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The fungus, Fusarium moniliforme Shel. has been reportedby several workers (15) (20) to be the cause of ear, stalk, androot rots of corn. The rotting of the corn plant causes veryserious losses to the crop. Other organisms parasitic on cornare known to cause the rotting of ears, stalks, and roots ofcorn, notably, Diplodia zeae (Schw.) Lev. (2) Gibberella saubi-netii (Mont.) Sacc. (7), Helminthosporium sp. (18), and certainbacteria (14). Hoffer and Carr (6) have shown that effectsvery similar to stalk and root rots are produced by excessiveaccumlation of iron and aluminum in the roots and stalksof corn.

The consideration of F. moniliforme, specifically, as one ofthe major causes of stalk rot and seedling blight began withValleau's work (20) in 1920. Since that time some workershave advanced evidence supporting Valleau's findings, othershave secured contrary results.

The work reported in this paper was undertaken to ascertainif F. moniliforme is capable of causing a serious seedling blightof corn; if F. moniliforme causes broken and leaning stalks inthe field; to what extent it causes molding of ears; and in whatway infection reaches the kernels. Incidentally, the problemof seed treatment was taken up in order to secure disease-freeseed for inoculation purposes.

A review of literature follows which shows the presentstatus of these problems.


The fungus known as F. moniliforme Shel. was described bySheldon (15) in Nebraska in 1904. He isolated it from ears ofcorn showing a pink mold, and described it as follows:

'' Sporodochium, subeffuse, salmon-pink; sporophores, simpleor branched, usually opposite; microconidia, continuous, oblong-


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ovoid, moniliform, 6-10u long; macroconidia, falcate, acute, forthe most part three-septate, 25-40AI long".

Sherbakoff (16) states that "among the Fusaria answeringSheldon's description of Moniliforme are several that differ fromeach other in important characters and are thus differentorganisms." On these grounds he set up the section Monili-form as follows: "Macroconidia type intermediate betweenRoseum and Elegans, thin walls mostly three-septate; microcon-idia also in chains, chlamydospores none, color of substratumfrom none to violet. "

Manns and Adams (11) identified F. moniliforme withOospora verticilloides Sacc. reported from Northern Italy in 1881.

Wineland (21) at Wisconsin reported that perfect peritheciawere produced when two distinct strains of F. moniliforme wereplated together. The perithecia were born at the lines wherethe two strains came in contact. Ascospores from these peri-thecia on germination gave pure cultures of F. moniliforme.The cultures which produced the perithecia were somewhatdifferent morphologically. The perithecia resembled those ofG. saubinettii.

Stover (18) at Wisconsin studied the effect of temperatureon the growth of F. moniliforme in culture. After five daysvisible growth had occurred at a temperature of 12° C, wasconsiderably greater on plates up to 18° C, then increased moregradually to an optimum from 26° C. to 33° C, after which itdecreased markedly at each higher temperature. There waslittle growth at 37° C. Henry (5) gave its temperature rangeas follows: '' slightly at 5°-7° C., optimum at 30° C., and slightlyat 36°-36.5° C. He also reports isolating F. moniliforme fromthe soil.

It is probable that many investigators have worked withFusarium moniliforme in connection with studies of seedlingblight of corn. There are many papers on this subject whichdo not name all the organisms studied. Burrill and Barrett (2),Holbert and Hoffer (8), and Pammel, King, and Seal (13)mention a Fusarium in this connection.

Valleau (20) in 1920 was the first to assign to F. moniliformeany large part in the production of root and stalk rots. Hefound that it was almost universally present in Kentucky seedcorn. He also secured corn from other states and foundinfection equally high. On the basis of his work he believed

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that F. monilijorme was an active parasite, more virulent thanG. saubinettii, that it was capable of causing root and stalkrots in the field, but that it did not injure germination unlessinfection were very severe. Manns and Adams (10) in Delawarereport that F. monilforme is very common in seed corn. Bran-stetter (1) in Missouri found F. monilijorme was present in68.8% of the ears he tested. He also reported a correlationbetween badly diseased corn, as shown by the germinator test,and low yields. Melchers and Johnson (12) in Kansas foundnearly 95% of the seed corn was infected, but could find nocorrelation between the results of the germination test andstalk and root rot injury in the field.

