Download - Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Page 1: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

i Jason,

I too appreciate your generosity in sharing this information.

About my earlier question which seemed to create confusion, my apologies.

Although you had answered "incorrectly" I did get it clearly I think thanks to

others' questions.

If I have understood correctly, lifetimes described by a planet, no matter whose

cosmogram they are contained within, always occur in either their geodetic sign

zone, cross sign zones, or house zone. Is this correct?




To test this understanding, I would like to try an example. This is the Venus

cosmogram of a chart I am working on:

Venus in Leo (5th)


Moon in Libra (6th) -- Uranus in Sagittarius (7th)

Both the Moon and Uranus have their own cosmograms and therefore "count" if I

have understood correctly. So, this cosmogram shows the following connected

lifetimes which the current Venus reflects and draws from in the accomplishment

of its evolutionary intentions:

Based on Venus, a lifetime or lifetimes occurred in:

10,900-10,810 (Leo Age, Leo Period) in any of the Fixed zones.

Based on the Moon, a lifetime or lifetimes occurred in:

10,720-10,630 (Leo Age, Libra Period) in the Cardinal zones and/or the Virgo zone

(6th house).

Based on the Uranus, a lifetime or lifetimes occurred in:

10,540-10,450 (Leo Age, Sagittarius Period) in the Mutable zones and/or the Libra

zone (7th house).

Is this correct?


Yes .................


God Bless, Rad

Hi Jason,

I have two more questions I have encountered in another chart I am working on.

1. When one side of a cosmogram branch is a planet which does not have a cosmogram of its own, what happens to the planet on

the other side of the branch?

For example:



Page 2: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

SN ---------- Saturn

For the purpose of this example, let us say that the Saturn does not have a cosmogram of its own, but the South Node does. Then

for this Uranus cosmogram, I understand that the Saturn will not be considered a lifetime or lifetimes referent either, but what

about the South Node on the other side? Is it still used even though its branchmate is not?


It does not matter if the Saturn, in you example, has it's own cosmogram or not relative to the Uranus cosmogram you

have presented. The fact that Uranus is at the top and that it does connect to both the S.Node and Saturn makes that

Saturn 'count'. So it will then have it's own 90 year segment of time relative to the Uranus cosmogram above.


2. What happens when none of the planets in a planet’s cosmogram have cosmograms of their own? So to use another example:



Moon ------------------ Saturn

Let’s say that the Moon and Saturn are the only branches on this Pluto cosmogram. However, both Moon and Saturn do not have

cosmograms of their own. I understand that this means that in this cosmogram neither the Moon nor Saturn refer to specific

periods or zones in which lifetimes occurred. But does Pluto still represent a time period and geographic zones in which specific

incarnations occurred, or is it now treated as a planet without a cosmogram since its cosmogram branches don’t “count”? And if it

is now treated as a planet without a cosmogram, would it then also not be “counted” on the cosmograms of other planets?



within that cosmogram of the lead planet have their own cosmograms or not. Relative to that lead planet, in your

example Pluto, the fact that it does connect to the Moon and Saturn within it makes all three 90 year time segments

count. If the Moon and Saturn do not have their own cosmograms DOES NOT MATTER.


God Bless, Radhank You for sharing all of this here.

I am very excited to study and learn this in time. If I need help understanding, I

know I can ask; thank you.

I have been working on more reflections of the planetary nodes of Venus which I

am posting on that thread.

I have been missing you all and the message board. I have continued in focus and

study of EA when other life responsibilities are not required being met.

Much Love,


I was wondering if anyone has advice or technique for creating cosmograms in an easy way. There must be a more accurate way of

calculating these other than using the lines of a circular piece of paper to measure.

Also, Linda, Jason and Taf thank you for your great questions! I finally caught up on this thread tonight and your thorough questions

really helped me "get it". With Love,

amNot sure if this is what you are referring to, but in Solar Fire if you have it, when in the View Chart screen you can see a chart as

a dial. On the right hand side of the screen, directly above the Redraw button there is a dropdown box. Clicking on the little

downwards pointing arrow at the right side of this box drops down a list of display options, either Wheel or Dial. I was able to create

cosmograms for each planet using that screen and then they could be printed out if you wished. Maybe this helps?


Thanks so much for your answers. I am pondering some more aspects of the whole method and will eventually articulate them into

more questions, but it may take a little bit of time.

One quick question (although not thoroughly thought out): If there are other branches on a cosmogram do they also refer to the

symbolism of a square aspect?


Page 3: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Jupiter Venus

Moon Mercury


In the above modification to the original example, would both the Jupiter/Venus & the Moon/Mercury be considered "squares" to

Mars/Saturn? And what would happen then when we arrive in our investigations to the Venus lifetime? How does it look with Venus

at the lead? Would Mercury then be a conjunction even if it is in a different sign from Venus, or still a square?

And are we qualifying the square-like aspects with First Quarter/Last Quarter? Or do they simply mean the tension of the

archetypes (say Mars/Jupiter & Mars/Saturn) within the Mars lifetime (2,260 - 2,170BC), as they are drawn upon by the current

Soul, are symbolic of a generic square or opposition aspect, respectively? Or could it be that Mars would be involved in a First

Quarter Square with the next planet coming in time: Mars/Venus first quarter square? Thus, in our example, Mars/Jupiter would be

a Last Quarter square?

Furthermore, are the cosmogram aspects considered squares or oppositions due to any specific reason? I know I still have much to

learn regarding midpoints, etc, and I will also continue to contemplate the whole of Geodetic Equivalents, cosmograms, etc, as

applied to EA, but just wanted to ask if JWG left explanations regarding these somewhat mundane considerations.


tafHi Jason,

Thanks so much for your answers. I am pondering some more aspects of the whole method and will eventually articulate them into

more questions, but it may take a little bit of time.

One quick question (although not thoroughly thought out): If there are other branches on a cosmogram do they also refer to the

symbolism of a square aspect?


We can use the symbolism of a square, or semi-square, etc but the underlying dynamic is one of developmental/

evolutionary stress.



Jupiter Venus

Moon Mercury


In the above modification to the original example, would both the Jupiter/Venus & the Moon/Mercury be considered "squares" to



Again, yes we can consider them this way but, again, the real underlying dynamic is one of developmental/

evolutionary stress within the planetary archetypes involved.


And what would happen then when we arrive in our investigations to the Venus lifetime? How does it look with Venus at the lead?

Would Mercury then be a conjunction even if it is in a different sign from Venus, or still a square?


It would be treated as a conjunction.

Page 4: Cosmograms 2nd PDF


And are we qualifying the square-like aspects with First Quarter/Last Quarter? Or do they simply mean the tension of the

archetypes (say Mars/Jupiter & Mars/Saturn) within the Mars lifetime (2,260 - 2,170BC), as they are drawn upon by the current

Soul, are symbolic of a generic square or opposition aspect, respectively? Or could it be that Mars would be involved in a First

Quarter Square with the next planet coming in time: Mars/Venus first quarter square? Thus, in our example, Mars/Jupiter would be

a Last Quarter square?


In these cosmograms there no distinctions for first quarter, last quarter squares, nor are there distinctions for new

phase or balsamic conjunctions. Thus, they are treated, as you put it, generically. The core dynamic here is one of

tension or stress relative to the archetypes involved where that stress correlates to intense evolutionary growth

because of the stress itself.


Furthermore, are the cosmogram aspects considered squares or oppositions due to any specific reason? I know I still have much to

learn regarding midpoints, etc, and I will also continue to contemplate the whole of Geodetic Equivalents, cosmograms, etc, as

applied to EA, but just wanted to ask if JWG left explanations regarding these somewhat mundane considerations.


From what I understand of Eberteins work is that any planets involved in the cosmograms correlate to developmental

stress. Thus, the rationale for the symbolism of squares, oppositions, and conjunctions. JWG focused more on the

interaction of the planetary archetypes themselves within the cosmograms as key markers in the Soul's evolutionary

development that apply to the current life EA purposes of the Soul. When those archetypes are then linked to specific

times and places, geographic and cultural context, this then can provide contextual information as to how and why

those archetypes were actualized in the ways that they were and how this, in turn, correlates to the inner dynamics

within the Soul that help us understand how and why the Soul has become what it is now, the current life.


God Bless, RadHi Ari,

Not sure if this is what you are referring to, but in Solar Fire if you have it, when in the View Chart screen you can see a chart as a

dial. On the right hand side of the screen, directly above the Redraw button there is a dropdown box. Clicking on the little

downwards pointing arrow at the right side of this box drops down a list of display options, either Wheel or Dial. I was able to create

cosmograms for each planet using that screen and then they could be printed out if you wished. Maybe this helps?


That's perfect, thank you Upasika. Also for anyone with solar fire, it's possible to change the orb used for these cosmograms.Hi Rad,


I'm going over a number of things here. Thank you rad for your time in reviewing this. Hopefully this is a helpful example.

First, here's a copy of my own Venus cosmogram. I have programed solar fire to only include the planets that are relevant for our

purposes. I just want to include it so others can see what solar fire can do.

