Download - Council of Deans of Health Anne Marie Rafferty – Executive member; Council of Deans of Health.


Council of Deans of Health

Anne Marie Rafferty – Executive member; Council of Deans of Health

1.About Us

2.Perspective on the NHS


3.How will HEI health faculties

respond to the dynamic


Our Purpose

The Council of Deans of Health is the representative voice of UK university

health faculties providing education and research for healthcare professionals.

The Council plays an influential leadership role in improved health outcomes through its integral role in developing an expert

health workforce and utilises its collective expertise to inform innovative educational

practice and translational research.

1. About Us

As the representative body of UK university faculties providing education and research for healthcare professionals, our core strategic aims are to:

Lead and inform UK and international health, higher education and research policy agendas that impact on the development of an expert workforce and improved health outcomes.

Promote the contribution and value of Universities to education and translational research agendas in health and build strategic partnerships with key partners and opinion formers.

Develop, support and provide tailored services to our membership.

1. About Us

Health• NHS White PaperHigher

Education•CSR •Browne Review

Regulation•New standards•Regulatory environment•New professionals

1. About Us

Nursing is the top subject choice for university applicants

Health is one of the biggest subject areas in UK higher education

Universities prepare nurses, midwives and allied health professionals to be flexible and prepared for the healthcare of the future

Universities provide the health service with the best cutting edge research

1. About Us

Health White paper published in July. Government response expected later this month

Consultation document on education and training also expected in December alongside white paper on public health ( due to be launched today).

Bill expected in January to underpin reforms Wider context for health professional

education – Browne, tuition fees and wider review of University funding

2. Perspective on the NHS reforms

Appropriate strategic national oversight regarding workforce need whilst ensuring effective local input into local training and educations plans. ◦ need for strategic oversight vital for ensuring the

sustainability of smaller health professions ◦ support the development of a professionally led

‘umbrella’ organisation, covering both medical and non-medical healthcare education.

◦ established Professional Advisory Boards offer valuable expertise and a necessary forum at a national level for the professional groups and should inform the new body to ensure a truly multi- professional approach

2. CoD response to NHS reforms/White paper

Need for new commissioning system to be truly multi professional in both national and local settings◦ enable greater consistency, understanding and

flexibility across medical and non-medical boundaries

◦ facilitate increased inter-professional learning and a more creative use of limited resources

◦ enable a long term view of workforce need as the nature of health care changes

2. CoD response to NHS reforms/White paper

New model of education commissioning must be flexible enough to adapt to the different requirements of both pre and post registration education and training

proposals will need to take into account that decisions made on pre registration courses will impact of post registration courses and vice versa.

staffing levels and teaching and research expertise are based around both pre and post registration education.

2. CoD response to White paper/NHS reforms

Welcome commitment that ‘reforms will be managed and introduced carefully to ensure that the changes do not de-stabilise individual providers’

must ensure that effective transitional arrangements are fully in place utilising existing expertise where possible.

It is imperative that any changes to the education and training commissioning do not further de-stabilise the system, particularly at a time when we are facing cuts.

2. Perspective on the White paper/ NHS reforms

Educating a workforce ◦ Able to question and to embrace and lead reform◦ ‘Fit for purpose’ and capable of change in global,

national, regional and local contexts◦ Has passion and drive◦ Committed to the values that underpin health and

social care Leading, challenging and informing policy and practice –

providing evidence base Co-creating new knowledge and ideas through R&D and

Knowledge Exchange Current government priorities tie in with where already

delivering: such as widening access whilst maintaining excellence, our wider social and economic impact and the employability of our


3. How will HEIs respond to change?