Sherbakoff (17) reports that seed effectively treated forF. monilforme gave no better yield than untreated seed. Hesuggests that either not pathogenic or that it is alwayspresent in the soil. Valleau (20) reported that he could findno effective treatment. Manns and Adams (11) state that theinternal nature of the infection makes seed treatment ineffectual.Branstetter (1) states that seed corn can be effectively treatedby soaking it in mercuric chloride (Hg Cl 1) 1:1000 for one hour.

The effect of soil temperature on the blighting of cornseedlings inoculated with F. monilijorme was investigated byStover (18). He found that F. monilijorme attacked cornthrough a range of soil temperature from 10° to 36° C. How-ever, at the lower temperatures, infection was rare and wasshown only by small brownish-yellow lesions which did notrepresent a serious injury. At 28° to 36° C. seedlings showedconsiderable injury and F. monilijorme was frequently isolatedfrom the lesions. It was thought that high temperature withconsequent drying of the surface soil was at least in part re-sponsible.

F. moniljorme has been reported from hosts other than corn.Hartley, Merrill, and Rhoads (4) as early as 1918 found thatF. monilijorme caused normal damping off of conifer seedlings,but was not responsible for germination injuries except whenheavy inoculation was practiced. They concluded that it wasless important in damping off of conifer seedlings than Corticiumand Pythium. Henry (5) inoculated F. monilijorme into wheat,sweet corn, rye, and oats, all of which it attacked.

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The writer's work with F. moniliforme Shel. was undertakenduring the summer of 1923 at Ohio State University. A smallplot of corn in the Botany Department garden was used forfield inoculations. The seedling inoculations and soil temper-ature experiments were carried on in the department green-house and laboratory.

Many strains of F. moniliforme were used during the progressof this work. Three strains were secured from Mr. R. A.Dobbins, a graduate student in the Department of Botany.Two were isolated from blighted corn seedlings sent in fromMorrow County in June 1923. The others were isolated fromkernels of corn. In all thirteen strains were secured. Singlespore isolations were made from five of these. All of thestrains produced macroconidia in chains. The microconidiawere produced abundantly in old cultures which had been keptmoist. Three and four septate macroconidia, were the mostcommon. Five septate macroconidia were frequent. Theselatter often measured 50-60/x in length.

From a. study of the morphology and physiological reactionsof these strains in culture it became apparent that they couldbe separated into at least two distinct groups. The myceliumof the group most closely answering Sheldon's description hada pink tint, was loosely matted, and grew freely into the air.The substratum was deeply colored, ranging from greenishblue or purple on potato dextrose agar with 2% sugar to adeep plum purple on potato dextrose agar with 5% sugar. Themycelium of the other group was pure white and formed a low,dense mat. The substratum was never more deeply coloredthan salmon. These differences are in agreement with Sher-bakoff's statement that the fusaria producing spores in chainsinclude several distinct organisms.


During the first week in August twenty-five stalks wereinoculated just before the tasseling stage to ascertain whetherF. moniliforme causes stalk rots. A small hole was made inthe stalk by puncturing it with a cork borer one-eighth inch indiameter. A fragment of the medium upon which F. monili-forme was growing was inserted into the puncture, and theopening was closed with absorbent cotton. The cork borer

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and needles used were sterilized in the flame of an alcohollamp before each operation. Control stalks were prepared inthe same way except that no inoculum was placed in the punc-tures. Inoculations were made at various heights from theground. The media used were potato dextrose agar andsteamed rice.