Page 5: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

I notice that Uranus can be at the end of the cosmogram. Solar fire does not add that option. Also, the sn of Mercury can be

included as well. So here is the complete cosmogram (I'm excludingng Ceres for now):

Venus (Libra 1,180-1,090)

Moon (Scorpio 1,090-1000) ---- Mercury (Sag 1000-910)

Moon (Scorpio 1,090-1000) ---- Neptune (Sag 1000-910)

Jupiter (Sag 1,000-910) ---- sn Mercury (Sag 1000-910)

Uranus (Sag 1000-910)

A n d h e r e i s a c o p y o f m y o w n n a t a l c h a r t t h a t t h i s i s b a s e d o n .

Page 6: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Regions: Venus is in my natal second house in Libra pointing to the Taurus zone as well as the Cardinal zones as the primary

emphasis for these lifetimes. As I understand it, this will point to the core lifetimes through which these particular dynamics have

come into play. All other lifetimes as indicated by the other planets in the cosmogram would symbolize the developments of the

evolutionary theme of the core lifetimes and the places of those lifetimes as indicated by the lead planet. Is this accurate?

All the other planets point to the mutable and fixed geodetic zones as well as the subsequent 180 years after the Libra lifetime(s).

This seems to in fact point to a very specific era in the history of this soul, one that spanned it seems a very short period of time.

The relevant history of that time period linked to those zones will reveal where and perhaps how these dynamics came into play.

The cardinal zones during 1,180-1,090, and most likely the Aries zone would point to the main developmental theme of this entire


Given the strong Scorpio emphasis, the Taurus zone is in fact emphasized here. Scorpio doesn't have much geodetic significance it

seems, however Aquarius and Leo does so those may have also been significant. The Sagittarius and Gemini zones are also

emphasized here (Virgo and Pisces, like Scorpio doesn't seem to hold much geodetic significance in and of itself. So it's possible that

these zones came into play, but most unlikely).

Based on this, researching the life of those appropriate regions within those ages would provide a very general historical context.

All of this can point to key lifetimes in what we call Western Europe, most of Africa, Israel, India and anywhere along the mid-

america continent.

Relative to the evolutionary dynamics implied by my own Venus in my chart (how it fits in with the ea signatures in my chart),

which in short is connected to the development of self esteem, self trust and various relationship dynamics involving the loss of

power, being dishonest about my own intentions in relationship, living as an ascetic monk/ hermit type existence, psychology of

lonliness and isolation, as well as a holding pattern that has been brought over through the etheric body based on sexual or

emotional trauma that I have held onto - this life being a culmination of this particular cycle (Venus Pluto balsamic)... these time

zones and regions will point to those very dynamics.

Given the other planets in the cosmogram, this correlates to the lifetimes of wandering aimlessly w/out a home as well as having

been a part of various schools or monastic type enviroments. This will also bring in many of the traumas I have experienced relative

to the loss of sacred knowledge, moving from place to place, alienation, and martyrdom. Many dynamics around my personal

relationship to home, and relationship to being still and grounded in this earth will come up through this.

For me, this feels like a starting point for a deep inner journey into these places. Besides for the actual research, just pinpointing

such a specific time period and regions opens my intuitive senses up and feels like a gateway for an inner journey to the past.

I feel the truth in this as I write it. This is very profound knowledge. I would however like a confirmation that I am on track with

how I understand this!

Thank you, God bless,

amHi Rad,

I have a couple more q's:

1. Since the soul often revisits actual geographic locations of past reincarnations, or at least will hold a strong interest in those

locations, I sense that the places I have been drawn to since a child, as well as the places in the world I have made significant visit

to will actually help pinpoint some of these geographic regions. For example Within the first 20 years of my life I had in fact visited

Israel 4 times. I have also had a deep obsession with that land and its history.

2. I understand that the Sun and the angles do not correlate to the past, however there is always a reason, from the point of view

of the past, why any soul would have a particular Sun sign as well as the 4 angles of the chart. When the Sun or the angels are

forming aspects to the nodes, would it ever be appropriate to create a cosmogram for them? Thank you.

God bless,

Ari MosheHi Ari,

Yes because they would be applied TO THIS LIFE.

God Bless, Rad

Page 7: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Hello Rad,

As I am learning may I ask a question?

If there are close conjunctions, less than 2* orb, between planets, does this form a


Put a different way, if the planets on the branches are conjunct the head planet at

the top, by less than 2* orb, does this form a Cosmogram?

Many thanks,


Hi Jane,

"As I am learning may I ask a question?"


You may ask any questions you have Jane.


"If there are close conjunctions, less than 2* orb, between planets, does this form

a Cosmogram?"


If you mean that those two planets that are conjunct by less than two

degrees have other planets that would form a cosmogram then yes. If you

mean that those two planets that are conjunct by less than two degrees

do not have any other planets that would connect them to a cosmogram

then those two planets, by themselves, do not constitute a cosmogram.


"Put a different way, if the planets on the branches are conjunct the head planet at

the top, by less than 2* orb, does this form a Cosmogram?"


See above.


God Bless, Rad

i everyone..I would certainly l ike to learn more about geodect ic

equivalents..thanks for the opportunity..imsara

Hi Rad,

Just following your step-by-step instructions.............


Symbols in our birth charts were linked to the natural zodiacal zones on the



We created our own cosmograms.............


We added the data from our cosmograms to the world map..............

QUESTION: What was the purpose of the first exercise (Phase I)?

QUESTION: Should we be referring to Phase III only (created from cosmograms)

as it gives much more contextual information?

Your Quote: "JWG focused more on the interaction of the planetary archetypes

themselves within the cosmograms as key markers in the Soul's evolutionary

development that apply to the current life EA purposes of the Soul. When those

archetypes are then linked to specific times and places, geographic and cultural

context, this then can provide contextual information as to how and why those

archetypes were actualized in the ways that they were and how this, in turn,

correlates to the inner dynamics within the Soul that help us understand how and

why the Soul has become what it is now, the current life."

QUESTION: Using my Leo zone as an example, is there some way one can

ascertain the actual country of significance? The Leo zone contains Australia,

Indonesia, Japan, Russia and other countries? Or is it just a matter of linking

these times/places/cultures to the cosmogramical archetypes?

QUESTION: Could it be possible that segments of the current Pluto/Leo

generation had prior lives in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia or other countries

in the Leo zone?

QUESTION: My current lifetime pertains to the Virgo zone (Australia). I care

very much for the Earth and feel at one with the ecosystem. Could one possible

interpretation be that I, along with a segment of the Pluto/Leo generation, had

lived in this country 13,500 years ago (pre-patriarchy) as early Aborigines (or

other cosmic dimensional beings), united with Nature/Everything in unity

consciousness -- and in the current lifetime are fulfilling evolutionary intentions/

obligations associated with perhaps clearing trauma from the unconscious due to

pre-historic cataclysmic events?

QUESTION: Using my Leo/Virgo zones as an example, I can actually see the

repeating themes in these cosmograms as they relate to the current lifetime since

I now actually live in this zone (Australia). My interpretation is that in this Leo/

Virgo zone I have undergone immense evolutionary leaps in consciousness, such

as metamorphosis (Pluto) and transformation (Uranus), with some of the key

issues perhaps originating some 12,500 years ago. Is my interpretation on the

right track do you think?

Sorry about the number of questions -- these have been on my mind for a while.

Thank you so much for your guidance.

Page 8: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Hi Rad,

Just following your step-by-step instructions.............


Symbols in our birth charts were linked to the natural zodiacal zones on the



We created our own cosmograms.............


We added the data from our cosmograms to the world map..............

QUESTION: What was the purpose of the first exercise (Phase I)?

QUESTION: Should we be referring to Phase III only (created from cosmograms)

as it gives much more contextual information?

Your Quote: "JWG focused more on the interaction of the planetary archetypes

themselves within the cosmograms as key markers in the Soul's evolutionary

development that apply to the current life EA purposes of the Soul. When those

archetypes are then linked to specific times and places, geographic and cultural

context, this then can provide contextual information as to how and why those

archetypes were actualized in the ways that they were and how this, in turn,

correlates to the inner dynamics within the Soul that help us understand how and

why the Soul has become what it is now, the current life."

QUESTION: Using my Leo zone as an example, is there some way one can

ascertain the actual country of significance? The Leo zone contains Australia,

Indonesia, Japan, Russia and other countries? Or is it just a matter of linking

these times/places/cultures to the cosmogramical archetypes?

QUESTION: Could it be possible that segments of the current Pluto/Leo

generation had prior lives in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia or other countries

in the Leo zone?

QUESTION: My current lifetime pertains to the Virgo zone (Australia). I care

very much for the Earth and feel at one with the ecosystem. Could one possible

interpretation be that I, along with a segment of the Pluto/Leo generation, had

lived in this country 13,500 years ago (pre-patriarchy) as early Aborigines (or

other cosmic dimensional beings), united with Nature/Everything in unity

consciousness -- and in the current lifetime are fulfilling evolutionary intentions/

obligations associated with perhaps clearing trauma from the unconscious due to

pre-historic cataclysmic events?

QUESTION: Using my Leo/Virgo zones as an example, I can actually see the

repeating themes in these cosmograms as they relate to the current lifetime since

I now actually live in this zone (Australia). My interpretation is that in this Leo/

Virgo zone I have undergone immense evolutionary leaps in consciousness, such

as metamorphosis (Pluto) and transformation (Uranus), with some of the key

issues perhaps originating some 12,500 years ago. Is my interpretation on the

right track do you think?

