



For the most up-to-date version of this Nodule go to The following is the forward Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez of San Antonio, Texas, wrote for the first edition of Coup D'Etat in America. On November 21, 1963, I accompanied my good friend President John Kennedy to my home city of San Antonio where he was very warmly and enthusiastically received. I had wanted, and the people of my Congressional District had wanted him to stay longer in San Antonio and to dedicate the new John F. Kennedy High School there. The high school

is in the poorest of the ten San Antonio school districts, and overwhelming Hispanic. The President promised me he would come back to San Antonio to dedicate the school. I had tried to dissuade the White House schedulers from including Dallas on the itinerary because of the climate of hate which prevailed there at the time against the President. But then Democratic Governor John Connally told us in the Democratic Congressional delegation the purpose of the trip was to raise funds for the 1964 Presidential election. So, after San Antonio, I continued with the Presidential party to Houston, and then to Dallas where the President died. I wound up at Parkland Hospital and spent what seemed interminable hours in the confusion there, and one point, finding Jacqueline Kennedy in a hall, sitting alone as in a trance. I happened to be in front of the room where the President's body lay. I suppose I really had questions from the start as to why he died, who killed him, and what directions had the bullets come? I was in car number four of the motorcade, and distinctly heard three shots. However, I wanted very much, as did most Americans, to accept the official findings, especially those of the Warren Commission, despite the fact that there were many questions being raised, among them rumors and speculations which I thought were too fantastic to believe. It was not until the matter involving Vice President Spiro Agnew in September 1973, and then the 1974 impeachment hearings that my suspicions became sufficiently aroused regarding the death of President Kennedy. Some of the Watergate witnesses testified to the effect that there was great animosity against the President among those involved in the Bay of Pigs fiasco - to the point that some were interested in taking the greatest retaliation possible against him. Also, I couldn't understand how an "expert gunman" like OSWALD could miss his target when he had a clear shot at General Edwin Walker shortly before November 22, 1963. At the time of the publication of the first edition of Coup D'Etat in America (1975) I was urging the enactment of my House Resolution (H. Res. 204) calling for the establishment of a select committee for the purpose of studying the assassination of President Kennedy, U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King, and the attempted assassination of Governor George Wallace. The purpose of such a study was, of course, to determine if we could prevent further national decisions by bullets, rather than by ballots, and the detrimental impact on our democratic and governmental processes. Subsequently, in the late 1976 a select committee was forming in the U.S. House for the purpose of studying President Kennedy's and Dr. King's deaths with the House Speaker naming a colleague of ours as chairman. The new chairman, as well as the Speaker himself, planned to leave Congress at the end of 1976 - just three months away! This is the only time in the House's history a "lame duck" was appointed the chairman of a committee.

In January 1977 I was faced with the challenge of having to defend the need to reestablish the select committee in the new Congress. (Select committees die at the end of each Congress and have to be legislated back into existence if they continue their work.) Unfortunately, the former chairman and former colleague had placed a staff director in charge who had taken some actions which left the chances for reconstitution of the committee shaky. After getting the committee reestablished, but with a limited initial budget, the new Speaker named me as Assassination Committee Chairman. I resigned shortly thereafter when the House leadership failed to support me in the firing of the staff director. Later, under another chairman, within a few days of assuming the chair, the staff director was finally fired. The committee spent $6 million and issued reports which were inconclusive about what happened in respect to the assassination of President Kennedy and Dr. King. Since the mid-1970's, people from throughout the country - pathologists, writers, social scientists - have shared with me their own private investigations. Among the writers I have gotten to know and who have shared with me their investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination are Michael Canfield and A.J. Weberman. In this new edition of Coup Dtat in America, Canfield and ajweberman continue to offer important research in our important quest, as a people, to learn the truth regarding the death of President Kennedy. Our quest has been a long one, and hopefully we are coming to the end of it soon. Murder will out. Henry B. Gonzalez U.S. Representative, Washington, D.C.


For the most up-to-date version of this Nodule go to

On November 22, 1963 E. HOWARD HUNT, FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS and DAVID LEMAR CHRIST were picked up 2 hours after Kennedy was gunned down disguised as tramps in a gondola car in back of the Texas School Book Depository. The FBI and CIA have done everything they could to cover up this fact. In 1992, Oliver Stone's film, JFK, was going to ask serious questions about the tramps. JFK caused a distinguished FBI high official Oliver "Buck" Revell to float an April 1992 false news story which stated the FBI had finally identified the tramps, and they were not HUNT or STURGIS. This is a lie and Oliver Buck Revell, the former Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas FBI office, is a dirty lowdown liar. The arrest records of the Dallas Police Department indicated that three tramps were picked up in a boxcar immediately after shots were fired then two hours later the transcripts of Dallas Police radio transmissions, as found in the Warren Commission Exhibits, clearly indicated that a second set of three tramps were picked up at 2:00 PM from a gondola car. He knows this. The Rockefeller Commission reported that 8 tramps in total were picked up on that fateful day. About six or eight persons, referred to as "derelicts," were found in or near the freight cars. These persons were taken either to the nearby Dallas County Sheriff's office, or to the Dallas Police Department for questioning. All were released without any arrest records being made, or any fingerprinting or photographing being done by the authorities. Here is the news story: JFK TRAMPS, FBI SAYS, WERE JUST VAGRANTS Washington, D.C. Nearly 29 years after the assassination of John Kennedy, the FBI has finally tracked down the mysterious three tramps arrested that day in Dallas and concluded they were just tramps. The FBI's Dallas Office said it traced the tramps after their names were printed in Texas newspapers...One tramp, Gus Abrams, is dead, the FBI said, but agents found and interviewed John Forrester Gedney in Melbourne, Florida and Harold Doyle in Klamath Falls, Oregon. They said they were at a mission the day of the assassination, 'had gotten some food and had gotten cleaned up and were wandering back toward the railroad yard' when they were arrested, said Oliver Revell, Dallas FBI Office head. Some theorists postulated that the tramps were future Watergate burglars HOWARD HUNT and FRANK STURGIS. Journalist Ron Kessler reported: "Having begun his career as liaison to the FBI on the JFK assassination, Oliver Revell recently completed the circle in Dallas by instructing agents to try and find the three so-called tramps...Prompted by the controversy created by JFK Oliver Revell's decision 30 years after the event illustrates the discretion FBI

agents have." [Kessler, Ron The FBI Pocket Books 1993 p162] Thanks to Special Agent in Charge Oliver Revell and the prestige of the FBI, most people with an interest in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy believe the tramp shot theory has been laid to rest. Don't let Oliver Revell pull the wool over your eyes. Revell and the other members of the FBI's hierarchy covered up the truth about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1964. Revell began his career in the FBI in November 1964. He published a book entitled G-Man's Journal to chronicle his experiences in the FBI from the Kennedy assassination to the Oklahoma City bombing. Revell had been Director of the Criminal Division, Counter-Terrorism Section, of the FBI. He worked closely with CIA Plans Director Clair George. [Emerson Secret Warriors p288] In September 1987, Revell was placed in charge of a joint FBI/CIA U.S. military operation (Operation Goldenrod) which led to the first apprehension overseas of an international terrorist. President Reagan commended him for his leadership of this endeavor. In May 1991, he was awarded the FBI Medal for Meritorious Achievement and the following month received the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal by the Director of Central Intelligence, William H. Webster. Oliver Revell had been installed by FBI Director William Webster as one of three executive Assistant Directors of the FBI. Revell was reprimanded over ABSCAM leaks after he failed a polygraph test. [] Revell directed break-ins of the Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) and Revell was a figure in Contragate. In 1986 Oliver North asked Oliver Revell to investigate the funding of the Christic Institute. The Christic Institute was a Washington-based group that investigated the illegal Contra supply operation. FBI documents revealed that Oliver North asked Oliver Revell to intervene to postpone the Federal grand jury appearance of a figure involved in funneling money to the Nicaraguan Contras. FBI Director William Webster, who had not been informed of the North/Revell contact, stated that he could not think of another lapse like this during his nine-year tenure as Director. Oliver Revell was demoted to Director for Investigations. When William Sessions became FBI Director, Oliver Revell was further demoted. On May 28, 1991, Revell assumed the position of Special Agent in Charge, Dallas Division (covering the northern half of Texas). On May 1, 1992, the Attorney General of the United States ordered Revell to Los Angeles and placed him in command of joint Federal law enforcement efforts to suppress the riots and civil disorder. He was also assigned responsibility to coordinate the law enforcement activities of military forces assigned to combat the riots in Los Angeles. Attorney General William Barr presented Revell the Attorney General's Special Commendation Award for "outstanding leadership in overseeing Federal law enforcement agencies response to civil disorder in Los Angeles". He retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation on August 31, 1994 with the restored rank of Associate Deputy Director. THE LAST CONFESSION OF E. HOWARD HUNT What truth did Revell hope to suppress? In 1975, the book Coup D'Etat in America, The