Two inoculated stalks and two checks were cut and examinedafter three weeks. Others were cut from time to time until thethird week in October. In some stalks it was found that thecork borer had penetrated only the sheaths, the stem nothaving developed far enough to be encountered. The elongationof the internodes had then pushed the sheaths upward andseparated them. The mature plant showed the puncture madeby the cork borer in several successive sheaths. These punctureswere surrounded by a purplish-black ring of discolored tissue.This is shown in Plate I, a. The check plants did not showthis discoloration. In other stalks the cork borer penetratedthe internodes. Externally the symptoms were the same asfound on the sheaths. When the stalks were split throughthe wound longitudinally, wide streaks of the pith and vascularbundles were found to be black or brown. These streaks wereusually very conspicuous within the internode punctured.This is shown in Plate I, b. In the internodes above andbelow it they appeared less prominently until in the third orfourth nodes it was confined to the vascular bundles. In onestalk these discolored strands were traced to the sixth node aboveand to the third node below the inoculation point.

Tissue from the brown strands was taken from six stalksand plated on potato dextrose and corn meal agar. F. monili-forme grew out from the tissue in all instances, in one case fromtissue taken from a point twenty inches above the puncture.In no case did this discoloration extend into the shank of an ear.

The controls showed a light browning around the woundnever extending more than two inches from the injury. No F.moniliforme appeared when browned tissue from this sourcewas plated. Several plates showed no fungus growth of anykind. The color of the tissue was probably caused by thedeath of the cells due to the injury and consequent drying.

Inoculations of leaf sheaths and of stalks made by punctur-ing these parts with a sterile needle and applying a loop of aspore suspension produced only the local symptoms noted above,purplish-black discolorations confined to the area inoculated.

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Five stalks were inoculated by pouring several c.c. of a sporesuspension between the sheath and the stalk. No infectioncould be found when these were examined.

Inoculation on Young Silks.Valleau (20) suggests that in the ear rot produced by

F. moniliforme the silks are the path of invasion. To securedata on this point eighty ears were covered with glassinepaper bags before the silks appeared. Natural infection ofthe silks was thus presumably prevented. When the silks werewell exposed within the bags, the bags were removed, the silkwas pollinated by hand and then sprayed with a suspension ofspores of F. moniliforme. The bags were then replaced. Alarge number of control ears were prepared. A severe storm ofwind and rain tore or blew off almost all the bags. The purposeof the experiment was defeated by the exposure of the controlears to infection. However, the ears were again covered witha stronger type of bag.

About forty ears each of the inoculated lot and the controlswere tested by the modified rag doll method after harvesting.All showed infection. External molding occurred on three orfour ear tips to which the corn ear worm had gained access.No other molding was found. This is interesting in view of theheavy inoculation practiced.

Direct Inoculation of Kernels.

The husks of eleven ears were slit with a knife and spores ofF. moniliforme were sprayed on the kernels. This was donewhen the kernels were just past the dough stage. In four casesthe kernels were wounded, in two they were un-injured by theknife, and in the other cases no attention was paid to thispoint. Checks sprayed with sterile water were made. In bothchecks and inoculated ears the slits in the husks were madetangent to the ear in such a manner that the husks would coverthe sprayed kernels completely. In ten ears a mold developed,but it was usually confined to from three to six kernels, some-times scattered. One ear was completely involved. On Octoberfourth nineteen more ears and several checks were prepared inthe same way. The corn was nearly ripe and fairly dry. Ofthese ears only one developed mold.

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Inoculation in Cobs of Young Ears.

Seventeen ears were inoculated by puncturing with a corkborer through the husks into the cob of the green ear, theninserting into the cavity a sweet clover stalk or apple twig onwhich the fungus was growing. These ears were affected muchlike the preceding. Localized areas where the cavity was nearthe surface of the cob would show moldy, shrunken kernels.The checks showed no mold. The appearance of this infectionis shown in Plate I, c.

Discussion of Results of Field Inoculations.

The results of inoculating the young stalk just beforetasseling show that F. moniliforme is able to grow parasiticallyin the stalk tissues and to produce the discolorations character-istic of stalk rot. The absence of broken and leaning stalksseems to indicate that the injury is of a mild character. Theslight infection secured in the needle puncture inoculationsand the failure of the spore suspension to produce infectionwhen poured under the sheath strengthen this view. As it ispossible that other environmental conditions might havechanged the results, it would be desirable to repeat theseexperiments and to make the stalk inoculations earlier in thelife of the plant.