Sorry about the number of questions -- these have been on my mind for a while.

Thank you so much for your guidance.

Page 9: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Hi Rad,

Just following your step-by-step instructions.............


Symbols in our birth charts were linked to the natural zodiacal zones on the



We created our own cosmograms.............


We added the data from our cosmograms to the world map..............

QUESTION: What was the purpose of the first exercise (Phase I)?

QUESTION: Should we be referring to Phase III only (created from cosmograms)

as it gives much more contextual information?

Your Quote: "JWG focused more on the interaction of the planetary archetypes

themselves within the cosmograms as key markers in the Soul's evolutionary

development that apply to the current life EA purposes of the Soul. When those

archetypes are then linked to specific times and places, geographic and cultural

context, this then can provide contextual information as to how and why those

archetypes were actualized in the ways that they were and how this, in turn,

correlates to the inner dynamics within the Soul that help us understand how and

why the Soul has become what it is now, the current life."

QUESTION: Using my Leo zone as an example, is there some way one can

ascertain the actual country of significance? The Leo zone contains Australia,

Indonesia, Japan, Russia and other countries? Or is it just a matter of linking

these times/places/cultures to the cosmogramical archetypes?

QUESTION: Could it be possible that segments of the current Pluto/Leo

generation had prior lives in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia or other countries

in the Leo zone?

QUESTION: My current lifetime pertains to the Virgo zone (Australia). I care

very much for the Earth and feel at one with the ecosystem. Could one possible

interpretation be that I, along with a segment of the Pluto/Leo generation, had

lived in this country 13,500 years ago (pre-patriarchy) as early Aborigines (or

other cosmic dimensional beings), united with Nature/Everything in unity

consciousness -- and in the current lifetime are fulfilling evolutionary intentions/

obligations associated with perhaps clearing trauma from the unconscious due to

pre-historic cataclysmic events?

QUESTION: Using my Leo/Virgo zones as an example, I can actually see the

repeating themes in these cosmograms as they relate to the current lifetime since

I now actually live in this zone (Australia). My interpretation is that in this Leo/

Virgo zone I have undergone immense evolutionary leaps in consciousness, such

as metamorphosis (Pluto) and transformation (Uranus), with some of the key

issues perhaps originating some 12,500 years ago. Is my interpretation on the

right track do you think?

Sorry about the number of questions -- these have been on my mind for a while.

Thank you so much for your guidance.

Hi Linda,

"Just following your step-by-step instructions.............


Symbols in our birth charts were linked to the natural zodiacal zones on the Earth...........


We created our own cosmograms.............

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We added the data from our cosmograms to the world map..............

QUESTION: What was the purpose of the first exercise (Phase I)?


It's a combination of methods relative to geodetic equivalents whose intention is to demonstrate the prior lifetimes

upon which the Soul, in total, is drawing upon relative to it's evolutionary intentions.


QUESTION: Should we be referring to Phase III only (created from cosmograms) as it gives much more contextual information?

Your Quote: "JWG focused more on the interaction of the planetary archetypes themselves within the cosmograms as key markers

in the Soul's evolutionary development that apply to the current life EA purposes of the Soul. When those archetypes are then linked

to specific times and places, geographic and cultural context, this then can provide contextual information as to how and why those

archetypes were actualized in the ways that they were and how this, in turn, correlates to the inner dynamics within the Soul that

help us understand how and why the Soul has become what it is now, the current life."


Both methods are meant to be combined Linda to see the total picture for the Soul.


QUESTION: Using my Leo zone as an example, is there some way one can ascertain the actual country of significance? The Leo

zone contains Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia and other countries? Or is it just a matter of linking these times/places/cultures to

the cosmogramical archetypes?


This was a question that JWG worked with for the entire time of his work. He never formally taught any specific way or

technique to arrive at an answer for this question. You will find in your work that your clients or friends that you work

with in this way will naturally resonate with specific countries over others when working with their geodetic world

map, and the cosmograms themselves.


Page 11: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

QUESTION: Could it be possible that segments of the current Pluto/Leo generation had prior lives in Australia, Indonesia, Japan,

Russia or other countries in the Leo zone?


Yes, and you could include the fabled Lemuria as well.


QUESTION: My current lifetime pertains to the Virgo zone (Australia). I care very much for the Earth and feel at one with the

ecosystem. Could one possible interpretation be that I, along with a segment of the Pluto/Leo generation, had lived in this country

13,500 years ago (pre-patriarchy) as early Aborigines (or other cosmic dimensional beings), united with Nature/Everything in unity

consciousness -- and in the current lifetime are fulfilling evolutionary intentions/obligations associated with perhaps clearing trauma

from the unconscious due to pre-historic cataclysmic events?




QUESTION: Using my Leo/Virgo zones as an example, I can actually see the repeating themes in these cosmograms as they relate

to the current lifetime since I now actually live in this zone (Australia). My interpretation is that in this Leo/Virgo zone I have

undergone immense evolutionary leaps in consciousness, such as metamorphosis (Pluto) and transformation (Uranus), with some of

the key issues perhaps originating some 12,500 years ago. Is my interpretation on the right track do you think?


Yes, and your own life examples the incredible EA use of these cosmograms and the geodetic world map for all Souls.


God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad and All,

I am attempting to pick up where I left off a ways back. I have some sacred space right now and have time to dedicate to moving

forward. I filled out the world map with the planetary nodal themes from my chart and began to place them on the Kossmogram,

and then got stuck when I needed to apply the cosmodial to the Kossmogram. Did anyone else have this challenge? did you reduce

the size of the cosmodial to fit within the wheel of the Kossmogram to make it easier to correlate the units of time?

Any direction here would be immensely helpful.


WendyAt first I decreased the size of the dial thinking it would make it easier - but that did not work. You need to print both the

cosmogram and the dial without reduction.

You'll find that the dial (containing the arrow) will fit exactly into the cosmogram.

It's a little rough, but it does work.

And remember to use an orb of 1-2 degrees - JWG used a 1 deg orb, and Rad uses

a 2 degree orb.

Page 12: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

QUESTION: Using my Leo/Virgo zones as an example, I can actually see the

repeating themes in these cosmograms as they relate to the current lifetime since

I now actually live in this zone (Australia). My interpretation is that in this Leo/

Virgo zone I have undergone immense evolutionary leaps in consciousness, such

as metamorphosis (Pluto) and transformation (Uranus), with some of the key

issues perhaps originating some 12,500 years ago. Is my interpretation on the

right track do you think?



Yes, and your own life examples the incredible EA use of these

cosmograms and the geodetic world map for all Souls.

God Bless, Rad

For sure! As Uranus correlates to astrology, in this zone where I now live, I'm

learning the incredible EA use of cosmograms and geodetic world maps.

Second, the use of the geodetic astrological zones is used in conjunction with the

cosmograms. Not just the cosmograms, or just the geodetic zones, but both. What

has been presented on this message board about these methods is just the bare

bones of them. In the case of chart 2 we can clearly see the direct correlation

through the geodetic zones to the lives in that zone. It does not mean that

because there is no actual cosmogram linked with the Ages and their sub-ages

that that Soul did not have lives at that time in those zones. The actual

cosmograms that can result from any birth chart linked with specific times and

their respective astrological zones correlates to specific archetypes within the

consciousness of the Soul that has been brought forwards into a current life for

their own evolutionary needs and reasons.

If there are no cosmograms linked with the geodetic zones of a past life, could the

Soul have memories of these past lives not reflected in the cosmograms/geodetic





I am not sure if I am understanding well how the archetypes of the birhchart

reflect the astrological ages/sub-ages of prior lifetimes. As an example to clarify

my question: my birthchart has a stellium of planets in 2nd House, in Virgo. I

have memories of prior lifetimes in the Taurus zone. One of these lifetimes

occurred at the beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age. Though, I have no

planets, or planetary south nodes, in Pisces. Is that because:

a) The beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age, is reflected in the Virgo planets

(just as Virgo geodetic zones include the mutable cross within)? or


Yes .......................


b) A consequence of the Neptune being square the Moon's Nodes is that the North

Node in Pisces operates as a de facto South Node, this North Node in Pisces

reflecting a past lifetime at the beginning of the Pisces age-Pisces sub-age? or


Yes, because that N.Node has already been in operation prior to the

current life..the Neptune square to it.


c) Just because the Soul can remember prior lives which are not reflected in the

birthchart through geodetic/cosmograms?


Yes, but one must be careful in terms of what any given Soul thinks it can

remember. Unless any given Soul has the actual capacity to see into prior

lives, for itself and others, then very often such 'memories' get blurred

and mixed up with other memories resident within the Soul itself.


God Bless, Rad

Page 13: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

Second, the use of the geodetic astrological zones is used in conjunction with the

cosmograms. Not just the cosmograms, or just the geodetic zones, but both. What

has been presented on this message board about these methods is just the bare

bones of them. In the case of chart 2 we can clearly see the direct correlation

through the geodetic zones to the lives in that zone. It does not mean that

because there is no actual cosmogram linked with the Ages and their sub-ages

that that Soul did not have lives at that time in those zones. The actual

cosmograms that can result from any birth chart linked with specific times and

their respective astrological zones correlates to specific archetypes within the

consciousness of the Soul that has been brought forwards into a current life for

their own evolutionary needs and reasons.

