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        C   o   n   e    B   e   a   r    i   n   g    (    b   a   r    ) ,    Q



     1 0

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     Engineering Units


    Micro (µ) = 10-6


    Milli (m) = 10-3 

    Kilo (k) = 10+3

    Mega (M) = 10+6


    Imperial Units SI Units

    Length feet (ft) meter (m)Area square feet (ft

    2) square meter (m


    Force pounds (p) Newton (N)

    Pressure/Stress pounds/foot2(psf) Pascal (Pa) = (N/m


    Multiple Units

    Length inches (in) millimeter (mm)

    Area square feet (ft2) square millimeter (mm


    Force ton (t) kilonewton (kN)

    Pressure/Stress pounds/inch2(psi) kilonewton/meter 

    2  kPa)

    tons/foot2  (tsf) meganewton/meter 


    Conversion Factors

    Force:  1 ton = 9.8 kN1 kg = 9.8 N

    Pressure/Stress 1kg/cm2  = 100 kPa = 100 kN/m

    2  = 1 bar

    1 tsf = 96 kPa (~100 kPa = 0.1 MPa)

    1 t/m2  ~ 10 kPa

    14.5 psi = 100 kPa

    2.31 foot of water = 1 psi 1 meter of water = 10 kPa

    Derived Values from CPT

    Friction ratio: R f  = (f s/qt) x 100%Corrected cone resistance: qt = qc + u2(1-a)

     Net cone resistance: qn = qt – σvo 

    Excess pore pressure: ∆u = u2 – u0 

    Pore pressure ratio: Bq = ∆u / qn 

     Normalized excess pore pressure: U = (ut – u0) / (ui – u0)

    where: ut is the pore pressure at time t  in a dissipation test, and

    ui is the initial pore pressure at the start of the dissipation test 

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    Guide to

    Cone Penetration Testingfor

    Geotechnical Engineering


    P. K. Robertson


    K.L. Cabal

    Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc. 

    6th Edition2015 

  • 8/20/2019 CPT Guide 6th 2015.pdf



    Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc.

    Corporate Headquarters2726 Walnut Avenue

    Signal Hill, California 90755

    Telephone: (562) 427-6899

    Fax: (562) 427-3314E-mail: [email protected]


    The publisher and the author make no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or

    suitability of the information contained in this guide for any purpose and cannot accept any legal

    responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made.

    Copyright © 2015 Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Glossary i 

    Introduction 1 

    Risk Based Site Characterization 2 

    Role of the CPT 3 

    Cone Penetration Test (CPT) 6 

     Introduction 6 

     History 7 

    Test Equipment and Procedures 10 

     Additional Sensors/Modules 11 

    Pushing Equipment 12 

     Depth of Penetration 17 

    Test Procedures 17 

    Cone Design 20 

    CPT Interpretation 24 

    Soil Profiling and Soil Type 25 

    Equivalent SPT N60 Profiles 33 

    Soil Unit Weight () 36 Undrained Shear Strength (su) 37 

    Soil Sensitivity 38 

    Undrained Shear Strength Ratio (su/'vo) 39 Stress History - Overconsolidation Ratio (OCR) 40 

    In-Situ Stress Ratio (K o) 41 

    Relative Density (Dr ) 42 

    State Parameter () 44 Friction Angle (’) 46 Stiffness and Modulus 48 

    Modulus from Shear Wave Velocity 49 

    Estimating Shear Wave Velocity from CPT 50 

    Identification of Unusual Soils Using the SCPT 51 

    Hydraulic Conductivity (k) 52 

    Consolidation Characteristics 55 

    Constrained Modulus 58 

     Applications of CPT Results 59 

    Shallow Foundation Design 60 

    Deep Foundation Design 83 Seismic Design - Liquefaction 96 

    Ground Improvement Compaction Control 121 

    Design of Wick or Sand Drains 124 

    Software 125 

    Main References 129 

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    CPT Guide – 2015 Glossary



    This glossary contains the most commonly used terms related to CPT and are

     presented in alphabetical order.


    Cone penetration test.


    Cone penetration test with pore pressure measurement – piezocone 



    The part of the cone penetrometer on which the cone resistance is

    measured.Cone penetrometer

    The assembly containing the cone, friction sleeve, and any other

    sensors, as well as the connections to the push rods.

    Cone resistance, qc 

    The force acting on the cone, Qc, divided by the projected area of the

    cone, Ac.

    qc = Qc / Ac 

    Corrected cone resistance, qt 

    The cone resistance qc corrected for pore water effects.

    qt = qc + u2(1- a)Data acquisition system

    The system used to record the measurements made by the cone.

    Dissipation test

    A test when the decay of the pore pressure is monitored during a pause

    in penetration.

    Filter element

    The porous element inserted into the cone penetrometer to allow

    transmission of pore water pressure to the pore pressure sensor, while

    maintaining the correct dimensions of the cone penetrometer.Friction ratio, R f  

    The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the sleeve friction resistance,

    f s, to the cone resistance, qt, both measured at the same depth.

    R f  = (f s/qt) x 100%

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Glossary



    Friction reducer

    A local enlargement on the push rods placed a short distance above the

    cone penetrometer, to reduce the friction on the push rods.

    Friction sleeve

    The section of the cone penetrometer upon which the friction

    resistance is measured.

     Normalized cone resistance, Qt 

    The cone resistance expressed in a non-dimensional form and taking

    account of the in-situ vertical stresses.

    Qt = (qt – vo) / 'vo Normalized cone resistance, Qtn 

    The cone resistance expressed in a non-dimensional form taking

    account of the in-situ vertical stresses and where the stress exponent

    (n) varies with soil type and stress level. When n = 1, Qtn = Qt.

    Qtn =n




    vo P











     Net cone resistance, qn 

    The corrected cone resistance minus the vertical total stress.

    qn = qt – vo Excess pore pressure (or net pore pressure), u

    The measured pore pressure less the in-situ equilibrium pore pressure.

    u = u2 – u0Pore pressure

    The pore pressure generated during cone penetration and measured bya pore pressure sensor:

    u1 when measured on the cone face

    u2 when measured just behind the cone.

    Pore pressure ratio, Bq 

    The net pore pressure normalized with respect to the net cone


    Bq = u / qn Push rods

    Thick-walled tubes used to advance the cone penetrometerSleeve friction resistance, f s 

    The frictional force acting on the friction sleeve, Fs, divided by its

    surface area, As.

    f s = Fs / As 

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    CPT Guide – 2015 Introduction



    The purpose of this guide is to provide a concise resource for the applicationof the CPT to geotechnical engineering practice. This guide is a supplement

    and update to the book ‘CPT in Geotechnical Practice’ by Lunne, Robertson

    and Powell (1997). This guide is applicable primarily to data obtained using

    a standard electronic cone with a 60-degree apex angle and either a diameter

    of 35.7 mm or 43.7 mm (10 or 15 cm2 cross-sectional area).

    Recommendations are provided on applications of CPT data for soil

     profiling, material identification and evaluation of geotechnical parameters

    and design. The companion book (Lunne et al., 1997) provides more details

    on the history of the CPT, equipment, specification and performance. Acompanion Guide to CPT for Geo-environmental Applications is also

    available. The companion book also provides extensive background on

    interpretation techniques. This guide provides only the basic

    recommendations for the application of the CPT for geotechnical design

    A list of the main references is included at the end of this guide. A more

    comprehensive reference list can be found in the companion CPT book and

    the recently listed technical papers. Some recent technical papers can be

    downloaded from either, and

    Additional details on CPT interpretation are provided in a series of free

    webinars that can be viewed at A

    copy of the webinar slides can also be downloaded from the same web site.

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Risk Based Site Characterization



    Risk Based Site Characterization

    Risk and uncertainty are characteristics of the ground and are never fully

    eliminated. The appropriate level of sophistication for site characterization

    and analyses should be based on the following criteria:

      Precedent and local experience  Design objectives  Level of geotechnical risk  Potential cost savings

    The evaluation of geotechnical risk is dependent on hazards, probability of

    occurrence and the consequences.  Projects can be classified as either: low,

    moderate or high risk, depending on the above criteria. Table 1 shows ageneralized flow chart to illustrate the likely geotechnical ground

    investigation approach associated with risk. The level of sophistication in a

    site investigation is also a function of the project design objectives and the

     potential for cost savings.