CIA and the Assassination of John Kennedy, by A. J. Weberman and Michael Canfield, was published by the Third Press in New York City. This book identified two of the Dealey Plaza tramps as HUNT and STURGIS and provided background on these two men based on FBI documents. In 1976 HOWARD HUNT sued Canfield and I for having written Coup D'Etat in America. He lost, and agreed to pay us $300, which we never received. Just before he died HOWARD HUNT admitted to having been a benchwarmer in the plot to kill Kennedy but steadfastly denied he was one of the tramps picked up in Dealey Plaza. Extensive research indicated that so many CIA officials, agents and contract agents were involved in the big event that assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a coup d'etat carried out by CIA. It was not an official CIA operation, but it just as might well have been. Then the CIA and FBI intentionally covered-up the connection of its employees to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. The mob was also involved in the big event. In the early 1960s the CIA and the Mafia, two of the most powerful institutions in America teamed up to assassinate Castro and overthrow Communism in Cuba. CIAs interest was ideological, the mobs was monetary as Castro had closed down their highly profitable casinos. But the main motivation behind the Kennedy assassination was the Bay of Pigs. After Kennedy withdrew air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion (sabotage) and signed a deal with the Soviets to guarantee the integrity of Communist Cuba in return for the USSR withdrawing its missiles those same two institutions came together again in a plot to kill not Castro, but Kennedy. HOWARD HUNT wrote: Other scenarios include the assassination of Kennedy by a Cuban organization angered by the president's failure to go after Castro again. After the Bay of Pigs, I had many of the principals come to me asking, "Eduardo, let me know when we are going to do it again!" I tried to suppress any hope of reconstituting the invasion, as we had created as massive an effort as we ever hoped for, and its lack of success was probably final. It was apparent that any successful attack would entail the use of a great many U.S. troops, not a brigade of hastily trained adventurers. It was very discouraging news to the Cuban exile movement, which began to hate Kennedy for preventing the needed air support. When Kennedy compounded his mistake by promising Khrushchev that the United States would not invade Cuba, a lot of exile groups felt that the president had sold them out. The leadership group in the Frente [the shadow Cuban Government set up by CIA] definitely considered him a traitor to the cause and were especially bitter and hostile to the president, whom they had once supported vociferously over Nixon. [HUNT American Spy]

All of the people involved in the planning and effectuating of the big event were connected to the Bay of Pigs Invasion. GERALD PATRICK HEMMING, a antiCommunist militant close to the Bay of Pigs Brigade cooked up an elaborate plot to blame this assassination on his stooge OSWALD, who had just returned from a mission to the Soviet Union during which he pretended to defect, supplied the SOVs with the data they needed to shoot down the U-2 and sabotaged the upcoming US USSR Summit. Evidence suggested that in 1959 HEMMING secretly put OSWALD in touch with CIA Counter-Intelligence (CI) Chief JAMES JESUS ANGLETON who cooked up this diabolical plan. I was on to ANGLETON years ago and other dudes on the opposite end of things than myself are getting hip. John M. Newman spent 20 years with the U.S. Army Intelligence. This included serving in in Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and China. He eventually became executive assistant to the director of the National Security Agency (NSA). After leaving the NSA Newman joined the University of Maryland where he taught courses in Soviet, Chinese Communist, East Asian, and Vietnam War history, as well as Sino-Soviet and U.S.-Soviet relations. A new edition of Newmans book, Oswald and the CIA, was published in 2008. Newman argues that James Angleton was probably the key figure in the assassination of John F. Kennedy: In my view, whoever Oswald's direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot. No one else had the means necessary to plant the WWIII virus in Oswald's files and keep it dormant for six weeks until the president's assassination. Whoever those who were ultimately responsible for the decision to kill Kennedy were, their reach extended into the national intelligence apparatus to such a degree that they could call upon a person

who knew its inner secrets and workings so well that he could design a failsafe mechanism into the fabric of the plot. The only person who could ensure that a national security cover-up of an apparent counterintelligence nightmare was the head of counterintelligence. In 1962, after OSWALD returned to the US after his successful U-2 DUMP mission that set back US USSR relations HEMMING introduced OSWALD to CIA agents and contract employees who deceived OSWALD into believing he was working for the Agency. HEMMING told this researcher: "A. J., you think the universe revolves around my asshole." Marina Oswald told this researcher in 1994: Do you think HEMMING is making these statements right now only to add some importance to himself? We're all here to make ourselves look a little better than we really are. The answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don't underestimate that. It's wrong to blame it on ANGLETON and CIA per se only. This is only one finger of the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA. I never heard the name GERRY PATRICK HEMMING until Garrison [the New Orleans District Attorney who investigated the assassination of former President John Kennedy] told me. I never heard LEE mention that name. He never mentioned anything. He lived double life, know what I mean? Do you think I would be giving this interview right now if I knew? I inherited the mess, but the tragedy is not only mine, but the whole nation's.

HEMMING had OSWALD form a bogus chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, try to visit Cuba and other things that would convince America that Cuba had to be invaded after OSWALD was named as the assassin. The Mafias part in the deal was to take out OSWALD after the event however the police officer that Ruby hired to do had just fallen off a turnip truck and failed to take OSWALD out. OSWALD was taken prisoner. As a result Ruby had to kill OSWALD despite RUBYs obvious connection to Organized Crime. This freaked out America and the Warren Commission had to be formed to assure everyone democracy was still safe in the United States. THE ROCKEFELLER COMMISSION AND THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS The assassination remained a mystery to all but a few until photographic evidence of the CIAs presence in Dallas was uncovered by this researcher on November 22, 1973. After that all the puzzle pieces fell into place. In 1975 in order to once again assure the public that there was no CIA involvement in the assassination the Rockefeller Commission was formed. Then Michael Canfield, who worked with me on this database, suggested to Congressman Henry Gonzalez that he introduce a bill to investigate the Kennedy and King assassinations. He did, it passed and the House Select Committee on Assassinations was formed. Canfield was going to be hired as a staff member and I would work behind the scenes. However a fight broke out between Congressmen

Gonzalez and Chief Counsel Richard Sprague and both men resigned. From the way Congressman Gonzalez was behaving the possibility exists that he was drugged. I know that this sounds far out but there is other evidence that CIA brought down a plane with numerous passengers aboard to protect this secret. Robert Blakey who wrote the RICO Act took over and the event got blamed on Organized Crime, which was only part of the truth but better than nothing. GERALD PATRICK HEMMING

HEMMING (a former prisoner of Castro seen above with A J WEBERMAN), met OSWALD in the Marines, and brought him into his plan. HEMMING told this researcher: How can you set up people to take a fall unless you're dealing with them personally? Get the clue, asshole? HEMMING 1994: "You know who didn't want to parole me? Revell's brother who was Chairman of the Florida Crime Commission. He was also on the Parole Board." In 1978 I met HEMMING at his "private detective" office in the Little Havana section of Miami. I was impressed by this 6' 7" man. HEMMING exuded self confidence and was fully conversant with all facets of trade craft. He was a genius. HEMMING provided me with the identity of the third tramp. He said: "FRANK STURGIS was firing from the Records Building." He visited me at Bleecker Street. I hung out at his office. This researcher re-contacted HEMMING in 1994 and found that he was experiencing a low point in his life. Broke, he separated from his wife of 30 years and moved in with his daughter, brother-in-law, and grandchildren in North Carolina. I sent him money.

HEMMING realized that his real friends were people like myself, who came to his aid when no one else did. Call it checkbook journalism, but it worked. In 1978 HEMMING had supplied me with important information, combined with disinformation, for nothing. This time, despite outlandish claims by HEMMING such as "there was a nigger jacking his dick on the fifth floor of the depository that day" he came closer to telling the truth than ever before. Even if he killed the President, hey whats an American president between friends? HEMMING told this researcher: You got me A. J. I'm gonna have to stand up here and raise my right hand - and take it off my dick - and confess to this heinous crime. It's time for me to get this burden off my back. It keeps me awake at night. It's terrible. Shit, I ain't figured out half of the fuckin' stuff. How could an outsider like you figure it out? You think people keep fuckin' records that burn a trail to their back door? I don't keep anything that goes against my own interest. What would I have it for? It would only endanger me - then I got to go out and kill some Cubans. I don't need the extra work. I ain't worried about these assholes. I just have to take measures to counter what the fuck they plan to do. And it's work, costs me time and money. Shit, the Cubans are afraid of me. I came out of Cuba after running an execution squad. Trying to seek out the truth to this matter somebody's gonna pay a fucking price. It will be difficult. The whole picture won't come out, but there will be enough clues to show that people in this country have been played like a fucking violin. I've been giving a deep throat clue here, a clue there. In the first few years I would never have put my ass on the line. Treason is a capital offense, there ain't no statute of limitations on it. There's a guy by the name of Beckwith that was convicted 31 years later. He just got life, didn't he? I'm not going to insert myself into the scenario. My family feels they have been made to pay the fucking price because I didn't keep my mouth shut. That I just didn't sit on it. My family has already agreed. Fuck it! Let it all hang-out!. I don't give a shit what the risks are! I watch my step right now. In your last book you gave STURGIS all the goddamned credit. FRANK was thirsting to do it. Given the opportunity this guy would have done it in a heartbeat. But this fucker couldn't wipe his ass with both hands. He's a fucking dunce. The slipdick don't know shit from Shinola. You should have been looking at me. I'm affronted, A.J. Ha, ha. FRANK didn't buy your first book. I had to bring it over to the house. He had a library of about nine books on some kind of shit, none of the right

books. I said 'Do you want to look in the index where your name appears?' And he looks at mine. He says, 'I see you got your name in here, too. I'll have to read this.' He wanted me to leave the fucking book. He would have stolen it. He looked at the pictures. He looked and he looked. No comment. No comment. Same thing if it was me. I wouldn't have commented on what I was looking at. There are people in the contract business running around today who believe A. J. WEBERMAN is right. Would that surprise you? And when they're wandering around they whip out A. J. WEBERMAN's book and say, 'See how we did it?' There are people out in the field that believe that shit. The death squad people.