If there are no cosmograms linked with the geodetic zones of a past life, could the

Soul have memories of these past lives not reflected in the cosmograms/geodetic





I am not sure if I am understanding well how the archetypes of the birhchart

reflect the astrological ages/sub-ages of prior lifetimes. As an example to clarify

my question: my birthchart has a stellium of planets in 2nd House, in Virgo. I

have memories of prior lifetimes in the Taurus zone. One of these lifetimes

occurred at the beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age. Though, I have no

planets, or planetary south nodes, in Pisces. Is that because:

a) The beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age, is reflected in the Virgo planets

(just as Virgo geodetic zones include the mutable cross within)? or


Yes .......................


b) A consequence of the Neptune being square the Moon's Nodes is that the North

Node in Pisces operates as a de facto South Node, this North Node in Pisces

reflecting a past lifetime at the beginning of the Pisces age-Pisces sub-age? or


Yes, because that N.Node has already been in operation prior to the

current life..the Neptune square to it.


c) Just because the Soul can remember prior lives which are not reflected in the

birthchart through geodetic/cosmograms?


Yes, but one must be careful in terms of what any given Soul thinks it can

remember. Unless any given Soul has the actual capacity to see into prior

lives, for itself and others, then very often such 'memories' get blurred

and mixed up with other memories resident within the Soul itself.


God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad and All,

Thanks for sharing and creating this learning. Wow!

I think I am getting it.

I do have 2 questions:

So, it appears obvious that if someone has no planets in Virgo, they are not drawing upon any lifetimes in the last millineum relative

to the current life purpose. (however the 'Virgo zone' is totally different thing)

Almost positive that the answer is Yes.

So, this is a real trip because it really blows the linear time concepts even farther out of the water.

In my reading with you, Rad, I recall a mention of a lifetime during the Black Plague(late 1300's). This does not come up with this


Is this because lifetimes can have great impacts on our souls and can be helpful to be made aware of, however do not actually

correlate to the current life's evolutionary intentions?


Hi Bradley,

"I do have 2 questions: So, it appears obvious that if someone has no planets in Virgo, they are not drawing upon any lifetimes in

the last millineum relative to the current life purpose. (however the 'Virgo zone' is totally different thing) Almost positive that the

answer is Yes."


No, because a person may also have planets in the 6th House. They could have various Nodes in that House and/ or

sign as well.


So, this is a real trip because it really blows the linear time concepts even farther out of the water.

In my reading with you, Rad, I recall a mention of a lifetime during the Black Plague(late 1300's). This does not come up with this

system. Is this because lifetimes can have great impacts on our souls and can be helpful to be made aware of, however do not

actually correlate to the current life's evolutionary intentions?


This system is not meant to be exhaustive or reflective of all our previous lives Bradley. Like I mentioned at the

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beginning of this thread this system was something that JWG had worked on for over 30 years that he never felt that

he 'perfected'. That there were some loose ends, so to speak. This is why he never published a book on it even though

he contemplated such a book for a long time. I no longer have your chart in my computer as that computer finally

broke down and I lost all of my data so can not comment further on your question. I would need you bdata again in

order to do so.


God Bless,

Thank You.

I've gone back through and am still confused.

In Ari Moshe's example of his Venus cosmogram, the period of the lifetimes that connect to Venus are all within the Libra sub age

within the Aries age.(because Venus forms a cosmogram and is natally in the sign of Libra.

Is it true that becuase Venus is also in the second house, there may be connection to lifetimes in the Taurus age?

Is the answer dependent on if other planets are in the sign of Taurus which form cosmograms?

I do understand how, in Ari Moshe's example, the geographic zones which the Venus cosmogram apply to include all the cardinal

zones plus the taurus zone.

If you want to look at my chart again, that would be very kind, though not expected.

January 23rd, 1977 9:08 am Milwaukee, WI

Thanks,I've gone back through and am still confused. :In Ari Moshe's example of his Venus cosmogram, the period of the lifetimes

that connect to Venus are all within the Libra sub age within the Aries age.(because Venus forms a cosmogram and is natally in the

sign of Libra. Is it true that becuase Venus is also in the second house, there may be connection to lifetimes in the Taurus age? "




Is the answer dependent on if other planets are in the sign of Taurus which form cosmograms?




"I do understand how, in Ari Moshe's example, the geographic zones which the Venus cosmogram apply to include all the cardinal

zones plus the taurus zone. If you want to look at my chart again, that would be very kind, though not expected. January 23rd,

1977 9:08 am Milwaukee, WI"


As you can see Bradley from your natal chart you have many planets that correlate to the zone in which the plague

took place: the natural Aries Zone which of course includes Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. These are the symbols for the

life about the plague. With your Moon/Venus in Pisces in natural Aries House these are symbols for the Pisces Age that

lead to the Virgo Sub-Age. Your Pallas inconjuncts these two and is in the 6th House: the bridge to moving into the

Virgo Sub-Age that is linked with this plague and the Christians blaming themselves for this disease that then lead into

the Christian flagellation delusion/ form or repentance.


God Bless, Rad(this comes from other thread but belongs here)


Second, the use of the geodetic astrological zones is used in conjunction with the cosmograms. Not just the cosmograms, or just the

geodetic zones, but both. What has been presented on this message board about these methods is just the bare bones of them. In

Page 15: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

the case of chart 2 we can clearly see the direct correlation through the geodetic zones to the lives in that zone. It does not mean

that because there is no actual cosmogram linked with the Ages and their sub-ages that that Soul did not have lives at that time in

those zones. The actual cosmograms that can result from any birth chart linked with specific times and their respective astrological

zones correlates to specific archetypes within the consciousness of the Soul that has been brought forwards into a current life for

their own evolutionary needs and reasons.

If there are no cosmograms linked with the geodetic zones of a past life, could the Soul have memories of these past lives not

reflected in the cosmograms/geodetic zones?




I am not sure if I am understanding well how the archetypes of the birhchart reflect the astrological ages/sub-ages of prior lifetimes.

As an example to clarify my question: my birthchart has a stellium of planets in 2nd House, in Virgo. I have memories of prior

lifetimes in the Taurus zone. One of these lifetimes occurred at the beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age. Though, I have no

planets, or planetary south nodes, in Pisces. Is that because:

a) The beginning of the Pisces age, Pisces sub-age, is reflected in the Virgo planets (just as Virgo geodetic zones include the

mutable cross within)? or


Yes .......................

Oh, now I see where you addressed this principle/concept


b) A consequence of the Neptune being square the Moon's Nodes is that the North Node in Pisces operates as a de facto South

Node, this North Node in Pisces reflecting a past lifetime at the beginning of the Pisces age-Pisces sub-age? or


Yes, because that N.Node has already been in operation prior to the current life..the Neptune square to it.


c) Just because the Soul can remember prior lives which are not reflected in the birthchart through geodetic/cosmograms?


Yes, but one must be careful in terms of what any given Soul thinks it can remember. Unless any given Soul has the

actual capacity to see into prior lives, for itself and others, then very often such 'memories' get blurred and mixed up

with other memories resident within the Soul itself.


God Bless, Rad

Thanks Gonzalo and Rad

I know this is not a linear thing. This piece seems crucial to intuit the overall story.

Basically, as I understand this now, the planet which forms a cosmogram by its sign connects to it's age or sub age -

yet, based on the whole understanding of the chart/story, the branches may also refer to the sub -ages with in the

other umbrella age/sub age.

What I mean, is, in this post Gonzalo brought in, Virgo planets refer back to the first half of the Pisces Age and in my

example, Venus/moon in Pisces connect with the second half of the Pisces Age(the Virgo sub age).

Is this right?

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So, it seems the stumbling block would be to limit/freeze the cosmograms without intuiting the overall story.

Goddess Bless,

BradleySo, to check my understanding:

I re-did my Venus cosmogram and used chiron and the asteroids

I came up with(just includes planets):









Is this right?

My understanding is that we could apply the branch's sub ages to the both the sub ages within Pisces Age and Virgo Sub-Age.

So, when we first approach this, we keep 'open' intuitively until we sit with understanding of the whole story of the chart and the

cosmograms and geographic zones.


thanks for you time,

Goddess Bless,

BradleyThis is my third post here this morning(questions/confirmations for Rad above two)

I appreciated Ari Moshe's sharing the function on solar fire. Gosh, more and more

I consider getting Solar fire for Mac; especially seeing does not include

south nodes - not even sn of moon natally.

Well, in response to 'quicker'/'easier' ways to create cosmograms for

those without software:

If you are still using, under extended chart selection, I did natal chart,

included aestroids desired and under "Chart Drawing Style" I selected "Ebertin

Style(with midpoints)"

Then, I printed this at 90% - this is the 90 degree dial.

Next, I had the cosmo dial saved in a pages/word file and enlarged the size(could

be done on photocopier) to fit just inside the 90 degree dial.

So, now I could begin constructing cosmograms in a minute.

Also, I found helpful to locate the exact center of the cosmo dial and encircled

using a compass to make the exact cut desired.

Now that I have my 'perfect cosmo-dial', I'll laminate this and carry it around

everywhere I go(just kidding...maybe)

Hope that helps someone.

