Download - County of Summit, Ohio Map Your Career Russell M. Pry ... · Let all Ohio employers fi nd you today by taking the opportunity to post your resume ... Shor t rerm OJT ... Administrative



Understanding career pathway op ons - whether you are in a par cular industry already or exploring which one to enter - can be very helpful for career planning. Career pathway diagrams illustrate the occupa ons and industry-wide pathways available within a par cular sector. This can be an invaluable help for both job seekers and workers as they consider how to advance in or choose a career. This guide will provide career pathways in fi ve industries key to Summit County’s local economy: Health Care; Biotechnology, Life, and Polymer Sciences; Informa on Technology; Finance, Insurance and Real Estate; Advanced Manufacturing and Skilled Trades. For each industry, you’ll learn about current trends, average wages, and typical career pathways.

For more informa on on addi onal career services, please contact:

Ohio Means Jobs Summit County, 1040 East Tallmadge Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44310, 330-633-1050, h ps://

Map Your CareerCounty of Summit, Ohio Russell M. Pry, Executive



• In the coming years, 85% of new jobs will require more than a high school diploma or GED.

• In the coming years, posi ons requiring non-skilled labor will only make up be-tween 2% and 12% of all available jobs.

• 98% of all jobs will require at least a high school diploma or GED.


Resources for Educa on and Career Planning1. Ohio Labor Market Informa on: h p:// -- The state’s site which combines wage data with other resources, including career explora on, jobtrends reports, and a wealth of other data.

2. Ohio Means Jobs: h ps:// -- Ohio Means Jobs is the State of Ohio’s website created by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Servicesthat allows you to search all electronic job opportuni es posted online which include Ohio employers, na onal commercial job boards and specialty industries. Let all Ohio employers fi nd you today by taking the opportunity to post your resume for FREE.

3. Ohio Means Jobs Summit County: h ps:// -- Ohio Means Jobs Summit County is Summit County’s one-stop job service center. Visitorshave free access to internet accessible computers, copiers, and fax machines in the Resource Room, a end basic computer training and other skills training courses, and register for the state-wide job matching system to be no fi ed of job openings in their interest areas.

4. Bureau of Labor Sta s cs, Wage Data: h p:// -- A resource which includes recent salary survey data and short descrip ons forhundreds of occupa onal categories. Users can view wages on a na onal, state, or local level. To visit the Akron Metropolitan Sta s cal Area (MSA) wage data page, please see: h p://

5. Career One-Stop: h p:// -- Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site contains tools to help job seekers, students,businesses, and career professionals.

6. O*Net Online: h p:// -- A na on-wide career explora on resource, the O*Net database contains informa on about hundreds ofoccupa ons, including job tasks, educa on requirements, and wages.

Wages in diff erent industries and companies change at diff erent mes throughout the year. There is always a lag between published wages and actual wages. In addi on, in some of the emerging professions described in this booklet, published wage informa on is not yet available. Please consider the wage informa on as a guide. More current wage informa on is always part of the employment interview and selec on process.

A wide range of cer fi cates and degrees are off ered by the many community and technical colleges located throughout Northeast Ohio. To locate a college near you and learn more about the programs available, visit the Na onal Center on Educa on Sta s cs’ College Navigator webpage, or at h p:// Na onally recognized industry cer fi ca ons can increase your wage poten al and in some cases equal college credit. Choose a training program that includes at least one industry creden al.

For a list of over 900 registered apprenticeship programs in Ohio, go to:, or visit the Apprenticeship Sponsors Database at to locate an apprenticeship program near you


Educa on is the Ticket to Higher Salaries

The charts presented below show what the average salary is for all growing occupa- ons in Summit County for each educa on

level, and how much those occupa ons are expected to grow over the next 10 years.

Source: JobsEQ(R).