For the most up-to-date version of this Nodule go to The following material does not bear directly on the Kennedy assassination and if you are familiar with the intelligence community and are anxious to get to the OSWALD go to Nodule 2. It deals with the formation and staff of the CIA, biographical sketches of notable figures associated or targeted by the CIA, and CIA Operations. It is an orientation to the convoluted world of the intelligence community and was provided to give the reader some idea as what President Kennedy was up against when he tried to reign in the CIA.

The conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy came out of a long history of Cold War intrigue that began with the formation of the CIA. In July 1947, the United States Congress passed the National Security Act. As a result, the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), a spy agency that was an intelligence-gathering operation, became the CIA. On December 19, 1947, Defense Secretary James Forrestal sponsored an unpublished annex to policy directive NSC/4. As a result, the CIA established the Office of Special Operations, a covert action instrumentality. ANGLETON and former FBI S.A. William King Harvey [CIA Office of Security #32 814], directed the Office of Special Operations. Their boss, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was intent on preventing the Communists from winning the elections which were scheduled for April 18, 1948, in Italy. Hillenkoetter assigned ANGLETON this task. ANGLETON formed the Office of Special Operations Special Procedures Group. In June 1948, the National Security Council adopted NSC 10/2, a directive that authorized paramilitary activities against the Soviet Union. On September 1, 1948, the Office of Special Operations of the CIA created a subsidiary organization known as the Office of Policy Coordination. In October 1950, General Walter Bedell Smith replaced Admiral Hillenkoetter as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA FOUNDER: FRANK WISNER In January 1951, General Walter Bedell Smith appointed Frank Wisner as CIA Deputy Director (Plans) for the Office of Policy Coordination. The Korean War necessitated an absorption of the Office of Policy Coordination by the Plans Division of the CIA. In January 1951, Frank Wisner was appointed CIA Assistant DD/Plans. Frank Wisner, born into a prominent Southern family, studied law at the University of Virginia and was a member of the law firm of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn. After a brief Navy commission, he was assigned to OSS, where he was an illegal who worked inside Germany during the war. From 1946 to 1947 Frank Wisner was a partner in Carter, Ledyard & Milburn. On November 12, 1947, Frank Wisner was appointed Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of State. Frank Wisner was CIA DD/P from 1952 to 1958. In 1959 he became Chief of Station in London. In 1962 he resigned from the Agency after suffering a series of nervous breakdowns. He drank heavily and contracted hepatitis. On October 29, 1965, Frank Wisner committed suicide by shooting himself with a 20gauge shotgun on his Maryland farm. He was 56. THE DOOLITTLE REPORT In 1952, General Eisenhower was elected President. In 1954 President Eisenhower commissioned General James Doolittle to do a study of CIA covert operations. General Doolittle concluded the CIA was often ineffective against the KGB and that the CIA "must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy its enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against it." JFK disagreed: "We cannot, as a free nation, compete with our adversaries in tactics of

terror, assassination, false promises, counterfeit mobs and crises." [JFK address at University of Washington] CIA PROJECTS: MKNAOMI In 1952, the CIA embarked on Project MKNAOMI, the purpose of which was to stockpile lethal materials for the Technical Services Division of the CIA and to provide for testing, upgrading, and evaluation of these materials to insure complete predictability of results under operational conditions. The Technical Services Division developed darts coated with biological agents that were so tiny the victim could feel nothing as one penetrated clothing and skin. Furthermore, no trace of the dart or the poison would be found in later medical examination of the cadaver. The Technical Services Division also developed pills that contained several different biological agents which could remain potent for weeks or months, as well as other biological and chemical toxic agents which were undetectable during normal autopsy procedures. CIA FOUNDER: ALLEN DULLES MKNAOMI was authorized by the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles in 1953. Allen Dulles (born April 7, 1893) had worked at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York City where he practiced international law. This firm represented The Chase National Bank, Standard Oil of New Jersey and other Rockefeller family financial interests. In 1933 Allen Dulles was retained by the United Fruit Company, after which he purchased a large block of United Fruit stock. [Hersh Old Boys p52] In October 1941, William Donovan appointed Allen Dulles Director of the New York City office of the Coordinator of Information. The office of Allen Dulles, when he was Coordinator of Information, was located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. From 1942 to 1946 Allen Dulles ran the OSS station in Bern, Switzerland. After World War II he returned to his law practice. In June 1948, Allen Dulles was appointed Deputy Director of the Office of Policy Coordination. In January 1951, Allen Dulles was appointed CIA Deputy Director for Plans (DD/P). In February 1953, President Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles, then Deputy Director/Counter-Intelligence, as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The brother of Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, had also been an attorney at Sullivan and Cromwell. In 1938 he represented the Bank of Spain which was controlled by Francisco Franco. Solicited for a Nazi front known as the America First Committee, John Foster Dulles wrote he was "in a mental quandary. I am very much opposed to our getting into wars; on the other hand, I am not an isolationist." His wife sent funds to the America First Committee. In 1949 John Foster Dulles left Sullivan and Cromwell to become Ambassador to Japan; President Eisenhower appointed him Secretary of State in 1953. John Foster Dulles was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles died on May 24, 1959. The successor of John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter, had been his Under-Secretary of State. Christian Herter had worked with Allen Dulles in Paris after World War I, and was

a leading member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Center for International Studies at Harvard. [Congressional Yearbook 1959 p407] CIA FOUNDERS: HELMS AND KARAMESSINES Richard M. Helms supervised MKNAOMI. Richard Helms was born in St. David's, Pennsylvania, on March 30, 1913. After college he joined the United Press in Germany, where he interviewed Hitler. In 1945 Richard Helms and Allen Dulles ran the Berlin OSS Station. Richard Helms joined the Central Intelligence Group in 1946 and became a CIA Deputy Director for Special Intelligence and Operations in 1947. [Mader Who's Who in the CIA p230] Frank Wisner chose Richard Helms as his assistant. Richard Helms became CIA DD/P in February 1962; on June 18, 1966, he was appointed the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Richard Helms worked closely with Thomas Hercules Karamessines. THOMAS KARMESSINES Thomas Karamessines was born in New York on July 25, 1917. He attended Columbia University Law School and served as a District Attorney from 1941 to 1942. Thomas Karamessines was in the OSS from 1942 to 1947. In 1951 he assumed diplomatic cover and took a post in the U.S. Embassy, Athens. He was listed as a Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1954. He assumed diplomatic cover again in 1959, when he became CIA Chief of Station in Vienna. Thomas Karamessines was appointed CIA Assistant DD/P in the Spring of 1962. In 1973 CIA Director Richard Helms destroyed numerous records concerning these MKULTRA and MKNAOMI. In 1975 the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities (SSCIA) questioned Richard Helms and Thomas Karamessines. Richard Helms testified he knew of an 18-year-old $3 million joint program with the Army's Biological Warfare Laboratory which developed delivery systems like dart guns, although he had never ordered such weapons used against human beings. Thomas Karamessines said he had "no recollection of the actual use of any of the materials" but acknowledged they may have been used to kill a watchdog in a foreign operation: "As Mr. Helms and others who know me are aware I would not have continued [at the CIA] if there was a requirement for the killing of a human being." ANGLETON was questioned about these programs during an Executive Session of the SSCIA. Senator Richard Schweiker examined ANGLETON about the CIA's failure to destroy its toxic agents, despite an Executive Order to do so. ANGLETON declared: "It is inconceivable that a secret intelligence arm of the government has to comply with all the overt orders of the government." [FBI NO-44-2064 12.10.63, 62-109060-1294, NO-89-69 p341 11.26.63, 62-1090604-891; HSCA V5 p94]

THE DEATH OF HUGH GAITSKELL In 1963, ANGLETON was certain that the KGB had induced a fatal illness in Hugh Gaitskell, an anti-Communist British Labor Party leader, who died prematurely on January 18, 1963. ANGLETON reasoned that Gaitskell, chief cheer-leader for the U.S., had been assassinated by the KGB so that Harold Wilson, whom ANGLETON thought to be a KGB asset, could take power. The evidence against Harold Wilson consisted of his having had participated in post-war business deals with the Soviets, which sometimes involved jet aircraft; his association with Jews and left-wing Laborites such as Michael Foot; and his trips to Moscow. Hugh Gaitskell suffered from lupus erythematosus, a then little-known auto-immune disorder which he allegedly contracted after having tea at the Soviet Embassy, London. [David Leigh - onset of symptoms much earlier - David Leigh, The Wilson Plot p83] In Spycatcher, Peter Wright (died April 27, 1995), a former U.K. intelligence official, stated: After he died, Gaitskell's doctor got in touch with MI5...and explained that he was disturbed by the manner of Gaitskell's death. Gaitskell had died of a disease called lupus disseminata, which attacks the body's organs. He said that it was rare in temperate climates and that there was no evidence that Gaitskell had been anywhere recently where he could have contracted the disease. I consulted JIM ANGLETON about the problem...A month or two later he sent us a paper about lupus which he had translated from a Russian scientific journal. The paper was [7] years old and ANGLETON reported that there were no other papers in Russian that they could find. This paper described the use of a special chemical [hydralazine] which the Russians had found would induce lupus in experimental rats...the quantities required to produce lupus were considerable and had to be given repeatedly...if the Russians had continued to work on it they might have found a much better form of the chemical which would require much smaller doses and perhaps work as a one-shot drug. The next development was that [KGB defector] Anatoliy Mikhailovich Golitsyn told us quite independently that during the last few years of his service he had some contacts with Department 13, which was known as the Department of Wet Affairs in the KGB. This department was responsible for organizing assassinations. He said that just before he left he knew the KGB was planning a high-level political assassination in Europe...He did not know which country it was planned in, but he pointed out that the chief of Department 13...had been in Britain for many years and had just returned on a promotion to take up the job, so he would have had good knowledge of the political scene in England...