Goddess Bless,


The next step in our example cosmogram is to place the signs on it. So since Mars in Aries is at the top of our cosmogram we mark

that as Aries at the top. Then referring the the Ages and their sub-ages we go the Aries age and note the 90 year segment in time

for that Mars. Then we look for the Libra 90 year segment within that Age because Jupiter is in Libra at part of the cosmogram.

Then we note the 90 year segment for Gemini because Venus is in Gemini as part of that cosmogram. And then Capricorn because

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Saturn is in Capricorn as part of the cosmogram.

Quote from: Rad on Apr 30, 2011, 02:50 PM

"I've gone back through and am still confused. In Ari Moshe's example of his Venus cosmogram, the period of the lifetimes that

connect to Venus are all within the Libra sub age within the Aries age.(because Venus forms a cosmogram and is natally in the sign

of Libra. Is it true that becuase Venus is also in the second house, there may be connection to lifetimes in the Taurus age? "




Quote from: Bradley J on May 01, 2011, 09:47 AM

(this comes from other thread but belongs here)

Thanks Gonzalo and Rad

I know this is not a linear thing. This piece seems crucial to intuit the overall story.

Basically, as I understand this now, the planet which forms a cosmogram by its sign connects to it's age or sub age -

yet, based on the whole understanding of the chart/story, the branches may also refer to the sub -ages with in the

other umbrella age/sub age.

What I mean, is, in this post Gonzalo brought in, Virgo planets refer back to the first half of the Pisces Age and in my

example, Venus/moon in Pisces connect with the second half of the Pisces Age(the Virgo sub age).

Is this right?

So, it seems the stumbling block would be to limit/freeze the cosmograms without intuiting the overall story.

Goddess Bless,


Hi Rad,

So does this mean that if we have a Mars in Aries cosmogram, where Mars is in the natal 2nd House, the top of our cosmogram

should actually look like this:

Mars (Aries Age: 2,260 - 2,170BC / Libra Sub-Age: 640 - 550BC / Taurus Age: 3,430 - 3,340BC / Scorpio Sub-Age: 2,890 -


where all four time periods are possibilities of locating the prior lifetime relative to Mars: The Aries Age possibility because of the

sign that Mars is in. The Libra Sub-Age possibility is because of the natural opposition to the Aries Age. The Taurus Age possibility

is because of the second House natal placement of Mars. The Scorpio Sub-Age possibility is because of the natural opposition to the

Taurus Age?

And would the 90-yr segments still be located by the sign Aries (because of the sign Mars is in), whether we are searching the Aries

Age, Libra Sub-Age, Taurus Age, or Scorpio Sub-Age?


Would all the other planets connected to the Mars cosmogram...our original example had Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in

Aquarius...also correlate not only to the Aries Age, but to the Libra Sub-Age, and their respective natal House Ages and Sub-Ages?

For instance, Venus in Gemini can correlate to the Aries Age/Gemini 90-yr segment, Libra Sub-Age/Gemini 90-yr segment, Cancer

Age (assuming it is in the natal 4th House)/Gemini 90-yr segment, and the Capricorn Sub-Age/Gemini 90-yr segment?

Blessings,Hi taf,

Page 18: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

No, it doesn't mean this at all, and is the wrong way to understand the

cosmograms. All the principles that have been presented in this thread correlate to

the paradigm of the cosmograms themselves. And, as I have said, they are not

meant to symbolized the totality of all possible prior lives of any given Soul. There

are other ways to see and understand prior lifetimes in the birth chart independent

of cosmograms. This is why I also presented the astrological geodetic zones with

the natural crosses within them that can have planets within them that are not

part of any given birth charts cosmograms. So a person could have Mars in the

2nd House, for example, and that Mars in not part of any cosmogram yet it would

refer to the Taurus geodetic zone as places on Earth the the Soul has had lives


I understand your confusion now as I had missed this last post by Bradley: "I

know this is not a linear thing. This piece seems crucial to intuit the overall story.

Basically, as I understand this now, the planet which forms a cosmogram by its

sign connects to it's age or sub age - yet, based on the whole understanding of the

chart/story, the branches may also refer to the sub -ages with in the other

umbrella age/sub age. What I mean, is, in this post Gonzalo brought in, Virgo

planets refer back to the first half of the Pisces Age and in my example, Venus/

moon in Pisces connect with the second half of the Pisces Age(the Virgo sub age).

Is this right? "

No, this not right. Bradley sent me his birth data because of a lifetime I had

mentioned to him that took place during the Great Plague in the mid 1300's. And

when he did his cosmograms he could not see this time indicated. First, as I have

said before, and now again, the cosmograms do not reflect the totality of all prior

lifetimes, or is it the only paradigm that can be used to see and understand the

prior lifetimes of any given Soul. So despite the fact that Bradley could not come

up with a cosmogram for that time/ life/place the fact is that in his birth chart he

had all kinds of planets that correlated to the Aries geodetic zone. Among them

were his Pisces Moon/Jupiter conjunction in his natural Aries house that are

inconjunct his Pallas in his 6th House. So you can see in this the astrological

geodetic zone now combined with the Pisces Age where the tie in to the Virgo Sub-

Age is symbolized by the inconjunct by his Pallas in the 6th House .... i.e. natural

Virgo House ... back to his Moon and Jupiter.

This example demonstrates, taf, that there are other ways to understand and see

the prior lifetimes of any given Soul independent of the cosmograms themselves.

Birth charts have all kinds of dimensions within them that can be seen when

various 'lenses' are used to do so.

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad,

Just wondering if it is possible that a Cosmogram can be drawn up for a Composite Chart? I ask this in regards to the Composite of

John and Yoko which we are working on at the moment. It would be very revealing to see where and when they have been together

in the past. Is this possible?

ThanWolf never talked about or taught this at all. It certainly seems to me that this is possible is the composite chart is used. Yet

this would also seem limited in the sense that the composite chart would not represent or symbolize all the possible prior life

connections/ places between two people only because there are other ways to correlate the prior life locations/ and times of any

given Soul.

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad,

THANK YOU so much for your willingness and time to look at these.

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These are three past life memories carried by the same person whose chart I posted on the skipped steps thread. They were

realized by him in this lifetime a few years ago. I am attaching the chart for reference. I have included a short synopsis of each

memory as described by him. I also asked what he thought the key imprint left on his Soul was, and that is here plus the

cosmogram I found and my reasoning about it.

The correlations appear strong to me, but I wanted to get your feedback and any confirmation or corrections. My question is: am I

using these correctly (I mean the cosmograms) and is my EA reasoning sound?

Memory A

Memory: West Coast Native American healer. He argues with an arrogant and self-righteous younger Native American man, about

how to deal with the new presence of Europeans; argument becomes heated and the younger man shoots him in the throat with a

gun obtained from Europeans.

What Soul “Learned”: Have to express myself the right way and be very careful.

Cosmogram: Given that this is relatively recent, I looked at the cosmogram of his only Virgo planet, Mercury. I found this





Chiron ---------------------------------Saturn

(Tau/ 2nd) (Lib/6th)

The Chiron lifetime represented in this cosmogram would have taken place in the range 1700-1790 (Taurus subperiod of Virgo Sub-

Age), and one of the possible geodetic zones is the west coast of the United States (fixed cross). Indeed, at this time initial

explorations by Europeans of the Pacific Northwest were underway from the sea and the Northwest tribes had encountered

Europeans by then. The Chiron archetype is congruent with his having been a healer. The other two dominant forces in this

memory are also well-represented in the cosmogram: a clever (got hold of a gun), arrogant, self-righteous

youth/”brother” (Mercury, Virgo, 5th house, square Neptune in 9th); and an oppressive power coming in the name of peace but

really all about extremes, power, and its Judeo-Christian standards (Saturn, Libra, 6th house, conjunct Pluto) – to which the healer

was “opposed” as represented in the cosmogram. Chiron in Taurus in the 2nd is opposite Uranus in the 8th in Sagittarius,

supporting a sudden, violent, unusual (guns were new to these people – Uranus) death, from someone who thinks they know the

“Truth” impulsively shooting from the hip (Sagittarius). The location of the wound is the throat (Chiron in Taurus), which also

corresponds to the 5th chakra ruled by Mercury, which is the lead planet in the cosmogram that “carries” this lifetime. And what

was “learned” is clearly also carried by his Mercury in this lifetime: “I have to express myself the right way and be very

careful” (Virgo, 5th house).

Memory B

Memory: Priestess in some kind of temple. Time period unknown, but she is unusually empowered for a woman in patriarchal time.

Close to a just ruler/leader, she gets a clear intuition that he will be killed, tries to tell him, he doesn’t listen to her, and one of his

own military leaders – a “captain of the guard” sort whom she knew would be the one – kills him. Realizing she will no longer be

safe, she and her followers immediately travel away.

What Soul Learned: “My understanding will not be taken seriously so I just need to shut down and take control.”