    Table 1 Risk-based flowchart for site characterization

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Role of the CPT


    Role of the CPT

    The objectives of any subsurface investigation are to determine the following:

       Nature and sequence of the subsurface strata (geologic regime)  Groundwater conditions (hydrologic regime)  Physical and mechanical properties of the subsurface strata

    For geo-environmental site investigations where contaminants are possible, the

    above objectives have the additional requirement to determine:

      Distribution and composition of contaminants

    The above requirements are a function of the proposed project and theassociated risks. An ideal investigation program should include a mix of field

    and laboratory tests depending on the risk of the project.

    Table 2 presents a partial list of the major in-situ tests and their perceived

    applicability for use in different ground conditions.

    Table 2. The applicability and usefulness of in-situ tests(Lunne, Robertson & Powell, 1997, updated by Robertson, 2012) 

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Role of the CPT


    The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and its enhanced versions such as the

     piezocone (CPTu) and seismic (SCPT), have extensive applications in a wide

    range of soils. Although the CPT is limited primarily to softer soils, with

    modern large pushing equipment and more robust cones, the CPT can be

     performed in stiff to very stiff soils, and in some cases soft rock.

     Advantages of CPT:

      Fast and continuous profiling  Repeatable and reliable data (not operator-dependent)  Economical and productive  Strong theoretical basis for interpretation

     Disadvantage of CPT:

      Relatively high capital investment  Requires skilled operators   No soil sample, during a CPT  Penetration can be restricted in gravel/cemented layers

    Although it is not possible to obtain a soil sample during a CPT, it is possible to

    obtain soil samples using CPT pushing equipment. The continuous nature of

    CPT results provides a detailed stratigraphic profile to guide in selective

    sampling appropriate for the project. The recommended approach is to first

     perform several CPT soundings to define the stratigraphic profile and to provideinitial estimates of geotechnical parameters, then follow with selective sampling.

    The type and amount of sampling will depend on the project requirements and

    risk as well as the stratigraphic profile. Typically sampling will be focused in

    critical zones as defined by the CPT.

    A variety of push-in discrete depth soil samplers are available. Most are based

    on designs similar to the original Gouda or MOSTAP soil samplers from the

     Netherlands. The samplers are pushed to the required depth in a closed position.

    The Gouda type samplers have an inner cone tip that is retracted to the locked

     position leaving a hollow sampler with small diameter (25mm/1 inch) stainless

    steel or brass sample tubes. The hollow sampler is then pushed to collect a

    sample. The filled sampler and push rods are then retrieved to the ground

    surface. The MOSTAP type samplers contain a wire to fix the position of the

    inner cone tip before pushing to obtain a sample. Modifications have also been

    made to include a wireline system so that soil samples can be retrieved at

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Role of the CPT


    multiple depths rather than retrieving and re-deploying the sampler and rods at

    each interval. The wireline systems tend to work better in soft soils. Figure 1

    shows a schematic of typical (Gouda-type) CPT-based soil sampler. The speed

    of sampling depends on the maximum speed of the pushing equipment but is not

    limited to the standard 2cm/s used for the CPT. Some specialized CPT trucks

    can take samples at a rate of up to 40cm/s. Hence, push-in soil sampling can be

    fast and efficient. In very soft soils, special 0.8m (32 in) long push-in piston

    samplers have been developed to obtain 63mm (2.5 in) diameter undisturbed soil


    Figure 1 Schematic of simple direct-push (CPT-based) soil sampler  (

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    In the Cone Penetration Test (CPT), a cone on the end of a series of rods is

     pushed into the ground at a constant rate and continuous measurements are made

    of the resistance to penetration of the cone and of a surface sleeve. Figure 2

    illustrates the main terminology regarding cone penetrometers.

    The total force acting on the cone, Qc, divided by the projected area of the cone,

    Ac, produces the cone resistance, qc. The total force acting on the friction

    sleeve, Fs, divided by the surface area of the friction sleeve, As, produces the

    sleeve resistance, f s. In a  piezocone, pore pressure is also measured, typically behind the cone in the u2 location, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 Terminology for cone penetrometers 

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)



    1932The first cone penetrometer tests were made using a 35 mm outside diameter gas

     pipe with a 15 mm steel inner push rod. A cone tip with a 10 cm2

     projected areaand a 60o  apex angle was attached to the steel inner push rods, as shown in

    Figure 3.

    Figure 3  Early Dutch mechanical cone (after Sanglerat, 1972)


    Delf Soil Mechanics Laboratory designed the first manually operated 10ton(100kN) cone penetration push machine, see Figure 4.

    Figure 4  Early Dutch mechanical cone (after Delft Geotechnics)

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    1948The original Dutch mechanical cone was improved by adding a conical part just

    above the cone. The purpose of the geometry was to prevent soil from entering

    the gap between the casing and inner rods. The basic Dutch mechanical cones,

    shown in Figure 5, are still in use in some parts of the world.

    Figure 5  Dutch mechanical cone penetrometer with conical mantle

    1953A friction sleeve (‘adhesion jacket’) was added behind the cone to include

    measurement of the local sleeve friction (Begemann, 1953), see Figure 6.

    Measurements were made every 20 cm, (8 inches) and for the first time, friction

    ratio was used to classify soil type (see Figure 7).

    Figure 6  Begemann type cone with friction sleeve

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Figure 7  First CPT-based soil classification for Begemann mechanical cone

    1965Fugro developed an electric cone, of which the shape and dimensions formed

    the basis for the modern cones and the International Reference Test and ASTM

     procedure. The main improvements relative to the mechanical cone

     penetrometers were:

      Elimination of incorrect readings due to friction between inner rods and

    outer rods and weight of inner rods.  Continuous testing with continuous rate of penetration without the need

    for alternate movements of different parts of the penetrometer and no

    undesirable soil movements influencing the cone resistance.

      Simpler and more reliable electrical measurement of cone resistance andsleeve friction resistance.


    Cone penetrometers that could also measure pore pressure ( piezocones) wereintroduced. Early designs had various shapes and pore pressure filter locations.

    Gradually the practice has become more standardized so that the recommended

     position of the filter element is close behind the cone at the u2 location. With the

    measurement of pore water pressure it became apparent that it was necessary to

    correct the cone resistance for pore water pressure effects (q t), especially in soft


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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Test Equipment and Procedures

    Cone Penetrometers

    Cone penetrometers come in a range of sizes with the 10 cm2 and 15 cm2 probesthe most common and specified in most standards. Figure 8 shows a range of

    cones from a mini-cone at 2 cm2 to a large cone at 40 cm2. The mini cones are

    used for shallow investigations, whereas the large cones can be used in gravely


    Figure 8  Range of CPT probes (from left: 2 cm2, 10 cm2, 15 cm2, 40 cm2)

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


     Additional Sensors/Modules

    Since the introduction of the electric cone in the early 1960’s, many additional

    sensors have been added to the cone, such as;

      Temperature  Geophones/accelerometers (seismic wave velocity)  Pressuremeter (cone pressuremeter)  Camera (visible light)  Radioisotope (gamma/neutron)  Electrical resistivity/conductivity  Dielectric   pH

      Oxygen exchange (redox)  Laser/ultraviolet induced fluorescence (LIF/UVOST)  Membrane interface probe (MIP)

    The latter items are primarily for geo-environmental applications.

    One of the more common additional sensors is a geophone or accelerometer to

    allow the measurement of seismic wave velocities. A schematic of the seismic

    CPT (SCPT) procedure is shown in Figure 9.

    Figure 9  Schematic of Seismic CPT (SCPT) test procedure

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Pushing Equipment

    Pushing equipment consists of push rods, a thrust mechanism and a reaction


    On Land

    Pushing equipment for land applications generally consist of specially built units

    that are either truck or track mounted. CPT’s can also be carried out using an

    anchored drill-rig. Figures 10 to 13 show a range of on land pushing equipment.

    Figure 10  Truck mounted 25 ton CPT unit

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Figure 11  Track mounted 20 ton CPT unit

    Figure 12  Small anchored drill-rig unit

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Figure 13  Portable ramset for CPT inside buildings or limited access

    Figure 14  Mini-CPT system attached to small track mounted auger rig

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Over Water

    There is a variety of pushing equipment for over water investigations depending

    on the depth of water. Floating or jack-up barges are common in shallow water

    (depth less than 30m/100 ft), see Figures 15 and 16.

    Figure 15  Mid-size jack-up boat

    Figure 16  Quinn Delta (Gregg) ship with spuds

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    In deeper water (>100m, 350ft) it is common to place the CPT pushing

    equipment on the seafloor using specially designed underwater systems, such as

    shown in Figure 17. Seabed systems can push full size cones (10 and 15cm2 

    cones) and smaller systems for mini-cones (2 and 5cm2 cones) using continuous

     pushing systems.

