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  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Correlation between efficiency

    parameters and sales value targetsName: Avishek Basu Mallick

    Project: Driving Stockist Salesman Efficiency in a Non-MetroUrban Town

    Project Mentor/Guide/Tutor: Hironmoy Sen/ DhimanBhattacharya/ Sayan Dev Banerjee

    Location: Jamshedpur

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Estimated Sales Value Targets

    Secondary Sales Value TargetAs given

    Efficiency of Coverage TargetAs given

    Billing Efficiency Target20 outlets per visit

    Lines Per Bill Target6

    Focus Brand Target3 per month

    Note: Whole Sale Data has not been taken intoaccount

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Focus Brand Achievement

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    SSM Incentive Earned

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Descriptive Statistics

    Descriptive Statistics

    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

    Sales Achieved 70 3825.86 1712662.48 515992.7673 406551.45896

    Sales Target 47 100000.00 1250000.00 504474.7845 248384.36651

    SSM Incentive 35 .00 2100.00 1175.7143 703.91462

    Eco Target 47 70.00 270.00 194.3617 24.12596

    Eco Achieved 70 3.00 294.00 133.9429 66.51901

    Billing Efficiency 70 .12 20.77 10.9664 5.82382

    Lines Per Bill 70 2.33 11.25 5.6985 1.53073

    Focus Brand Achievement 35 .00 3.00 1.2571 .98048

    Sales Achievement % 54 .03 4.16 1.1461 .87069

    Eco % 54 .04 1.25 .6861 .29529

    Valid N (listwise) 31

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Sales Report




    Sales Achievement

    % Eco % Billing Efficiency Lines Per Bill

    Focus Brand

    Achievement SSM Incentive Sales Achieved Eco Achieved Sales Target Eco Target

    Dabloo 1.1978 .9750 16.4444 4.4955 .0000 1600.0000 718709.5100 195.0000 600000.0000 200.0000

    Mukesh Kumar 2.1033 .9895 13.7540 5.5883 1.7500 1900.0000 816811.8350 167.6667 462000.0000 195.4000

    Raj Kumar .8212 .5737 10.1830 5.3050 .6667 983.3333 376537.7933 128.8333 360000.0000 174.2000

    Rajeev Ranjan .9833 .6767 13.2186 4.4545 1.0000 900.0000 530834.5467 134.6667 608333.3333 196.8333

    Rohit Verma 1.5785 .8021 15.2077 6.0914 2.0000 1350.0000 487080.4650 156.6667 490000.0000 190.0000

    Sanjay Kumar Singh .1515 .3942 3.2941 5.3319 1.5000 375.0000 43423.3950 83.5000 275000.0000 212.5000

    Sanjay Sahoo .0349 .0842 11.2782 4.4229 180080.5600 137.6667 450000.0000 190.0000

    Santosh Kr. Sahoo .9899 .5171 10.2305 5.7642 507614.8800 98.2500 535000.0000 190.0000

    Santosh Kumar .6294 .3028 5.3285 5.3393 .3333 83.3333 115667.7775 55.2500 233333.3333 191.6667

    Rajeev Ranjan SO 3.9665 5.2750 90783.9550 39.0000

    Abhishek Pandey 1.0263 .7421 13.4455 5.7144 1.7500 1212.5000 947011.0000 178.0000 910000.0000 204.2000

    Krishna Sharma .3364 .3773 6.9629 4.0630 .0000 .0000 120208.5767 131.3333

    Santosh Agarwal .7720 .7028 13.4363 6.5648 1.6667 1683.3333 949970.2233 153.3333

    Shiv Shankar 1.8307 1.0974 12.5926 5.7912 2.0000 2100.0000 732278.2800 214.0000 400000.0000 195.0000

    Somnath Bose 1.3692 .9935 15.1362 6.2526 1.8000 1540.0000 658311.6867 198.5000 528385.8117 203.3333

