Download - Crazy Ideas that Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform ......Phase Transitions: Applying the science of phase transitions to the behavior of teams, companies, ... Statistical physics

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    We are joining a growing movement in science. If twenty-first century science was shaped by the search for fundamental laws, like quantum mechanics and gravity, the twenty-first will be shaped by this new kind of science. – S.B.

    Crazy Ideas that Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries | Safi Bahcall March 19th, 2019


    Safi Bahcall is a second-generation physicist (the son of two astrophysicists) and a biotech entrepreneur. He received his BA summa cum laude from Harvard and his PhD in physics from Stanford, where he worked with Leonard Susskind in particle physics (the science of the small) and the Nobel laureate Bob Laughlin in condensed matter physics (the science of the many). He was a Miller Fellow in physics at UC Berklee. After working for three years as a consultant for McKinsey, Safi co-founded a biotechnology company developing new drugs for cancer. He led its IPO and served as its CEO for 13 years. Safi has presented at approximately 130 banking conferences, investor events, and medical meetings around the world, as well as at leading academic institutions including physics, mathematics, or medical departments at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, UC Berkeley, Caltech, Cornell, Bell Labs, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Rockefeller, and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.


    Safi’s book is part of an ongoing revolution in business and academia that is shifting the foundations of the social sciences. Even the term “social science” betrays the second-fiddle role these fields have traditional taken to the natural sciences, commonly referred to as just “science” (science does not need a qualifier). The entire scientific field has been impacted by these revolutionary forces, but it is the social sciences that have had the most to gain from advances made in complex dynamic systems theory research. Loonshots is about learning to apply the lessons learned from these fields in the service of structuring organizations in ways that will ideally equip them to foster the types of radical breakthroughs capable of winning wars, ending disease, and transforming entire industries.

    I am AMAZED at just how closely this book seems to mirror the content, conversations, and insights celebrated and emphasized on Hidden Forces. Our second episode ever had the word “Complexity Science” in its title. I’ve taken the liberty of listing 20 prior episodes which I think deal with many of the topics, subjects, and themes raised in Safi’s book. You can find those at the end of this rundown. R



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    Loonshots also borrows terms from physics that Safi applies metaphorically as he explains the types of organizational structures that create ideal systems for yielding loonshots. Perhaps, the most pervasive concept in the book is that of the “phase transition,” which is borrowed from chemistry and is typically used to explain the transition of a substance from say, a liquid to a solid. One of Safi’s main points is that successful organizations require teams to be good in both phases of matter, but the challenge becomes how to navigate the transition from one to the other ― the “handoff” of the loonshot, so to speak. Loonshots are nurtured and cultivated in higher-energy states of matter, where there is less formal structure. In order for them to transition from the lab into the environment, they need to cool off and move from a more gaseous or liquid state to a solid one.

    This reminds me of a number of things. Existing theories about the origins of biological life on earth assume that life emerged from some sort of “primordial stew,” specifically, a gooey mass that exists on the threshold of liquid and solid form. This fits nicely with the concept of a “loonshot nursery,” as described by Safi, in that a loonshot is analogous to a new, living organism. Another way to think of this is as a “goldilocks system” or zone – not too hot, not too cold, but just right. Too hot, and the crazy ideas never materialize. Too cold, and there isn’t enough serendipitous energy to generate the amount of random particle collisions necessary for the discovery of loonshots. Safi’s point is that you need to (1) separate the phases, (2) manage the transition in order to ensure that those crazy ideas in the higher-energy phase can be converted into practical material uses, and (3) build a critical mass of loonshots large enough to ignite a chain reaction. There is a bit of mixing and swapping between critical mass and critical thresholds that is somewhat inaccurate (I’m sure Safi knows the difference), but the main takeaway of this third point is that density and size matter. You need enough loonshots in order to get the “odds on your side” as Howard Marks would say.