    Figure 17  (Gregg) Seafloor CPT system for pushing full size cones in very

    deep water (up to 4,000msw)

    Alternatively, it is also possible to push the CPT from the bottom of a borehole

    using down-hole equipment. The advantage of down-hole CPT in a drilled borehole is that much deeper penetration can be achieved and hard layers can be

    drilled through. Down-hole methods can be applied both on-shore and off-

    shore. Recently, remotely controlled seabed drill rigs have been developed that

    can drill and sample and push CPT in up to 4,000m (13,000 ft) of water (e.g.

    Lunne, 2010).

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Reference Measurements

    Modern cones have the potential for a high degree of accuracy and repeatability

    (~0.1% of full-scale output). Tests have shown that the output of the sensors at

    zero load can be sensitive to changes in temperature, although most cones now

    include some temperature compensation. It is common practice to record zero

    load readings of all sensors to track these changes. Zero load readings should be

    monitored and recorded at the start and end of each CPT.

    Rate of Penetration

    The standard rate of penetration is 2cm/s (approximately 1in/s). Hence, a 20m

    (60ft) sounding can be completed (start to finish) in about 30 minutes. The CPT

    results are generally not sensitive to slight variations in the rate of penetration.

    Interval of readings

    Electric cones produce continuous analogue data. However, most systems

    convert the data to digital form at selected intervals. Most standards require the

    interval to be no more than 200mm (8in). In general, most systems collect data

    at intervals of between 10 - 50mm, with 20 mm (~1in) being the more common.

    Dissipation Tests

    During a pause in penetration, any excess pore pressure generated around the

    cone will start to dissipate. The rate of dissipation depends upon the coefficient

    of consolidation, which in turn, depends on the compressibility and permeability

    of the soil. The rate of dissipation also depends on the diameter of the probe. A

    dissipation test can be performed at any required depth by stopping the

     penetration and measuring the decay of pore pressure with time. It is common

    to record the time to reach 50% dissipation (t50), as shown in Figure 18. If the

    equilibrium pore pressure is required, the dissipation test should continue until

    no further dissipation is observed. This can occur rapidly in sands, but may take

    many hours in plastic clays. Dissipation rate increases as probe size decreases.

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Figure 18  Example dissipation test to determine t50

    Calibration and Maintenance

    Calibrations should be carried out at intervals based on the stability of the zero

    load readings. Typically, if the zero load readings remain stable, the load cells

    do not require a check calibration. For major projects, check calibrations can be

    carried out before and after the field work, with functional checks during the

    work. Functional checks should include recording and evaluating the zero load

    measurements (baseline readings).

    With careful design, calibration, and maintenance, strain gauge load cells and

     pressure transducers can have an accuracy and repeatability of better than +/-0.1% of full-scale reading.

    Table 3 shows a summary of checks and recalibrations for the CPT.

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)






    Start of


     End of


     End of


    Once a


     Every 3


    Wear x x x

    O-ring seals x x

     Push-rods x x

     Pore pressure-


     x x

    Calibration x*

    Computer x

    Cone x

     Zero-load x x

    Cables x x

    Table 3 Summary of checks and recalibrations for the CPT

    *Note: recalibrations are normally carried out only when the zero-load readings drift outside manufacturesrecommended range

    Cone Design

    Penetrometers use strain gauge load cells to measure the resistance to

     penetration. Basic cone designs use either separate load cells or subtraction

    load cells to measure the tip resistance (qc) and sleeve resistance (f s). In

    subtraction cones the sleeve friction is derived by ‘subtracting’ the tip load from

    the tip + friction load. Figure 19 illustrates the general principle behind load celldesigns using either separated load cells or subtraction load cells.

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Figure 19  Designs for cone penetrometers (a) tip and sleeve friction load cells

    in compression, (b) tip load cell in compression and sleeve friction load

    cell in tension, (c) subtraction type load cell design (after Lunne et al.,


    In the 1980’s subtraction cones became popular because of the overall

    robustness of the penetrometer. However, in soft soils, subtraction cone

    designs suffer from a lack of accuracy in the determination of sleeve resistance

    due primarily to variable zero load stability of the two load cells. In subtraction

    cone designs, different zero load errors can produce cumulative errors in the

    derived sleeve resistance values. For accurate sleeve resistance measurements

    in soft sediments, it is recommended that cones have separate (compression)

    load cells.

    With good design (separate load cells, equal end area friction sleeve) and quality

    control (zero load measurements, tolerances and surface roughness) it is possible

    to obtain repeatable tip and sleeve resistance measurements. However, f s measurements, in general, will be less accurate than tip resistance, qc, in most

    soft fine-grained soils.

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    Pore pressure (water) effects

    Due to the inner geometry of the cone the ambient water pressure acts on the

    shoulder behind the cone and on the ends of the friction sleeve. This effect is

    often referred to as the unequal end area effect (Campanella et al., 1982). Figure

    20 illustrates the key features for water pressure acting behind the cone and on

    the end areas of the friction sleeve.  In soft clays and silts and in over water

    work, the measured qc must be corrected for pore water pressures acting on the

    cone geometry, thus obtaining the corrected cone resistance, qt:

    qt = qc + u2 (1 – a)

    Where ‘a’ is the net area ratio determined from laboratory calibration with a

    typical value between 0.70 and 0.85. In sandy soils qc = qt.

    Figure 20 Unequal end area effects on cone tip and friction sleeve

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    CPT Guide - 2015 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)


    A similar correction should be applied to the sleeve friction.

    f t = f s – (u2Asb – u3Ast)/As 

    where: f s = measured sleeve friction

    u2 = water pressure at base of sleeve

    u3 = water pressure at top of sleeve

    As = surface area of sleeve

    Asb = cross-section area of sleeve at base

    Ast = cross-sectional area of sleeve at top

    However, the ASTM standard requires that cones have an equal end area friction

    sleeve (i.e. Ast  = Asb) that reduces the need for such a correction. For 15cm2 

    cones, where As is large compared to Asb and Ast, (and Ast = Asb) the correctionis generally small. All cones should have equal end area friction sleeves to

    minimize the effect of water pressure on the sleeve friction measurements.  

    Careful monitoring of the zero load readings is also required.

    In the offshore industry, where CPT can be carried out in very deep water (>

    1,000m), cones are sometimes compensated (filled with oil) so that the pressure

    inside the cone is equal to the hydrostatic water pressure outside the cone. For

    compensated cones the correction for cone geometry to obtain qt  is slightly

    different than shown above, since the cone can record zero qc at the mudline.

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    CPT Interpretation

     Numerous semi-empirical correlations have been developed to estimate

    geotechnical parameters from the CPT for a wide range of soils. These

    correlations vary in their reliability and applicability. Because the CPT hasadditional sensors (e.g. pore pressure, CPTu and seismic, SCPT), the

    applicability to estimate soil parameters varies. Since CPT with pore pressure

    measurements (CPTu) is commonly available, Table 4 shows an estimate of the

     perceived applicability of the CPTu to estimate soil parameters. If seismic is

    added, the ability to estimate soil stiffness (E, G & Go) improves further.

    Soil Type Dr 

    Ko  OCR St   su '  E, G

    *  M G0*  k ch 


    2-3 2-3 5 5 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 3-4 3-4


    2 1 2 1-2 4 2-4 2-3 2-4 2-3 2-3

    Table 4  Perceived applicability of CPTu for deriving soil parameters

    1=high, 2=high to moderate, 3=moderate, 4=moderate to low, 5=low reliability, Blank=no applicability, *

    improved with SCPT


    Dr   Relative density ' Peak friction angle  State Parameter K 0  In-situ stress ratioE, G Young’s and Shear moduli G0  Small strain shear moduliOCR Over consolidation ratio M 1-D Compressibility

    su  Undrained shear strength St  Sensitivity

    ch  Coefficient of consolidation k Permeability

    Most semi-empirical correlations apply primarily to relatively young,

    uncemented, silica-based soils.

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    Soil Profiling and Soil Type

    One of the major applications of the CPT is for soil profiling and soil type.

    Typically, the cone resistance, (qt) is high in sands and low in clays, and the

    friction ratio (R f  = f s/qt) is low in sands and high in clays. The CPT cannot beexpected to provide accurate predictions of soil type based on  physical

    characteristics,  such as, grain size distribution but provide a guide to the

    mechanical characteristics  (strength, stiffness, compressibility) of the soil, or

    the soil behavior type  (SBT). CPT data provides a repeatable index of the

    aggregate behavior of the in-situ soil in the immediate area of the probe. Hence,

     prediction of soil type based on CPT is referred to as Soil Behavior Type (SBT). 