Growth /Year

Education LevelRequired


Personal Care Aides 4.0% Less than H.S. $20,800

Home Health Aides 3.6% Less than H.S. $20,300

Interpreters andTranslators

3.5% Bachelor's degree $48,700

Insulation Workers,Mechanical

3.4%H.S. diploma orequivalent


Skincare Specialists 3.3% Postsecondary nondegree award


Diagnostic MedicalSonographers

3.2% Associate's degree $62,200

OccupationalTherapy Assistants

3.1% Associate's degree $57,100

Brickmasons andBlockmasons

3.1% Less than H.S. $60,500

Physical TherapistAssistants

3.0% Associate's degree $60,100

HelpersBrickmasons,Blockmasons,Stonemasons, andTile and MarbleSetters

3.0% Less than H.S. $38,700

Physical TherapistAides

2.9% Associate's degree $25,200

Segmental Pavers 2.9% H.S. diploma orequivalent


Physician Assistants 2.8% Master's degree $79,800

Health SpecialtiesTeachers,Postsecondary

2.7%Doctoral orprofessional degree


Nursing Instructorsand Teachers,Postsecondary

2.7%Doctoral orprofessional degree


Audiologists 2.7%Doctoral orprofessional degree


Orthotists andProsthetists

2.7% Master's degree $47,200

Genetic Counselors 2.7% Bachelor's degree $62,900

Helpers Electricians 2.7% H.S. diploma orequivalent


Physical Therapists 2.6% Master's degree $82,200

Summit County's 20 Fastest Growing Occupations, 20152025

Occupational TitleAvg. Proj.



Retail Salespersons 305 $25,700

Combined Food Preparationand Serving Workers,Including Fast Food

271 $19,000

Cashiers 246 $20,200

Waiters and Waitresses 231 $20,100

Registered Nurses 210 $63,400Customer ServiceRepresentatives

181 $32,800

Laborers and Freight, Stock,and Material Movers, Hand

165 $25,400

Personal Care Aides 126 $20,800

Office Clerks, General 114 $29,200

Home Health Aides 113 $20,300

Nursing Assistants 112 $24,400

Accountants and Auditors 104 $69,700

General and OperationsManagers

96 $116,800

Janitors and Cleaners, ExceptMaids and HousekeepingCleaners

93 $30,200

Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 81 $26,900

First Line Supervisors of Officeand Administrative SupportWorkers

80 $48,600

Heavy and Tractor TrailerTruck Drivers

76 $42,800

Secretaries and AdministrativeAssistants, Except Legal,Medical, and Executive

76 $34,100

Sales Representatives,Wholesale and Manufacturing,Except Technical and ScientificProducts

72 $61,500

First Line Supervisors of RetailSales Workers

70 $42,100

Summit County's 20 Occupations with theMost Annual Job Openings, 2015 2025

Average Annual Wages, Growing Occupations inSummit County, 2015 2025

$96,000Postgraduate degree

$58 200


2 year degree or certificate

Bachelor's degree



Long term training, no exp,no award

2 year degree or certificate

$44,000Previous work experience, noaward


Sh t t OJT

Moderate term OJT, no exp,no award


$0 $50,000 $100,000

Short term OJT, no exp, noaward

0 7%




Short term OJT, no exp, no

Long term training, no exp,no award

Postgraduate degree

2 year degree or certificate

Avg. Annual Projected Job Growth Rate,Growing Occupations in Summit County, 2015






0.0% 1.0% 2.0%

Previous work experience, noaward

Moderate term OJT, no exp,no award

Bachelor's degree



Health Care

Expected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, Dependable


Health care has become one of the most important employment sectors in Summit County. In 2015, healthcare prac oners, technical, and healthcare support occupa ons employed 25,491 people in Summit County, accoun ng for nearly 9.7% of all employed workers in Summit County.

Job growth in health care occupa ons con nues to rise despite the recent economic recession. Es mates show that combined healthcare prac oner, technical, and healthcare support occupa ons in Summit County are projected to increase by about 1.7% each year over the next 10 years.

Some health care jobs will be in long-term care and care for seniors and others with special needs. Summit County has more than 250 facili es or agencies that provide some type of long-term care and across Ohio there are over 20,000 long-term care employees.


