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I. Course description.This course focuses on important aspects of completing all English skills for students who need to enhance basic knowledge of English again after a break and desire to achieve the A1 level after finishing the course. On the one hand, students will acquire strategies and methods to learn English effectively through the topics as well as teachers lecture during the course. On the other hand, the diversity of exercises in terms of speaking, listening, grammar, writing and reading aims at creating a good chance for students to revise vocabulary, structures and to add new vocabulary, structures through all topics near real society. Particularly, Student will work with a foreign teacher in 8 days of course in a friendly and active environment with aiming at helping students improve speaking skill as well as accurately learn the way to pronounce words or intonation in a sentenceThe activities in class enable student to improve both their ability to communicate and their linguistic competence in English. In addition to this, the course gives an insight into the culture and society of spoken English countries.II. GoalThe purpose of the course is to consolidate and revise basic structures and language functions. Therefore, after finishing the course, student needs to be able to: Gain fundamental knowledge of four English skills Deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express yourself in familiar contexts. Achieve the A1 certificate. Know how to apply structures, vocabulary to real-life situations. Make short conservations and write short, simple letters and passages Enhance some strategies, methods of learning English. Communicate and exchange information effectively in a simple way and develop collaboration skill through group activities.III. ObjectiveThe course divides into two stages with different levels for each stage. Stage 1: (16 day per course .)- Student need to be able to+Listening: Be familiar with simple topics such as numbers, times, dates, locations and so on Acquire your understanding of listening skill for detail or specific information Approach the forms of listening such as gap filling, multiple choice, transformation, matching, true/false, open question.+Reading: Read short passages , story, conservations to gain vocabulary, structures and real information through the topics Learn the way to scan or skim information through passages Answer simple questions under the forms of reading skill such as multiple choice, matching, true or false, gap-filling, transformation, error correctionWriting: Learn how to make a sentence and practice grammatical structures through exercises such as using suggested words to write a complete sentence, rewrite these sentences with the same meanings and so on Write a passage of three or four sentences about topics such as family, city, hometown, culture and so on.Speaking: Use grammatical structures taught in the others skill to make a complete sentence Form a short conversation to ask and answer the simple questions involving the topics such as family, friend, city, hometown and so on Improve pronunciation with vowel sounds, consonant sounds and intonation, linking of a sentence.Grammar: Revise all grammatical systems in English such as parts of speech, tenses, voices, phrases, conjunctions, clauses, prepositions and so onStage 2: (8days per course- from to ). Make an acquaintance with the forms of Key test with specific purposes below.+Listening: Practice the five forms of listening for Key examination such as multiple choice, filling gap through the topics such as prices, numbers, times, dates, locations, directions, shapes, sizes, weather, descriptions etc. Listen for a longer conservation related to topics such as daily life, travel, work or free time Identify simple information in the conversation and match together two lists of words (e.g. names of people and the food they like to eat). Listen and write down information from the conversation to complete a message or notes. +Reading: Read and understand simple written information such as signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines Be familiar with tasks such as supplying missing words, completing gapped sentences, selecting the right sentence for each gap in a given text, and completing multiple-choice questions about a given text.+Writing: Write short letters and a short message of 50 words. Provide a word to match a definition, supply words to complete spaces in a text, using information in a text to complete a documentSpeaking Demonstrate conversation skills by answering and asking simple questions relating to personal information about yourself, e.g. about their daily life, interests, etc. Describe the pictures and make a short conservation with partners.Grammar: do exercises in grammatical itemsIV. RequirementsStudents who taking part in the course need to be responsible for: Having positive attitudes to attend all lessons Attending full of lessons Completing all exercises which the teacher asks Coming to class on time Following the teachers directions immediately V Course syllabus1.Listening and speaking skills Unit TopicListening(40p)Speaking(30)Pronunciation(15)Grammar ( structures)

1Number-Identifying the numbers in speech-Distinguishing similar-sounding telephone numbers or addresses-Recognizing the correct addresses, street number, dates and time-Pronouncing Numbers through the topics: telephone numbers-Pronouncing telephone numbers-Class work-remembering and writing telephone numbers-Using Directory Enquires-Distinguishing vowel sounds/i/ and /i:/

-Whats your address?My address is..-What is address of American Express?It is..-Could/ may I have your address/ the address of Black and Decker?My /the address is 623 Holly road-Could you give me your address?Yes, it is Grant Street, A hundred and nine Grant Street

2People-Recognizing surname-Spelling first names-Pair work-spelling names-Checking for correct spelling-Listening to greetings and choosing the best response.-Recognizing states of the USA, time references, areas of the world-Pronouncing surnames-Spelling first names and surnames, peoples titles-Responding to greetings-Distinguishing countries of Great Britain-Describing a person