    In addition to these terms from physics, I could not help but think about Safi’s framework from an information science perspective. The “phase transition” that Safi speaks about is the realm of the complex from which all “interesting” ideas emerge. Too much order, and there is little meaning. Too much chaos, and all meaning is lost amidst the noise. The most interesting messages, just like the most beautiful concertos, straddle that line between order and chaos. I wonder if this is not another way to think about the role of a Vannevar Bush or a Theodore Vail? Some people are better than others at finding those signals and bringing their messages onto the world. Just something to think about…






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    Loonshots: The most important breakthroughs come from loonshots, widely dismissed ideas whose champions are often written off as crazy.

    Large Groups: Large groups of people are needed in order to translate those breakthroughs ideas into technologies that win wars, products that save lives, or strategies that change industries.

    Phase Transitions: Applying the science of phase transitions to the behavior of teams, companies, or any group with a mission provides practical rules for nurturing loonshots faster and better.


    Phase Transition: The term “phase transition” most commonly refers to transitions between solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter, as well as plasma in rare cases. A phase of a thermodynamic system and the states of matter have uniform physical properties. During a phase transition of a given medium, certain properties of the medium change, often discontinuously, as a result of the change of external conditions, such as lower temperature, higher pressure, etc. For example, a liquid may become a gas upon heating to the boiling point, resulting in an abrupt change in volume. The measurement of the external conditions at which the transformation occurs is termed the phase transition.

    Dynamic Equilibrium: In chemistry, and in physics, a dynamic equilibrium exists once a reversible reaction occurs. The ratio of reactants/products changes, but substances move between the chemicals at an equal rate, meaning there is no net change. Reactants and products are formed at such a rate that the concentration of neither changes. It is a particular example of a system in a steady state. In thermodynamics, a closed system is in thermodynamic equilibrium when reactions occur at such rates that the composition of the mixture does not change with time. Reactions do in fact occur, sometimes vigorously, but to such an extent that changes in composition cannot be observed. Equilibrium constants can be expressed in terms of the rate constants for elementary reactions.

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    Percolation Theory: In statistical physics and mathematics, percolation theory describes the behavior of connected clusters in a random graph. During the last decades, percolation theory – the mathematical study of percolation – has brought new understandings and techniques to a broad range of topics in physics, materials science, complex networks, epidemiology, and other fields. Statistical physics concepts such as scaling theory, renormalization, phase transition, critical phenomena and fractals are used to characterize percolation properties. One example of how percolation theory can be applied is in the domain of forest fires, where factors such as high tree density and wind speed contribute to an identifiable “critical threshold” beyond which the likelihood of a systemic conflagration (a “phase transition”) erupting reaches near certainty over some time t.


    Separate the Phases

    Separate your artists and soldiers ― Create separate groups for inventors and operators:

    those who may invent the next transistor vs. those who answer the phone; those who design radically new weapons vs. those who assemble planes. You can’t ask the same group to do both, just like you can’t ask water to be liquid and solid at the same time. Love them both.

    Tailor tools to the phase ― Wide management

    spans, loose controls, and flexible (creative) metrics work best for loonshot groups. Narrow management spans, tight controls, and rigid (quantitative) metrics work best for franchise groups.

    Watch your blind side ― Make sure your loonshot

    nursery seeds both types of loonshots, especially the type you are least comfortable with. S-type loonshots are the small changes in strategy no one thinks will amount to much. P-type loonshots are technologies no one thinks will work.




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    Create Dynamic Equilibrium

    Love You Artists and Soldiers Equally ― Artists tend to favor artists; soldiers tend to favor soldiers. Teams and companies need both to survive and thrive. Both need to feel equally valued and appreciated. (Try to avoid calling one side “bozos.”)

    Manage the Transfer, not the Technology ― Innovative leaders with some success tend to appoint themselves loonshot judge and jury (the Moses Trap). Instead, create a natural process for projects to transfer from the loonshot nursery to the field, and for valuable feedback and market intelligence to cycle back from the field to the nursery. Help manage the timing of the transfer: not too early (fragile loonshots will be permanently crushed), not too late (making adjustments will be difficult). Intervene only as needed, with a gentle hand. In other words, be a gardener, not a Moses.

