Ivans $100 Derek Dickinson $25

Amelia Taut $20 Stephen Thompson $50


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


1. Friday, Nov. 15, 2013 Începe Postul Nasterii Domnului/ Beginning of the Nativity Fast.

During NATIVITY FAST it is permitted to eat fish as follow: all Saturdays and Sundays, and on

Nov. 21 & 25, and Dec. 3, 5, 6 & 12.

In timpul POSTULUI NASTERII DOMNULUI este dezlegare la peşte după cum urmează: în

fiecare Sambată si Duminică, şi în 21 & 25 Nov. si 3, 5, 6 & 12 Dec.

2. Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013 – St. Nicholas Fish Dinner – right after Divine Liturgy

3. Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church in collaboration with an independent group of

dispensers is organizing a free hearing aid screening at the Church Hall on Sunday

December 8th, 2013 between 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Because of the nature of the event, we

kindly ask you to RSVP by calling Tudor Felea @ 773-290-3804 or send an e-mail to

[email protected]. We will be trying to schedule all requests if possible. Seniors and

people with hearing loss will have priority.

We thank you for your understanding. Donations are welcomed.

4. On Sunday, December 22, 2013 after Divine Liturgy, by order only, Ladies Auxiliary will have

for sale: 1. Cabbage rolls / Sarmale, $15/dozen or 4 sarmale for $5;

2. Pound cake with walnuts or raisins /cozonac, $12 /piece;

3. Roll nut /Rulada cu nuca, $12 /piece.

5. On Sunday, Dec. 15 & 22 we will have homemade “sausage sale” - $10 (1bag /2.5 lb.)

6. Rehearsal for Christmas program – Sunday 15 & 22 after Divine Liturgy. Dragi parinti VA

RUGAM, sa aduceti copiii la repetiile pentru SERBAREA DE CRACIUN - Nasterea Domnului

(care va avea loc Miercuri, 25 Decembrie 2013).

7. “PRIMIŢI COLINDA” Fr. Mircea & the Youth group are caroling during Christmas season.

If you want to receive the good news of Nativity from us, please contact Fr. Mircea Vasiu at

734-497-4544 or [email protected];

8. Wednesday, December 25, 2013 - Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am and Christmas Program &

Potluck Reception at 12:00 pm. Please bring some food and pastries to share with the


9. Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2013 – New Year’s Eve Party – 8:00 pm.

NEW YEAR’ S EVE BALL 2014 You are invited to participate at the New Year’s Eve Party with

traditional food and music at our Parish Hall.

TICKETS: $ 45 – Adults & $ 25 – older than 65, students & children (12-18).

Free - children under age of 12.

Tickets must be purchased (paid) by Dec. 26. At the door tickets are $ 60 Please contact Mrs. Constanta Korolchuk to purchase the tickets

@ 651-453-1885 or Fr. Mircea Vasiu 734-497-4544


10. House blessing – starting on Saturday, January 4, 2014. To schedule the date and time

please call Fr. Mircea at 734-497-4544 or 651-489-5618 or via email – [email protected]

11. St. John Dinner at 12:30 pm – Sunday, January 26, 2014. More details in next bulletin.

12. General Assembly at 11:30 am –Sunday, February 9, 2014.Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am.


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


Congratulations to:

Andreea Maria Grochowski si Daniel Scott Grochowskion the Baptism of their sons

Derek Scott and David Anthony on November 30, 2013. Naşi - Cosmina Ramona &

Robert Strain. May God grant them many years!


We are starting a new Sunday School class for children of ages 9 & up.

The classes will take place every two (2) weeks.

First class will be on December 8 and next one on Dec. 22 after Divine Liturgy.



for Sunday school. We need a person or two to help the teacher during the classes. Anyone who is

interested, please contact Fr. Mircea Vasiu at 651-489-5618 or 734-497-4544. Thank you.


La Vifleem colo-n jos

La Vifleem colo-n jos

Cerul arde luminos,

Preacurata naşte astăzi pe Hristos.

Naşte-n ieslea boilor,

Pe-mpăratul tuturor,

Preacurata stă şi plânge-ncetişor.

N-are scutec de-nfăşat,

nici hăinuţe de-mbrăcat,

Preacurata pentru pruncul de-


Nu mai plânge maica mea,

Scutecele noi ţi-om da,

Preacurata pruncul Sfânt de


La Vifleem colo-n jos.

There, in Bethlehem, down in the valley

There, in Bethlehem, down in the valley,

The sky is burning brightly,

The Holy Virgin is giving birth to Christ.

She is giving birth in the manger

To the King of the world,

The Holy Virgin sits and silently weeps.

She has no swaddling clothes for the


No clothes for Him,

The Holy Virgin for the Holy Infant.

Do not cry my mother,

We shall give you new swaddling clothes

So that The Holy Virgin would wrap the

Holy Infant.

There, in Bethlehem, down in the valley


St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church BULLETIN St. Paul, MN


YOU will have an additional opportunity to have your Name on a

permanent plaque – centennial plaque (this image is an example) who

will be expose on parish hall. For more details please contact Georgia M.

Omorean or Fr. Mircea Vasiu

- $100 dollars per name plate. Examples / Exemple:

Please limit your text to 40 letters.

We have a few plates left, so we will receive donation for Centennial

plaque until is full

Veţi avea ocazia unică să vă puteţi înscrie numele pe o placă aniversară – centenară . In

general, fiecare dintre dumneavoastră va dona $100 (in memoria… sau pentru familie… etc) şi

numele va apărea pe aceasta placă, ce va fi apoi pusă în sala parohială.

Pentru detalii va rugăm să contactaţi pe Georgia Omorean sau Pr. Mircea Vasiu.



City State Zip/Post Code

Phone Email


Please send your check and text to: St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church and mention at Memo – For

Centennial Plaque or Ad-Book, and sent them to - 854 Woodbridge St., Saint Paul, MN 55117



IMO her grandparents


Pentru sănătatea familiei

WRITE YOUR TEXT IN THIS BOX / Vă rugăm să scrieţi textul aici: