Download - Cpe 004-0-99 BCD counter Final Project







Submitted by:Catabay,John Ezrael R.Cruz, Aurea Jill B.Alfredo, SimonMendez, HarveyPancho, John Frederick


I. Introduction

1.1. The Project1.2. Project Objectives1.3. Project Development

II. Design Inputs

2.1. Design Standards 2.3. Software Requirements2.4.Hardware Requirements

III. Project Output

3.1 System Flowchart 3.2 Illustrative Diagram 3.2.1. Circuit Design 3.2.2. Specification and Cost Method

IV. Final Design

4.1 Final Design 4.2 Testing and Evaluation Procedure4.3 Accuracy Test

V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

The age of computers started with large and heavy devices that mostly occupy a Lot of space. An example would be the ENIAC computer which weigh a lot and almost Take up the whole building. It has a computing power of one thousand times that of Electro-mechanical machines. The invention of different components that made big Machine into smaller ones started in a transistor. A BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and Many others components were innovated and combined into an IC (Integrated Circuit. Things became convenient in such a way that it can be handled easily.The mechanical ages of timers also became digital. These clockwork Mechanisms that were precise in keeping track of time was developed into a digital Timer. In this project, different kinds of integrated circuits are used to generate an output Display through LEDs, with the use of segment displays for 0-19 counts.

A Filipino also worked hard in developing his research towards this Semiconductors. Diosdado Banatao, a filipino researcher, said to be the Father of Semiconductor and the Filipino Bill Gates, is now working in the Silicon Valley. He had Contributions in the industry. He started a company in the United States developing System logic chip set for computers and the invention of a local bus. A great man to look Upon and through his goals he became successful.

1.1. The project The purpose of this 0 to 99 is to provide basic information that one needs to know in order to be able to use microcontroller successfully in practice. This chapter, therefore, doesnt contain any super interesting program or device schematic with amazing solutions.

1.2. Project ObjectivesTo show how to build a 0 99 counter circuits and to learn the function of logic gates, Resistor, Potentiometer, and connecting Wires. Also how to understand and work on a schematic diagram, to learn how each part how they responds to each other, and to learn and work as a Group.

1.3. Project DevelopmentFirst we gathered the needed materials, we also look the Data sheet to easily find the pin configuration of each ICs. We as the students we need to build and show a 0-99 counter enable to practice we have learn in our Course CPE 004 (Logic circuits).We then simulate to find what ICs to use and what are the values of the potentiometer, Resistor, Capacitor and What DC source to use. It is important to know what type of seven segment to use if it is common-anode or common-cathode.

II. Design Input 2. 1DESIGN STANDARD In this project we are limited to display a 0-99 counts in the seven-segment display. We used a 5V dc supply. And also we use small value of capacitor to have enough speed to count. So that the user will see the counts. We use the 555 timer to reset the counts from 9 to 0. The 7490 IC is the one to output binary number from 0-9. The 7447 is the one to deliver the display to the seven-segment.2.2. Software Requirements2.2.1 NI Multisim: NI Multisim is a powerful schematic capture and simulation environment that engineers, students, and professors can use to simulate electronic circuits and prototype Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). This article shows you how to capture, simulate, and layout your first design in Multisim.

2.3. Hardware Requirements

Connecting wire

DESCRIPTIONConnecting wire is a piece of wire used to attach two circuits or components together. The gauge or size of the wire must be large enough to support the amount of current flow


DESCRIPTIONAbreadboardis a construction base forprototypingofelectronics. Originally it was literally a bread board, a polished piece of wood used for slicing bread.A breadboard is used to build and test circuits quickly before finalizing any circuit design. The breadboard has many holes into which circuit components like ICs and resistors can be inserted.The bread board has strips of metal which run underneath the board and connect the holes on the top of the board. The metal strips are laid out as shown below. Note that the top and bottom rows of holes are connected horizontally while the remaining holes are connected vertically.