ANATOLIY GOLITSYN Anatoliy Golitsyn, who defected in Helsinki on December 22, 1961, was ANGLETON'S prize defector. FBI Counter-intelligence Chief William Branigan recounted: "ANGLETON did have confidence in Golitsyn - more than anyone else I know of. And ANGLETON wanted the FBI to show Golitsyn its files, even though ANGLETON knew the FBI was not happy with Golitsyn and did not respect him." CIA psychiatrists considered Anatoliy Golitsyn paranoid and mentally ill. Despite this diagnosis, ANGLETON arranged for him to meet with United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. The CIA was made up of former OSS agents who had been involved in World War II. They wanted the ability to assassinate enemy agents or double-agents. The exact details of project MKNAOMI may never be known. The programs were highly compartmentalized. Few records were kept. ANGLETON had access to all the MKNAOMI files. The CIA instituted MKNAOMI in the 1950's in response to the KGB's use of these deadly techniques. Many of the KGB's agents had also been involved in intelligence during World War II. They too needed an assassination capability. During the Cold War accidental death was not always accidental, however, the Gaitskill episode was indicative of ANGLETON'S paranoid thinking, which was an asset in the world of counter-intelligence. Dr. Jerrold Post, a CIA psychologist, concluded that ANGLETON was not clinically paranoid, but had a strong paranoid inclination:"People with that psychological bent will function well in the CI world." LSD AND THE CIA: MKULTRA Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) was first synthesized in 1938 in Basel, Switzerland, by Dr. Albert Hoffman. In April 1943, Hoffman became aware of the psychotropic effects of LSD MKULTRA entailed testing LSD and other hallucinogens on unwitting human Subjects. On November 18, 1953, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb administered a dose of LSD. to Dr. Frank R. Olson as part of the CIA's MKULTRA program. Frank Olson went insane and was brought to New York City for evaluation. On November 28, 1953, he dived through the plate glass window from the tenth story of the Statler Hotel. In the Summer of 1994 the body of Frank Olson was exhumed and the multiple fractures to Frank Olson's skull were found to be inconsistent was a 13 story fall. [Wash. Post 7.12.94] The CIA claimed that: only two (2) field stations, Manila and Atsugi, have L.S.D. material. There is none in Germany although Mr. William K. Harvey recently expressed interest in the subject. A cable to the field on December 1, 1953 will instruct the field as to non-use and request data as to how much

is on hand and has custody and access." [CIA Memo for Inspector General Subject: Use of LSD 12.1.53] Sometime prior to August 1960 "(deleted) of the Technical Services Division, remembers discussion of a scheme to contaminate the air of a radio studio where Castro broadcast his speeches with an aerosol spray of a chemical that produces reactions similar to those of LSD Nothing came of the idea. (Deleted) said he had discouraged the scheme, because the chemical could not be relied upon to be effective. (Deleted) also told Technical Service Division recalls experimentation with psychic energizers but cannot relate it to Castro as a target." DOCTOR SIDNEY GOTTLIEB Technical Services Division Staff member Sidney Gottlieb was the CIA's expert on exotic poisons. A cripple with a speech defect, Gottlieb developed cigarette lighters that gave off a lethal gas, lipstick that would kill on contact, and a pocket spray for asthma sufferers that induced pneumonia. The CIA created the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology to facilitate his work. Gottlieb developed poisons to be used against Fidel Castro and Gamal Abdul Nasser. Project MKULTRA resulted in at least one other death. On November 29, 1963, Richard Helms, Mr. (Deleted), Lyman Kirkpatrick, Sidney Gottlieb and the Inspector General of the CIA, J. S. Earman, held a meeting at the office of CIA Deputy Director Lt. General Marshall Carter. This CIA document dealt with that meeting: 1. The main thrust of the discussion was the testing of certain drugs on unwitting U.S. citizens. Dr. Gottlieb gave a brief history of the MKULTRA program which was not in any way at variance with the Inspector General's report of August 1963 on this subject. 2. Messrs. Gottlieb and (Deleted) argued for continuation of unwitting testing, using as the principal point that controlled testing cannot be depended upon for accurate results. General Carter, I and Kirkpatrick and I do not disagree with the point. We also accept the necessity for having a 'stable of drugs' on the shelf and the requirement for continued research and development of drugs -- not only for possible operational use but also to give CIA insight on the state of the art in this field and in particular to alert us to what the opposition is, or might be expected to do, in the Research and Development of drugs. 3. (Deleted) noted that there was no disagreement with the recommendations of the IG survey on MKULTRA with the exception of the unwitting testing problem. In response to a query from General Carter, he stated that since the IG report, such testing has been I abeyance.

4. General Carter made it clear that he understood the necessity for research and development of all types of drugs, to include their testing, however, he was troubled by the 'unwitting aspect.' This led to a brief discussion on the possibility of unwitting tests on foreign nationals but according to (Deleted) this has been ruled out as a result of several conversations he recently had with Senior Chiefs of Station --- to dangerous and the lack of controlled facilities...If it is concluded by the DD/P that unwitting testing on American citizens must be continued to operationally prove out these drugs, it may become necessary to place this problem before the Director for a decision. [Foreign & Mil. Intell. Book I, Final Report Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities SSCIA aka 'Church Committee' pp. 360-422; CIA MKULTRA FOIA #16-1; Harris, Higher Form Killing 1982, G. Thomas, Journey Madness 1990; Gottlieb, Sidney Boston Va. 22713 703-547-3934] In the early 1960's, the CIA researched the possibility of large-scale covert use of biological weapons. Scientists prepared memoranda, studied by the CIA, that detailed which diseases were common in different areas of the world so that covert use of biological weapons containing these diseases could easily go undetected. [SSCIA For. Mil. Int. V1 p362] In 1964 Sidney Gottlieb approved a $150,000-a-year payment to a Baltimore laboratory to conduct research into lethal microorganisms. These researchers attempted to discover psycho chemicals that simulated death induced by carbon dioxide to produce a weapon to fake a common means of suicide. In 1965 Sidney Gottlieb hired former W.H. Division Chief J.C. King. EARLY CIA FOUNDER: WILLIAM K. HARVEY William K. Harvey, the son of a lawyer, was born on September 13, 1915. From 1931 to 1933 he was a reporter and printer for the Danville Gazette. From 1933 to 1937 he studied law at the University of Indiana. He joined the FBI in December 1940 where he targeted Soviet spies in Washington and New York City. In 1947 he was demoted by Hoover for Driving While Intoxicated. William K. Harvey was accepted by the CIA. From 1947 to 1952 he was listed as an Executive Officer in the Pentagon. Actually, he was an Intelligence Officer in Office of Special Operations/FBS (Foreign Broadcast Service), USSR Division, Office of Special Operations COPS (Covert Operations), then he became an assistant to the Deputy Chief. In 1949 he began special operations for CE (Counter-Espionage). In 1951 he began work for Division D. This component was involved in obtaining code books from embassies. Frank Wisner, the head of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) asked Harvey to investigate Kim Philby, the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) liaison in

Washington. Harvey reported back in June 1951 that he was convinced that Philby was a KGB spy. As a result Philby was forced to leave the United States. He joined the CIA DDP in 1952. The details of his career abroad between 1952 and 1959 were withheld. He returned to Headquarters in 1959 and soon headed Task Force W. Task Force W was engaged in running anti-Castro activities. [CIA Bio. Profile CIA Bio. Profile 9.22.71 180045180045] Harvey was sent to West Germany where he worked with Ted Shackley at the CIA Berlin Station. In 1955 he was commander of Operation Gold which succeeded in tapping Soviet phone lines via a 500-yard tunnel into East Berlin. Until it was detected a year later, the tap gave the CIA information about the military plans of the Soviet Union. It was only later that it was discovered that George Blake, a MI6 agent in Berlin, had told the KGB about the tunnel when it was first built. Tom Parrott, who worked with Harvey in Berlin claims that Harvey was "anti-elitist". He disliked and resented the "Ivy Leaguers in the CIA". According to another agent, Carleton Swift: "Harvey believed that the elite had a guilty conscience. Guilt was the upper-class pathology. Actually, he was envious as hell. He wanted to be part of the establishment. He knew he wasn't, so he hated it." According to Swift he ruined several people's careers because of their elite background. Harvey was also involved a policy that was later to become known as Executive Action (a plan to remove unfriendly foreign leaders from power). This including a coup d'tat that overthrew the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 after he introduced land reforms and nationalized the United Fruit Company. HUNT and PHILLIPS were involved in this activity.In March I960, President Dwight Eisenhower of the United States approved a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. The plan involved a budget of $13 million to train "a paramilitary force outside Cuba for guerrilla action." The strategy was organised by Richard Bissell and Richard Helms.

