Download - Course Project - Gate 2 - Spring 2015

  • MAE 364: Manufacturing Processes Spring 2015

    Course Project Gate 2: Component Analysis and Design

    Copyright 2015 Phillip M. Cormier


    In this gate groups will build off the foundational work they completed in Gate 1. From a technical

    standpoint, groups will investigate how the individual components are made. Students will

    investigate the components relate to the overall product function and usage. Knowledge from both

    technical and GSEE factors should be used to identify the primary drivers of component level design


    Project Management

    If at this point group problems persist, seek the instructor help immediately.

    Product Usage and Component Design (30 Points) For each component, identify the major features. What features are influenced by component function?

    What features are influenced by manufacturing concerns? For those features influenced by both

    function and manufacturing concerns identify the potential tradeoff areas.

    Initial Component Analysis for Products (60 Points) Closely examine the components and make an initial inference concerning how they are manufactured.

    For each component provide supporting information including component material, component

    geometry features, manufacturing marks, etc. Supporting imagery should be provided (and


    Technical Communication (10 Points) The technical communication techniques used in your memo will be evaluated for professionalism and

    effectiveness. This includes but is not limited to memo organization, formatting, the use of

    communication aids (tables, figures, and equations), etc.