Cosmogram: I looked at the Neptune lifetimes in the chart’s cosmograms, given the spirituality of the lifetime and also the location

of Neptune conjunct to Juno in the natal chart, a possible indication of a woman empowered by her connection to a powerful man. I

found this one:




Mars -----------------------------------Neptune

(Sco/7th) (Sag/9th)

The Neptune lifetime in this time period would have taken place in the range of 1000-910BC (Sagittarius subperiod of Libra Sub-

Age), and the possible geodetic zones (coordinated with time range) would have included Olmec/Maya in Central America, Vedic/

Aryan in India and Caucasus, and West Africa emerging Iron Empires (when these were suggested as possibilities, Olmec/Maya is

Page 20: Cosmograms 2nd PDF

most resonant for this person, strong connections in this life with these cultures; Quetzlcoatl is an active guide in this lifetime).

Saturn in Libra in the 6th seems to refer to a just and dutiful leader, and also to a stratified, role-based social structure that he may

represent (e.g. caste system if India). Mars in Scorpio speaks clearly of an underhanded warrior, who kills the leader. In the natal

chart, Neptune is in the 9th in Sagittarius, suggesting a spiritual lifetime dedicated to the Truth; it is also opposite to the asteroid

Cassandra in Gemini 3rd, and the two are both in a T-square with Mercury – so trying to communicate about evil is frustrated. The

lifetime message – the futility of spiritual authority, leading to the need to shut down and take control – corresponds strongly to

Saturn, the “carrier” of this lifetime. Saturn is also the SN ruler in this chart, as well as one of the causative factors of the chart’s

skipped steps – we can see how this lifetime would begin to encourage this person to begin to want to have a male body again and

to want to follow the chart’s non-resolution node, the SN in Capricorn 9th conjunct Resolution Lilith – somehow wanting to resolve

this wound with patriarchy by taking back power.

Memory C

Memory: In Egypt, a child who is taken away or given by his parents to a dark religious order because of their belief that he has

psychic gifts.

What “Soul Learned”: Psychic capacities are dangerous and will expose me to harmful predation; they must be suppressed.

Cosmogram: I looked for cosmograms involving the Moon (since this was a child) and found this one:




Moon ------------------------------------Pluto

(Lib/6th) (Lib/6th)

The Moon lifetime in this cosmogram would have taken place in the range of 1180 to 1090 BC (Libra subperiod of Libra Sub-Age)

and Egypt is a potential location (cardinal zones and Virgo zone eligible). This would be around the time of the split of Upper and

Lower Egypt, a general period of decline and a lot of change. Pluto/Moon relates to the themes of abduction of a child by relatively

dark and powerful authorities (Pluto also conjunct Saturn and Lucifer in natal chart), and Pallas brings in psychic capacities. The

experience is “carried” forward to the present lifetime through Pallas as it occurs in the Pallas cosmogram – Pallas being in the 6th

house in Libra conjunct Saturn, shutting down to be more appropriate, and is also conjunct Pluto. In this current lifetime (now), this

person has had a fear of psychic opening because of the potential of the personality (Moon) to be highjacked (“abducted”) by astral

and other darker forces (Pluto). As I see it, the cosmogram also strongly suggests other lifetimes around the same time in Egypt in

which this Soul played the other roles including the Pluto role.

Rad, I feel so much gratitude and excitement for this method. I really feel it is furthering my work. God bless you and JWG for all

you have done for us and share with us here.

God bless,

Jasont is very wonderful that you are focusing on the cosmograms in the ways that you are, and applying them to your work in EA

in the way that you are. It was always the intention by Wolf that someone, or others, would take his work on these cosmograms

and geodetic equivalents and do the type of research and work on them in the way that you are doing. His greatest desire was to

plant the seeds of EA in the ways that he did over his lengthy work life so that others would continue to take these seeds and

expand on them in their own ways in such a way that when his physical form was no longer present that these seeds of EA would

then continue to expand, and blow into the winds of the future.

And, yes, all that you have shared and presented in the cosmograms relative to your partner's memories are correct, and correlate

exactly in the ways that you have realized. The reasons is correct and very, very sound.

God Bless, RadThank you so much for the confirmations on my work and your beautiful words about the seeding and spreading of

EA. I am so grateful for these teachings and so happy to be a part of their furtherance and dissemination. Being able to participate

here is a gift that my words can't convey the value of. Thank you and God bless you, all of you who make this possible.

God bless,


Hi Rad,

I have a related question:

I have a chart with Mars Pluto conjunction New(3 degrees) Happens to be Virgo 7th.

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The cosmogram for the Mars Pluto - this would correlate to other lifetimes which are linked to this one in that there were key

experiences in those lives which catalyzed/led into the soul's desire to begin this new cycle of growth and evolution through


Is that right?


Goddess Bless

Yes, and if this is the same chart you are asking about in the other thread, the skipped steps with the Lunar Nodes squaring the

Mars/Pluto in this new phase, it would then mean that those skipped steps with these key experiences relative to others must be

recovered in order for the new evolutionary impulse of the Soul to occur. hanks Rad,

i think I'm getting this.

For others reading this, I just want to state that normally we do not include the north node in cosmograms, however, it is the same

point as the south node in the cosmo-dial.

So, when creating specific cosmogram for the south node in a skipped step signature, that cosmogram will symbolize both the north

and south nodes being active in those lifetimes - is that right?

As I understand what you are saying here Rad, that the cosmogram for a new phase mars pluto will be linked to lifetimes in which

key turning points in the soul's journey occurred which have catalyzed the desire to jump into the next larger cycle of evolutionary

intention before resolving the issues pertaining to the south node.

So, even if the south node is not involved in the cosmogram(of the mars/pluto conjunction new) in this particular instance, the mars

pluto cosmogram(new conjunction) still ties to lives which involved issues that the soul chose to not resolve, thus are tied to the

south node in this way. Do I understand this?

Do I need to be clearer?

Hi Bradley,

A new phase Mars/Pluto conjunction correlates, of itself, to a brand new cycle of

evolutionary progression for the Soul. That relative newness can correlate to this

being the very first life in which that new evolutionary progression is occurring, or

within the most recent past lives of the Soul. When that Pluto/Mars new phase

conjunction is squaring the Nodal Axis this means that even though the Soul is

desiring to begin the new evolutionary cycle of development that it can not

proceed until the skipped steps OF THE PRIOR EVOLUTIONARY CYCLE are

resolved. The nature of those skipped steps are symbolized by the North and

South Nodes by house and sign placement, as well as the location of their

planetary rulers by their own house and sign placements. And this then includes

the aspects that these planetary rulers of the Nodal Axis are making to other


Whether the Pluto/Mars new phase conjunction is involved with the Nodal Axis

within it's own cosmogram, or not, is not relevant to this evolutionary fact of the

skipped steps as defined above. And that is because, again, those skipped steps

are linked to the prior evolutionary cycle, not the new one symbolized by the fact

that the Mars and Pluto are in a new phase condition. And, again, remember

cosmograms do not symbolize the totality of all the prior lifetimes that apply to the

Soul's current life. There are many lenses within the birth chart to understand and

see that totality.

It appears that you are trying to fit or resolve the issue of skipped steps linked

with the Nodal Axis and the new phase Pluto/Mars through the cosmogram

paradigm of itself, by itself. Thus, the basis of your questions and statements. It is

not like that at all Bradley because it can not, or is not, limited to the specific

paradigm of the cosmograms.

God Bless, Rad

Got it, thank you.

Yeah, basically in the reading I simply asked and learned about issues related to the nodes.

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then we repeatedly applied the 'issues' that came up symbolic of the sn and it's ruler and how to consistently apply these to the

north node(resolution node in this case) and it's ruler

It was very enlightening and helpful.

Love it! EA is such a beautiful thing.

I checked those cosmograms and, assuming my cosmogram capacities are

accurate, I believe both of the cosmograms you posted use over a 3 degree orb.

Either your use of orbs is too wide or I am still unclear about how to do this!

Hi Ari,

I double-checked both of them and found they are both within the 2-degree orb

suggested by Rad. I'm not sure why we are getting different results.

For example on Yoko's cosmodial:

Pluto = 21 27

Pallas = 40 26

Mars = 75 07

The distance of Pluto to Mars = 36 20

The distance of Pallas to Mars = 34 41

The difference of these numbers is 1 39.

Does that make sense?

God bless,


Yes Jason, you are right, the orb was less than 2 degrees.

With solar fire I programmed a 2 degree orb, however as is shown in this image it did not pick the Pluto Pallas connection.

Do you or anyone have some insight on this? It just seems to me that solar fire isn't picking up on all the planets that fall within the

selected orb of 2 degrees.

With love,

amI think the issue is that the word orb sometimes is used to mean the furthest distance out from a planet in either direction that

an aspect can apply (e.g. in EA, 10 degrees for a conjunction); and sometimes to mean the entire range in which the aspect can

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apply on both sides of the planet (e.g. in EA, 20 degrees for a conjunction, 10 degrees on each side).

So in Solar Fire, using the dial, I find setting the orb at 4 works to catch all the branches of a 2-degree orb cosmogram. See dial

below for Yoko.

However, to get the same information from the midpoint trees report, I use the setting of 45-degree modulus and 1-degree orb. I

do not know the mathematics of why this particular report works. However, none of the various 90-degree modulus midpoint

reports worked at any orb -- they were either too restrictive or caught all kinds of other stuff that was not relevant. So I just went

through the midpoint tree options until I found the one that correlates to the dial, since that is the basis for this practice, and this

one does, every time. I have also found that it gives what feels like a reasonable number of branches for most cosmograms -- of

course in the below, Yoko's Mars has more than most, but as we know this system isn't a 1:1 correlation to lifetimes, the

cosmogram can also apply to either of both the Virgo Age and the Virgo Sub-Age of the Pisces Age, and also in this particular case

we know that the last 1000 years (Virgo sub-Age) were very bloody ones for the Soul of Yoko, so it makes sense that there would

have been multiple incarnations.