    Non-Normalized SBT Charts

    The most commonly used CPT soil behavior type (SBT) chart was suggested byRobertson et al. (1986), the updated, dimensionless version (Robertson, 2010) is

    shown in  Figure 21. This chart uses the basic CPT parameters of cone

    resistance, qt and friction ratio, R f . The chart is global in nature and can provide

    reasonable predictions of soil behavior type for CPT soundings up to about 20m

    (60ft) in depth. Overlap in some zones should be expected and the zones can be

    modified somewhat based on local experience.

    Normalized SBTn Charts

    Since both the penetration resistance and sleeve resistance increase with depth

    due to the increase in effective overburden stress, the CPT data requires

    normalization for overburden stress for very shallow and/or very deep


    A popular CPT soil behavior chart based on normalized CPT data is that first

     proposed by Robertson (1990) and shown in Figure 22. A zone has been

    identified in which the CPT results for most young, un-cemented, insensitive,

    normally consolidated soils will plot. The chart identifies general trends in

    ground response, such as, increasing soil density, OCR, age and cementation forsandy soils, increasing stress history (OCR) and soil sensitivity (S t) for cohesive

    soils. Again the chart is global in nature and provides only a guide to soil

     behavior type (SBT). Overlap in some zones should be expected and the zones

    can be modified somewhat based on local experience.

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     Zone Soil Behavior Type







    Sensitive, fine grained

    Organic soils - clay

    Clay – silty clay to claySilt mixtures – clayey silt to silty clay

    Sand mixtures – silty sand to sandy silt

    Sands – clean sand to silty sandGravelly sand to dense sand

    Very stiff sand to clayey sand*

    Very stiff fine grained*

    * Heavily overconsolidated or cemented

    Pa = atmospheric pressure = 100 kPa = 1 tsf

    Figure 21  Non-normalized CPT Soil Behavior Type (SBT) chart(Robertson et al., 1986, updated by Robertson, 2010).

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     Zone Soil Behavior Type I  c 

    1 Sensitive, fine grained  N/A

    2 Organic soils – clay > 3.6

    3 Clays – silty clay to clay 2.95 – 3.64 Silt mixtures – clayey silt to silty clay 2.60 – 2.95

    5 Sand mixtures – silty sand to sandy silt  2.05 – 2.6

    6 Sands – clean sand to silty sand 1.31 – 2.05

    7 Gravelly sand to dense sand < 1.31

    8 Very stiff sand to clayey sand*  N/A

    9 Very stiff, fine grained*  N/A

    * Heavily overconsolidated or cemented

    Figure 22  Normalized CPT Soil Behavior Type (SBTn) chart, Qt - F(Robertson, 1990, updated by Robertson, 2010).

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    The full normalized SBTn charts suggested by Robertson (1990) also included an

    additional chart based on normalized pore pressure parameter, Bq, as shown on

    Figure 23, where;

    Bq = u / qn

    and; excess pore pressure, u = u2 – u0net cone resistance, qn = qt – vo 

    The Qt – Bq chart can aid in the identification of soft, saturated fine-grained soils

    where excess CPT penetration pore pressures can be large. In general, the Qt -

    Bq chart is not commonly used for onshore CPT due to the lack of repeatability

    of the pore pressure results (e.g. poor saturation or loss of saturation of the filter

    element, etc.).

    Figure 23  Normalized CPT Soil Behavior Type (SBTn) charts

    Qt – Fr  and Qt - Bq (after Robertson, 1990). 

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    If no prior CPT experience exists in a given geologic environment it is advisable

    to obtain samples from appropriate locations to verify the soil type. If

    significant CPT experience is available and the charts have been evaluated based

    on this experience, samples may not always be required.

    Soil behavior type can be improved if pore pressure measurements are also

    collected, as shown on Figure 23. In soft clays and silts the penetration pore

     pressures can be very large, whereas, in stiff heavily over-consolidated clays or

    dense silts and silty sands the penetration pore pressures (u2) can be small and

    sometimes negative relative to the equilibrium pore pressures (u0). The rate of

     pore pressure dissipation during a pause in penetration can also guide in the soil

    type. In sandy soils any excess pore pressures will dissipate very quickly,

    whereas, in clays the rate of dissipation can be very slow.

    To simplify the application of the CPT SBTn  chart shown in Figure 22, thenormalized cone parameters Qt and Fr  can be combined into one Soil Behavior

    Type index,  I c, where  I c  is the radius of the essentially concentric circles that

    represent the boundaries between each SBTn zone.  I c can be defined as follows;

     I c = ((3.47 - log Qt)2 + (log Fr + 1.22)2)0.5 


    Qt = normalized cone penetration resistance (dimensionless)

    = (qt – vo)/'vo Fr = normalized friction ratio, in %= (f s/(qt – vo)) x 100%

    The term Qt  represents the simple normalization with a stress exponent (n) of

    1.0, which applies well to clay-like soils. Robertson (2009) suggested that the

    normalized SBTn  charts shown in Figures 22 and 23 should be used with the

    normalized cone resistance (Qtn) calculated using a stress exponent that varies

    with soil type via I c (i.e. Qtn, see Figure 46 for details).

    The approximate boundaries of soil behavior types are then given in terms of theSBTn  index,  I c, as shown in Figure 22. The soil behavior type index does not

    apply to zones 1, 8 and 9. Profiles of I c provide a simple guide to the continuous

    variation of soil behavior type in a given soil profile based on CPT results.

    Independent studies have shown that the normalized SBTn chart shown in Figure

    22 typically has greater than 80% reliability when compared with samples.

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    Schneider et al (2008) proposed a CPT-based soil type chart based on

    normalized cone resistance (Qt) and normalized excess pore pressure (u2/'vo),as shown on Figure 24. Superimposed on the Schneider et al chart are contours

    of Bq to illustrate the link with u2/'vo. Also shown on the Schneider et al chart

    are approximate contours of OCR (dashed lines). Application of the Schneideret al chart can be problematic for some onshore projects where the CPTu pore

     pressure results may not be reliable, due to loss of saturation. However, for

    offshore projects, where CPTu sensor saturation is more reliable, and onshore

     projects in soft fine-grained soils with high groundwater, the chart can be very

    helpful. The Schneider et al chart is focused primarily on fine-grained soils were

    excess pore pressures are recorded and Qt is small.

    Figure 24  CPT classification chart from Schneider et al (2008) based on

    (u2/’vo) with contours of Bq and OCR

    In recent years, the SBT charts have been color coded to aid in the visual

     presentation of SBT on a CPT profile. An example CPTu profile is shown in

    Figure 25.

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    Figure 25  Examples of (a) CPTu and (b) SCPTu(1 tsf ~ 0.1 MPa, 14.5 psi = 100kPa, 1ft = 0.3048m)

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    A more general normalized CPT SBT chart, using large strain ‘soil behavior’ 

    descriptions, is shown in Figure 26.

    Figure 26  Normalized CPT Soil Behavior Type (SBTn) chart, Qt - F

    using general large strain ‘soil behavior’ descriptors

    (Modified from Robertson, 2012)

    CD Coarse-grained Dilative soil – predominately drained CPT

    CC Coarse-grained Contractive soil – predominately drained CPT

    FD Fine-grained Dilative soil – predominately undrained CPT

    FC Fine-grained Contractive – predominately undrained CPT

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    Equivalent SPT N60 Profiles

    The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most commonly used in-situ

    tests in many parts of the world, especially North and South America. Despite

    continued efforts to standardize the SPT procedure and equipment there are still problems associated with its repeatability and reliability. However, many

    geotechnical engineers have developed considerable experience with design

    methods based on local SPT correlations. When these engineers are first

    introduced to the CPT they initially prefer to see CPT results in the form of

    equivalent SPT N-values. Hence, there is a need for reliable CPT/SPT

    correlations so that CPT data can be used in existing SPT-based design


    There are many factors affecting the SPT results, such as borehole preparation

    and size, sampler details, rod length and energy efficiency of the hammer-anvil-operator system. One of the most significant factors is the energy efficiency of

    the SPT system. This is normally expressed in terms of the rod energy ratio

    (ER r ). An energy ratio of about 60% has generally been accepted as the

    reference value that represents the approximate historical average SPT energy.

    A number of studies have been presented over the years to relate the SPT N

    value to the CPT cone penetration resistance, qc. Robertson et al. (1983)

    reviewed these correlations and presented the relationship shown in Figure 26

    relating the ratio (qc/pa)/N60  with mean grain size, D50  (varying between0.001mm to 1mm). Values of qc are made dimensionless when dividing by the

    atmospheric pressure (pa) in the same units as qc. It is observed that the ratio

    increases with increasing grain size.

    The values of N used by Robertson et al. correspond to an average energy ratio

    of about 60%. Hence, the ratio applies to N60,  as shown on Figure 27. Other

    studies have linked the ratio between the CPT and SPT with fines content for

    sandy soils.

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    Figure 27  CPT-SPT correlations with mean grain size(Robertson et al., 1983) 

    The above correlations require the soil grain size information to determine the

    mean grain size (or fines content). Grain characteristics can be estimated

    directly from CPT results using soil behavior type (SBT) charts. The CPT SBT

    charts show a clear trend of increasing friction ratio with increasing fines

    content and decreasing grain size. Robertson et al. (1986) suggested (qc/pa)/N60ratios for each soil behavior type zone using the non-normalized CPT chart.

    The suggested (qc/pa)/N60 ratio for each soil behavior type is given in Table 5.

    These values provide a reasonable estimate of SPT N60 values from CPT data.

    For simplicity the above correlations are given in terms of qc. For fine grained

    soft soils the correlations should be applied to total cone resistance, qt. Note that

    in sandy soils qc = qt.

    One disadvantage of this simplified approach is the somewhat discontinuousnature of the conversion. Often a soil will have CPT data that cover different

    SBT zones and hence produces discontinuous changes in predicted SPT N60 


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     Zone Soil Behavior Type (SBT)60



     pq )/( 

    1 Sensitive fine grained 2.0

    2 Organic soils – clay  1.0

    3 Clays: clay to silty clay 1.54 Silt mixtures: clayey silt & silty clay 2.0

    5 Sand mixtures: silty sand to sandy silt  3.0

    6 Sands: clean sands to silty sands 5.0

    7  Dense sand to gravelly sand  6.0

    8 Very stiff sand to clayey sand* 5.0

    9 Very stiff fine-grained* 1.0

    Table 5  Suggested (qc/pa)/N60 ratios 

    Jefferies and Davies (1993) suggested the application of the soil behavior type

    index, I c to link with the CPT-SPT correlation. The soil behavior type index, I c,

    can be combined with the CPT-SPT ratios to give the following simple





    )/p(q = 8.5





    I1 c  

    Robertson (2012) suggested an update of the above relationship that provides

    improved estimates of N60 for insensitive clays:




    )/p(q = 10(1.1268 – 0.2817 Ic) 

    Jefferies and Davies (1993) suggested that the above approach can provide

     better estimates of the SPT N60-values than the actual SPT test due to the poor

    repeatability of the SPT. In fine-grained soils with high sensitivity, the above

    relationship may overestimate the equivalent N60.

    In very loose soils with (N1)60 < 10, the weight of the rods and hammer can

    dominate the SPT penetration resistance and produce very low N-values, which

    can result in high (qt/pa)/N60 ratios due to the low SPT N-values measured.

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    Soil Unit Weight ()

    Soil total unit weights ( are best obtained by obtaining relatively undisturbedsamples (e.g., thin-walled Shelby tubes; piston samples) and weighing a known

    volume of soil. When this is not feasible, the total unit weight can be estimatedfrom CPT results, such as Figure 28 and the following relationship (Robertson,


    w = 0.27 [log R f ] + 0.36 [log(qt/pa)] +1.236

    where R f = friction ratio = (f s/qt)100 %

    w = unit weight of water in same units as

     pa = atmospheric pressure in same units as qt

    Figure 28 Dimensionless soil unit weight, /w based on CPT

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    Undrained Shear Strength (su)

     No single value of undrained shear strength, su, exists, since the undrained

    response of soil depends on the direction of loading, soil anisotropy, strain rate,

    and stress history. Typically the undrained strength in tri-axial compression is

    larger than in simple shear that is larger than tri-axial extension (suTC   > suSS   >

    suTE ). The value of su  to be used in analysis therefore depends on the design

     problem. In general, the simple shear direction of loading often represents the

    average undrained strength (suSS  ~ su(ave)).

    Since anisotropy and strain rate will inevitably influence the results of all in-situ

    tests, their interpretation will necessarily require some empirical content to

    account for these factors, as well as possible effects of sample disturbance.

    Theoretical solutions have provided valuable insight into the form of the

    relationship between cone resistance and su. All theories result in a relationship

     between corrected cone resistance, qt, and su of the form:

    su =kt




    Typically Nkt varies from 10 to 18, with 14 as an average for su(ave). Nkt tends toincrease with increasing plasticity and decrease with increasing soil sensitivity.

    Lunne et al., 1997 showed that Nkt decreases as Bq  increases. In very sensitive

    fine-grained soil, where Bq ~ 1.0, Nkt can be as low as 6.

    For deposits where little experience is available, estimate su using the corrected

    cone resistance (qt) and preliminary cone factor values (Nkt) from 14 to 16. For

    a more conservative estimate, select a value close to the upper limit.

    In very soft clays, where there may be some uncertainty with the accuracy in q t,estimates of su can be made from the excess pore pressure (u) measured behindthe cone (u2) using the following:

    su =u



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    Where Nu varies from 4 to 10. For a more conservative estimate, select a value

    close to the upper limit. Note that Nu is linked to Nkt, via Bq, where:

     Nu = Bq Nkt 

    If previous experience is available in the same deposit, the values suggested

    above should be adjusted to reflect this experience.

    For larger, moderate to high risk projects, where high quality field and

    laboratory data may be available, site-specific correlations should be developed

     based on appropriate and reliable values of su.

    Soil Sensit ivity

    The sensitivity (St) of clay is defined as the ratio of undisturbed peak undrained

    shear strength to totally remolded undrained shear strength.

    The remolded undrained shear strength, su(Rem), can be assumed equal to the

    sleeve resistance, f s. Therefore, the sensitivity of a clay can be estimated by

    calculating the peak su from either site specific or general correlations with qt or

    u and su(Rem) from f s, and can be approximated using the following:

    St =(Rem)u



    s =




    q    (1 / f s) = 7 / Fr

    For relatively sensitive clays (St  > 10), the value of f s  can be very low with

    inherent difficulties in accuracy. Hence, the estimate of sensitivity (and

    remolded strength) should be used as a guide only.

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    Undrained Shear Strength Ratio (su/ 'vo)

    It is often useful to estimate the undrained shear strength ratio from the CPT,

    since this relates directly to overconsolidation ratio (OCR). Critical State Soil

    Mechanics presents a relationship between the undrained shear strength ratio fornormally consolidated clays under different directions of loading and the

    effective stress friction angle, '. Hence, a better estimate of undrained shearstrength ratio can be obtained with knowledge of the friction angle [(s u /'vo) NC increases with increasing ']. For normally consolidated clays:

    (su /'vo) NC  ~ 0.22 in direct simple shear (' = 26o)

    From the CPT:

    (su /'vo) =qt  vo



       (1/Nkt) = Qt / Nkt 

    Since Nkt ~ 14 (su /'vo) ~ 0.071 Qt 

    For a normally consolidated clay where (su /'vo) NC  ~ 0.22;

    Qt = 3 to 4 for NC insensitive clay

    Based on the assumption that the sleeve resistance, f s, is a direct measure of the

    remolded shear strength, su(Rem)  = f s 


    su(Rem) /'vo = f s /'vo = (F . Qt) / 100

    Hence, it is possible to represent (su(Rem)/'vo) contours on the normalized SBTnchart (Robertson, 2009). These contours also represent OCR for insensitiveclays with high values of (su /'vo) and sensitivity for low values of (su /'vo).

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    Stress History - Overconsolidation Ratio (OCR)

    Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is defined as the ratio of the maximum past

    effective consolidation stress and the present effective overburden stress:

    OCR =' p'vo


    For mechanically overconsolidated soils where the only change has been the

    removal of overburden stress, this definition is appropriate. However, for

    cemented and/or aged soils the OCR may represent the ratio of the yield stress

    and the present effective overburden stress. The yield stress ratio (YSR) will

    also depend on the direction and type of loading. For overconsolidated clays:

    (su /'vo)OC  = (su /'vo) NC (OCR)0.8 

    Based on this, Robertson (2009) suggested:

    OCR = 0.25 (Qt) 1.25 

    Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) suggested a simpler method:

    OCR = kq




      = k Qt  or ' p = k (qt – vo)

    An average value of k = 0.33 can be assumed, with an expected range of 0.2 to

    0.5. Higher values of k are recommended in aged, heavily overconsolidated

    clays. If previous experience is available in the same deposit, the values of k

    should be adjusted to reflect this experience and to provide a more reliable

     profile of OCR. The simpler Kulhawy and Mayne approach is valid for Qt < 20.

    For larger, moderate to high-risk projects, where additional high quality field

    and laboratory data may be available, site-specific correlations should be

    developed based on consistent and relevant values of OCR.

    Mayne (2012) suggested an extension of this approach that can be applied to all

    soils based on the following: ' p = 0.33(qt – vo)m (pa/100)1-m 

    where m  is a function of SBT  I c  (m ~ 0.72 in young, uncemented silica

    sand and m ~ 1.0 in intact clay).

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    In-Situ Stress Ratio (Ko)

    There is no reliable method to determine K o  from CPT. However, an estimate

    can be made in fine-grained soils based on an estimate of OCR, as shown inFigure 29.

    Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) suggested a simpler approach, using:

    K o = (1 – sin’) (OCR) sin’ 

    That can be approximated (for low plastic fine-grained soils) to:

    K o ~ 0.5 (OCR) 0.5 

    These approaches are generally limited to mechanically overconsolidated, fine-

    grained soils. Considerable scatter exists in the database used for these

    correlations and therefore they must be considered only as a guide.

    Figure 29  OCR and K o from su/'vo and Plasticity Index, I p(after Andresen et al., 1979)

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    Relative Density (Dr )

    For coarse-grained soils, the density, or more commonly, the relative density or

    density index, is often used as an intermediate soil parameter. Relative density,

    Dr , or density index, ID, is defined as:

    ID = Dr =minmax






    emax and emin are the maximum and minimum void ratios and e is the in-

    situ void ratio.

    The problems associated with the determination of emax and emin are well known.

    Also, research has shown that the stress strain and strength behavior of coarse-

    grained soils is too complicated to be represented by only the relative density of

    the soil. However, for many years relative density has been used by engineers

    as a parameter to describe sand deposits.

    Research using large calibration chambers has provided numerous correlations

     between CPT penetration resistance and relative density for clean,

     predominantly quartz sands. The calibration chamber studies have shown that

    the CPT resistance is controlled by sand density, in-situ vertical and horizontal

    effective stress and sand compressibility. Sand compressibility is controlled bygrain characteristics, such as grain size, shape and mineralogy. Angular sands

    tend to be more compressible than rounded sands as do sands with high mica

    and/or carbonate compared with clean quartz sands. More compressible sands

    give a lower penetration resistance for a given relative density then less

    compressible sands.

    Based on extensive calibration chamber testing on Ticino sand, Baldi et al.

    (1986) recommended a formula to estimate relative density from qc. A modified

    version of this formula, to obtain Dr  from qc1 is as follows:

    Dr =  








    2 C



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    C0 and C2 are soil constants

    'vo  = effective vertical stressQcn  = (qc / pa) / ('vo/pa)0.5

    = normalized CPT resistance, corrected for overburden pressure (more recently defined as Qtn, using net cone

    resistance, qn )

     pa  = reference pressure of 1 tsf (100kPa), in same units as qc and

    'vo qc  = cone penetration resistance (more correctly, qt)

    For moderately compressible, normally consolidated, unaged and uncemented,

     predominantly quartz sands the constants are: Co = 15.7 and C2 = 2.41.

    Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) suggested a simpler relationship for estimatingrelative density:

    Dr 2 =AOCR C




    Qcn and pa are as defined above

    QC  = Compressibility factor ranges from 0.90 (low compress.) to 1.10

    (high compress.)

    QOCR   = Overconsolidation factor = OCR 0.18

    QA  = Aging factor = 1.2 + 0.05 log(t/100)

    A constant of 350 is more reasonable for medium, clean, uncemented, unaged

    quartz sands that are about 1,000 years old. The constant can be closer to 300

    for fine sands and closer to 400 for coarse sands. The constant increases with

    age and increases significantly when age exceeds 10,000 years. The relationship

    can then be simplified for most young, uncemented silica-based sands to:

    Dr 2 = Qtn / 350

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    State Parameter ()

    The state parameter ( ) is defined as the difference between the current void

    ratio, e and the void ratio at critical state ecs, at the same mean effective stress forcoarse-grained (sandy) soils. Based on critical state concepts, Jefferies and

    Been (2006) provide a detailed description of the evaluation of soil state using

    the CPT. They describe in detail that the problem of evaluating state from CPT

    response is complex and depends on several soil parameters. The main

     parameters are essentially the shear stiffness, shear strength, compressibility and

     plastic hardening. Jefferies and Been (2006) provide a description of how state

    can be evaluated using a combination of laboratory and in-situ tests. They stress

    the importance of determining the in-situ horizontal effective stress and shear

    modulus using in-situ tests and determining the shear strength, compressibility

    and plastic hardening parameters from laboratory testing on reconstitutedsamples. They also show how the problem can be assisted using numerical

    modeling. For high-risk projects a detailed interpretation of CPT results using

    laboratory results and numerical modeling can be appropriate (e.g. Shuttle and

    Cunning, 2007), although soil variability can complicate the interpretation

     procedure. Some unresolved concerns with the Jefferies and Been (2006)

    approach relate to the stress normalization using n = 1.0 for all soils, and the

    influence of soil fabric in sands with high fines content.

    For low risk projects and in the initial screening for high-risk projects there is

    a need for a simple estimate of soil state. Plewes et al (1992) provided a meansto estimate soil state using the normalized soil behavior type (SBTn) chart

    suggested by Jefferies and Davies (1991). Jefferies and Been (2006) updated

    this approach using the normalized SBTn chart based on the parameter Qt (1-Bq)

    +1. Robertson (2009) expressed concerns about the accuracy and precision of

    the Jefferies and Been (2006) normalized parameter in soft soils. In sands,

    where Bq = 0, the normalization suggested by Jefferies and Been (2006) is the

    same as Robertson (1990).

    Based on the  data presented by Jefferies and Been (2006) and Shuttle and

    Cunning (2007) as well the measurements from the CANLEX project (Wride etal, 2000) for predominantly, coarse-grained uncemented young soils, combined

    with the link between OCR and state parameter in fine-grained soil, Robertson

    (2009) developed contours of state parameter ( ) on the updated SBTn Qtn – F

    chart for uncemented, Holocene-age soils. The contours of  , that are shown on

    Figure 30, are approximate since stress state and plastic hardening will also

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    influence the estimate of in-situ soil state in the coarse-grained region of the

    chart (i.e. when I c < 2.60) and soil sensitivity for fine-grained soils. Jefferies and

    Been (2006) suggested that soils with a state parameter less than -0.05 (i.e.   <

    -0.05) are dilative at large strains.

    Figure 30 Contours of estimated state parameter,  (thick lines), onnormalized SBTn Qtn – Fr  chart for uncemented Holocene-age soils

    (after Robertson, 2009)

    Robertson (2010) suggested a simplified and approximate relationship between   and the clean sand equivalent normalized cone resistance, Qtn,cs, as


     = 0.56 – 0.33 log Qtn,cs 

    The clean sand equivalent normalized cone resistance, Qtn,cs evolved from the

    study of liquefaction case histories and details are provided in a later section on

    “Seismic Design – Liquefaction” (see Figure 46).

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    Hence, the relationship between normalized clean sand equivalent cone

    resistance, Qtn,cs and ' becomes:

    ' = 'cv + 15.84 [log Qtn,cs] – 26.88 

    The above relationship produces estimates of peak friction angle for clean quartz

    sands that are similar to those by Kulhawy and Mayne (1990). However, the

    above relationship based on state parameter has the advantage that it includes

    the importance of grain characteristics and mineralogy that are reflected in both

    'cv as well as soil type through Qtn,cs. The above relationship tends to predict ' values closer to measured values in calcareous sands where the CPT tip

    resistance can be low for high values of '.

    For fine-grained soils, the best means for defining the effective stress peak

    friction angle is from consolidated triaxial tests on high quality undisturbed

    samples. An assumed value of ' = 28° for clays and 32° for silts is oftensufficient for many low-risk projects. Alternatively, an effective stress limit

     plasticity solution for undrained cone penetration developed at the Norwegian

    Institute of Technology (NTH: Senneset et al., 1989) allows the approximate

    evaluation of effective stress parameters (c' and ') from piezocone (u2)measurements. In a simplified approach for normally- to lightly-overconsolidated clays and silts (c' = 0), the NTH solution can be approximated

    for the following ranges of parameters: 20º ≤  ' ≤  40º and 0.1 ≤  Bq  ≤  1.0(Mayne 2006):

    ' (deg) = 29.5º ·Bq0.121 [0.256 + 0.336·Bq + log Qt]

    For heavily overconsolidated soils, fissured geomaterials, and highly cementedor structured clays, the above will not provide reliable results and should be

    determined by laboratory testing on high quality undisturbed samples. The

    above approach is only valid when positive (u2) pore pressures are recorded (i.e.