The CIA JMWAVE station in Miami served as operational headquarters for Operation Mongoose, a covert action program for sabotage and subversion against Cuba. The head of the station was Ted Shackley and over the next few months became very involved in the attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. William Harvey was appointed as head of Task Force W. and he organized a broad range of activities that would help to bring down Castro's government. In March, 1961 Harvey arranged for CIA operative, Jim O'Connell, to meet Sam Giancana, Santo Trafficante, Johnny Roselli and Robert Maheu at the Fontainebleau Hotel. During the meeting O'Connell gave poison pills and $10,000 to Rosselli to be used against Fidel Castro. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert Kennedy instructed CIA director John McCone, to halt all covert operations aimed at Cuba. A few days later he discovered that Harvey had ignored this order and had dispatched three commando teams into Cuba to prepare for what he believed would be an inevitable invasion. CIA official Walter Elder explained: During the Cuban missile crisis when it was virtually impossible to get access to top officials in the government and to get their guidance on day to day affairs, Harvey, who did indeed try to get such guidance on his own concluded that the United States policy was headed towards a full-scale invasion of Cuba. He ordered a number of agent teams to be dispatched to the island for intelligence collections to be in place as assets to support a conventional military operation. General Landsdale claimed this was done without his knowledge and authorization and there was a confrontation in Mr. McCones office. McCone concluded that unless these teams were being sent to satisfy specific requirements by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, that they should be recalled. Since there was no such requirement, they were recalled. In a separate meeting McCone reassured Landsdale that he was, in fact, Chief of Operations. As a result of this Harvey earned another black mark as not being fully under control. [TESTIMONY OF WALTER ELDER, 13 AUG 1975] Kennedy was furious and as soon as the Cuban Missile Crisis was over, Harvey was removed as commander of ZR/RIFLE, the assassination section of OPERATION MONGOOSE. On October 30, 1962, RFK terminated "all sabotage operations" against Cuba. As a result of President Kennedy's promise to Nikita Khrushchev that he would not invade Cuba, Operation Mongoose was disbanded. In February 1963 Harvey was sent to Italy where he became Chief of Station in Rome. Harvey knew that Robert Kennedy had been responsible for his demotion. Harvey continued to keep in contact with Johnny Roselli. According to Richard D. Mahoney: On April 8, 1963 Rosselli flew to New York to meet with Bill Harvey. A week later, the two men met again in Miami to discuss the plot in greater detail... On April 21 he (Harvey) flew from Washington to deliver four

poison pills directly to Rosselli, who got them to Tony Varona and hence to Havana. That same evening, Harvey and Ted Shackley, the chief of the CIA's south Florida base, drove a U-Haul truck filled with the requested arms through the rain to a deserted parking lot in Miami. They got out and handed the keys to Rosselli. In 1962, following a disagreement with Robert Kennedy, William Harvey became Chief of Station in Rome. The CIA admitted: It is correct to say William Harvey disagreed with the Administrations approach to Cuban operations, and he finally told the Attorney General that in quite candid terms. He was essentially a tough and blunt man, and had no illusions as to what he was doing. The act probably led to his reassignment. It is safe to assume he held some resentment for the action of the Attorney General... [CIA Memo SDB to Blakey 2.9.79] William Harvey continued to work with the CIA until 1967, when he went on sick leave. At the termination of his leave, he retired. He continued to associate with John Rosselli. A May 5, 1967, CIA Memorandum for the Record from L. K. White, CIA Executive Director-Comptroller, stated: On May 5, 1967, Mr. Helms advised me that he had lunch today with Bill Sullivan of the FBI...Later in the afternoon, Sullivan called Richard Helms to report that Sam Papich had lunch today with Bill Harvey at the latter's request. The primary purpose of the luncheon was for Bill to report to Papich on some contact he had with a 'gangster' and to offer his cooperation to the FBI in dealing with this individual. He expressed to Papich (deleted). Richard Helms said that he assumed Papich would report on this in due course to Mr. ANGLETON... On October 4, 1967, Howard Osborn, the Director of the Office of Security, noted: MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Luncheon Meeting with William K. Harvey 1. About a week ago Harvey called me and suggested that we have lunch on October 4, 1967. I mentioned this to Mr. Earman, Inspector General, and also to the Director. 2. Because of Harveys association and continuing friendship with Johnny I notified the Bureau (Mr. William Cregar) officially that I intended to have lunch with Harvey and that this had been approved by the Director. 3. (Deleted) we spent the first fifteen minutes or so in an exchange of information relating to our families, the tragic and untimely death of

Desmond Fitzgerald, the burglary of his household, and the current status of his application for admission to the District Bar. 4. Harvey then asked me directly whether or not Earman had kept me filled in on the status of his relationship with Johnny. I said that he had since I had inherited knowledge of this case when I assumed the position of Director of Security on July 1, 1964. He said he was a little annoyed with Helms in that he had spread knowledge of this case so widely throughout the Agency since he had a very explicit understanding with him that it was to be extremely closely held. I pointed out that recent developments had obviously made him decide that it was necessary to solicit the assistance and support of his Inspector General. Since Harvey seemed quite relaxed after his second beer and inclined to chat about this, I asked him point-blank what was the nature of his relationship with "Johnny" since it seemed totally inconsistent to me with his desire to reenter law practice in the District. I said that I had no real knowledge of the requirements for admission to the District Bar, but that I supposed that continuing contact with an individual of "Johnny's" reputation could hardly be regarded favorably. He agreed with this and said that he didn't give a damn; that he would not turn his back on his friends and that "Johnny" was his friend. I replied that while this was an admirable quality, that I felt that he was taking all sorts of risks in this regard. He indicated that Sam Papich had cautioned him along the same lines and that he had given him the same answer. 5. He went on to say that it was his opinion that it would be the worse thing he could do for himself or the Agency, to turn his back on "Johnny" at this time. He said that he had told "Johnny" at the outset of their association that if anything happened to "blow the operation" that "Johnny" could not look to anyone other than Harvey for assistance and that even Harvey would probably not be able to help him. He seemed to want to establish clearly with me the fact that it will be his neck if our use of "Johnny" comes out in the open, since he believes that the Agency could not or would not admit involvement. He changed back rather abruptly at this point and asked the whether or not we still used Bob Maheu or had anything to do with him. I said that we did not and asked him why, He said that in the last telephone call he had had with "Johnny" which lasted for more than an hour "Johnny" was quite vehement and bitter about Maheu; indicating that Maheu would "sell anyone down the river to protect his own neck" 6. Harvey then said that he felt very uncomfortable about the entire situation and fully realized its implications to the Agency if it ever surfaced publicly. In response to a question from me, he said that be felt sure "Johnny" would never "pull the string" on us unless he was absolutely desperate, but that his concern was that Senator Robert Kennedy knew all

about the operation. He said that the Director had sent him a clipping from a Chicago newspaper touching upon our use of Giancana when William Harvey was Chief of Station in Rome. He said that he mentioned this to Johnny the next time he saw him, and that Johnny said he knew the information had come from a leak in Senator Kennedy's office when he was still Attorney General. [CIA D-000249] William Harvey died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976 just before he was to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. EARLY CIA FOUNDER: JAMES FORRESTAL James Forrestal (born November 10, 1890) was a bond salesman at William A. Reade Incorporated. He soon became an executive officer there. Dillon, Reade helped rebuild the steel plants which Hitler later turned into the most efficient war machine in Europe. [Drew Pearson 11.13.47] From June 23, 1940, to August 22, 1940, James Forrestal was an assistant at the FDR White House. Forrestal designed the Office of the Coordinator for Inter-American Affairs and recommended Nelson Rockefeller for the top job. [Hoopes and Brinkley Driven Patriot Knopf 1992] In June 1940 James Forrestal became Under Secretary of the Navy and commissioned the son of Clarence Dillon, C. Douglas Dillon, to do a special study of the Navy Department. In April 1944 James Forrestal became Secretary of the Navy. He was a member of the National Intelligence Authority which had originally mandated the existence of the Central Intelligence Group. In 1947 Forrestal armed hard-core Mussolini veterans to counter the Italian communists, and also opposed the establishment of the state of Israel. He became Secretary of Defense in September 1947. In 1948 he commissioned Mathias F. Correa and William H. Jackson to study the floundering CIA. William H. Jackson became an investment banker at Carter, Ledyard and subsequently, a Deputy Director of the CIA. [Ross & Wise Inv. Gov. p99; Hersh Old Boys p278]