Hope that is helpful.

God bless,

JasonI am finally able to go through this thread and am finding that I have some things I'm not quite understanding even after

having read the answers to what others have asked. I am wondering if it would be possible to ask those questions as they come


Thank you,

EllenThanks, Rad. I'll keep going and see if my questions get cleared up. Mostly just wanting to confirm that I've understood

correctly. I seem not to be picking up on it the way that the others who participated seemed to so I am questioning my

understanding. Also, I'm not really experiencing any great insight about my own chart/past lives/etc with the information that's

come from this method, so again, questioning my understanding...

Thank you a million for teaching it, though...

Wow! I finally took a leap last night and went through this thread and feel I have a good grasp on it. Thanks Rad and all participants

for taking the time to create such a wonderful learning tool here on the forum.

I would like to clarify one point which came up many times during the thread, which is the issue of using the natural cross on the

geodetic map. In my chart for example, I have no planets in Virgo or the 6th house, (but I do have Chiron in the 6th). Since the

Virgo sub-age is the most recent and contains the last millennium, I was most curious about this time.

My slight confusion still, is since I have Neptune/Mars/Venus is Sag/Pisces/Gemini respectively, and all three planets have their own

cosmograms, can I look at these cosmograms within the Virgo sub-age of 980-2060 AD (because of the mutable cross with Virgo)?

Or, I'm wondering if the confusion around this issue is due to mixing up the actual geodetic zones on the map, with the ages. So, in

my above example the individual Neptune/Mars/Venus cosmograms would correlate to all four mutable zones, but not the mutable


Evidently, I do have Chiron (in the 6th) which has it's own cosmogram. Mars and Venus are contained in this cosmogram which

would link these lives to the Virgo sub-age anyhow.. but clarification on the above would really help.

On a technical note, I'm sure this got figured out but thought I would mention a solar fire shortcut:

- Open up the chart and on the right side will be a column with various options.

- Above the "Redraw" button change the option from "wheel" to "dial"

- Click on the "Pages" button (third from the bottom on right hand side)

- You will then see a list of options, the fourth down is + Cosmobiology

- Click on the + next to Cosmobiology and there are three more options

- Click on the first option: Modulus Tree and Modulus Sort Strip

You then get a real cool graphic with the dial, degree locations and the cosmograms (midpoint trees), all with a 2 degree orb. Can

save a lot of time and effort!

Thanks and blessings,

HeidiMy slight confusion still, is since I have Neptune/Mars/Venus is Sag/Pisces/Gemini respectively, and all three planets have their

own cosmograms, can I look at these cosmograms within the Virgo sub-age of 980-2060 AD (because of the mutable cross with


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Or, I'm wondering if the confusion around this issue is due to mixing up the actual geodetic zones on the map, with the ages. So, in

my above example the individual Neptune/Mars/Venus cosmograms would correlate to all four mutable zones, but not the mutable



That's right.


God Bless, RaThanks Rad.

So I understand that when correlating the ages to a cosmogram, we always use

the sign that the actual planet is in. Looking at my cosmogram in which my Chiron

in Aries/6th has the lead, then this would only correlate to the Aries age.

Therefore, since I have no planets in Virgo, I cannot correlate any of my past lives

though the geodetic/comsmogram system to the Virgo sub-age of 980-2060 AD.

I notice you addressed this in the below quote to Bradley:


As you can see Bradley from your natal chart you have many planets that

correlate to the zone in which the plague took place: the natural Aries Zone which

of course includes Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. These are the symbols for the life

about the plague. With your Moon/Venus in Pisces in natural Aries House these are

symbols for the Pisces Age that lead to the Virgo Sub-Age. Your Pallas inconjuncts

these two and is in the 6th House: the bridge to moving into the Virgo Sub-Age

that is linked with this plague and the Christians blaming themselves for this

disease that then lead into the Christian flagellation delusion/ form or repentance.

Again, if I'm understanding correctly, I will be able to link past lives to the Virgo

sub-age through my 6th house Chiron, and the planets it is aspecting (though of

course not using the cosmogram paradigm). So in reference to the above quote,

am I correct in understanding that the totality of the Pisces age contains the Virgo

sub-age (when using the other system of determining past lives); and any planets

in Pisces/12th house will link to these past lives that include the Virgo sub-age?

And one last thought to clear up a loose end; if the answer to the above is yes,

would looking at Neptune correlate to the Pisces age, and Mars to the Aries age,


Thanks and blessings,


Thanks Rad.

So I understand that when correlating the ages to a cosmogram, we always use the sign that the actual planet is in. Looking at my

cosmogram in which my Chiron in Aries/6th has the lead, then this would only correlate to the Aries age. Therefore, since I have no

planets in Virgo, I cannot correlate any of my past lives though the geodetic/comsmogram system to the Virgo sub-age of 980-2060



That's right.


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I notice you addressed this in the below quote to Bradley:


As you can see Bradley from your natal chart you have many planets that correlate to the zone in which the plague took place: the

natural Aries Zone which of course includes Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. These are the symbols for the life about the plague. With

your Moon/Venus in Pisces in natural Aries House these are symbols for the Pisces Age that lead to the Virgo Sub-Age. Your Pallas

inconjuncts these two and is in the 6th House: the bridge to moving into the Virgo Sub-Age that is linked with this plague and the

Christians blaming themselves for this disease that then lead into the Christian flagellation delusion/ form or repentance.

Again, if I'm understanding correctly, I will be able to link past lives to the Virgo sub-age through my 6th house Chiron, and the

planets it is aspecting (though of course not using the cosmogram paradigm). So in reference to the above quote, am I correct in

understanding that the totality of the Pisces age contains the Virgo sub-age (when using the other system of determining past

lives); and any planets in Pisces/12th house will link to these past lives that include the Virgo sub-age?




And one last thought to clear up a loose end; if the answer to the above is yes, would looking at Neptune correlate to the Pisces

age, and Mars to the Aries age, etc?


Yes, but only as archetypes.


Thanks and blessings,

Heidi WOW--I have finally had the luxury of beginning to create my natal cosmograms, and I am amazed!

I started with the SN of Venus, because it is at 0 Libra. This cosmogram has so many planetary links, I was stunned, as my natal

Venus aspects nine planets, plus the nodes of the Moon and has just as many links or branches. So I wanted to check to be sure I

am seeing this correctly.

First, for the SN Venus in Libra 0 degrees, there are three correlating degree points which relate to it, so I have three lines/branches

across the 0/45 degree line of the cosmogram at varying intervals. Is this possible? If so, would I look to the subage of Aries,

which is Libra 1180-100BC? Then would I look at Libra or Aries on the Geodetic Map?

Also, when I create a cosmogram for natal Pluto 15 in mutable, should I put the dial, beginning with zero, on Pluto, just like I did

with 0 Libra to determine which planets correlate around the dial for it's cosmogram?

Thanks a million,


FYI--I have been having so many insights since reading everything about masochism, that I feel I can move forward in a much fuller

way and I thought about JWG telling me I was from Sirius and a bus pulled out in front of me with the words EXPRESS and

StarTrans on the back of the bus! ri asked:

2."I see that we are using the Mars in Aries cosmogram as referring to the region of Aries in the geodetic map. If this were a Mars in

Libra cosmogram, then we would look at the Libra region in the geodetic map?"


Rad answered:

Yes but it would also correlate to the Aries zone as well because of the natural cross that exists within it: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn

within the Aries Zone.

So then in the example you provided, the Mars in Aries cosmogram, would those 4 time periods also have occurred within the Libra,

Cancer and Cap zone, as well as the zone indicated by the house placement of that natal Mars? Thank you.

Ari Moshe

Does this mean we look to the traditional house of the planetary cosmogram we are working with, as well as the sign the planet is

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actually in, i.e., Mars in Libra in 5th house--so the cardinal geodetic lines apply as well Leo?


Wendyi Rad,

WOW--I have finally had the luxury of beginning to create my natal cosmograms,

and I am amazed!

I started with the SN of Venus, because it is at 0 Libra. This cosmogram has so

many planetary links, I was stunned, as my natal Venus aspects nine planets, plus

the nodes of the Moon and has just as many links or branches. So I wanted to

check to be sure I am seeing this correctly.

First, for the SN Venus in Libra 0 degrees, there are three correlating degree

points which relate to it, so I have three lines/branches across the 0/45 degree

line of the cosmogram at varying intervals. Is this possible? If so, would I look to

the subage of Aries, which is Libra 1180-100BC? Then would I look at Libra or

Aries on the Geodetic Map?




Also, when I create a cosmogram for natal Pluto 15 in mutable, should I put the

dial, beginning with zero, on Pluto, just like I did with 0 Libra to determine which

planets correlate around the dial for it's cosmogram ?


Yes ......