-Distinguishing vowel sounds/u/ and /u:/-May I/ could I know your name/ surname/ first name, please?My name/ surname/ first name is Kelly- May I/ could I have your name, please?-What is your name, please?My names is Kelly-How do you spell that?It is K-E-L-LY-Did I spell your name correctly, Miss KateThats K A-T-E

3 Times and Dates

- Recognizing flight times- Peoples dates of birth-Date of arrival and departure-Period of time

-Pronouncing times, years, dates -Pair work-distinguishing time-Calculating the time differences-Telling the time-Distinguishing vowel sounds// and /:/-What time is it in Bolivia?/ what is the time in Bolivia?It is 5 oclock-Could I/ May I know / I would like to know / could you tell me what time is it in England, please?Yes, They are four hours behind us/ Their time is.-Could I speak to Mr Day, Please?I am afraid he is out of the office at the moment, he will be back for an hour-Could you give me the date of your birth/ could I have your date of birth, please?It is April the 21st 1956.-How long have you been here?Ive been here for about six and a half week now

4Food and drink-Classifying foods and recognizing word stress-Distinguishing between a and the-Recognizing intentions-Quantities (grams, kilogrammes, litres, etc)-Orders-Talking about food and drink -Explaining the menu to a business partner-Express someones favorite food-Recognizing opinions on food-Choosing the best response-Distinguishing vowel sounds/e/ and //-Would you like anything to drink?Yes, Id love to-What would you like to have/drink?I think Ill try to the fish-Can I take your order?I think I will try the fish-Will you have vegetable?Yes, please-How many eggs do I need?About half a dozen

5Furniture and rooms-Classifying furniture-Recognizing words and word stress-Identifying the correct room-Recognizing location of objects in a room-Identifying the correct house/ block of flats.-Talking about things insides a house-Showing location of objects in a room-Recognizing who does what?-Inferring meaning-What is she going to ask?-Recognizing who are they?-Distinguishing vowel sounds// and /:/-Whats the bedroom got in it?A double bed and a dressing table-Could you tell me about the kitchen?Well, its got a new cooker and a small fridge-Whats the small bedroom got in it?Just a bed and a small chest of drawers-What is the living room like?Quite big. Its got a sofa and two chairs as well as a dinning table

6Prices-Prices and paying- price in different currencies-Changing travelers cheques-quantities of notes-Listening for gist in announcements-Listening for detail, grouping work-Putting sentences in the correct orders- Pronouncing prices- Distinguishing similar sounding prices-Recognizing price in different currencies-Comparing prices of things in different cities-Choosing the best response to questions about money and prices

-Distinguishing vowel sounds// and /:/-Distinguishing vowel sounds/i/, /ei/ and / i/

-What does it cost/ what is its price?It is five pound-How much did you pay for the watch?That was a hundred and forty Hong Kong dollars-How would you like to pay for it?Id like to pay credit card-How much money do you want to spend?-Three hundred and fifty, please

7Health-Listening for detail and matching info with pictures-Taking notes-Checking the order of sentences in a dialogue-Matching exercise-Medicines and tablets-quantity and frequency

-Recognizing parts of body, area of pain-Interfering meaning what is wrong with people? -Choosing the best response to question about keeping fit-Recognizing forms of exercise-Giving advance, ways of keeping fit-Distinguishing vowel sounds/u/, /au/ and/ e/-How do you often do exercise?Three times a week-Whats the matter/How are you feeling?Im not feeling well/ I feel sick/ I have got flu/ have got a pain in my neck/ pack..-You should see the doctor-Are you feeling alright/ any better?I hope you feel better soonGet well on.

8Describing objects and people-Matching objects with their descriptions- Recognizing objects form descriptions - Recognizing faults in items-Recognizing people from description, family photographs-Distinguishing sentence and question intonation-Distinguishing between singular and plural-Distinguishing similar items at lost property office-Describing appearance of people or shape of objects-Distinguishing vowel sounds/p/ and /b/-What is it like?Its bid-How big is it?Its twice as old one-What size is it?It is -What shape is it?It is round/square/ triangle-How heavy is it?It is light-What colour is it?It is yellow-What is it made of?It made of leather -What is she like/What does she look like?She is tall and thin

9Shopping-Classifying items on a shopping list and recognizing word stress-Items for sale and their age from descriptions-Recognizing items for sale and their age from descriptions-Recognizing locations-sections in a department store-Inferring intentions about shopping-Recognizing quantities-Distinguishing between shops on the basis of comparison-Interring intentions to buy-Distinguishing vowel sounds/p/ and /b/-How much is the most you have ever spent shopping?-How many brand names can you think of for shoes?-Did you buy anything new last week?Yes I bought a new T-shirt-What did you buy?I bought a new computer game

10Going on holiday-Personal choice of holiday activities-Holiday activities-Items to be packed for a holiday-Choosing the best response to questions on travel-Interfering intentions- holiday activities-Recognizing countries and cities-Opinions about holidays

-Distinguishing vowel sounds/t/ and /d/-Which country do you want to travel?I would like to go to Singapore-Have you ever here long?-Where did you go for your holiday?I went to Japanese.-When did you get back from Japan?Have you ever been to Australia?No, I havent How long were you away?