For detailed informa on about health care occupa ons including earnings opportuni es, employment projec ons, detailed job descrip ons, training schools, and other per nent informa on, see the Akron Regional Hospital Associa on’s Career Guide at:

h p://

Source: JobsEQ(R)



Registered Nurses 6,477 $63,400Nursing Assistants 3,316 $24,400Home Health Aides 1,848 $20,300Medical Assistants 1,298 $28,100Licensed Practical and Licensed VocationalNurses 890 $40,500Pharmacy Technicians 757 $29,100Physicians and Surgeons, All Other 690 $175,100Pharmacists 622 $114,900Dental Assistants 586 $34,400Physical Therapists 461 $82,200Radiologic Technologists 453 $50,500Medical Records and Health InformationTechnicians 439 $35,000Emergency Medical Technicians andParamedics 418 $27,900Dental Hygienists 367 $69,600

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists 352 $57,700

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians 331 $41,100Respiratory Therapists 303 $51,100Family and General Practitioners 279 $146,600Nurse Practitioners 274 $90,400Speech Language Pathologists 251 $71,400Occupational Therapists 243 $81,400Surgical Technologists 241 $45,900Phlebotomists 222 $30,300Massage Therapists 217 $42,400Health Technologists and Technicians, AllOther 216 $39,400Physician Assistants 204 $79,800Dentists, General 184 $206,300Physical Therapist Assistants 175 $60,100Medical Transcriptionists 157 $29,600Source: JobsEQ(R).

Top Health Care Jobs in Summit County (ranked by totalemployment)

* Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarterof 2015



(annual earnings potential)

Administrative Allied Health Information Technology Medicine & Medical Support Nursing Rehabilitation Service & Skilled


Medical Director Pharmacist Physician Director of Nursing Physical TherapistDentist


Administrator Social Worker Chief Information Officer Researcher Clinical Nurse Specialist Counselor SupervisorChief Financial Officer Genetic Counselor Physicians Assistant Nurse Practitioner Occupational Therapist

Chief Compliance Officer Optician Speech Pathologist

Accountant Dietitian Data Base Manager Registered Nurse Art Therapist EngineerFinancial Analyst Medical Technologist Medical Records

AdministratorMusic Therapist Safety Officer

Nursing Home Administrator Perfusionist Network Administrator Activities Director Biomedical Engineer

Respiratory Therapist Programmer AnalystAthletic Trainer Systems Administrator

Surgeon's Assistant Web DesignerMicrobiologist

Administrative Assistant Medical Technician Coding Specialist Office Manager Registered Nurse Occupational Therapy CarpenterParalegal Paramedic Computer Operator Dental Hygienist Physical Therapy Assistant Electrician

Coding Technician Radiation Therapist Health Info Technician Medical Secretary Plumber

Diet Technician Picture Archiving Administrator Ophathamalic Technician Security Officer

Cardiovascular Biomedical TechnicianTechnologist

Pharmacy TechnicianParamedic

Imaging Technologist -Nuclear Medicine -Radiology -Ultrasound

Clerk EEG Technician Help Desk Administrator Dental Tech Licensed Practical Nurse PainterSecretary EMT Medical Assistant

EKG TechnicianNeuro Technician

Sterile Supply TechnicianTechnician

Billing Clerk EKG Technician Nursing Assistant Physical Therapy Aide Dietary AideFinancial Assistant Imaging Assistant Transportation Aide Housekeeping Assistant

Receptionist Unit Clerk Delivery Technician


4. In addition to titles shown, most health care facilities require (depending on size of organization) all of the usual support functions: public relations, marketing, accounts payable, receivable, payroll, compliance, legal, human resources, etc.


Bachelor's Degree($30k-$100k)

Some Post Secondary Training


HS Diploma($15k-$36k)

1. Job titles are shown with minimal educational requirement; many in these fields hold advanced degrees.

3. Several of the post secondary education titles receive their training on the job.

2. Several titles have more than one point of entry. For example, an individual licensed to sit for the Registered Nurse boards can be qualified by virtue of graduation from an associate degree program, diploma school (less common) or a bachelor's program.

Health Care Career Paths

Associate's Degree ($25k-$75k)

Advanced Degree ($40k-$120k)


Biotechnology, Life, and Polymer SciencesExpected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, Dependable


Biotechnology, Life, and Polymer Sciences encompass a broad range of occupa ons in medical devices, materials science, chemistry, product engineering, and even genome sciences. This emerging fi eld employed 1,667 people in Summit County, and is expected to grow by about 0.4% per year.

Job growth in biotechnology and life sciences is fueled by help from technology assistance programs like the Austen BioInnova on Ins tute (ABIA) in Akron and investments from the State of Ohio’s Third Fron er program. Both en es are keenly aware of the region’s poten al as a hub for sustained and increased economic growth within the industry. ABIA is an Ohio Center of Excellence for Biomedicine and Health Care, future home of the Ohio Hub of Innova on and Opportunity for Biomaterials Commercializa on and, along with its founding member, The University of Akron, winner of the pres gous U.S. Department of Commerce’s 16 Na onal Innova on Awards.


Earnings range from $35,700 for Forest and Conserva on Technicians to $122,000 for Economists.

[Note: Wages are averages of all occupa ons within the sector – including entry level and high level posi ons.]

For detailed informa on about occupa ons within this sector (e.g. current wage ranges per occupa on, training schools, employment projec ons, and a link to jobs listed on the Labor Market Informa on website):

1. Go to h p://

2. Follow the instruc ons in the ‘Occupa onal Profi les with Wages and Skills’ sec on to start your search.



Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists 189 $69,500Chemists 179 $72,300Chemical Technicians 156 $45,400Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists 151 $67,700Environmental Scientists and Specialists, IncludingHealth 115 $62,600Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, AllOther 108 $48,500Biological Technicians 92 $40,200Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists andGeographers 47 $67,900Environmental Science and ProtectionTechnicians, Including Health 46 $36,700Biochemists and Biophysicists 41 $82,700Urban and Regional Planners 38 $65,800Social Science Research Assistants 37 $39,500Biological Scientists, All Other 35 $68,000

Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other 34 $70,800Physical Scientists, All Other 31 $80,000Microbiologists 25 $74,700Forest and Conservation Technicians 25 $35,700Survey Researchers 24 $58,800Physicists 23 $90,300Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists 23 $57,800Economists 21 $122,800Food Scientists and Technologists 21 $58,400Agricultural and Food Science Technicians 21 $37,200Source: JobsEQ(R).

Top Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Jobs inSummit County (ranked by employment)

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of2015


Doctorate DegreeCareer Opportunities: Scien st (Lab Director) Research Scien st Regulatory Aff airs Director University Professor

Master of Science DegreeCareer Opportunities: Teacher Lab Manager Clinical Research Manager Product and Marke ng Manager

UniversityAreas of Study: Math Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Career Opportunities: Medical or Technical Writer Bioinforma cs Clinical Research Associate Imaging Specialist Research Associate Environmental Health and Safety


Community CollegeAreas of Study: Math Chemistry Biotechnology Biological Sciences

Degree: Associate in Science Associate in Technology

Career Opportunities: Lab Technician Lab Assistant Research Assistant Manufacturing Media Prep Specialist

High SchoolAreas of Study: Career Opportunities: Math Chemistry Biotechnology Lab Glass Worker Lab Assistant Biology Physics Animal Care Worker

To Community


To expand hands-on skills

and training

To University

To complete a four-year


Career Paths in Biotechnology, Life,

Polymer Sciences, and Advanced Materials



Informa on TechnologyExpected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, Dependable


Core technology skills are an increasingly cri cal skill set for a broad spectrum of occupa ons and industry sectors, not just those tradi onally associated with computers and high technology. Examples of some current in-demand jobs in Summit and Portage Coun es include database administrators, network administrators, so ware engineers, and computer programmers.

About 7,400 people are currently employed in informa on technology jobs in Summit County; a number that is expected to grow an average of 0.8% per year through 2025. These jobs will be based in a wide variety of companies: small technology consultancies, large employers, educa onal ins tu ons, and even transporta on companies.


The average annual wage for the broad job-related category, Computer and Mathema cal opera ons, was $74,800 in the 2nd quarter of 2015. Wages range from $49,100 for Computer User Support Specialists to $102,800 for computer and informa on research scien sts.

[Note: Wages are averages of all occupa ons within the sector – including entry level and high level posi ons.]

For detailed informa on about occupa ons within this sector (e.g. current wage ranges per occupa on, training schools, employment projec ons, and a link to jobs listed on the Labor Market Informa on website):

1. Go to h p://,

2. Follow the instruc ons in the ‘Occupa onal Profi les with Wages and Skills’ sec on to start your search.



Software Developers, Applications 1,238 $81,200Computer Systems Analysts 1,122 $83,200Computer User Support Specialists 1,121 $49,100

Network and Computer Systems Administrators 748 $72,500Software Developers, Systems Software 674 $90,300Computer Programmers 536 $79,100Computer Occupations, All Other 397 $80,200Computer Network Support Specialists 342 $55,300Computer Network Architects 275 $98,700Web Developers 237 $51,800Database Administrators 234 $79,300Operations Research Analysts 187 $76,100Information Security Analysts 158 $73,300Actuaries 61 $100,400Statisticians 47 $82,600Computer and Information Research Scientists 31 $102,800Source: JobsEQ(R).

