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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Birnbaum, David.

Cosmic Womb of Potential / David Birnbaum.

ISBN 978-0-9843619-1-5

1. Metaphysics. 2. God and Evil. 3. Religion and God.

4. Kabbalah. I. Title.


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P R E S SBoston * New York


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The Primordial Divine

The infinite potentials / Potentials of the Divine, including the potentials to create the universe, within which God would create man to strive for his own munificent potentialities, are inherent in the eternal Divine.

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Holy potential is more than human potential writ large. “To whom will you liken Me that I shall equal?” (Isaiah 40:25, cf.46:5). Holy Potential transcends time, space, and the cosmos. Holy Potential tracks to the forward wave of the cosmos, to the forward wave of time.

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Embedded within it are thus potentialities rippling infinitely forward, embedded within infinite concentric circles cycling outward to infinity.

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Independent of time, matter, and energy, and indeed, independent of a universe, existed Holy Divine Potential—the primordial Divine. At the eternal origins of out-of-time: Holy Potential within potential within potential ad infinitum—tracking to the forward edges of time. At the embryonic stage of holiness, deep in the womb of nothingness, deep at the core of out-of-time, hinged on an indefinable and infinite circularity, there was an ascending holy metaphysical fire: Yearning, imploring, calling forth into the void…

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Traversing the BridgeAnd as nature abhors a vacuum. Holy Potential abhors nothingness. This is a cosmic axiom. Simultaneous with the eternal origins of out-of-time,

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an equilibrium of nothingness was thrown into disequilibrium by its own Holy Potential. Exploding and imploding. Echoing through this day and racing towards infinite time, Holy Potential screamed forth…

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At the eye of the primal cosmic storm, warping from out-of-time towards time, unzipping the cosmic void into positives and negatives, the infinite Divine blaze leapt forth. A creative supra-conscious dynamic — transcending time, space, and eternity. Focusing its holy metaphysical force. Genesis.

and God divided the light from the darkness.

—Genesis 1:4

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A holy dynamic flows forth through this day, tracing its origins to the inner core of the Divine. Beneath the eddies and swirls at the surface of the cosmic stream, beneath the deep and powerful major cosmic currents, from out of the epicenter of the holy, flows the deepest primal current—questing, beseeching, and indeed, screaming—for ultimate potentially.

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Kabbalistic Parallel

Lurianic Kabbalah can be refocused in the light of this formulation. Indeed, if one takes the liberty of stripping Kabbalah of its majestic imagery down to its very core, it would seem that major elements of kabbalistic doctrine were groping or heading in this very direction.We would draw the following parallel and relationship:

Infinite Holy Potential En SofCosmic quests for Potential Sefirot

A neo-kabbalistic variation of “infinite holy potential” would posit that the En Sof—the infinite, the root of the Ten Sefirot, “the Root of all Roots” — demanded greater expression.

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There is, indeed, a significant current in kabbalistic doctrine which links the Sefirot with the concept of potentiality.

Every Sefirah is transformed from a

general attribute of God into what the

Kabbalists call a Partsuf, a

“countenance” of God, which means

that all the potentialities implied in

every Sefirah are now brought under

the influence of a formative principle.



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Holy quest for potential is the underlying core dynamic of the cosmic order.

Holy quest for potential—our parallel to the kabbalistic En Sof—is the “primal scream” of the cosmos.

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Holy Potential, emanating through and from the Divine essence, radiates through the universe—questing, pulsating, exploding, reaching, energizing, expanding… in time and out-of-time.It is at the core of the holy / natural drive of the cosmos. It is the primal engine of cosmic existence.

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“Holy Potentiality” is a thoroughly overarching dynamic, emanating from the infinitely holy through creation to the far reaches of the cosmic order. Soloveitchik notes: “He is the lord of the hosts, who resides in every infinitesimal particle of creation and the whole universe is replete with His glory.”The infinitely holy potentialities themselves, embedded within eternity, are inherent in the eternal origins of the Divine. This is one of our crucial divergences from the Aristotelian line of approach.

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At the Genesis Point, a Divine spark leapt forth. The spark initiates a cycle of becoming, creation, and rebirth. It is the core of this spiritual blaze of potentiality whose ultimate perfect achievement is a primal cosmic end. It is this transcendental flame which directly continues the Spark of Life which the Divine infused through Primal Man.

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Man’s restless spirit seeks to transcend its limits.

Man must dare to reach down into the depths of his own spirit and find his essence; this is a component of his spiritual quest.

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The essential choice in the Eden saga was made by Eve, the mother of mankind, and not by its father. The one who bears the child and suffers the pain in childbirth, chose to set her children along the more arduous, but hopefully more rewarding, path of Tree of Knowledge / Potential. The one who carries and gives life, chose the path which also ultimately abrogates life—because this same treacherous path also yields a fuller, richer life.

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Man, (infinite) God, and the universe are all questing for their potentialities.

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Quest for potential is an overarching and inviolate holy cosmic dynamic. A violation of quest for potential would be a violation of a core Divine dynamic—which was integral to creation itself, integral to the Divine essence, and integral to the potential of the cosmic order.

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