    Bq > 0.1).

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    Modulus from Shear Wave Velocity

    A major advantage of the seismic CPT (SCPT) is the additional measurement of

    the shear wave velocity, Vs. The shear wave velocity is measured using a

    downhole technique during pauses in the CPT resulting in a continuous profile

    of Vs. Elastic theory states that the small strain shear modulus, Go  can be

    determined from:

    Go =  Vs2

    Where:  is the mass density of the soil ( = /g) and Go is the small strain shearmodulus (shear strain,  < 10-4 %).

    Hence, the addition of shear wave velocity during the CPT provides a direct

    measure of small strain soil stiffness.

    The small strain shear modulus represents the elastic stiffness of the soil at shear

    strains ( less than 10-4 percent. Elastic theory also states that the small strainYoung’s modulus, Eo is linked to Go, as follows;

    Eo = 2(1 + )Go

    where:  is Poisson’s ratio, which ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 for most soils.

    Application to engineering problems requires that the small strain modulus be

    softened to the appropriate strain level. For most well designed structures the

    degree of softening is often close to a factor of about 2.5. Hence, for many

    applications the equivalent Young’s modulus (E’) can be estimated from:

    E’ ~ Go =  Vs2

    Further details regarding appropriate use of soil modulus for design is given in

    the section on Applications of CPT Results.

    The shear wave velocity can also be used directly for the evaluation of

    liquefaction potential. Hence, the SCPT provides two independent methods to

    evaluate liquefaction potential.

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    Estimating Shear Wave Velocity from CPT

    Shear wave velocity can be correlated to CPT cone resistance as a function of

    soil type and SBT  I c. Shear wave velocity is sensitive to age and cementation,

    where older deposits of the same soil have higher shear wave velocity (i.e.higher stiffness) than younger deposits. Based on SCPT data, Figure 32 shows a

    relationship between normalized CPT data (Qtn  and Fr ) and normalized shear

    wave velocity, Vs1, for uncemented Holocene to Pleistocene age soils, where:

    Vs1 = Vs (pa / 'vo)0.25

    Vs1  is in the same units as Vs  (e.g. either m/s or ft/s). Younger Holocene age

    soils tend to plot toward the center and lower left of the SBTn  chart whereas

    older Pleistocene age soil tend to plot toward the upper right part of the chart.

    Figure 32 Evaluation of normalized shear wave velocity, Vs1, from CPT for

    uncemented Holocene and Pleistocene age soils (1m/s = 3.28 ft/sec)

    Vs = [ vs  (qt – v)/pa]0.5 (m/s);  where  vs  = 10(0.55 Ic + 1.68) 

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    Identification of soils with unusual characteristics usingthe SCPT 

    Almost all available empirical correlations to interpret in-situ tests assume that

    the soil is ‘well behaved’ with no microstructure, i.e. similar to soils in whichthe correlation was based. Most existing correlations apply to silica-based soils

    that are young and uncemented. Application of existing empirical correlations

    in soils that are not young and uncemented can produce incorrect interpretations.

    Hence, it is important to be able to identify soils with ’unusual’ characteristics

    (i.e. microstructure). The cone resistance (qt) is a measure of large strain soil

    strength and the shear wave velocity (Vs) is a measure of small strain soil

    stiffness (Go). Research has shown that young uncemented sands have data that

    fall within a narrow range of combined qt and Go, as shown in Figure 33. Most

    young (Holocene-age), uncemented, coarse-grained soils (Schneider and Moss,2011) have a modulus number, K G < 330, where:

    K G = [Go/qt] Qtn0.75 

    Figure 33  Characterization of uncemented, unaged sands(modified from Eslaamizaad and Robertson, 1997)

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    Hydraulic Conductivity (k)

    An approximate estimate of soil hydraulic conductivity or coefficient of

     permeability, k , can be made from an estimate of soil behavior type using the

    CPT SBT charts. Table 6 provides estimates based on the CPT-based SBTcharts shown in Figures 21 and 22. These estimates are approximate at best, but

    can provide a guide to variations of possible permeability.



    SBT Range of k  


    SBTn  I c 

    1 Sensitive fine-grained 3x10-10 to 3x10-8   NA

    2 Organic soils - clay 1x10-10 to 1x10-8   I c > 3.60

    3 Clay 1x10-10 to 1x10-9  2.95

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    Robertson et al. (1992) presented a summary of available data to estimate the

    horizontal coefficient of permeability (k h) from dissipation tests. Since the

    relationship is also a function of the soil stiffness, Robertson (2010) updated the

    relationship as shown in Figure 34.

    Jamiolkowski et al. (1985) suggested a range of possible values of k h /k v for soft

    clays as shown in Table 7.

    Nature of clay  k h /kv 

     No macrofabric, or only slightly developed

    macrofabric, essentially homogeneous deposits

    1 to 1.5

    From fairly well- to well-developed macrofabric,

    e.g. sedimentary clays with discontinuous lenses

    and layers of more permeable material

    2 to 4

    Varved clays and other deposits containingembedded and more or less continuous

     permeable layers

    3 to 10

    Table 7 Range of possible field values of k h/k v for soft clays(modified from Jamiolkowski et al., 1985)

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    Figure 34  Relationship between CPTu t50 (in minutes), based on u2 pore

     pressure sensor location and 10cm2

     cone, and soil permeability (k h) as a functionof normalized cone resistance, Qtn  (after Robertson 2010)

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    Consolidation Characteristics

    Flow and consolidation characteristics of a soil are normally expressed in terms

    of the coefficient of consolidation, c, and hydraulic conductivity, k . They are

    inter-linked through the formula:

    c =w



    Where: M is the 1-D constrained modulus relevant to the problem (i.e.

    unloading, reloading, virgin loading).

    The parameters c and k  vary over many orders of magnitude and are some of the

    most difficult parameters to measure in geotechnical engineering. It is oftenconsidered that accuracy within one order of magnitude is acceptable. Due to

    soil anisotropy, both c and k  have different values in the horizontal (ch , k h) and

    vertical (cv , k v) direction. The relevant design values depend on drainage and

    loading direction.

    Details on how to estimate k from CPT soil behavior type charts are given in the

     previous section.

    The coefficient of consolidation can be estimated by measuring the dissipation

    or rate of decay of pore pressure with time after a stop in CPT penetration.

    Many theoretical solutions have been developed for deriving the coefficient of

    consolidation from CPT pore pressure dissipation data. The coefficient of

    consolidation should be interpreted at 50% dissipation, using the following


    c =  






    T r o2 


    T50  = theoretical time factor

    t50  = measured time for 50% dissipation

    r o  = penetrometer radius

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    It is clear from this formula that the dissipation time is inversely proportional to

    the radius of the probe. Hence, in soils of very low permeability, the time for

    dissipation can be decreased by using smaller diameter probes. Robertson et al.

    (1992) reviewed dissipation data from around the world and compared the

    results with the leading theoretical solution by Teh and Houlsby (1991), as

    shown in Figure 35.

    Figure 35 Average laboratory ch values and CPTU results(after Robertson et al., 1992, Teh and Houlsby theory shown as solid lines for Ir  = 50 and 500). 

    The review showed that the theoretical solution provided reasonable estimates of

    ch. The solution and data shown in Figure 35 apply to a pore pressure sensor

    located just behind the cone tip (i.e. u2).

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    The ability to estimate ch from CPT dissipation results is controlled by soil stress

    history, sensitivity, anisotropy, rigidity index (relative stiffness), fabric and

    structure. In overconsolidated soils, the pore pressure behind the cone tip can be

    low or negative, resulting in dissipation data that can initially rise before

    decreasing to the equilibrium value. Care is required to ensure that the

    dissipation is continued to the correct equilibrium and not stopped prematurely

    after the initial rise. In these cases, the pore pressure sensor can be moved to

    the face of the cone or the t50  time can be estimated using the maximum pore

     pressure as the initial value.

    Based on available experience, the CPT dissipation method should provide

    estimates of ch  to within + or – half an order of magnitude. However, the

    technique is repeatable and provides an accurate measure of changes in

    consolidation characteristics within a given soil profile.