F. moniliforme is capable of causing molding of ears butprobably requires very moist conditions to cause generalmolding. It does not attack the husks as freely as Diplodiazeae (Schw.) Lev. and Gibberella saubinetii (Mont.) Sacc.


Inoculation of Seeds at Planting.

Thirty ears were tested for internal infection of F. monili-forme by plating pieces of surface sterilized kernels in agar.By this method F. moniliforme iniected ears and ears apparentlyfree from any fungus were selected. Seed of both kinds wassurface sterilized in mercuric chloride (Hg Cl2) 1:1000 andplanted in clean, white sand. Twenty-two apparently disease-free, twenty-three diseased, and twenty-four apparently disease-free inoculated seeds were planted. Each seed was placed in aseparate pot and the pots were set closely together in a shallowbox. The interspaces were filled with sand to help hold the

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moisture. The pots used were made of paper of the typeused in making rag doll germinator rolls. Planting each seedin a separate pot prevented the fungi from passing from plantto" plant and made it easy to secure the entire root system forexamination. The plants were watered with a dilute nutrientsolution. They remained thrifty and of good color throughoutthe experiment.

All of the plants were allowed to grow for four weeks.The soil temperatures ranged between 15.5° and 22° C. At theend of that time the infected and inoculated lots were slightlylarger than the apparently disease-free. The difference wasthought to be due to temperature as the latter showed a soiltemperature 1° to 2° C. lower because of its location fartherfrom the steam pipes. There were nine weak plants from the


Seed No.Plants





Apparently disease-free.InoculatedInfected*




diseased seed, four from the inoculated seed, and three from theapparently disease-free seed. The percentage of plants foundto have clean roots was 8.6%, 24.6%, and 36% for the infected,inoculated, and apparently disease-free, respectively. Few ofthe injuries were of an extensive nature. Tissue from therotted roots and mesocotyls gave F. moniliforme, Gibberellasaubinetii, and other fungi. As the seed used in apparentlydisease-free and inoculated lots was from the same ears, someinfection due to the inoculation is indicated.

This experiment was repeated until in all over four hundredseedlings had been grown. In some of the later lots individualpotting was omitted.

This work demonstrated that with the seed used freedomfrom infection occurred only in individual kernels. No earswere found which were entirely free from F. moniliforme. The

*It should be noted that one of the infected ears was of a poor type and notsuitable for seed.

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percentage of infection was found to vary. Inoculation of earsshowing a low percentage of infection increased the amount ofinfection shown by seedlings grown from such seed. Theinfections secured under the conditions obtaining in this experi-ment did not affect the vigor of the plants or qause blighting.It would appear that under these conditions the progress of theinfection does not keep pace with the growth of the root system.

Seed Treatment.

The experiments discussed above brought out forcibly theneed for disease-free seed or some method of seed disinfection.As no ears had been found to be completely free of fungusinfection, several experiments were undertaken in an attemptto find efficient method of seed disinfection.

Hot water treatments proved ineffective. Serious injuryoccurred at temperatures of 60° C. when maintained for overten minutes. Seed treated below the point of injury was notdisinfected.

Javel water, as used by Duggar and Davis (3) was alsotried but did not give complete disinfection.

Mercuric chloride (Hg Cl2) 1:1000 was also tested. It wasfound that seed killing began between two and one half and threehours. Some disinfection was obtained when seeds were soakedfor one hour and forty-five minutes, but the results were notuniform. Disinfection was then attempted by soaking theseed for ten to fifteen minutes in mercuric chloride at a temper-ature of 50°-60° C. Several small lots of seed treated by thismethod and tested were found to be free of F. moniliforme.Other lots were then treated by the same method with con-tradictory results. Incomplete disinfection occurred in somecases; total failure resulted in other cases in which heavily infectedseed, as determined by agar plating, was used. These resultsare perhaps explained when it is remembered that the amountof infection in the different kernels varies widely as is shownby plating and other tests. When infection is light and presum-ably carried in the more accessible parts of the pericarp, a highpercentage of disease-free seeds can be secured by this method.