An electronic component that resists the flow of current in an electronic circuit. Resistors are often made out of chunks of carbon or thin films of carbon or other resistive materials. They can also be made of wires wound around a cylinder. The common resistor is a two-wire package with a fixed resistance measured in ohms; however, different types of resistors are adjustable by the circuit designer or the user



An electricbatteryis a device consisting of two or moreelectrochemical cellsthat convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Each cell has a positive terminal, orcathode, and a negative terminal, oranode. The terminal marked positive is at a higher electrical potential energy than is the terminal marked negative. The terminal marked positive is the source of electrons that when connected to an external circuit will flow and deliver energy to an external device. When a battery is connected to an external circuit,Electrolytesare able to move as ions within, allowing the chemical reactions to be completed at the separate terminals and so deliver energy to the external circuit.

Electrolytic Capacitor


An electrolytic capacitor is a type of capacitor that uses an electrolyte to achieve a larger capacitance than other capacitor types. An electrolyte is a liquid or gel containing a high concentration of ions. Almost all electrolytic capacitors are polarized, which means that the voltage on the positive terminal must always be greater than the voltage on the negative terminal. The benefit of large capacitance in electrolytic capacitors comes with several drawbacks as well. Among these drawbacks are large leakage currents, value tolerances, equivalent series resistance and a limited lifetime. Electrolytic capacitors can be either wet-electrolyte or solid polymer. They are commonly made of tantalum or aluminum, although other materials may be used. Super capacitors are a special subtype of electrolytic capacitors, also called double-layer electrolytic capacitors, with capacitances of hundreds and thousands of farads. This article will be based on aluminum electrolytic capacitors. These have a typical capacitance between 1F to 47mF and an operating voltage of up to a few hundred volts DC. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are found in many applications such as power supplies, computer motherboards and many domestic appliances. Since they are polarized, they may be used only in DC circuits.

Seven-segment display

DESCRIPTIONSeven-segment display(SSD), orseven-segment indicator, is a form of electronicdisplay devicefor displayingdecimalnumeralsthat is an alternative to the more complexdot matrixdisplays.Seven-segment displays are widely used indigital clocks, electronic meters, basic calculators, and other electronic devices that display numerical displays may use aliquid crystal display(LCD), alight-emitting diode(LED) for each segment, or other light-generating or controlling techniques such as coldcathodegas discharge,vacuum fluorescent,incandescent filaments, and others.

74LS47 BCD-to-Seven Segment Decoders

DESCRIPTION74LS47is a BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver IC. It accepts a binary coded decimal as input and converts it into a pattern to drive a seven-segment for displaying digits 0 to 9. Binary coded decimal (BCD) is an encoding in which each digit of a number is represented by its own binary sequence (usually of four bits).For example 239 in BCD is represented as 0010 0011 1001.74LS47 ICaccepts four lines of BCD (8421) input data and generates their complements internally. The data is decoded with seven AND/OR gates to drive indicator LEDs of the seven segment directly. The outputs correspond to Common anode (CA) configuration of seven segmen



The 555 timer is highly stable device for generating accurate time delays or oscillation. Additional terminals are provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of operation, the time is precisely controlled by one external resistor and capacitor. For a stable operation as an oscillator, the free running frequency and duty cycle are accurately controlled with two external resistors and one capacitor.

7490 IC DescriptionThe 7490 counter contains four master slave flip-flops and additional gating to provide a divide-by-two counter and a three-stage binary counter for which the count cycle length is divided-by-five. The counter has a gated zero reset and also has gated set-to-nine inputs for use in BCD nines complement applications.

III. Project Design3.1. System Flowchart

3.2. Illustrative Diagram 3.2.1. Circuit Diagram

3.2.2. Specification and cost method


555 Timer110.00




Connecting Wires5 colors50.00

LED Light15.00




IV. Final Design

V. Conclusion

We learned the function and use of logic Gates, we also learned how to read a resistor, how the potentiometer works and its uses. We also learned to understand the schematic diagram. We learned how potentiometer works. We learned how to use and what the use of 555 timer. We learned how to connect a seven-segment to a 555 timer using some logic gates. We learned the use of the logic gates and its function. And also we learned that the 7 segment react to how the 555 timer and potentiometer respond to each other.We learned that it was possible to connect two same circuits of 0-9 counter. And it is possible that the other 0-9 counter may be delay just by adding or connecting the two 0-9 counter. Having the seven segment react on how the 555 timer and potentiometer respond to each other.