11Transports-Identifying different kinds of transport-Distinguishing similar- sounding kinds of transport-Recognizing kinds of transport from descriptions-Recognizing numbers and frequency-buses-Recognizing destinations, finding locations and following directions-Asking and answering the direction of road-Distinguishing vowel sounds/s/ and /z/-What bus can I take to get to the zoo, please?Either 17 or a 24-Can I take a bus to the hospital from here?Yes, I want a number 65-Do you know how to get to the post office?-Could you know how to go to the church?-How can I get to the Natural History Museum?-Where is the nearest chemist, please?It is on the correct of West Street and Cross Street-Is there a post office near here?Yes, In Newman street, next to the art gallery

12Jobs-Personal presentences for jobs and recognizing word stress-Sequencing activities-Recognizing locations of items in an office cupboard-Recognizing intentions in an office

-Distinguishing activities in a job-Recognizing time references and locations in an office block-Recognizing a candidates background and education-Choosing the best response to questions at an interview-Talking about future jobs-Distinguishing vowel sounds/s/ and /z/-What is your job?I am a student-What do you do?She is a teacher-What do you do for a living/ what sort of work do you do?-What line of work are you in?I work as a journalist

13Leisure activities-Personal leisure activities and how much time you spend on them-Distinguishing acceptance and refusal-Recognizing detail of arrangements-Recognizing opinion on events

-Talking about leisure activities and opinions-Inferring intentions-Choosing the best response leisure activities and arrangements-Distinguishing vowel sounds/m/, /n/, //-What do you often do in your free time?I often listen to music-What activities do you often play in your free time?

14Instructions-Giving instructions-Distinguishing how to look after things-Distinguishing a customers requests-Distinguishing time references-household jobs

-Recognizing and sequencing the methods for a recipe-Recognizing machines from operating instructions-Recognizing objects from descriptions of how to look after them-Recognizing changes in location-Distinguishing vowel sounds/f/ and /v/-Would you like me to shampoo it first?It is all right. I will do it myself at home.-Why dont we move that rug back to smaller bedroom?-You go into.Put in two Press the button at the side..

15Air sports-Matching airport activities with the correct location-Recognizing locations at an airport and recognizing word stress-Matching names to announcements-Recognizing departure -Choosing the best response to question at immigration-Recognizing messages left on answering machines-Asking and answering the questions about air sports-Distinguishing vowel sounds/w/ /r/ and /l/-Could you show/tell me the way to go to bus station?-May you instruct me to go to post office

16Sport activities-Naming of sport activities-Matching pictures with suitable information-Expressing your favorite sports

-Distinguishing vowel sounds// and //What favorite sports do you like? What are your hobbies?-I like/love playing football

17Key Tests-Practicing Key tests-Practicing speaking skills following the form of Key test such as interviews, describing pictures, make a conservation-Reviewingall vowels and consonant sounds-Review all topics

18Key Tests- Practicing Key tests-Practicing speaking skills following the form of Key test-Reviewingall vowels and consonant sounds-Review all topics

20Key Tests- Practicing Key tests-Practicing speaking skills following the form of Key test-Reviewingall vowels and consonant sounds-Review all topics

21Key Tests- Practicing Key tests-Practicing speaking skills following the form of Key test-Reviewingall vowels and consonant sounds-Review all topics

22Key Tests- Practicing Key tests-Practicing speaking skills following the form of Key test,-Reviewingall vowels and consonant sounds-Review all topics

2. Reading and writing skills

UnitsTopicReading(20)Writing(20)Grammar (45p)

1Family matters-Answering short questions;-Completing sentences/summaries;-Selecting from a list-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns: -Introducing about family-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence+Personal pronounce -Subject pronounce-Object pronounce

2Work and jobs-Completing sentences/summaries;-Selecting from a list-Make acquaintances with Scanning skills-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns: -Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Writing four or five sentences about future jobs-Simple tense+Revision of question forms ( wh-questions)- Question with how much: What is the price of your coast/ How much is your coat/ How much does it cost?- Question with how many:

3Daily life- Be familiar with the exercise of filling- gap -Improving the ability to guessing the meaning of words-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Writing about daily routines+Parts of speech:-Noun/ phrasal noun : uncountable nouns and plural nouns: Information (U), trousers (pl)- Article (a, an, the)+Parts of speech:-Verb/ phrasal verbs: -Verb patterns: advise him to go/ suggest (that) we leave.-Verbs + -ing form or infinitive: enjoy+-ing, refuse+ infinitive