    Appoint and Train Project Champions to Bridge the Divide ― Soldiers will resist change and see only the warts on the baby-stage ideas from artists. Artists will expect everyone to appreciate the beautiful baby underneath. They may not have the skills to convince soldiers to experiment and provide the feedback that is crucial for ultimate success. Identify and train bilingual specialists, fluent in both artist-speak and soldier-speak, to bridge the divide.

    I made no technical contribution what- ever to the war effort,” he wrote. “Not a single technical idea of mine ever amounted to shucks. At times I have been called an ‘atomic scientist.’ It would be fully as accurate to call me a child psychologist. ― Vannevar Bush

    Luck is the residue of design. ― Branch Rickey

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    Spread a System Mindset: Applying the science of phase transitions to the behavior of teams, companies, or any group with a mission provides practical rules for nurturing loonshots faster and better.

    Keep Asking Why ― Level 0 teams don’t analyze failures. Level 1 teams assess how product features may have failed to meet market needs (outcome mindset). Level 2 teams probe why the organization made the choices that it did (system mindset). They analyze both successes and failures because they recognize that good outcomes don’t always imply good decisions (got lucky), just as bad outcomes don’t always imply bad decisions (played the odds well). In other words, they analyze the quality of decisions, not just the quality of outcomes. This is what Howard Marks refers to as “Second-Level Thinking.”

    Keep Asking How Decision-Making Processes Can Be Improved ― Identify key influences —people involved, data considered, analyses conducted, how choices were framed, how market or company conditions affected that framing — as well as both financial and nonfinancial incentives for individuals and for the team as a whole. Ask how those influences can be changed to enhance the decision-making process in the future.

    Identify Teams with Outcome Mindset and Help Them Adopt System Mindset ― Analyzing a product or a market may be technically challenging, but it is a familiar and straightforward exercise. Analyzing why a team arrived at a decision can be both unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It requires self-awareness from team members; the self-confidence to acknowledge mistakes, especially interpersonal ones; and the candor and trust to give and receive delicate feedback. The process is likely to be more efficient, and less painful, when it is mediated by a neutral expert from outside the team.

    Raise the Magic Number: Applying the science of phase transitions to the behavior of teams, companies, or any group with a mission provides practical rules for nurturing loonshots faster and better.

    Reduce Return-On Politics ― Make lobbying for compensation and promotion decisions difficult. Find ways to make those decisions less dependent on an employee’s manager and more independently assessed and fairly calibrated across the company.

    Use Soft Equity ― Identify and apply the nonfinancial rewards that make a big difference. For example: peer recognition, intrinsic motivators.

    Increase Project-Skill Fit ― Invest in the people and processes that will scan for a mismatch between employees’ skills and their assigned projects, and will help managers adjust roles or








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    employees transfer be- tween groups. The goal is to have employees stretched neither too much nor too little by their roles.

    Fix the Middle ― Identify and fix perverse incentives, the unintended consequences of well-intentioned rewards. Pay special attention to the dangerous middle-manager levels, the weakest point in the battle between loonshots and politics. Shift away from incentives that encourage battles for promotion and toward incentives centered on outcomes. Celebrate results not rank

    Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight ― Bring a gun to a knife fight: Competitors in the battle for talent and loonshots may be using outmoded incentive systems. Bring in a specialist in the subtleties of the art—a chief incentives officer.

    Fine-Tune the Spans ― Widen management spans in loonshot groups (but not in franchise groups) to encourage looser controls, more experiments, and peer-to-peer problem solving.


    Complex system ― A whole made of many interacting parts whose interactions follow certain rules or principles.

    Examples: (1) Water is made of many molecules that attract and repel each other through electromagnetic forces. (2) Traffic flow is made of many drivers who seek to achieve a target cruising speed while not crashing into other drivers. (3) Markets are made of buyers who want the best products at the lowest prices, and sellers who want to make the greatest profit.

    Control parameter ― A variable that can alter the state of a complex system

    Examples: (1) Water: A small change in temperature or pressure can trigger a transition from a solid to a liquid phase. (2) Traffic flow: A small change in the density of cars on a highway or the average car speed can trigger a switch from smooth flow to jammed flow. (3) Markets: The degree of influence that one buyer’s behavior has on another, herding, can change a market. High herding encourages a bubble phase; low herding discourages a bubble phase.