    Rohit Bihari 1.7531 8.3664 47428.9500 42.5000

    Gorakh Pandey 11.5556 4.8558 449527.5600 185.0000

    Sanjay Verma 2.1274 .4333 5.9486 8.5205 .0000 1000.0000 560264.8367 82.3333 313333.3333 190.0000

    Total 1.1461 .6861 10.9664 5.6985 1.2571 1175.7143 515992.7673 133.9429 504474.7845 194.3617

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Correlation Matrix

    Correlation Matrix



    % Eco %


    Efficiency Lines Per Bill

    Focus Brand

    Achievement SSM Incentive Sales Achieved Eco Achieved Sales Target Eco Target

    Correlation Sales Achievement % 1.000 .181 .185 .463 -.069 .534 .610 .093 -.225 -.356

    Eco % .181 1.000 .829 -.190 .420 .735 .393 .972 .429 .044

    Billing Efficienc y .185 .829 1.000 -.338 .334 .690 .529 .804 .494 .007

    Lines Per Bill .463 -.190 -.338 1.000 -.220 .040 .221 - .266 -.183 -.381

    Focus Brand Achievement -.069 .420 .334 -.220 1.000 .487 .217 .475 .417 .342

    SSM Incentive .534 .735 .690 .040 .487 1.000 .697 .672 .322 -.140

    Sales Achieved .610 .393 .529 .221 .217 .697 1.000 .307 .472 -.307

    Eco Achieved .093 .972 .804 -.266 .475 .672 .307 1.000 .448 .273

    Sales Target -.225 .429 .494 -.183 .417 .322 .472 .448 1.000 .090

    Eco Target -.356 .044 .007 -.381 .342 -.140 -.307 .273 .090 1.000

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Correlation Matrix

    From the correlation matrix we can see that

    there is a high degree of correlation between

    certain parameters e.g. Sales Achievement %

    and Eco (Achieved) % have a correlation of


    Therefore to avoid multicollinearity, we can

    reduce the number of parameters to twofactors.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Total Variance

    Total Variance Explained


    Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

    Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

    1 4.397 43.968 43.968 4.397 43.968 43.968 4.352 43.520 43.5202 2.382 23.815 67.783 2.382 23.815 67.783 2.426 24.263 67.783

    3 .941 9.413 77.196

    4 .876 8.761 85.957

    5 .561 5.609 91.566

    6 .492 4.920 96.486

    7 .137 1.371 97.857

    8 .132 1.319 99.176

    9 .082 .817 99.993

    10 .001 .007 100.000

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Scree Plot

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Correlation between the factors


    REGR factor score 1

    for analysis 1

    REGR factor score 2

    for analysis 1

    REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 Pearson Correlation 1 .000

    Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000

    N 31 31

    REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1 Pearson Correlation .000 1

    Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000

    N 31 31

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Rotated Component Matrix

    Rotated Component Matrixa


    1 2

    Eco Achieved .914 -.112

    Eco % .910 .051

    Billing Efficiency .888 .065

    SSM Incentive .811 .441

    Sales Target .627 -.155

    Focus Brand Achievement .619 -.250

    Sales Achievement % .167 .853

    Eco Target .161 -.704

    Lines Per Bill -.298 .696

    Sales Achieved .567 .647

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

    Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

    a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Factor Analysis Report for SSM




    REGR factor score 1 for

    analysis 1

    REGR factor score 2 for

    analysis 1

    Dabloo .5642911 -.0545938

    Mukesh Kumar .7239003 .5711888

    Raj Kumar -.5481093 .0434922

    Rajeev Ranjan -.1202727 -.2391345

    Rohit Verma .8693506 .0001899

    Sanjay Kumar Singh -1.2097899 -1.1824730

    Santosh Kumar -1.5620407 -.4878199

    Abhishek Pandey .5526075 -.3764095

    Shiv Shankar .8205348 .4611703

    Somnath Bose .6840081 -.0180271

    Sanjay Verma -1.2092392 1.7792646

    Total .0000000 .0000000

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Factor Analysis Report for SSM