Top Information Technology Jobs in Summit County (ranked bytotal employment)

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of 2015



Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE)Expected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, DependableDetail-Oriented


More than 14,000 people are currently employed in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate jobs in Summit County. That fi gure is expected to grow by about 0.4% per year through 2025.


Earnings range from Mee ng, Conven on, and Event Planners, $36,100 to $117,500 for Personal Financial Advisors.

[Note: Wages are averages of all occupa ons within the sector – including entry level and high level posi ons.]

For detailed informa on about occupa ons within this sector (e.g. current wage ranges per occupa on, training schools, employment projec ons, and a link to jobs listed on the Labor Market Informa on website):

1. Go to h p://,

2. Follow the instruc ons in the ‘Occupa onal Profi les with Wages and Skills’ sec on to start your search.


EmploymentAverage Salary

Accountants and Auditors 2,928 $69,700 Business Operations Specialists, All Other 1,837 $61,300 Management Analysts 1,097 $70,900 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 1,032 $63,400 Human Resources Specialists 1,008 $55,900

Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 669 $62,100

Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators 669 $62,100 Financial Analysts 597 $75,500 Training and Development Specialists 498 $59,300 Compliance Officers 448 $62,200 Cost Estimators 412 $58,700 Loan Officers 378 $65,200 Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products 349 $54,200 Logisticians 278 $67,600 Personal Financial Advisors 277 $117,500 Financial Specialists, All Other 265 $66,900 Insurance Underwriters 255 $65,600 Tax Preparers 203 $38,100 Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists 200 $54,100 Labor Relations Specialists 150 $50,400 Credit Analysts 145 $65,900 Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners 134 $36,100 Budget Analysts 107 $71,600 Financial Examiners 73 $65,800 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate 64 $59,600 Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents 57 $60,600 Credit Counselors 47 $45,700 Fundraisers 40 $48,800 Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage 38 $60,500 Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products 9 $61,200 Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and 4 $73,400 Farm Labor Contractors 0 --Source: JobsEQ(R).

Top Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate in Jobs in Summit County (ranked by total employment)

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of 2015


Career Paths in Finance, Insurance

and Real Estate (FIRE)

Entry level (HS Diploma or Some Post-Secondary Educa on)

• Bank Teller• Customer Service Representa ve• Recep onist• Secretary• Administra ve Assistant• Offi ce Manager

Associate’s Degree

• Bookkeeper• Accounts Receivable Clerk• Accounts Payable Clerk• Appraisers and Assessors of

Real Estate

Bachelor’s Degree

• Accountant• Employment, Recruitment, Placement

Specialist• Financial Analyst• Insurance Sales Agent• Property and Real Estate Manager• Social and Community Service Manager

Advanced Degrees

• Financial Manager• Investment Manager• Management Analyst• Chief Financial Offi cer• Audit Manager• Tax Preparer


Advanced Manufacturing, Transporta on, and Logis cs

Expected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, Dependable


Manufacturing-related occupa ons accounted for 38,805 employees in 2015; 14.8% of Summit County’s total employment.

In Summit County, logistician jobs are projected to grow an average of 1.2% per year over the next 10 years, and transporta on & materials moving jobs are projected to grow 0.2% per year over the next 10 years. Produc on jobs are expected to decline by 0.7% per year over the next 10 years.


The highest annual wage for Manufacturing, Transporta on, and Logis cs in Summit County was $129,100 for Air Traffi c Controllers in 2014; the lowest was $19,500 for Ambulance Drivers and Attendants (does not include Emergency Medical Technicians).

[Note: Wages are averages of all occu-pa ons within the sector – including entry level and high level posi ons.]