    An approximate estimate of the coefficient of consolidation in the vertical

    direction can be obtained using the ratios of permeability in the horizontal and

    vertical direction given in the section on hydraulic conductivity, since:

    cv = ch   






    Table 7 can be used to provide an estimate of the ratio of hydraulicconductivities.

    For relatively short dissipations, the dissipation results can be plotted on a

    square-root time scale. The gradient of the initial straight line is m, where;

    ch = (m/MT)2  r 2  (Ir )0.5 

    MT = 1.15 for u2 position and 10cm2 cone (i.e. r = 1.78 cm).

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    Constrained Modulus

    Consolidation settlements can be estimated using the 1-D Constrained Modulus,

    M, where;

    M = 1/ mv = v / e 'vo  Cc

    Where mv = equivalent oedometer coefficient of compressibility.

    Constrained modulus can be estimated from CPT results using the following

    empirical relationship;

    M =   M  (qt - vo)

    Sangrelat (1970) suggested that   M  varies with soil plasticity and natural watercontent for a wide range of fine-grained soils and organic soils, although the

    data were based on qc. Meigh (1987) suggested that   M  lies in the range 2 – 8,

    whereas Mayne (2001) suggested a general value of 5. Robertson (2009)

    suggested that   M  varies with Qt, such that;

    When I c > 2.2 (fine-grained soils) use:

      M   = Qt  when Qt < 14

      M  = 14 when Qt > 14

    When I c < 2.2 (coarse-grained soils) use:

      M = 0.0188 [10 (0.55Ic + 1.68)] 

    Estimates of drained 1-D constrained modulus from undrained cone penetration

    will be approximate. Estimates can be improved with additional informationabout the soil, such as plasticity index and natural water content, where   M  can

     be lower in organic soils and soils with high water content.

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     Applications of CPT Results

    The previous sections have described how CPT results can be used to estimate

    geotechnical parameters that can be used as input in analyses. An alternate

    approach is to apply the in-situ test results directly to an engineering problem.A typical example of this approach is the evaluation of pile capacity directly

    from CPT results without the need for soil parameters.

    As a guide, Table 8 shows a summary of the applicability of the CPT for direct

    design applications. The ratings shown in the table have been assigned based on

    current experience and represent a qualitative evaluation of the confidence level

    assessed to each design problem and general soil type. Details of ground

    conditions and project requirements can influence these ratings.

    In the following sections a number of direct applications of CPT/CPTu resultsare described. These sections are not intended to provide full details of

    geotechnical design, since this is beyond the scope of this guide. However, they

    do provide some guidelines on how the CPT can be applied to many

    geotechnical engineering applications. A good reference for foundation design

    is the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (CFEM, 2007,

    Type of soil Piledesign Bearingcapacity Settlement* Compactioncontrol Liquefaction

    Sand 1 – 2 1 – 2 2 – 3 1 – 2 1 – 2Clay 1 – 2 1 – 2 2 – 3 3 – 4 1 – 2Intermediate soils 1 – 2 2 – 3 2 – 4 2 – 3 1 – 2

    Reliability rating: 1=High; 2=High to moderate; 3=Moderate; 4=Moderate to low; 5=low* improves with SCPT data

    Table 8  Perceived applicability of the CPT/CPTU for various direct design problems

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    Construction details can significantly alter the conditions assumed in the design.

    Examples are provided in the following list:

      During Excavationo   bottom heaveo  slaking, swelling, and softening of expansive clays or rocko   piping in sands and siltso  remolding of silts and sensitive clayso  disturbance of granular soils

      Adjacent construction activityo  groundwater loweringo  excavationo   pile drivingo   blasting

      Other effects during or following constructiono  reversal of bottom heaveo  scour, erosion and floodingo  frost action

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    Shallow Foundation - Bearing Capacity

    General Principles

    Load-settlement relationships for typical footings (Vesic, 1972):

    1. Approximate elastic response

    2. Progressive development of local shear failure

    3. General shear failure

    In dense coarse-grained soils failure typically occurs along a well-defined failure

    surface. In loose coarse-grained soils, volumetric compression dominates and

     punching failures are common. Increased depth of overburden can change a

    dense sand to behave more like loose sand. In (homogeneous) fine-grained

    cohesive soils, failure occurs along an approximately circular surface.

    Significant parameters are:

      nature of soils  density and resistance of soils  width and shape of footing  depth of footing   position of load.

    A given soil does not have a unique bearing capacity; the bearing capacity is a

    function of the footing shape, depth and width as well as load eccentricity.

    General Bearing Capacity Theory

    Initially developed by Terzaghi (1936); there are now over 30 theories with the

    same general form, as follows:

    Ultimate bearing capacity, (qf ):

    qf  = 0.5 B N s i + c Nc sc ic + D Nq sq iq 


     N Nc Nq = bearing capacity coefficients (function of ')s sc  sq =  shape factors (function of B/L)

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    i ic iq =  load inclination factorsB = width of footing

    D = depth of footing

    L = length of footing

    Complete rigorous solutions are impossible since stress fields are unknown. All

    theories differ in simplifying assumptions made to write the equations of

    equilibrium. No single solution is correct for all cases.

    Shape Factors

    Shape factors are applied to account for 3-D effects. Based on limited

    theoretical ideas and some model tests, recommended factors are as follows:

    sc = sq = 1 +  










    s = 1 - 0.4  



    Load Inclination Factors

    When load is inclined (), the shape of a failure surface changes and reduces thearea of failure, and hence, a reduced resistance. At the limit of inclination,  =, qf = 0, since slippage can occur along the footing-soil interface.

    In general:

    ic = iq =2





    i =2





    For an eccentric load, Terzaghi proposed a simplified concept of an equivalent

    footing width, B'.

    B' = B - 2 e

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    where ‘e’ is the eccentricity. For combined inclined and eccentric load, use B'

    and relevant values of shape factors. For footings near a slope, use modified

     bearing capacity factors (e.g. Bowles, 1982). They will be small for clay but

    large for granular soils.

    Effect of Groundwater

    The bearing capacity is based on effective stress analysis hence position of the

    groundwater table affects the value of the soil unit weight.

      If depth to the water table, dw = 0, use ' in both terms  If dw = D (depth of footing), use ' in width term and  in depth term.

    In general, install drainage to keep dw > D.

    Indirect Methods Based on Soil Parameters

    Granular, coarse-grained soils

    Bearing capacity is generally not calculated, since settlements control, except for

    very narrow footings.

    Cohesive, fine-grained soils

    Short-term stability generally controls, hence application of undrained shear

    strength, su.

    qf   = Nc su  +  Dwhere:

     Nc = function of footing width and shape; for strip footings at the ground

    surface, Nc = ( + 2).su  = apply Bjerrum’s correction, based on past experience, to field vane shearstrength or from CPT.

    Allowable bearing capacity:

    qall = (qf   -  D) / FS

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    Hence, qall  =FS

     Nc us  

    Where: FS is Factor of Safety, typically = 3.0.

    Use a high FS to account for limitations in theory, underestimation of loads,

    overestimation of soil strength, avoid local yield in soil and keep settlements


    Direct Approach to estimate Bearing Capacity (In-Situ Tests)

    Based on in-situ tests, theory, model tests and past foundation performance.


      Empirical direct methods  Limited to granular soils, however, sometimes applied to very stiff clays  Often linked to allowable settlement of 25mm (Terzaghi & Peck)  SPT of poor reliability, hence, empirical methods tend to be very



    Empirical direct methods: 

    Granular, coarse-grained soils:

    qf = K  qc (av) 

    where:qc (av) = average CPT penetration resistance below depth of footing, z = B

    Eslaamizaad & Robertson (1996) suggested K    = 0.16 to 0.30 depending on

    B/D and shape. In general, assume K    = 0.16 (see Figure 36). Meyerhof

    (1956) suggested K    = 0.30. However, generally settlements will control.

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    Figure 36  Correlation between bearing capacity of footing on cohesionless

    soils and average cone resistance(after Eslaamizaad and Robertson, 1996) 

    Cohesive, fine-grained soils:

    qf   = K su qc (av) +  D

    K su = 0.30 to 0.60 depending on footing B/D and shape and soil OCR and

    sensitivity. In general, assume K su= 0.30 in clay

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    Shallow Foundation Design – Settlement

    General Design Princip les


      magnitude of settlement  rate of settlement  compatibility with acceptable behavior of building

    For well-designed foundations, the magnitude of strains in the ground is

    generally very small (  < 10-1 %). Hence, ground response is approximatelyelastic (non-linear elastic).

    Granular coarse-grained soils