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Descriptive Statistics for KANO Model

    Descriptive Statistics

    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

    Sales Achievement % 54 .03 4.16 1.1461 .87069

    LPB Achievement 70 .39 1.88 .9498 .25506

    Eco % 54 .04 1.25 .6861 .29529

    BE Achievement 70 .01 1.04 .5484 .29117

    FBA Achievement 35 .00 1.00 .4190 .32683

    Valid N (listwise) 35

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    KANO Model

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    KANO Model Analysis

    The KANO Model Analysis throws up some

    interesting results

    Sales Achievement is a minimum expected


    Eco Achievement is a delight parameter i.e. the

    parameter last focused on.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Performance Linkage Dendogram

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Final Cluster Centers

    Final Cluster Centers


    1 2 3

    Sales Achievement % .92 1.81 1.31

    Eco % .90 .74 .67

    Billing Efficiency 15.23 13.77 10.19

    Lines Per Bill 5.42 6.41 6.01

    Focus Brand Achievement 1.33 1.67 1.16

    SSM Incentive 1288.89 1616.67 1034.21

    Sales Achieved 652037.03 1450833.37 450065.29

    Eco Achieved 180.56 140.33 135.21

    Sales Target 774479.43 883333.33 355263.16

    Eco Target 200.22 190.33 201.42

    BE Achievement .76 .69 .51

    LPB Achievement .90 1.07 1.00

    FBA Achievement .44 .56 .39

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Cluster Cross Tabulation Agencywise

    Cluster Number of Case * Agency Crosstabulation


    TotalBalajee Manoj Singhania

    Cluster Number of Case 1 Count 2 4 3 9

    % within Cluster Number of


    22.2% 44.4% 33.3% 100.0%

    2 Count 1 0 2 3

    % within Cluster Number of


    33.3% .0% 66.7% 100.0%

    3 Count 5 7 7 19

    % within Cluster Number of


    26.3% 36.8% 36.8% 100.0%

    Total Count 8 11 12 31

    % within Cluster Number of


    25.8% 35.5% 38.7% 100.0%

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Chi Square Tests for Agencywise Cross Tabulation

    Chi-Square Tests

    Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

    Pearson Chi-Square 2.081a 4 .721

    Likelihood Ratio 3.021 4 .554

    N of Valid Cases 31

    a. 7 cells (77.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .77.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets



    The cluster analysis gives us the following


    Sales Achievement is high with a low Eco and

    Billing Efficiency only when the Sales Target is low(as in Cluster 3)

    For a very Sales Achievement as in Cluster 2, all

    the parameters are required to be high For a long term target setting plan, Cluster 1 is

    ideal as it scores equally on all respects

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Analysis (continued)

    The agency wise cross tabulation data does

    not show any significant relation between

    clusters and agency.

    Hence we can assume that SSM performance

    is independent of its parent agency.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    SSM Incentive Correspondence Analysis

    Correspondence Table



    Raj Kumar Rajeev Ranjan Santosh Kumar Krishna Sharma

    Sanjay Kumar

    Singh Abhishek Pandey Somnath Bose Sanjay Verma Rohit Verma Santosh Agarwal Mukesh Kumar Dabloo Shiv Shankar Active Margin

    0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

    1-500 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

    501-1000 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4

    1001-1500 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 9

    1501-2000 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 9

    2000+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4

    Active Margin 3 4 3 1 2 4 5 2 2 3 4 1 1 35

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    SSM Incentive Correspondence Analysis

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets



    If we compare the correspondence analysis to

    the earlier factor wise analysis we see that

    Mukesh Kumar and Shiv Shankar have high Sales

    Achievement and high SSM Incentives

    Dabloo has a medium to high Sales Achievement

    and high Eco leading to high SSM Incentive

    Rohit Verma has a medium to high SalesAchievement and high Eco leading to a medium to

    high SSM Incentive

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Regression Analysis on actual figures