THE FORRESTAL ENIGMA Less than a week after his replacement as Secretary of Defense on March 2, 1949, Forrestal told a friend "They are after me." He ran through the streets shouting: "The Russians are coming! I've seen Russian soldiers!" [Yergin, Daniel Shattered Peace Houghton Mifflin 1977] He had no previous history of mental disease. By the end of March 1949, Forrestal's mental faculties had deteriorated and in April he went into a deep depression. Journalist Drew Pearson stated that Forrestal made three suicide attempts at this time: by drug overdose, by hanging and by slashing his wrists. James Forrestal was committed to Bethesda Naval Hospital. He fell 16 floors to his death on May 22, 1949, after trying to hang himself from his hospital window with his dressing gown. The facts surrounding the details of the suicide were investigated by a Special Board. On August 23, 1960, the Soviet Home News Service reported: "One of the

apostles of the cold war, an American Admiral, Forrestal, ended his life in a straightjacket (a victim?) of his own anticommunist deliriums." Although mental illness and suicide are not uncommon in the intelligence community, to my knowledge, no other former Secretary of Defense went insane then committed suicide. The onset of Forrestal's delusions was rapid, as if precipitated by a drug. His behavior resembled someone on a "bad L.S.D. trip." Forrestal was no longer in power when he became insane, so why bother "dosing" him? Did Forrestal's anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli attitude contribute to his demise? The mental illness and subsequent death of James Forrestal remains an enigma. EARLY CIA OPERATION: THE BOGOTAZO RIOTS In 1946 the Presidential candidate of the Liberal Party of Colombia was Dr. Gabriel Turbay. Dr. Gabriel Turbay was the Premier of Colombia from 1933 to 1938 and served as Colombia's Ambassador to Washington from 1939 to 1945. He was an ardent supporter of the United States. But Gabriel Turbay died suddenly in Paris on November 18, 1947, at age 46. This researcher has been unable to obtain the details of Turbay's death. In any event, as a result of Turbay's death, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan (born January 26, 1903) became the nominee of the Liberal Party in 1948. Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, a labor leader, helped found the short-lived National Leftist Revolutionary Union and stated he would not cooperate with the opposition party because it was involved in political murder. On April 9, 1948, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was murdered as he walked to lunch. His assailant, Juan Roa Sierra, was battered to death by bystanders. The death of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan touched off serious rioting that was unexpected by the CIA. Additionally, this rioting occurred during the Inter-American Affairs Conference in Bogota. The conference delegates had to take cover when a mob attacked the Capitolio Nacional. Among those who represented the United States were John J. McCloy and Assistant Secretary of State Norman Armour. Norman Armour, a former OSS officer, was a member of the United States Delegation to the U.N. during the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. Shortly thereafter Norman Armour replaced John E. Peurifoy as Ambassador to Guatemala. The President of Colombia's Conservative Party issued a communiqu that stated Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was "killed by a person apparently of Communist affiliation." His secretary blamed Communists for sabotaging the Inter-American Conference, and charged that Cuban Communists had participated in an attack on a government radio station. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Roscoe Hillenkoetter maintained that although the Communists seized on the assassination for their own political purposes, secret CIA dispatches indicated Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was slain because he had just successfully defended the killer of the uncle of Juan Roa Sierra in a murder trial. The CIA: "Supporters of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, apparently with his knowledge and perhaps mild encouragement, were considering the possibility of a coup d'etat for 1948. The murder of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan put to death a potentially revolutionary movement and

the bogotazo riots was no more than its wake." [Studies in Intelligence V13 #4 Fall 1969; Ross & Wise Inv. Gov. p102; NYT 4.11.48, 4.10.48; DOS Bio. Reg. 1956; Hersh The Old Boys - Lovett p408] The CIA reported that, after the Bay of Pigs invasion, E. HOWARD HUNT was asked to determine the role of Fidel Castro in the Bogotazo riots. [EYES ONLY Analysis of Give Us This Day - Hunt CIA Office of Security File] Was the CIA behind the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan? If a political assassin is himself quickly assassinated, it is likely a covert instrumentality was involved in both assassinations. Was Gabriel Turbay assassinated by the KGB? THE CIA AND CASTROISM A BRIEF POLITICAL HISTORY OF CUBA Machado y Morales was elected President of Cuba in 1924. On August 12, 1933, he was overthrown by a group of military officers. On September 4, 1933, Fulgencio Batista led a "Sergeant's Rebellion" against the junta. In 1934, Raymond Grau became president of Cuba. Grau was an anti-U.S. Cuban nationalist. Batista withdrew his support for Grau because of pressure from the United States. Batista took over in 1939. In October 1940, Batista, who ran as a civilian, was elected president. FULGENCIO BATISTA Fulgencio Batista was born into poverty in 1901. At age 20 he became an Army stenographer and penetrated the secrets of the Army Staff. Fulgencio Batista controlled Cuba from 1940 to 1944, when he was forced into exile in Miami. He spent 1944 to 1949 in the United States. In 1950 Batista ran, in absentia, for the Cuban senate. He was easily elected in his province, Las Villas, and returned to Cuba with senatorial immunity that year. On March 10, 1952, Fulgencio Batista and a small band of rebels entered Camp Columbia, a military fortress in the suburbs of Havana, and seized control. The Army, which remembered the high pay and good times of earlier days, rallied to his support and occupied the Presidential Palace. The President of Cuba, Carlos Prio Soccarras, and his Foreign Minister, Francisco Varona Alonzo (born November 25, 1908; aka Tony Varona), fled to the countryside and eventually sought asylum in the Mexican Embassy; soon the pair fled to Miami. Former President Carlos Prio Soccarras was determined to regain power. [FBI 109-12-210-355; NYT 1.2.59] DR. CARLOS PRIO SOCCARRAS Dr. Carlos Prio Soccarras was the President of Cuba from 1948 to 1952. Carlos Prio Soccarras headed the Authentico Party. Shortly after he was elected, he built a $2 million home on his Presidential salary of $25,000 a year. But Carlos Prio Soccarras was unable to control the other grafters in his government, and a deterioration in public services was accompanied by a slump in tourism. The national crime syndicate, who controlled the Havana gambling industry, wanted Carlos Prio Soccarras

overthrown and ex-President Fulgencio Batista re-installed. TONY VARONA A CIA Provisional Operational Approval (POA) was requested on Tony Varona in August 1957 as a source of information on anti-government activities in Cuba and later amended for use in political action activities. He and organizations he represented were provided with material and financial assistance in promoting anti-Castro activities in Cuba until approximately 1962. OPERATIONAL APPROVALS OA (Operational Approvals), and POA's, Provisional Operational Approvals, were granted by the Chief, Counter-Intelligence Staff, after an examination of all pertinent records. The Office of Security conducted the Operational Approval investigations for Counter-Intelligence. Clandestine Services Instruction No. 10-5 stated: In Operational Approval cases the Office of Security will forward investigative reports, name check results, etc. to the Counter-Intelligence Staff. In extremely sensitive cases, however, particularly those in which the security or good of the Agency as a whole is involved, the Office of Security will not be obliged to furnish all investigative material. In such cases the Office of Security will inform the Counter-Intelligence Staff that such material has been withheld and will, upon request, discuss the matter with the Chief, Counter-Intelligence Staff, or other appropriate official of the Clandestine Services. FIDEL CASTRO On July 26, 1953, rebel forces led by Fidel Castro attacked the Moncada Barracks of Fulgencio Batista's Army. The 26th of July Movement was born. Fidel Castro was imprisoned by Fulgencio Batista, but in May 1955, he was released under a general amnesty law. In July 1955 Fidel Castro traveled to Mexico.

On December 2, 1956, Fidel Castro and 82 followers left Mexico aboard the yacht Granma, and landed in Cuba's Oriente Province, where they used the Sierra Maestre Mountains as a base of operations to launch a guerrilla war against Fulgencio Batista. In 1957, the FBI reported that General Hector Bienvedido Trujillo Molina, aka Raphael Trujillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic, had allowed Carlos Prio Soccarras to set up an exile training camp in his country. [FBI 109-430-1839] In 1958, the Military Attache assigned to the U.S. Embassy, Havana, reported: The Military Attache assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Havana advised that although the average low-ranking Cuban soldier has great respect for General Batista, this soldier does not appear to feel the same sympathy toward Army leaders directing him in the field. Many high ranking officers [in Batista's Army] are not noteworthy for their military acumen, and it is generally known that they are more interested in the graft they are able to secure, than in winning battles or skirmishes against the rebel forces. [FBI 109-12-210-355] ROLANDO MASFERRER Fulgencio Batista was forced to call on Cuban warlords like Rolando Masferrer [CIA 201-042669] to suppress Fidel Castro. Rolando Masferrer was born in Cuba on July 12, 1918. His father died when he was young and his mother's brother took him to live with he and his wife. His uncle was a army officer who was sent to Fort Sam Houston, in San Antonio, Texas for training with the U.S. Army. Rolando Masferrer attended school in Oklahoma, but left after only a few weeks. He returned to Cuba where he received his law degree there at age 21. At age 23 Masferrer fought in the streets against the dictator Machado. He was elected to the Cuban Senate and was the youngest Senator in its history. During the Spanish Civil War in 1938, Rolando Masferrer traveled to Spain and fought on the side of the Communists. Within months he was in a military hospital near Madrid, his left foot shattered by a bullet. It took him six months to walk again - with a crutch. The Communist Party assigned Masferrer to its