    Dynamic equilibrium ― When two phases coexist in balance, continuously exchanging their parts, neither side growing or shrinking at the expense of the other. For example, when blocks of ice coexist with pools of water as molecules cycle back and forth between the two.

    Emergent behavior or property ― A property of the whole that cannot be defined or explained by studying the parts on their own. The behavior emerges from how those parts interact collectively rather than what they do individually.

    Examples: (1) Water: Ice is rigid and shatters when struck; liquid water is slippery and flows when poured. That behavior cannot be defined or explained by studying a water molecule on its own. (2) Traffic flow: Cars on a highway may flow smoothly with no interruption or they may jam in response to small disruptions. Those emergent behaviors don’t depend on the details of the cars or the drivers. (3) Markets: Prices

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    adjust to demand and resources tend to be allocated efficiently, regardless of what buyers are buying or sellers are selling.

    Unlike fundamental laws, emergent behaviors can suddenly change. When monopolies or cartels appear in a market, for ex- ample, prices may no longer adjust to demand and resources may no longer be allocated efficiently.

    False Fail ― When a valid hypothesis yields a negative result in an experiment because of a flaw in the design of the experiment.

    Franchise ― The subsequent iterations or updated versions of an original product or service. Examples: the ninth statin drug; the twenty-sixth James Bond movie; the iPhone X.

    Life on the edge ― Life on the edge of a phase transition: when a control parameter brings a complex system to the cusp of a transition. Example: adjusting the temperature of water to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Phases will separate and coexist in dynamic equilibrium.

    Loonshot ― A neglected project, widely dismissed, its champion written off as unhinged.

    Moonshot ― An ambitious and expensive goal, widely expected to have great significance. A moonshot is a destination (for example, the goal of eliminating poverty). Nurturing loonshots is how we get there.

    Moses Trap ― When an all-powerful leader becomes judge and jury deciding the fate of loonshots.

    Phase ― A state of a complex system characterized by a specific set of emergent behaviors.

    Examples: (1) Water molecules can arrange themselves into a rigid, ordered lattice (solid phase) or they may bounce around randomly (liquid phase). (2) Traffic flow: small disruptions may grow exponentially into a jam (jammed flow) or they may have no effect (smooth flow). (3) Markets: buyers may respond mostly to some estimated fair value of a seller’s product (rational phase) or they may respond mostly to what other buyers are doing (bubble phase).

    Phases of organization ― When an organization is considered as a complex system, we can expect that system to exhibit phases and phase transitions— for instance, between a phase that encourages a focus on loon- shots and a phase that encourages a focus on careers.

    Phase transition ― A sudden change between two phases, i.e., between two types of emergent behaviors.

    Examples: between solids and liquids; between smooth flow and jammed flow on highways; between rational and bubble phases in markets.

    P-Type loonshot ― A new product or technology that no one thinks will work.

    S-Type loonshot ― A new strategy or business model that no one thinks will achieve its goal.

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    What’s a Loonshot? ― Q: We’ve all become familiarized with the term “moonshot,” but what is a “loonshot,” exactly?

    Why this book? ― Q: What led you to write this book? Q: Why did you choose to start the book by sharing a personal story about your father’s cancer and the experience of not being able to find a cure? Q: Was this because you wanted to drive home that these innovations are not just some abstract thing but that they can actually lead to innovations that are in some cases, invaluable?

    *** Case in point: Vannevar Bush and the OSRD (innovation won the war)

    Why is the argument? ― Q: What is the argument that you are making in the book? Q: Why the focus on the physics of phase transitions and theories of complexity? Q: How much did it help you that you came from physics and went into biochemistry?

