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  • 8/6/2019 Corporate nee


    Corporate Communication - Presentation Transcript

    1.Corporate Communication: Advertising, Marketing Communication,Marketing & Public Relations

    2.Fathers of Corporate Communication: Paul Garretto VP of PR for General Motors in 1931o develop effective publicity & promotiono employees first in communication line of informationo communication with the public using words and deeds with

    meaning they understood

    3.o VP for PR at AT&T in 1927o communication is a management function with voice in senior

    executive team

    o Page developed an ethical code for corporate communicationFathers of Corporate Communication: Arthur Page

    4.Arthur Pages Corporate Ethicso Tell the truth.o Prove it with your actions.o Listen to the customer.o Manage for tomorrowthe future.o Conduct public relations as if the whole company depends upon it.o Remain calm, patient, and good humored.

    5.Historical Roots: Corporate Communication and Public Relations

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    o Corporate communication began as public relations in majorcorporations.

    o The primary historical roots of corporate communication comefrom public relations.

    o Corporate communication developed as a communication practicein an industry setting within major corporations as a direct spin off

    of public relations.

    o The business aspects came later with advertising, branding, andmarketing responsibilities assumed by the corporate

    communication department, sometimes called corporate relations

    within major industries.

    6.Foundations in PRo Lee, who died in 1934, is known for his contributions to corporate

    communication and public relations management.Lee established


    o business and industry alignment with the public interest is actingin a socially responsible manners.

    o counseling top management directly and only developingcommunications programs supported by senior executives.

    o building a network of news contacts to maintain effective mediarelations.

    o bringing internal and external communications to a "humanlevel" for all audiences.

    7.Foundations in PRo The single individual most responsible for developing and defining

    the modern counseling, advising, and management function of

    public relations was Edward L. Bernays and his wife and

    communication partner, Doris E.Fleischman.

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    o Fleischman was a superb writer and former editor for the New YorkTribune . Bernays and Fleischman worked together as partners in

    the firm of Edward L. Bernays, Counsel on Public Relations.

    8.Issues ofImportance to Corporate Communication Todayo The Global Economyo Quality of the Environmento Increased Role of Managemento Emphasis on Issues Managemento Professionalism of the Publicso Proliferation of Publics/Splintering of Mass Marketso Fragmentation of the Mass Mediao Rapid Development of New Media Technology Leading in

    Communication Trends

    9.Defining Corporate Communicationo What is included in corporate communication?o Advertisingo Marketing Communicationso Marketingo Public Relations

    10. Defining Corporate Communicationo Advertising is paid and controlled mass communication with a

    purpose to impart.

    11. Defining Corporate Communication

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    o Marketing Communication (or marcom) is the branding of products,services, and organizations including such areas as consistency,

    differentiation, equity, identity, imaging, loyalty, positioning,

    publicity, promotion, relationships, and reputation.

    12. Defining Corporate Communicationo Marketing is the management function which creates products or

    services to fill public needs and then persuades the public to buy

    the products or services.

    13. Defining Corporate Communicationo Public Relations is the management function which creates policies

    and actions to fill public demands and then persuades the public to

    approve the policies and actions.It involves target audiences,

    markets, programs, campaigns, special events, publicity, and


    14. Defining Corporate Communicationo What is a clear and understandable definition of corporate


    o Corporate communication includes advertising, marketingcommunications, marketing, and public relations, but they all

    function under a managed perspective.

    o Corporate communication is managing an organization's internaland external communications.

    15. Aspects of Corporate Communicationo managing communication or fulfilling the communication

    management function

    o dealing with controlled and uncontrolled mediao serving both internal and external audiences

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    o proactive communication planningo advocating communication strategies and tacticso dissemination of persuasion and informationo branding images and reputationo branding products and serviceso monitoring the responses from audiences and marketso counseling and advising senior executiveso managing issues and responding to crisis situationso lobbying for favorable stances for the organizationo organizational image creation and maintenanceo organizational presence building and monitoring

    16. Todays Successful Professionals in Corporate Communicationo Today the keys to success in corporate communication are

    multitasking , management , and integration .

    o Its integrated corporate communication or integrated marketingcommunication.

    o A combination of knowledge and skills in advertising, marketingcommunication, marketing, and public relations are expected in

    major industry.

    o The greatest industry interest in communication professionals todayis for individuals who have integrated corporate communication

    talent and skills and who desire supervisory positions and have a

    management capability and capacity.

    17. Professional Communicator Responsibilities

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    o A professional corporate communicator must develop acommunication plan which anticipates problems and leaves

    sufficient room for change.

    o Adaptability is a must! Such a plan should be flexible, but cover allof the areas of communication within and related to the

    organization, both internal and external.

    o Anticipation of crisis situations, managing issues, and creating andmaintaining and image and presence for the organization are

    imperative parts of corporate communications.

    o The communication plan must include media relations networking,corporate spokesperson training, government, investor andcommunity relations as well as relationships to department heads.

    18. Professional Communicator Responsibilitieso The function of advocacy or lobbying government agencies on

    issues and policies directly related to and affecting an organization

    must also be maintained.

    o The goal is an outcome(s) favorable to the organization.o Using paid advertising and free publicity within the mass media are

    important variables in the success of any marketing or public

    relations campaign or special events management.

    19. Ethics in Corporate Communicationo Ethics in the area of corporate communication is drawn from four

    major professional organizations today.

    o These organizations help to define professionalism forcommunicators.

    20. Professional Communication Organizationso AAF (American Advertising Federation)

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    o AMA (American Marketing Association) www.marketingpower.como PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) www.prsa.orgo IABC (International Association of Business


    21. Professionalism?o A solid, agreed upon knowledge base.o Knowledge gained only through study in higher education.o The offering of a special set of skills and characteristics available

    only through the profession.

    o Licensure or Accreditationo Recognition as a profession by the general public.o Community of experts in agreement on a set of industry standards.o Consistency within the practice and performance of the industry.

    22. Struggle for Identity in Corporate Communicationo Corporate Communication is constantly struggling to find its own


    o Unfortunately, its a long and winding road, and there is no straightand direct pathway toward industry professionalism.

    23. Corporate Communication Factso Public relations is a multibillion dollar business just in the United


    o The U. S. Bureau ofLabor Statistics found more than 200,000practicing public relations professionals in 2000 with a job rate

    increase predicted of nearly 47% by 2005.

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    o Bergen (1999) indicates that a 1999 Council of Public Relations firmsstudy reviewing corporate communication spending patterns of

    Fortune 500 firms found a direct correlation between how much a

    company spends on public relations and how much that company is


    o The U. S. government has 9,000 workers employed in just the U. S.Information Agency; an additional 1,000 communication specialists

    work in the Defense Department.

    o O'Dwyer (1999) reports that the 20 largest public relations firms intheU. S. generate over $2-billion in fee income annually.

    24. Scope of Corporate Communicationo Corporations - Departments with the tasks such as community

    relations and marketing communications dealing with an

    organization's reputation and service to clients.

    o Nonprofit Agencies - Options ranging from membershiporganizations to social and cultural groups, hospitals, and health

    care agencies offer public relations opportunities where fund raising

    is always involved.

    o Entertainment, Sports and Travel - Communicators in these areasare usually concerned with press agentry and promotion of events.

    Publicity is an important part of practitioner duties here.

    o *Government and Military - Here communicators focus onpromotion of political issues (often including lobbying), information

    dissemination about government activities to citizens, and

    information distribution to and about the military.