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The effects of soil temperature on the parasitism of F. moni-liforme on corn seedlings were studied by the use of temperaturetanks of the Wisconsin type. These tanks are described byJones (9). These tanks are filled with water, and heated withelectric space heaters placed in copper tubes which extendthrough the tanks near the bottom. The higher temperatures.are regulated by electric thermostats. Temperatures below20° C. are secured by running cold water through the tanks.

The cans were made equal in weight by the addition ofpieces of crockery and then filled with equal weights of good•soil. The moisture content of the soil was ascertained and•corrected to about 24% of the dry weight of the soil. Thispercentage was maintained by weighing the cans once or twicedaily and adding water as was necessary.

The experiment was divided into three parts. One hundred.and twenty seeds known to be heavily infected with F. monili-forme were inoculated by placing them in a heavy spore suspen-sion, and planted. One hundred and twenty seeds from earsIcnown to be lightly infected were treated by heating in mercuric•chloride to 55° C. for ten minutes, followed by thorough rinsing.One half of these disinfected seeds were then inoculated in theway just described, the remainder were planted as a control.By the use of disinfected seed for the control the amount ofinfection from fungi in the soil would be shown.

The temperatures used were 12°, 16°, 20°, 24°, 26°, 28°,and 32° C. At 32° C. the corn came up in about 2 days and18 hours, at 28° in 3 days, at 24° in 4 days, at 20° in 5 days,at 16° in 7 days, and at 12° in 15 to 17 days. The disinfectedseed germinated 100%, but came up a little more slowly.After the tenth day a tendency to tip burn, and a weakness ofthe stalks appeared in the inoculated cans at 32° and 28°C.As the experiment progressed, many plants at these temper-atures fell over. The check plants were notably stronger andnearly normal in appearance to the end of the experiment.The results of this experiment which was closed after threeweeks are presented in Table II.

At 32°C. the control plants were strong and erect, althoughone plant showed some wilting of the top. The roots or meso-cotyls of five plants showed serious rotting; five showed slight

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rotting, chiefly of the seminal roots. The old kernel stilladhered to the mesocotyls. The disinfected, inoculated plants,of which there were ten, were down badly. The kernels hadrotted free of the mesocotyls. Six plants showed serious rotting,while four were only slightly rotted. The twenty infected,inoculated plants were also down quite generally. Two plantswere nearly dead and four others were stunted. Fourteenplants had badly rotted roots.

At 28°C. the condition of the plants was much the same asat 32°C. At 24°, 20°, and 16°C. the plants stood up well andappeared to be quite vigorous. The rotting of the roots wasnot of a serious character except in a few plants. At 12°C.


ControlTreated seed, inoculated.Naturally infected seed,

inoculated -






Percentage of PlantsLesions on Roots oi
















With Rots or- Mesocotyls

5C. 16 °C.






infection was confined to small lesions, but a serious killing ofthe tap-root tips occurred which was more common in the cansin which treated seed was used. The plants in the can whichshowed the most serious killing of the tap roots were from seedfrom which F. moniliforme could not be isolated when plated.These facts suggest that the killing referred to was chiefly atemperature effect, accentuated by some residual effect of theseed treatment.

This experiment was repeated. In the second series thesame type of seed was used in all of the cans. It was seedknown to be heavily infected with F. moniliforme. Two cansof soil for the 32° C. tank were autoclaved for one hour andthirty minutes at 15 pounds pressure. The treated controlseed was planted in one of these and the treated-inoculatedseed in the other. In this sterile soil 50% of the plants werekilled within two weeks. F. moniliforme grew visibly on theplants at the surface of the soil. Of the plants in the unsterile

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soil at the same temperature all were alive, although twoplants showed some wilting. The seed treatment (hot mercuricchloride) was much less effective with this seed and the infectionin the control lot was greater than in the first series. Other-wise the results of the two series checked quite closely. Thecombined results are given in Tables II and III.

Table II is based on a count of all rotted areas and lesionsfound on the mesocotyls and the seminal and tap roots. Thepercentages given do not indicate the seriousness of the injury,but the percentage of plants infected.