    4½ STORIES

    So many stories… ― This book is full of so many wonderful stories of real people, companies and historical moments (Pixar, Vannevar Bush, World War II, etc.), but it’s also a tour through transformational innovations and glamourous technologies, companies and products like Polavision, Pan Am, and James Bond. And this only the first part of the book. In the second part, you go through some of the scientific theories that you apply to the field of team organization and structural innovation like complex dynamic systems theory, Dunbar’s number, theories of emergence, etc. My favorite stories in the book are Pan Am (Juan Trippe) vs. American Airlines (Bob Crandall), Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), the development and multi-purpose use of radar (radar-equipped bomb fuses), as well as Edwin Land and digital photography (satellite imagery). Q: Do you have a favorite case study? Let’s go through them…

    *** Let’s not forget Charles Lindbergh and the romance of early flight. There is something so romantic about the early days of aviation.

    Vannevar Bush and WWII ― Let’s start with Vannevar Bush, who we’ve discussed tangentially during an episode about the life and work of Claude Shannon. If memory serves, Bush recruited Shannon and his work on the Bush’s differential analyzer at MIT was a big part of what lead to what eventually became information theory. So, Bush was already a towering figure in the field of electrical engineering, but in his capacity as the head of OSRD, his skills as a champion and organizer seem to have overshadowed even his great technical intellect. Q: What can you tells us about Vannevar Bush, OSRD, the War, and why you chose to devote not only a chapter of your book to this figure, but indeed, the top-right quadrant of your dynamic equilibrium/phase separation box table? Q: What was it about people like Vannevar Bush and Theodore Vail that informs the type of approach to innovation that organizations should seek to take?

    Mission Driven State ― This might be a good time to discuss the role of the mission driven state, which is something that I’ve come to appreciate and value in recent years after devoting considerable time to learning, in detail, just how many modern industries and modern technologies derive their foundations from public-private cooperatives like Bell Labs or agencies

    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ― Thomas Edison

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    like DARPA who collaborated intensely with major academic institutions. Only at the mature phase of the innovation cycle did the private sector commercialize these technologies (Genentech, Netscape, etc.), which took tremendous amounts of initial investment during the loonshot nursery/gaseous phase. Also, the urgency, focus, unity, and collaboration that derives from meeting an existential threat cannot be underappreciated. Q: In researching this book, did you consider this angle at all? Q: Did you gain a greater appreciation for the role of public funding at the early stages of the innovation cycle? Q: Did you ponder the impact of an existential threat on driving collaboration where competition had previously left loonshots to die on the table? (Claude Shannon and Alan Turing, for example)

    American Airlines vs. Pan American ― Another great story is that of Pan American Airlines and its comparison to American Airlines, as a way of capturing the two different types of “loonshots” that you highlight in the book: S-type and P-type innovations. Q: Can you tell me what this distinction is and hopefully, it can get us into a story about these two airlines? You know, Juan Trippe is the type of guy that you just can’t help but lionize…Bob Crandall, not so much. Q: Why do you think we so disproportionately adore and lavish praise and attention on P-type innovators as opposed to S-type innovators? Q: Is it because there is just something imbedded in our DNA where we are more appreciative of things that blow our minds or innovations that were unthinkable to us? Is it about the scale of the change? Do we just want to see “a good show?” What is it?

    Edwin Land and Polaroid ― Let’s switch to Edwin Land, who is sort of the quintessential P-type innovator and inventor and just WOWED people. You do this great job in the book of really driving this point home, and I’m going to take a HUGE CHUNK of a quote from your book, because I think it allows us to experience the feeling that we get with P-Type innovations, whether we can understand why we feel this way or not…

    At the 1977 Polaroid shareholders’ meeting in Needham, Massachusetts, surrounded by mimes and dancers, in a performance that a Wall Street Journal reporter wrote deserved an Academy Award, Land introduced the world to Polavision, announcing “the first public demonstration of a new science, a new art, and a new industry.” A long-haired dancer in a white sailor suit, with red hat and scarf, emerged on stage and gradually began dancing. Land grabbed a small, elegant movie camera—24 ounces, about the size of a hardcover book—by its angled grip and began to film. After about a minute, he popped out a cassette and inserted it into a rectangular box with a 12- inch screen at one end, called the Polavision player. The player simultaneously rewound and developed the film. Ninety seconds later, the dancer appeared on the screen. You have to pause to appreciate this, even today in the twenty-first century: processing an entire film negative, thousands of images, inside a consumer tabletop device, without error, while it rewinds, in 90 seconds. Technology magazines raved: “The company that seems to specialize in turning impossible concepts into hardware has done it again.”