4Friends-Developing skimming skill throughout the topic-Going on practicing types of filling-gap, true / false-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Describing a friend+Parts of speech:-Adjective/ phrasal adjective : boring or bored, big or enormous-Adjective preposition: -Adverbs: Frequency and degree I rarely go, I quite often drive, rather good.-Comparative and superlative adjectives

5Travel-Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics-Going on practicing types of filling-gap, true / false-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns-Putting random words in order-Use the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Complete sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Writing about your interesting travel+Revision of tenses-Present simple (I do)

6Countries in the world-Improving the ability to guessing the meaning of words-Finding out similar words -Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics

-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences

-Present continuous ( I am doing)-Revision of present simple and present continuous

7Sport activities-Completing sentences/summaries;-Selecting from a list-Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Writing about your favorite Hobbies+Revision of tensesPast continuous/ past simple ( I was watching/ I did)

8Special occasions-Answering multiple - choice questions;- Labeling maps and plans;-Selecting from a list-Finding out similar words -Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Writing a memorable event in your life-Present perfect and past perfect (I have done/ I had done)How long have you been/When/ since or for-Revision of past simple and present perfect

9CulturesCompleting forms;Matching;Answering multiple-choice questions-Finding out similar words -Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics

-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Introduce about a interesting festival in your hometown-Present perfect continuous ( I have been doing)-Past perfect continuous

10Food and drink-Complete table;-Labeling maps or plans:-Completing notes:Classifying;- Matching sentence fragments;-Answering multiple choice questions;-Choosing answer from the a list

-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Introducing a cuisine in your hometown-Future present tenses (I am doing/ I do) for the future-Distinction of (Be going to/ will..)

11Fit and HealthyLabeling maps or plans:-Completing forms -Completing notes - Scanning and skimming-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Showing causes and effects of obesity-Revision of all tenses

12Film and cinema-Completing flow charts;-Answering short questions;-Completing sentences /summaries-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Writing about your favorite film-Subject- agreement-Determiners and pronouns: This/ that/ these/ those/ some/ any/anything/ anybody/ nobody/ no one

13Global warming-Finding out similar words -Practicing scanning and skimming skill through the topics

-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Discussing the causes of effects of global warming to our life-Modals: Can, could, would you (Requests, offers, permission and invitations)may, might, must, have to/ should/ had better-Conjunction

14 Air pollution-Answering multiple - choice questions-Complete table;-Labeling maps or plans:-Completing notes:Classifying;- Matching sentence fragments-Continuing practicing scanning and skimming skill-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Looking for the solutions of limiting air pollution.-Gerund -Relative clause

15Traffic jams-Answering multiple choice questions-Complete table;-Labeling maps or plans:-Completing notes:Classifying;- Matching sentence fragments

-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentences-Discussing the way to limiting the situation of traffic jams in Viet Nam-Prepositions (At/on/in, on time and in time, at the end and in the end)-Noun preposition (reason for, cause of.)-Adjective + Preposition-Verb + Preposition

16Wildlife-Practicing all forms of reading skills-Answering multiple choice questions-Making acquaintances with sentence patterns relating to the topic-Putting random words in order-Using the suggested word to write a complete sentence-Completing sentences with the same meaning with the original sentence-Looking out the solutions to protect wild animals -Wishes: I wish I were/ had been/ would/ could..-Used to v/ be /get used to V-ing /

17Key testsPracticing types of reading skills in Key examination-Writing letters and essays on the basic of Key examinations-Types of conditional sentences-Revision of all grammatical systems

18Key testsPracticing types reading skill in Key examinationWriting letters and essays on the basic of Key examination-Passive voice

19Key testsPracticing types reading skill in Key examinationWriting letters and essays on the basic of Key examination- Revision of all grammatical systems-Direct and indirect sentence

20Key testsPracticing types of reading skill in Key examinationWriting letters and essays on the basic of Key examination- Revision of all grammatical systems

21Key testsPracticing types of reading skill in Key examinationWriting letters and essays on the basic of Key examination- Revision of all grammatical systems

22Key testsPracticing types of reading skill in Key examinationWriting letters and essays on the basic of Key examination- Revision of all grammatical systems

VI. ASSESSMENTMini test will be carried out every lesson while mini test will be done three days once times. Teachers evaluates Students improvement relying on the standards below:Attendance: 5%Mini tests: 10%Homework: 15%Mid-term test: 20%Final test: 50%VII. Reference1. Stuart Redman, (2006). English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press2. Myriam Fisher Callus and Annie Roth (2013). English Elements, Hueber-Dai Hoc Hue3. Raymond Murphy and William R. Smaller (2011).Basic Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press4. Raymond Murphy (2008). English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press5. Sarah Cunning , Peter moor and Jane Comyns Carr ( 2013). Cutting Edge, Nha xuat ban Van Hoa Thong Tin