Table III is based on a count of the plants which showedrotting areas on the mesocotyls or roots, of an actively pro-


ControlTreated seed, inoculatedNaturally infected seed,





Percentage of Plants ShowingActively Progressing Areas

on Roots or Mesocotyle

32 °C.



28 °C.



24 °C.












gressing nature. Lesions and very small infected areas werenot considered.

These tables show that the rotting caused by F. monili-forme occurs chiefly at temperatures above 20°C. Seriousinjury was confined to the two higher temperatures, 28° and32° C. Many plants on which rotting areas were found werenot inferior in growth or vigor to the unrotted plants. t Thiswas particularly true of the plants grown at temperaturesbelow 28° C. In the lots grown at temperatures of 28° and 32° C.plants which showed wilting and tip burn at two-and-one-halfto three weeks of age frequently were observed to. show improve-ment at the end of four weeks. When taken up for examinationthe mesocotyls of these plants were found to be completelyrotted off. The recovery of the plants was to be attributed tothe appearance of the permanent roots from the lower nodes.

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The results reported in Table II agree very well with thosesecured by Stover (18). But owing to the fact that Stovercould not reisolate F. moniliforme from the infected tissues inall cases, and that other fungi were almost always present insuch tissue, he did not consider the pathogenicity of F. mon-iliforme to be satisfactorily established. In the experimentsreported above F. moniliforme was reisolated from diseasedtissue in nearly all cases when plated. From this evidencethere seems to be little doubt that F. moniliforme can causeserious injury at temperatures above 28° C. when other con-ditions are favorable. It also would appear that F. monili-forme is more virulent in sterile soil. Whether this is constantand whether it is due to biologic, chemical, or physical factorsremains to be determined.

It was strongly suggested that the death or survival ofinfected plants depends upon the speed of the fungus in destroy-ing or cutting off the temporary root system before the per-manent roots begin to function. Referring again to the workof Stover (18) and Henry (5) we find the optimum temper-atures for growth of this fungus in culture are given as 26°-33°C.respectively.

In searching for statistics on soil temperatures of the cornbelt states it was found that there are few available. Swezey(19) at Lincoln, Nebraska, recorded the soil temperaturethrough a period of twelve years. His tables show that atLincoln the maximum temperature of the soil at a depth ofthree inches, during May, exceeded 26° C. only three times intwelve years. The mean temperature lay between 15°-24° C.For June the maximum ranged from 23.3°-40.5° C. and themean from 19.5°-31° C. These are day temperatures. Thenight temperatures are lower, often by as much as 5°-8° C.If these statistics are representative of the corn belt, it appearsthat only on occasional years would soil temperature favorserious corn seedling injury due to F. moniliforme.


It is clearly shown that F. moniliforme may grow parasi-tically within the growing stalk, but no effects, shown bybroken and leaning stalks, are produced when infection occursas late as August. No data as to the effect of earlier inocula-tion was secured.

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The inoculation of ears demonstrates that this organismmay grow externally on the kernels when moisture conditionsare favorable. The area infected externally is usually verylimited. The resistance to external molding of the kernels is.greater when they have passed the dough stage.

As the possible cause of a seedling blight of corn its relationsare interesting. It is present in a high percentage of Ohioseed corn. It was also isolated from the soil. But that it is anorganism producing serious injury to corn seedlings at thenormal soil temperatures for May and early June could not bedemonstrated. The characteristic lesions produced by F. mon-iliforme on the mesocotyls are small, oval, yellowish areas,with a darker spot in the center in old lesions. On the rootsthe lesions are usually darker. At temperatures of 24° C.small rotted areas may be produced on the mesocotyl, usuallyclose to the seed. At temperatures above 28° C. serious injurymay occur.

Soaking the seed in mercuric chloride for two hours temperature or for ten minutes at 55° C. will completelydisinfect lightly infected seed. No seed treatment was foundwhich would give perfectly clean seed when infection washeavy.

The hot mercuric chloride treatment of seed retards germi-nation a little, but apparently causes no real injury.