    So…there is SO MUCH to talk about here. Q: First, can we just pause and reflect on this for a minute? How incredible was this? This is 1977 – more than 40 years ago. Q: Why did you choose to tell the story of Polaroid and Edwin Land? Q: If Bush and Vail were the paradigmatic figures of

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    the upper right-hand quadrant that all organizations should aspire to, was Edwin land the Moses of the lower right-hand? Q: Can you tell us the story of how Land convinced Nixon to invest in digital for the purposes of satellite spy photography and why on earth he didn’t follow that advice for his own company? Q: How much was this decision a result of “blinders” and how much was it a result of comfort? I’m reminded of just how much inertia Bill Gates had to overcome in order to switch mid-stream in 1995 from focusing on dominating the world of personal computing to crushing Netscape and the early web. I’m also reminded of Kodak going out of business in 2012 or Nokia going from being by some measures the dominant company in mobile phones to just being a non-player today, even though they had, in 2004, created an internet-ready phone, with a big color touchscreen display and a high-resolution camera. Q: So, how do you escape the Moses trap when it can be SO APPEALING to follow such a charismatic and innovative leader?

    *** Subtitle of your book should have been “easier said than done”

    Xerox Parc ― This might be a good moment to talk about Xerox Parc, because this is the other trap in the lower right-hand quadrant that organizations can get into. Q: What is the story of Xerox and how does it serve as an example for another type of trap where P-type innovations happen, but instead of the wrong type of innovation killing the company, it’s the company killing the innovations?

    Steve Jobs’ Comeback ― Let’s talk about Steve Jobs and Apple, because this story captures a number of things that you touch on in the book including how to learn from failure. Q: What was it about Steve Jobs Version 1 vs. Steve Jobs Version 2 that made him and Apple successful the second time around? Q: What happened with the Apple II vs. the Lisa? Q: How did Steve learn to love his soldiers like Tim Cook and his Artists like Jony Ives equally?


    3 Fails ― Q: How important is failure and learning form failure? Q: Is it more important to learn from success? (story of Akira Endo and statins)

    Listen to the Suck (LSC) ― Q: How do you cultivate LSC? Does it come from avoiding the entanglement of your reputation and ego with any particular outcome? You don’t discuss this…

    Second Level Thinking/Critique ― Garry Kasparov. Q: How important is it to drill down hard into failure? I failed. Why did I fail? What happened that caused me to fail? What was it about that thing that happened that caused me to fail? Same thing with success?

    Magic Numbers ― Q: Why, when group size increases beyond a certain size do we see changes in the structure or behavior of groups and what are some of the ways that we can raise that number? You write a lot about incentives, system dynamics, decreasing the value of politicking, etc.

    Intra vs. Inter Loonshot Nurseries ― Movie Industry vs. Apple V2

    East vs. West ― Q: Why did Western Europe overtake the Eastern empires of China and India? Is China still poorly suited for innovation? Q: Is a country like China more culturally and historically prone towards the Trap and if so, what type of Trap, Moses or Parc? Q: Do you think they will able to innovate like the West has?

    Small vs. Large Organizations ― Q: How do you separate the phases in large vs. small orgs?

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    The Bush-Vail rules describe how you can prevent the decline and stagnation that follows a phase transition, when good teams begin killing great ideas. But we have not yet gotten to the what and the why: what are those hidden forces and why do they appear? In other words, what causes that transition? – Safi Bahcall

    In thinking about the behavior of large groups of people in this way, we are joining a growing movement in science. Over the past decade, researchers have been applying the tools and techniques of phase transitions to understand how birds flock, fish swim, brains work, people vote, criminals behave, ideas spread, diseases erupt, and ecosystems collapse. If twentieth-century science was shaped by the search for fundamental laws, like quantum mechanics and gravity, the twenty-first will be shaped by this new kind of science. – Safi Bahcall


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