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Page 1: Cover layouts

Cover layout decisions

This is my cover photo i will be using. My model is holding books and a folder to relate it to being a college magazine .

When I put it onto Photoshop the image will be cropped at the sides to fit the cover template.

Page 2: Cover layouts

This is what my cover photo looks like on Photoshop

I’ve imported the title from a website called ‘dafont’. The reason i chose this font for my masthead is because it reminds and links to the theme of school. I’ve called my magazine ‘Excel’ because i think it reflects wanting to do better, than good enough, for studies and attitude towards revising as well.

Page 3: Cover layouts

I have added graphics to my magazine so it would help look more appealing and professional to the potential target reader, which for my magazine is aimed at new yr12 students. I’ve made the graphics slightly transparent so we can still see the background image coming from behind and made the colours blue and purple linking to the colour scheme of the photos blue book and purple binder.

Page 4: Cover layouts

The overall layout is similar to my flat plan as i have my quote in the top right position. Three short written column on the left, followed by a graphic with writing on it. As well as having a long bit of written text on the right middle side

Page 5: Cover layouts

I have changed the font for the mast head to an old school font from the website ‘dafont’. This is because this one seems more appropriate for the target audience of yr12 student as it’s more mature than the previous one.

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I have added a graphic of an arrow to take up more space and pull the mast head across the page.

I have also started to use effect and captions above my little text by using blending option for drop shadows and inner glow.This is to make it more eye catching and is more effective as i have seen it done in other magazines.

Page 7: Cover layouts

For The over image of the model i have enhanced the image by using levels to adjust the lighting and brightness to try and make the model become a bit more eye-catching.