Thanks a million,


FYI--I have been having so many insights since reading everything about

masochism, that I feel I can move forward in a much fuller way and I thought

about JWG telling me I was from Sirius and a bus pulled out in front of me with the

words EXPRESS and StarTrans on the back of the bus!


Thanks for sharing that ! God/ess does have It's ways ............

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad


Ari asked:

2."I see that we are using the Mars in Aries cosmogram as referring to the region of Aries in the geodetic map. If this were a Mars in

Libra cosmogram, then we would look at the Libra region in the geodetic map?"


Rad answered:

Yes but it would also correlate to the Aries zone as well because of the natural cross that exists within it: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn

within the Aries Zone.

So then in the example you provided, the Mars in Aries cosmogram, would those 4 time periods also have occurred within the Libra,

Cancer and Cap zone, as well as the zone indicated by the house placement of that natal Mars? Thank you.

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Ari Moshe

Does this mean we look to the traditional house of the planetary cosmogram we are working with, as well as the sign the planet is

actually in, i.e., Mars in Libra in 5th house--so the cardinal geodetic lines apply as well Leo?


If you mean by the fact of Mars being in the 5th House that this then correlates with the Leo/Aquarius Age and Sub-

age and then linking the geodetics zones, Maris in Libra, to that then the answer is yes.





did up the cosmograms for Barack Obama and was wondering if I could post to see if I got it right. Someone had mentioned that

cutting down the dial doesn't work but I haven't found a way to work with it without cutting it down. So I'd like to see if the dial I'm

working with actually works... (From what I can tell when I use it it seems to line up ok, but this kind of thing can drive me batty so

I don't know for sure....)

If too much I understand. Just wanted to ask to see if it was an option.

Thanks so much,


PS What I would post is the table with planets in their appropriate crosses and then the info from the cosmograms put into the

table. There won't be a map beneath the table, but should be clearI am wondering if it would be possible for me to post a question

here. I have spent the last couple of years doing some very deep healing work and am finally surfacing and able to get back to

work and study, this time with a sense of purpose and direction. I have been working through this thread, having read through it

several times and worked through my own and a friend's chart (and will continue to work through other charts). I would like to

incorporate geodetics in my basic preparation for chart analyses for clients and I would really like to feel confident that I am getting

this right. I would also like to be sure I'm getting it right as I feel it could be a very useful/helpful tool with regard to finding

homeopathic remedies (I am currently learning homeopathy.) However, I keep coming up against the same issue, which I was also

struggling with when I initially went through this thread. I am aware that your time is precious, Rad and that this is an old thread,

but it feels important to me to be sure I am doing this correctly. I also think my question might be clarifying for others who might

read through this thread.

I understand if you feel it is not something you can do, Rad, and I thank you for

your willingness to read this post. I do hope, of course, that it might be possible

to get this question/confusion cleared up.

Thank you so much,


First, I am sorry for the length of this question/post, but I wanted to be sure I am conveying where my confusion is and I don't

know how to do that without first providing context. That, as an implied question, along with examples, is what follows:

First, here are the instructions that I am using to construct my cosmograms (from page 5 of this thread):

You will also notice that the arrow at 0 degrees of the cosmo dial is pointed at that Mars. On either side of the 0

degrees you will notice increments of 5 degrees each on either side of that 0 degree marker. And the opposite end of

the 0 degrees is the 45 degree marker. To develop your personal cosmogram you will want to note the planets that

connect together at the various five degree segments on either side of the 0 degree marker. So in our example

cosmogram you will notice that Jupiter is at the 15 degree marker on the left side of the 0 degree marker, and that

Venus is also at the 15 degree marker on the right side of the 0 degree marker that is always the reference point in

developing these cosmograms.

Here is how I am understanding the instructions:

1) I look specifically and strictly at 5 degree increments.

2) Any planets with a 2 degree orb of those 5 degree increments is considered.

3) If there is a planet (or point) in the corresponding 5 degree increment on the other side, within a 2 degree orb OF THE FOCUS

PLANET, then there is a cosmogram.

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4) If there is no planet on the other side, within a 2 degree increment of the 5 degree marker, then there is no cosmogram.


Mars at 0°

Pluto at 5°

Mercury at 40°

Cosmogram? Yes

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 7°

Mercury at 42°

Cosmogram? Yes

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 3°

Mercury at 38°

Cosmogram? Yes

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 7°

Mercury at 38°

Cosmogram? Yes

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 3°

Mercury at 42°

Cosmogram? Yes

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 8°

Mercury at

40°, 42° or 38°

Cosmogram? No

Mars at 0°

Pluto at 2°

Mercury at

40°, 42° or 38°

Cosmogram? No

Mars at 0°

Pluto at

5°, 7° or 3°

Mercury at 37°

Cosmogram? No

Mars at 0°

Pluto at

5°, 7° or 3°

Mercury at 43°

Cosmogram? No

IF the above is correct, it means that even if Pluto and Mercury form a midpoint with Mars but they are out of orb of

the 5° marker, they do not form a cosmogram with Mars.

As one final clarifier (to check my understanding), if Mars were at 2 degrees instead of 0 degrees, then the 5 degree increments

being used to determine what planets/points create a cosmogram with Mars would then be 7 degrees (instead of 5), 12 degrees, 19

degrees, etc and in the other direction, 42 degrees, 38 degrees, 33 degrees, etc, with a 2 degree orb being considered from these


From my understanding of these instructions, I come up with this cosmogram for Mars in my chart (I include the NN because I have

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a skipped step signature in my chart):



Mercury – Jupiter/NN/SN


Chiron/Uranus – Saturn

Solar Fire, however, shows this to be the Midpoint Tree for Mars (using 45 degree modulus and 1 degree orb as parameters):



Moon – Pluto


Saturn – Pluto

(It also includes a branch involving the MC and ASC but I understand these to be points specifically associated with the current life

and thus not to be included in a cosmogram).

As you can see, my cosmogram and SF's Midpoint Tree are not even close. And it does not seem to matter how I set the

parameters, the 2 never resemble one another. I CAN see how SF comes up with its Midpoint Tree and it seems that the reason

there is such a significant difference is that SF is doing a straight up Midpoint analysis irrespective of 5 degree increments whereas I

am using the 5 degree increments specifically and exclusively. That seems to mean that different planets are included/excluded


For reference, here are the placements of my natal planets:

Pluto 14° 12’ Virgo rx

Uranus 10° 00’ Virgo rx

SN 11° 12’ Capricorn rx

NN 11° 12’ Cancer rx

Jupiter 10° 20’ Aries

Saturn 19° 56’ Aquarius

Moon 19° 01’ Taurus

Mars 16° 41’ Capricorn

Mercury 20° 41’ Capricorn rx

Chiron 10° 49 Pisces

So, my question is, are we just looking for midpoints?

Or are we looking specifically and only at midpoints at 5° markers?

Or are we doing a combination of both? (ie, including ALL midpoints but also including planets/points that otherwise might be

exlcluded but end up being included due to proximity to 5 degree markers)?

And IF the answer has to do with the 5 degree markers, ie, those are used exclusively to determine what's included and what isn't, I

was wondering what the rationale for that was, ie, what is the connection between 5 degree increments and determining timeframes

when past lives were lived?

THANK YOU! I very deeply appreciate the chance to ask this question and even more appreciate your willingness to consider it.

hese are the instructions, and you have understood these instructions correctly.

You will also notice that the arrow at 0 degrees of the cosmo dial is pointed at that Mars. On either side of the 0 degrees you will

notice increments of 5 degrees each on either side of that 0 degree marker. And the opposite end of the 0 degrees is the 45 degree

marker. To develop your personal cosmogram you will want to note the planets that connect together at the various five degree

segments on either side of the 0 degree marker. So in our example cosmogram you will notice that Jupiter is at the 15 degree

marker on the left side of the 0 degree marker, and that Venus is also at the 15 degree marker on the right side of the 0 degree

marker that is always the reference point in developing these cosmograms.

Here is how I am understanding the instructions:

1) I look specifically and strictly at 5 degree increments.

2) Any planets with a 2 degree orb of those 5 degree increments is considered.

3) If there is a planet (or point) in the corresponding 5 degree increment on the other side, within a 2 degree orb OF THE FOCUS

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PLANET, then there is a cosmogram.

4) If there is no planet on the other side, within a 2 degree increment of the 5 degree marker, then there is no cosmogram.

I can't speak to what Solar Fire does as I personally have never used it for this purpose. But others have as I recall, and have

spoken to this within the context of the thread at some point.

So the bottom line is very simple: use the cosmo dial and the cosmogram as instructed, place the birth planets within it, and they

you will see, very simply, what planets form or do not form the cosmograms.

God Bless, RadHi Rad,

Thank you so much for your confirmation. One of the reasons I asked is that

others on the thread found Solar Fire's Midpoint Trees to be helpful in confirming

what they came up with. I have found that it comes up with a completely different

set of branches, so wondered if/what I was doing wrong. Thus I had been

wondering if perhaps I should abandon doing it by hand and just rely on SF (I

have a history of believing I am doing mathematical things just right but then

consistently coming up with the wrong answers...). At any rate, given what you

have answered, I will rely on what I do by hand and trust that experience will

guide me if any changes need to be made. In the two charts I have done, I have

found it insightful.

Thank you again, so very much, for letting me post and for your answer!

Best wishes,