1. BRANDSTETTER, B. B.1922. Fungi internal of Missouri seed corn in 1921. In Jour. Amer. Soc.

Agron. 14:354-357.2. BURRILL, T. J. , AND BARRETT, JAMES T.

1909. Ear rots of corn. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 133, 109 p., 11 pi.3. DUGGAR, B. F., AND DAVIS, A. W.

1919. The use of hypochlorites. In Annals Mo. Bot. Gard., v. 6, no. 2,,p. 159-170.

4. HARTLEY, CARL, MERRILL, T. C , AND RHOADS, ARTHUR S.1918. Seedling diseases of conifers. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 15, no. 10,

p. 521-558, 1 pi.5. HENRY, A. W.

1923. The pathogenicity of Fusarium moniliforme Shel. on cereals.(Abstract). In Phytopathology, v. 23, no. 1, p. 52..

6. HOFFER, G. N. , AND CARR, R. H.1923. Accumulation of aluminum and iron compounds in corn plants and its

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7. HOFFER, G. N., JOHNSON, A. G., AND ATANASOFF, D.1918. Corn-root rot and wheat scab. In Jour. Agr. Research, v. 24, no. 13,

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8. HOLBERT, J. R., AND HOFFER, G. N.1920. Control of the root, stalk, and ear rot diseases of corn. U. S. Dept.

Agr. Farmers' Bui. 1176, 24 p., 25 fig.9. JONES, L. R.

1921. Experimental work on the relation of soil temperature to disease inplants. In Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters 20: 433-459,illus.

10. MANNS, T. F., AND ADAMS, J. F.1921. Prevalence and distribution of fungi internal of seed corn. In Science

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12. MELCHERS, L. W., AND JOHNSON, C. O.1923. Corn root, stalk, and ear rot investigations in Kansas. (Abstract).

In Phytopathology, v. 12, no. 1, p. 52.13. PAMMEL, L. H., KING, C. M., AND SEAL, J. L.

1916. Studies on a Fusarium disease of corn and sorghum. Iowa Agr.Exp. Sta. Research Bui. 33, 136 p., 15 fig.

14. ROSEN, H. R.1919. A bacterial root-rot of field corn. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bui.

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16. SHERBAKOFF, C. D.1922. Fusaria of wheat and corn. (Abstract). In Phytopathology, v. 12,

no. 1, p. 45.17. SHERBAKOFF, C. D.

1924. Common molds of corn seed in relation to yield. (Abstract). InPhytopathology, v. 14, no. 1, p. 46.

18. STOVER, W. G.Relation of soil temperature to the development of certain fungous

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1903. Soil temperatures at Lincoln, Nebraska. In Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta.,16th Ann. Report, p. 95-102.

20. VALLEAU, W. D.1920. Seed corn infection with Fusarium moniliforme and its relation to the

root and stalk rots. Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bui. 226, 51 p.Literature cited, p. 51.

21. WINELAND, GRACE O.1923. The production in culture of the ascigerous stage of Fusarium monili-

forme. (Abstract). In Phytopathology, v. 13, no. 1, p. 57.

Page 16: corn, notably, Diplodia zeae (Schw.) Lev. (2) Gibberella ...

Fusarium MoniliformeD. P. Limber


A. General appearance of plants inoculated in the young stalk. Left, inoculatedplant. Right, control. Photo taken about two weeks after inoculation.

B. Stalks inoculated in the manner shown in "A" split for examination.Inoculated stalk at the left; check at the right.

C. The nine ears on the left were inoculated by spraying with a spore suspensionthrough a slit in the husks; the four on the right by inserting F. moniliformegrowing on an apple twig or sweet clover stem into a cavity made in the cob.


Page 17: corn, notably, Diplodia zeae (Schw.) Lev. (2) Gibberella ...

Fusarium MoniliformeD. P. Limber


A. These plants show method of individual potting described under SeedlingInoculations. Tray at left contains control plants; right tray, the treatedinoculated and naturally infected inoculated plants.

B. A series of treated inoculated plants from the soil temperature experiments.Note the weakness of the stalks at temperatures of 28 and 30 degrees C ,shown by leaning.