Download - Course outlinejarod/math582C/slides/...Course outline Site shears stacks iii t.EE Eo as we are here Moduli of stable curves QRe Keydets Let F G be a map An algspace is a sheafX on

  • LECTURE 6 First properties of alg spaces and stacks

    where are weCourse outlineSite shears stacks

    iii t.EE Eo aswe are here Moduli of stable curves

  • QRe Keydets

    Let F G be a mapAn algspace is a sheaf X on

    of presheavesprestadesover Schet Schey set I scheme

    U and

    We say F Gis repnbyster U X repnby

    schemes e'tale say

    tf tf S G from a schemeS DeligneMunford

    Fxas is ascheme A DM.SI is a stack It on

    we say F Gis repe Schey

    set I scheme U andestate sus

    tf tf S G from a schemeS U FL representable

    Fxas is an algspare

    Dictan FES sAnalg.SI is a stack a o

    I 1 Scheyset I scheme U and

    F G U K representablesmoothlesu

    We can discuss properties of maps

    repn mpnby salons

  • EXAMPLES ExI Hironaka Fsmoothproper3ftwith a free 042 actionLast timesa F orbit not contained in any

    Egg algebraic aEn9efeiniex1kyExeI.Showthe stackBuy

    of week bolls n C of ranker legaltagspaceludtsche

    Ex 4 treeis algebraic cT zNXE 6 742 MAT thatGED nonsepacciasmooth Tonk r y X G is algspace

    linenot scheme

    qayayDMSKY.LITwo reasonscoasennelopsy

    singular birationalThfntfeqghsanfanefve.ita SpeckCx7x7ilT The diagonal YtYxY is1cone over a quack not Loc closed inn

    EE GmMA in 15 5 7 agx xxx4A'TUNED naffffmet e y 1 4

  • Summary of importantresuts TO BE



    Keyp Diagonal encodesstickiness

    In part the stabilise Gx isan

    Recall that'T IX algspace Infactitisssate

    Isaf laid 1TOffer we will impose further condites

    T on St xxT p Icab

    I xxx Exactive finite

    s T n Isomesfftaf b

    None of the axis ofbaby stuck

    peck dd

    define the stabilizer asa 7Speck FIN


    at Xxx

  • Summaryofimportantresutscont Assume Noetherian



  • So1Properbesofmophismse't

    e'tEe Etoile surjective Xxyy'tX v

    L Lyl 1Y gonsonekaget

    i If P is smoothlocal car desk

    Ex almost everythingpropertyPot a Y ifalg spades

    except projectivity

    Same defn for smooth10cal

    on same target

    s i EE

    a iewww.dim

  • 2 Properties of stacks Topological properties

    Def We say a DMstackfias P

    V Etalepres U St U Steakleyhas P Speck µ

    equiv F speakSame for smoothlocal

    Ex Loc ninth regular redued Eye G 4z MIA t.x Xare smooth6cal at GAYA X 1

    Upset Make sure of algstak

    Wires k9

    EE Gm MA t Lxytfxity ICAHN4A

    pl EEGmMAlCIAYendogyp.enIYed11MUSD

  • Jefe An algstackIt is quasiempat

    conned or irreducible if104 is

    A morphism Y is quasicompactif 104 1 ly l is

    A morphism yis ftype if

    Loc f type quasicompact

    Exe Show St g compact

    Fsm pres specdA

    Exert If Ixxx g compact

    1174 sobertop spae

    everyirred closed

    a ge.ptsubset has

  • 3 Equiv relations groupoids Think of R as ascheme ofrelates

    relation rre R M SCH trIn U compositorCutty o xIw lu


    identity u y

    inner Wy m 14

    R Te U equiv relation

    Fat most one retakesbetween ar two points

    of 4

    Samefor smooth

  • Ext G somegthgroup I fiddle Det Let Rst U bea smoothgap

    U h scheme w Gactor Define WpfPreas prostate

    R a u Usmooth set airports RGB

    C pEtaleif

    gea u Define CURT as gndpalguots

    equiv retake girlyCree


    Cie axational Exes F cart diagram

    E Let be DMstack R 5 µ

    Let U 5A Etoilepas tf o LP

    R Ux U zU U cakeEtalegropoid

    R 4x4

    iv relater F Stay spaceI 0 Lpxp

    ego qypy icukd.suR7

  • THI R Te U e'tale respsmooth groupoid

    7 ulRf is DM stackresp algstack