Source: JobsEQ(R)

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of 2015

Top Manufacturing, Transporta on, and Logis cs Jobs in Summit County (ranked by total employment)





Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 4,693 $25,400Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators,and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

291 $33,000

Heavy and Tractor Trailer Truck Drivers 3,862 $42,800 Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs 284 $22,700Team Assemblers 2,478 $29,900 Logisticians 278 $67,600

Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers 1,811 $29,900Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators,and Tenders

265 $29,600

Machinists 1,435 $38,900 Butchers and Meat Cutters 263 $32,800First Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 1,404 $54,200 Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders 255 $39,200Packers and Packagers, Hand 1,396 $23,900 Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants 229 $22,400Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 1,160 $35,700 Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity 226 $44,300Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 1,010 $35,900 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters 222 $37,000Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 1,006 $32,900 Machine Feeders and Offbearers 202 $32,000Helpers Production Workers 959 $26,600 Tire Builders 175 $37,300Driver/Sales Workers 783 $21,600 Parking Lot Attendants 168 $20,600

Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders 771 $29,100 Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 160 $39,400

Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment 673 $21,700Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal andPlastic

159 $43,800

Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders,Metal and Plastic

617 $28,700 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators 147 $45,600

Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metaland Plastic

615 $29,900 Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 141 $34,800

Bus Drivers, School or Special Client 556 $30,000 Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 139 $34,700Computer Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic 550 $38,300 Food Batchmakers 134 $26,600

Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other 514 $32,000Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal andPlastic

134 $30,100

Production Workers, All Other 436 $30,900 Print Binding and Finishing Workers 132 $30,300Printing Press Operators 421 $36,300 Chemical Plant and System Operators 122 $52,100Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers 405 $30,900 Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other 122 $20,700Laundry and Dry Cleaning Workers 404 $21,900 Sewing Machine Operators 121 $24,700Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 395 $35,600 Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers 115 $24,500First Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Machine andVehicle Operators

368 $58,500 Grinding and Polishing Workers, Hand 106 $30,100

First Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, Hand 346 $49,300 Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers 101 $34,700

Tool and Die Makers 337 $40,700Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Programmers, Metal andPlastic

101 $51,700

Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 320 $30,400 Prepress Technician and Workers 94 $39,400

Bakers 310 $25,200 Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors 94 $28,500

Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 297 $35,600 Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 91 $38,500

Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal andPlastic

291 $38,200 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers 90 $42,300

Source: JobsEQ(R)

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of 2015


Career Paths in Advanced Manufacturing

Entry Level


Extrusion Operator

Machine Operator

Offi ce Clerk

Warehouse Worker

Cer fi cates / Appren ce Program

CNC Machinist





Maintenance Worker

Truck/Bus/ Commercial Driver (CDL)



2-Year Degrees

Administrative Assistant


CAD/CAM Technician

CNC Technician


IT Technician

Quality/Process Improvement Leader


4-Year Degrees



IT Manager

Labor Relations / HR Manager

Plant Manager

Supply Chain / Logistics Manager

Sales / Marketing Manager

Wage Range:$10.05 - $22.42

Wage Range:$11.72 - $28.48

Wage Range:$15.67 - $29.52

Wage Range:$27.79 - $54.96


* MSSC = Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilCPT = Cer fi ed Produc on TechnicianCLT = Cer fi ed Logis cs Technician Chart Source: US Department of Labor, Cleveland-Akron-Elyria OH Compensation Survey - January 2008


Skilled TradesExpected Employability and/or So Skills

Integrity, Work Ethic, Communicator, Adaptor, Cri cal Thinker, Dependable


Skilled trades (which include construc on, extrac on, installa on, maintenance, and repair-related occupa ons), accounted for 18,378 employees; about 7.0% of Summit County’s combined total employment through the 2nd quarter of 2015. Occupa ons associated with skilled trades are projected to grow faster than the total employment in Summit County. Total employment projected is expected to grow by an average of 0.5% per year over the next 10 years, while jobs related to construc on and extrac on occupa ons are projected to grow by 1.0% per year over the next 10 years. Installa on, maintenance, and repair occupa ons are expected to grow by 0.4% per year over the next 10 years.


The average annual wage in Summit County for construc on and extrac on jobs through the 2nd quarter of 2015 was $47,900, while the average annual wage for installa on, maintenance, and repair jobs was $41,300. Earnings range from $65,400 for Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substa on, and Relay workers to $25,500 for Helpers--Installa on, Maintenance, and Repair Workers.

[Note: Wages are averages of all occupa ons within the sector – including entry level and high level posi ons.]

