Download - Cotton Candy Construction - Lot Build by Hurricane Islandheart

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Cotton Candy Construction – 14 Clover Drive (20x20 lot) – Dragon ValleyFinished Cost - $74,999 (Furnished)

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Let's take a tour through the cutaways....

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A closer, angled view of the upper floors' exterior demonstrates how the skylights work.

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And now, on to the floor plans!

The third floor is a guest room/child's room. Bed, overhead light and nightlight.

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Second floor contains master bedroom, bathroom, and two cribs for infants.

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First floor is an open plan kitchen, dining room and living room/activity area.

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The first floor overhead view including full yard; the yard also has many activity areas.

Now, on to the grand tour!

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First, meet Cotton. Cotton Candy, that is. When I took on this challenge, I also decided to make a Sim to go with the home. Both Cotton and her home will be available for download.

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The approach to the house from town...

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The view from the street, AKA Google Street View.

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Welcome! The newspaper delivery kid was quick on her feet this morning.

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Billed as a practical and multi-purpose, the beehive will provide you with skills and alchemy needs, while serving as a deterrent to Pink Flamingo thieves! Or, if you'd prefer, hire fairy security and put them up for the night in the cute fairy abode.

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If night-time activities are your thing, try some stargazing! Just don't look at grumpy neighbors too long through it.

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There's nothing safer than letting anyone who walks past your front door know you have expensive electronics right inside the front door. :D

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A bright and cozy living area can double as an entertainment room during parties or a study area when skill-building is a necessity.

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An open layout makes the main floor bright, open and welcoming.

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The light and airy feeling of cotton candy won't be constrained by something bulky like stairs! Flabaliki's ghost stairs make ascending from one level of this house to the next a breeze.

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What is a home without books? Not a home I'D build, at any rate.

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Nothing lifts your spirits like painting in front of a sunny window. This easel is situated to keep the artist from being isolated, but at the same time provides a peaceful backdrop to work from.

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The back door leads out into the beautiful back yard for those times the party just has to spill over a little bit. And, for any of those opportunists who would spill IN to help himself/herself to the goodies found inside, the Thief-Tech's Gotcha! Burglar Alarm is keeping the peace – at both doors.

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A bright and open kitchen is guaranteed to bring big smiles and appetites – and there's enough overhead light for that late-night snack or hot beverage as well.

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A bright kitchen needs a dining room to match! With plenty of table space, the home's occupants can't wait to sit down in cheery morning sunlight for breakfast or warm, comforting overhead light for dinner.

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A chance layering glitch made for a perfect combo! This nightlight provides security while remaining tucked out of sight in the rubbish bin. It also adds a cozy glow to compliment the traditional bread oven on cool nights.

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Too many cooks spoil the soup? Not in this kitchen! Ample counter space and an open plan leads to less foot-stomping frustration when more than one person is cooking. The fire alarm is even conveniently centered between ovens so it has you covered, no matter what you're cooking.

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Bon Appétit!

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We try not to think too hard about how these stairs work. :>

Yes, that's a bee. :>

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One last look from whence we came before we head upstairs. Cotton sure loves to boogie.

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Is this a suggestion to the new owners? One of two cribs that come with the house come into view at the top of the stairs. The babies have a picturesque view through multiple windows and the skylights.

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Most of the light fixtures on the top two floors are affixed to the skylights. We're not going to think too hard about how THAT works either. XD

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The bathroom is tucked into a corner, creating a quiet space for the babies while still allowing easy access to the master bedroom and occupants on both floors. A centrally-located bathroom is a must for one-bathroom homes.

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The hallway leading downstairs looks a bit treacherous, in hindsight. Let's hope no one leaves any toddlers near the edge of the stairs. ^^;

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What a charming bathroom door! There's so much light coming through! It's almost as though...

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...there's a door-length cutout that lets anyone passing by see into the bathroom!

After a few “Suck it up, Princess Cuppycake.” lectures, my Sims have learned not to expect any real level of privacy in their lives. Now yours can, too!

Let's get a better look at the features of this bathroom.

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At least the wall is protected from the shower...kind of?

This is another one of those magical artifacts that cuts bulk and adds delicacy but leaves one to wonder about functionality.

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Since cotton candy melts like snow, this mirror is a perfect reflection for it! Sims can admire their delicate surroundings (and keep an eye out for Peeping Sims) while washing their hands or brushing their teeth. The Porcelain Throne is conveniently in the corner, where it's least visible but still accessible.

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Man, glass ceilings really ARE hard to break through!

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As we continue our tour, we find the master bedroom and stairs to the third floor ahead of us.

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It's kind of like “The Shining,” only bright and cheerful and without creepy little girls.

...Okay, it's not really anything like “The Shining,” it's just a long hall with a room at the end. ^^;

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A quiet and peaceful master bedroom, complete with a tree branch growing through the wall. ^^; At least the cherry blossoms go with the décor.

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The master bedroom intentionally has enough space for the occupant to buy a small dresser, chair and end table, bookshelf, or other add-on of their discretion.

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A double bed. You know what to do. :>

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Onward! Up those totally safe looking steps to the third floor!

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I can see the future sky!

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This light-filled guest room/child's room also has space intentionally left open for décor or accessories of the occupants' choosing.

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A room with a view.

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Despite being small, this room has some of the best views in the house.

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Out onto the roof! (Which is not on fire.)

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These skylights by DasMatze were perfect for opening up the house to light and at the same time mimicking the ragged edges of cotton candy.

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Now, we jump down into the yard for a closer look at some of the landscaping.

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This line of trees and rose bushes marks the property line.

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The rear of the house from the neighboring lot.

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Opposite rear corner of the house, from the neighboring lot. The Weeping Willow trees belong to the adjacent lot.

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Standing under the neighboring Weeping Willows, looking toward the front corner of the house. The fairy house and beehive are just in view.

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From the approach to the driveway. This is what many cars pulling up to the house would see.

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Creeper-vision. This is the shot from the top of the tree across the road. :|

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Inspiration can be found at

Details about the construction of this lot can be found on the Sims 3 forums in the Build-n-Share Challenge thread or by e-mailing me at [email protected]. Thanks! <3


Cotton Candy Construction


Cotton Candy (Sim)