Political Inspectorate. Masferrer became an enforcer for Joseph Stalin. The 'thump, thump' of his walk was dreaded by Communist functionaries throughout Europe. Six years later he broke with the Communists and formed his own political party as well as his own private army, El Tigres. Rolando Masferrer was elected to the Cuban legislature in 1949, and served as a representative under the Prio regime. Masferrer was described as "an opportunist of the first order. He was a staunch friend of President Carlos Prio Soccarras under whose regime he served as a Representative, but when Prio was ousted he turned up overnight at the side of Fulgencio Batista. He has been a Senator in Batista's Government..." The CIA and the State Department conducted a covert name check on Rolando Masferrer when he was first elected to public office. Because he was a former Communist, by 1950 a file on Rolando Masferrer existed in the Office of Security of the CIA. EL TIGRES In 1958 El Tigres became Batista's primary counter-terrorist force. Murder, mutilation, rape, dismemberment, castration, torture and kidnapping were the trademarks of El Tigres. Bodies of individuals who had been tortured to death were flung from speeding cars on to the streets of Havana to strike terror in the populace. The main target of Masferrer were supporters of the 26th of July Movement. Masferrer was considered a war criminal by most of the 26th of July Revolutionary Movement. Rolando Masferrer told the FBI that Fidel Castro's men began to ambush, assassinate, and otherwise kill members of Rolando Masferrer's party. Consequently, in order to protect members of his party Masferrer went to...the Minister of the Interior and obtained permission to arm his men so that they could protect themselves. Masferrer stated it was untrue that he had a private army and that it is also untrue that he ever committed any personal atrocities, such as shooting helpless women and children. [FBI 100-344127 4.21.59 Miami] Any opponent of the Batista regime was fair game for Masferrer who operated a chain of gambling casinos and was the editor of two newspapers. On July 13, 1956, the State Department reported: Masferrer is a powerfully-built man of 39, who has the reputation as a gangster and a killer. He was a Communist in his student days and fought for the loyalist cause in Spain, but now professes anti-Communism with a vengeance. He has a private band of 80 armed men who served as a sort of personal bodyguard and stand by to act as hatchet men if violence is called for. Enjoying President Batista's confidence, Masferrer and his little army represent a potential force of some importance. He is known to have killed certain enemies and to have scared the wits out of others. In 1950, for instance, he was found by the police, machine gun in hand, over two frightened men who were actually digging their own graves. The men were saved but Masferrer was not arrested; he had congressional immunity; he

was a representative at the time." [Memo R.G. Cushing to Ambassador] In August 1958 the FBI reported that Rolando Masferrer and Marcos Jimenez Perez, the exiled President of Venezuela, had become close associates. Rolando Masferrer told Marcos Jimenez Perez that he was "planning to take over the Cuban Government when Batista fell. [FBI 100344127 8.12.58 Miami] THE GANGSTERS WITH CUBAN INTERESTS MEYER LANSKY Rolando Masferrer and Fulgencio Batista worked with national crime syndicate figure Meyer Lansky. Meyer Lansky was born in Russia on July 4, 1902, and died in Miami in January 1983. He was brought, with his younger brother, Jake, to the United States in 1911. By 1920 Lansky ran a floating crap game on the streets of New York City. When the mafia became aware of Lansky's operation it tried to extort a weekly payoff from him. Meyer Lansky refused to pay the mafia off. [Lansky, Hank Messick, G.P. Putnam, N.Y. 1971; Meyer Lansky Mogul of the Mob - Dennis Eisenberg, Uri Dan, Eli Landau, Paddington Press, N.Y. 1979] Meyer Lansky discovered that many Italian gangsters were opposed to the tactics of the Sicilian traditionalists. These included Frank Costello, Vito Genovese, Joe Adonis, Albert Anastasia, Salvadore "Lucky" Luciano and Al "Scarface" Capone. By 1922, the insurgents had murdered most of the old-line "Mustache Petes" and had taken over their territories. Jewish gangs were now given a sizable piece of the action. During the early 1930's Meyer Lansky discovered Cuba for the syndicate and invested its illegal profits there. In 1933 Lansky moved to Miami Beach, and in the late 1930's he lived in Cuba, where he owned the Hotel Nacional Casino and Havana's municipal racetracks. In 1940 Lansky left Havana for Miami. When Lansky moved to New York just before America entered World War II, he delegated the responsibility for the management of his Cuban and Miami holdings to SANTO TRAFFICANTE SR., the Sicilian-born Tampa gangster. SAM GIANCANA Lansky was associated with Sam Giancana. Sam Giancana began his career as a wheel man for the Capone mob. By the late 1940's Sam Giancana was the chauffeur and bodyguard for Chicago rackets boss Tony "The Tuna" Accardo. In 1957, a bullet was fired over Tony Accardo's head as he entered his half-million dollar estate. Tony "The Tuna" Accardo stepped down. Sam Giancana was the crime overlord of Chicago when the CIA approached him to kill Fidel Castro in 1960. His influence reached into the White House through Judith Campbell Exner, the alleged mistress of John F. Kennedy. Judith Campbell Exner told the press she was introduced to John F. Kennedy in Las Vegas in February 1960, by Frank Sinatra, a mutual friend. Judith Campbell Exner was in touch with Sam Giancana, who she said was aware of her relationship with John F. Kennedy. The Kennedy/Exner relationship lasted until late 1962, when the FBI became aware that Judith Campbell Exner, who

was in telephonic contact with mobster John Rosselli, also made numerous calls to the White House. On September 26, 1999 Exner died of breast cancer. CASTRO SEIZES POWER IN CUBA On January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba. Some members of the CIA believed he was a Communist as far back as 1948. By 1960 it became clear to the world that Fidel Castro was, in fact, a Communist and a willing agent of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the gangsters, the corrupt politicians and their fascist allies had to leave Cuba as a result of the Castro revolution. Communism was now only 90 miles from America. Many Central American dictators feared meeting the same fate as Fulgencio Batista. THE SOMOZAS OF NICARAGUA The Somoza brothers, Luis and Anastasio, were the sons of Anastasio Somoza Sr., who had been appointed War Minister of Nicaragua in 1932. During this time, the United States Marines and the Nicaraguan National Guard joined in a long and bitter guerrilla struggle against revolutionary leader Augusto Cesar Sandino. Anastasio Somoza Sr. offered Augusto Cesar Sandino safe conduct to Managua, then executed him. In 1935 Anastasio Somoza Sr. took over Nicaragua through a military coup and was "elected" President in 1937. He remained in office until 1947. From 1947 to 1950, Anastasio Somoza Sr. handpicked subordinates ruled; in 1950, he reassumed power. In 1955, Anastasio Somoza Sr. began to feud with Costa Rican President Jose (Pepe) Figueres. Anastasio Somoza Sr. accused Jose Figueres of a long and close association with Communist and other leftist elements in the Americas, such as Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala and Romulo Betancourt of Venezuela. He accused Jose Figueres of plotting his assassination. Jose Figueres charged Anastasio Somoza Sr. with doing the same. Jose Figueres was a liberal and an anti-Communist. In 1948 he became provisional President of the Founding Civilian Junta of Costa Rica through an anti-Communist coup. Jose Figueres was elected President on July 27, 1953. His major opponents were the Communists. In September 1956, Anastasio Somoza Sr. was assassinated because of a plot by the National Guard and Army Officers. Luis Somoza and Anastasio Somoza Jr. took over for their father. Luis Somoza claimed that the assassin of his father was a Russian communist. [NYT 9.30.56] "PAPA DOC" DUVALIER OF HAITI "Papa Doc" Duvalier, the dictator of Haiti, also feared Fidel Castro. The Duvalier regime began in 1957 and lasted longer than any other in the history of Haiti. Of the 36 Presidents who preceded "Papa Doc" Duvalier, 23 were either killed or overthrown."Papa Doc" Duvalier's power depended on a 600-man palace guard, 5,000 militiamen, and the thugs known as the Ton Ton Macoutes - Haitian for bogeymen. The

repression in Haiti was intense; six teenagers who painted anti-Duvalier graffiti on a wall were executed without trial."Papa Doc" Duvalier then ordered that all youth organizations, even the Boy Scouts, be disbanded. Under "Papa Doc" Duvalier, 90% of Haiti's population was illiterate, and were plagued with malnutrition and disease; per capita income was about a third of the Latin American average, and Haiti had the distinction of being the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. By 1961, the Kennedy Administration was fed up with "Papa Doc" Duvalier. He had used American aid to build Duvalierville, a complex of half-finished, rotting buildings. The United States cut its aid, which had amounted to $15 million a year, to $1.5 million. [NYT 4.23.71] CIA AND THE ASSASSINATION OF RAPHAEL TRUJILLO The dictator of the Dominican Republic, General Raphael Trujillo, was born on October 24, 1891. He joined the Dominican National Guard in 1918. The United States Marines were in the Dominican Republic at the time and Colonel Richard M. Cutts, USMC, sponsored him. In 1930 he was the Chief of Staff of the Dominican Army and was soon elected President. General Raphael Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic as if it were his fiefdom. Not only did 'El Benefactor' hold absolute political power, he also owned most of the country, in his name and in the names of his relatives. General Raphael Trujillo had Dr. Jesus Galindez, a political opponent, kidnapped from his midtown Manhattan apartment on March 12, 1956. Jesus Galindez was a Dominican exile and professor at Columbia University who had written about the crimes of General Raphael Trujillo. The kidnappers flew him to the Dominican Republic, where he was murdered. The CIA had Colonel J.C. King investigate the abduction of Jesus Galdinez. TONY ULASEWICZ Watergate burglar Tony Ulasewicz investigated the Galindez kidnapping for the New York City Police Department. Tony Ulasewicz reported that the New York City Police Department burglarized Jesus Galindez' apartment and turned his papers over to the CIA: "Even though Galindez was a known Trujillo opponent, I quickly eliminated the CIA as being responsible for his fate...they would not have involved the New York City Police Department to get the contents of his briefcase. A possibility did remain, however, that his removal was a rogue intelligence operation that hadn't been cleared by CIA Headquarters. If the Galindez caper was a maverick, unauthorized operation, I doubted at the time that anyone would ever find the identity of those responsible."