For detailed informa on about occupa ons within this sector (e.g. current wage ranges per occupa on, training schools, employment projec ons, and a link to jobs listed on the Labor Market Informa on website):

1. Go to h p://,

2. Follow the instruc ons in the ‘Occupa onal Profi les with Wages and Skills’ sec on to start your search.

* Source: JobsEQ(R)


EmploymentAverage Salary

Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 2,269 $36,500 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 1,568 $34,800 Construction Laborers 1,374 $41,100 Electricians 1,015 $58,700 Carpenters 896 $46,700 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 863 $57,900 Supervisors of Construction and Extraction Workers 733 $61,800 Industrial Machinery Mechanics 717 $47,300 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 676 $45,100 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators 509 $58,400 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 482 $41,100 Tire Repairers and Changers 382 $26,300

Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 353 $42,800 Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers 342 $55,000 Automotive Body and Related Repairers 329 $35,800 Painters, Construction and Maintenance 314 $41,700

Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other 280 $48,300 Sheet Metal Workers 262 $37,600 Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers 249 $43,900

Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers 249 $25,500

Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines 221 $45,800 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 210 $37,100 Maintenance Workers, Machinery 207 $41,600 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers 195 $40,800 Roofers 183 $39,700 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers 144 $60,400 Highway Maintenance Workers 143 $41,000 Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers 132 $41,500 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment 130 $52,800 Helpers--Electricians 124 $32,100 Source: JobsEQ(R).

Note: Employment and average salary are for the 4 most recent quarters ending with the 2nd quarter of 2015

Top Skilled Trade Jobs in Summit County (ranked by total employment)


On-the-Job/Pre-Appren ceship


Long-Term, 12 mos. plus: Hea ng, AC Tile and Marble Se er Painter

Moderate-Term, 1-12 mos.: Roofer Title Examiner Bldg. Maintenance Worker

Short-Term, up to 1 month: Cra Helper Cra Laborer Flagger

Appren ceshipTrained by Master Craftsperson

2-6 years: Journeyperson (ex: carpenter,

electrician, mason, plumber, painter, drywall installer)

Associate’s DegreeCommunity/Technical College

up to 2 yr. Certi ication or Degree:

Architectural Dra er Automo ve Service Technician Building Inspector Carpenter Plumber Cost Es mator

Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree

College/University4 + years:

Architect Auditor Civil Engineer Construc on Manager Interior Designer Landscape Architect Urban Planner

Secondary Educa on High School / GED Voca onal School

First-Line Supervisor

Construc on Manager

Company OwnerSite/Corporate ManagerSenior Project Manager

the ’s/

Sources: Ohio Labor Market Informa on, Occupa onal Wage Survey Es -mates, Home Builder’s Ins tute and AGC Educa on Founda on

Career Paths in Skilled Trades






Source: Modifi ed from Utah’s Job Connection, “Dept. of Workforce Services, Sample Career Ladders

Occupa on: ___________________________________________________

Average star ng wage per hour: __________________________________

Required training/experience: ____________________________________

Training ins tu on: _____________________________________________

Length of training: ______________________________________________

Training cost: __________________________________________________

Occupa on: ___________________________________________________

Average star ng wage per hour: __________________________________

Required training/experience: ____________________________________

Training ins tu on: _____________________________________________

Length of training: ______________________________________________

Training cost: __________________________________________________

Occupa on: ___________________________________________________

Average star ng wage per hour: __________________________________

Required training/experience: ____________________________________

Training ins tu on: _____________________________________________

Length of training: ______________________________________________

Training cost: __________________________________________________

As you plan your career in one industry, iden fying your transferable skills is important.

What skills do you bring with you from another industry/occupa on that can be transferred to this industry, and may be helpful as you move into a diff erent industry in the future?

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

Map Your Career______________!

Add the industry you are planning a career in here

For detailed informa on about occupa ons within a sector (such as schools, employment projec ons, current wage ranges and a link to jobs listed at WorkSource):

Go to h p:// Click on the “Occupa onal Profi les with Wages and

Skills” link, and follow the instruc ons on the page.


“Map Your Career” was adapted for use in Summit County, Ohio with permission from The Workforce Development

Council of Sea le-King County. For addi ons or correc ons, please call

800-989-8428, ext. 100.

The 2015-2016 version of this document was sponsored locally by:

Ohio Means JobsSummit County

1040 East Tallmadge Ave.Akron, Ohio 44310

330-633-1050h ps://