    Unstandardized Coefficients



    t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) -645.884 403.070 -1.602 .120

    Focus Brand Achievement 196.484 79.059 .274 2.485 .019

    Sales Achieved .001 .000 .418 2.742 .010

    Eco Achieved 3.620 2.136 .297 1.695 .101

    Billing Efficiency 20.780 28.151 .154 .738 .466

    Lines Per Bill 53.593 55.821 .119 .960 .345

    a. Dependent Variable: SSM Incentive

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square

    Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the


    1 .863a .745 .701 384.61672

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Lines Per Bill, Focus Brand Achievement, Billing

    Efficiency, Sales Achieved, Eco Achieved

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets



    Despite a moderate to high R-squared value

    (0.745), the correlation coefficients of the

    target achievements in terms of actual figures

    are not significant.

    Therefore, we carry out a regression analysis

    in terms of percentage wise achievements

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Regression Analysis on percentages

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square

    Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the


    1 .897a .804 .771 337.11831

    a. Predictors: (Constant), FBA Achievement, Sales Achievement %, BE

    Achievement, LPB Achievement, Eco %



    Unstandardized Coefficients



    t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) -849.638 312.974 -2.715 .011

    Sales Achievement % 327.771 83.227 .381 3.938 .000

    Eco % 653.721 371.302 .263 1.761 .089

    BE Achievement 818.304 400.547 .304 2.043 .050

    LPB Achievement 312.051 265.044 .115 1.177 .249

    FBA Achievement 774.388 197.531 .360 3.920 .000

    a. Dependent Variable: SSM Incentive

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Regression analysis on factors

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square

    Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the


    1 .923a .852 .841 275.17754

    a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1, REGR factor

    score 1 for analysis 1



    Unstandardized Coefficients



    t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) 1164.516 49.423 23.562 .000

    REGR factor score 1 for

    analysis 1

    560.431 50.240 .811 11.155 .000

    REGR factor score 2 for

    analysis 1

    304.590 50.240 .441 6.063 .000

    a. Dependent Variable: SSM Incentive

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets



    The R-squared value is highest in this case and

    the data is completely significant.

    Therefore we can form the regression

    equation as

    Y = 560.431 (Factor 1) + 304.590 (Factor 2)

    where Y = SSM Incentive

    Factor 1,2 = Factors obtained from factor

    wise analysis of efficiency parameters.

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    L3M Growth

    SSM B.E. Growth S.A. Growth Eco Growth L.P.B GrowthAbhishek

    Pandey 1.3223 .4059 2.1976 .8097Mukesh Kumar .6723 .3837 .7226 .7517Raj Kumar 6.1235 2.6535 2.8844 .7695Rajeev Ranjan 1.3422 .7311 1.5651 .7832Rajeev Ranjan

    SO .8732 .7675 .9328 .9449

    Rohit Bihari 20.9135 23.7939 20.2500 .4874Rohit Verma 1.3749 1.8535 1.3919 .8839Santosh

    Agarwal .8042 .5114 1.0957 .5752Santosh Kr.

    Sahoo .9166 .5224 .9300 .9849Santosh Kumar .6931 .5632 .9464 .8941Somnath Bose .8141 .8452 1.1005 .8671

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets



    L3M Growth has been calculated as the

    performance in one parameter from January

    to March to the previous performance in the

    same parameter from October to December.

    Rohit Bihari joined late in December. That is

    why his figures are abnormally high.

    This is true to a lesser extent for Abhishek

    Pandey and Raj Kumar

  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Overall Results and Analysis

    There is a definite correlation between

    efficiency parameters and sales value targets

    and achievements.

    This can be used to develop an implementable

    model to drive SSM growth

    Further analysis needs to be carried out on

    the seasonal and periodic variations in SSM


  • 8/13/2019 Correlation between efficiency parameters and sales value targets


    Thank You!