Download - COURSE REDESIGN: Model-based Problem Solving in the Large Science Classroom

  • 1. COURSE REDESIGN:Model-based Problem Solvingin the Large Science Classroom Steven Brewer Biology Computer Resource Center University of Massachusetts Amherst

2. 3. SSH! 4. 5. Seminarcolepsy 6. FromHow People Learn Centering Instruction 7. SUMMATIVE 8. FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE 9. 10. 11. 12. SCENARIO Imagine you are the instructor of a large course.PRS has been installed in your classroom and the Administration is encouraging you to use the system.You are trying to figure out how to integrate PRS questions into your lecture. However, you find writing good questions, and engaging students in class to be a challenge. 13. 1.When writing multiple choice questions, it is important to.... 1.have a single correct answer. 2.use a consistent format for the answers. 3.require students to integrate multiple ideas to derive an answer. 4.use only terms or concepts that have been in lecture or readings. 5.introduce new content. 6.have only 5 answers. 14. Key Points

  • What are your learning goals?
  • Questions for Teaching, not Measurement!

15. 2.Which of the following provides the most valuable feedback from students? 1.Questions asked by students. 2.Statements made by students. 3.Performance on exams. 4.Writing produced by students. 5.End of semester course evaluations. 16. 3.Which of the following provides the most valuable feedback from students? 1.Questions asked by students. 2.Statements made by students. 17. Key Points

  • What is feedback FROM students?
  • What is VALUABLE feedback?
  • What can you do with feedback?
    • assess ZPD
    • adjust teaching

18. Traditional Course 19. Redesigned Course 20. 4.Animal cells don't have chloroplasts and plant cells don't have mitochondria. 1.True. 2.False. 21. 5. The self renewal signaling pathway in a particular stem cell type has an additional kinase, TK3 that targetsTK1.How would TK3 change the behavior of the pathway? 1.It would become a temporary circuit, even when signal is still present. 2.It would become a permanent circuit, even when signal is absent. 3.It would not change. 22. Model-based Reasoning

  • Model-choosing
  • Model-using
  • Model-elaborating
  • Model-revising

23. Models

  • signal transduction
  • gene expression
  • glycolosis
  • citric-acid cycle
  • oxidative phosphorlyation
  • photosynthesis
  • cell cycle
  • transcription
  • rna-processing
  • translation
  • inheritance
  • meiosis
  • fatty-acid synthesis

24. 25. But when do you do the tour of the cell? (never) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Classroom Behaviors 35. Time Usage 36. Time Usage 37. Student Discussion On-topic 38. Transfer 39. Engagement

  • >90% Participate in small group events
  • Discussion in small groups is on target
  • Exam performance reflects significant learning of reasoning skills
  • Quality of questions matter
  • Skills learned can be applied to novel problems

40. Acknowledgments

  • Randy Phillis
  • Elizabeth Connor
  • Zane Barlow
  • Tom Hoogendyk
  • George Drake & Technical Staff
  • Intro Biology Students

41. Thanks!