STANLEY ROSS Tony Ulasewicz reported that the employer of Jesus Galindez, El Diario editor Stanley Ross, was the first to go to the FBI and the New York City Police Department's Missing Persons Bureau and file a report: Stanley Ross was openly criticized for waiting too long to report Jesus Galindez missing. Silfa [a Dominican exile] told me that he had become suspicious of Stanley Ross when he learned that Stanley Ross had checked with the superintendent of Jesus Galdinez's building soon after he disappeared, but then waited four days before notifying the police. Why Stanley Ross insisted on being present in the apartment of Jesus Galindez [during the New York City Police Department search] came into question because before the disappearance, Stanley Ross had never been inside his apartment. Lydia Miranda reported that Jesus Galindez had also become suspicious of Stanley Ross. Lydia Miranda claimed Stanley Ross knew about the novel Jesus Galindez was writing concerning the members of General Trujillo's family. Lydia Miranda said Stanley Ross was sending General Trujillo an advance copy of Jesus Galindez's work through the Dominican Consulate in New York. When a Dominican informant confirmed that Stanley Ross, was, in fact, reporting all of Jesus Galindez's activities to Trujillo's Consul General in New York, I became suspicious that Stanley Ross might have been involved in the disappearance. [Ulasewicz, Tony The President's Private Eye, Macsam Publishing, 1990] From 1955 to 1962 Stanley Ross was editor of El Diario de Nueva York, New York City's largest Spanish language daily. Stanley Ross became a registered agent of the Government of Nicaragua. MORRIS ERNST General Raphael Trujillo hired Morris Ernst to "investigate" the Jesus Galindez affair. Morris Ernst worked with Colonel J.C. King. He was unable to find any evidence that linked General Raphael Trujillo with the Jesus Galindez kidnapping. In 1938 Morris Ernst successfully defended the American Civil Liberties Union against charges of having been a Communist front. Morris Ernst was on the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union with Norman Thomas. Morris Ernst maintained a lengthy correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover, who he referred to as a close personal friend. [Wise, D. Politics of Lying 1973 168-9; Walls, D. Activists Almanac; Donner, F. Age of Surveillance]

GERALD LESTER MURPHY AND ROBERT MAHEU Gerald Lester Murphy was a pilot for Dominican Airlines who boasted that he had flown Jesus Galindez from the United States to the Dominican Republic on one of his flights out of New York. Later, documents in Murphy's handwriting showed Dr. Galindez' name in several memoranda and notes for a flight plan from New York via Florida to the Dominican Republic. Not long after the kidnapping, Col. Salvador Cobian Parra, one of Trujillo's intelligence agents, was killed in a mysterious duel with a civilian who was also reported to have been killed in the duel. A car belonging to Gerald Lester Murphy was found on December 3, 1956, near a cliff in the remotest section of the Dominican Republic. When the police searched the hotel room of Gerald Lester Murphy, the name Horace Schmahl was found. Horace Schmahl traced back to Robert Maheu. A few weeks later, the body of Octavio Antonio de la Meza, Gerald Lester Murphy's co-pilot, was found hanging in a jail cell in Ciudad Trujillo. The police reported he left a note claiming responsibility for the death of Gerald Lester Murphy. Trujillo had given refuge to Fulgencio Batista and Marcos Perez Jimenez. [NYT 6.1.61] In June 1959, the Dominican Republic was invaded by a small mixed force of exiles and foreigners from Cuba, only to have peasants rally to join the Trujillo troops to smash the invasion. Major Delio Gomez Ochoa, the leader, asserted after his capture that the attack had been promoted by Castro. In the early 1960's the United States attempted to economically destablilize the Trujillo regime by adhering to Organization of American States sanctions imposed because of a Trujillo-sponsored assassination attempt on June 24, 1960, against President Romulo Betancourt of Venezuela. The United States broke off diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic in August 1960. President John F. Kennedy wanted dictators like General Raphael Trujillo replaced with democratic leaders, as a guarantee against the emergence of any form of Castroism. HUNT AND THE TRUJILLO ASSASSINATION In 1976, Le Cygne, a autobiography by L. Gonzalez-Mata, was published in Paris. L. Gonzalez-Mata claimed to have served briefly as General Raphael Trujillo's Chief of Security in 1960. According to L. GonzalezMata, John Rosselli and E. HOWARD HUNT arrived in the Dominican Republic in March 1961, and assisted in the plots against General Raphael Trujillo. L. Gonzalez-Mata identified John Rosselli as "a friend of Batista" who was operating "on the orders of William K. Harvey." HUNT was termed "a specialist." According to L. Gonzales-Mata, John Rosselli and HUNT met with U.S. Counsel General Henry Dearborn and Dominican dissident leader Lorenzo Berry, operator of a successful retail market. Lorenzo "Wimpy" Berry proposed a plan to force Raphael Trujillo into exile, but HUNT was adamant that an ambush was the only reliable course of action. Lorenzo Berry finally agreed when HUNT promised that the CIA would provide the weapons. [A Friend of Batista: L. Gonzales-Mata, Cygne, Grasset, Paris, 1976]

STURGIS AND THE ASSASSINATION OF TRUJILLO FRANK STURGIS claimed that in May 1961, he and mafia associate Frank Nelson visited the Dominican Republic. STURGIS told journalist Paul Meskil that they contacted Dominican military officers who were conspiring to assassinate General Raphael Trujillo. STURGIS and Frank Nelson claimed they helped supply this clique with assassination weapons. Frank Nelson explained: The guns arrived in boxes sent to a supermarket in the Dominican capital. The Dominican officers didn't need the guns. They already had enough stuff for a war. They needed U.S. Government moral support and this was represented by the arms shipment. The SSCIA reported that the weapons were sent to Berry, broken down, disguised as canned goods. It also reported that handguns, machine guns, explosives, and carbines were supplied by the CIA. Many of these weapons ended up in the hands of Trujillo's assassins. HEMMING: Frank Nelson was involved in a business deal with Wimpy's Supermarket, where the rifles were shipped to. Commercial cover. If STURGIS and Frank Nelson jumped in on the game as the boys that were coming from up north, they would be the guys that went back to Washington and laid the plan out for the big boys in D.C. They wanted Agency people implicated in the hit so they could cover their ass later on. Those weapons weren't used for anything. These guys aren't stupid. They were being told by the CIA to dump the old man. This is gonna happen, that's gonna happen. And when the blame goes around from the wealthy Trujillo sons, [Ramfis Trujillo] vicious little bastards, and the shit hits the fan, these guys are going to want to be able to call their markers in from the CIA. They want to prove Uncle Sam's behind the thing to get the other colonels and generals to come in with them. THE AMBUSH On May 30, 1961, Generalissimo Raphael Trujillo was assassinated, ambushed by a band of seven men, including Tony Imbert and General Juan Tomas Diaz. Trujillo and his chauffeur drove unescorted to see his 20 year old mistress. Around 10:30 p.m. two carloads of gunmen fired 27 rounds into Trujillo's body. A source in the President's office of the United Fruit Company informed U.S. Counsel General Henry Dearborn that the assassination had not triggered an internal rebellion. U.S. Counsel General Henry Dearborn, in turn, informed the CIA. In the 1920's, Dearborn was a founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. [DOS Bio. Reg. 1956] Dearborn replaced U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Joseph Farland, as the contact between the

CIA and dissident Dominican groups. In a CIA briefing paper for United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, the Agency admitted having sent arms to dissident Dominicans: "Operational security considerations prescribed that the dissidents make their own arrangements for receipt by which the source of the arms could not be identified." [Memo for Rec. 6.62. Sub: Rev. of Dom. Ops. for Per. Immed. Prior to, During and Sub. to Trujillo's Death/CWH/ARA file; Meskil Daily News 4.25.75] No CIA documents linked HUNT or Rosselli with Lorenzo Berry. No documents linked HUNT to Rosselli. Neither HUNT or Rosselli had a motive to involve themselves in the assassination of Trujillo. A Friend of Batista was probably disinformation published abroad by the CIA, however, when HUNT testified before the SSCIA he said he was familiar with the planning of the Trujillo assassination "because of my intimacy with Latin American affairs." [SSCIA 157-10005-10228 p29] The dissidents did not need Nelson or STURGIS. They had the official apparatus of the CIA behind them. Neither STURGIS nor Nelson's name appears in any documents dealing with the Trujillo assassination. STURGIS was lying about his involvement in the assassination of Raphael Trujillo. CHARLES SIRAGUSA: THE CIA'S HITMAN The CIA's initial efforts to form an assassination section involved Charles Siragusa. Siragusa (born October 28, 1913; died April 17, 1982, Office of Security # 41 82) was raised amid mob violence in New York City's Little Italy. He worked under ANGLETON in the OSS (March 1944 to December 1945), and then was an official of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. [Winks Cloak and Gown p363] He was sent to Italy in 1951 to neutralize "Lucky" Luciano, who was sending heroin shipments to New York. [Sterling, C. Octopus p79] Charles Siragusa was attached to the U.S. Embassy, Rome, where he worked with the CIA Station. A CIA document revealed: "Siragusa was of liaison interest to various components of this Agency from 1961 to 1967, including the Behavioral Activities Branch of the Technical Services Division." [HSCA Gambino/Carpenter 2.28.78] In May 1967 Charles Siragusa supplied the CIA with biographic data that stated he had been employed by the Illinois Crime Commission since 1963. As head of the Commission, Siragusa was instrumental in solving the $4.3 million Purolator theft in 1974 by planting a snitch in the suspected burglary gang. In 1974 the name of Charles