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College Attendance System


The Project entitled "COLLEGE ATTENDANCE SYSTEM" is a application Software developed in JAVA LANGUAGE using Java as front end on Pentium machine and MS Access as back end.The main aim of "COLLEGE ATTENDANCE SYSTEM" is to improve the services of students and parents.  It maintains the details attendance of students and also updating for the same.  It also stores the details of various users of the colleges, personal information and exam details of the student. The primary features of the project entitled “COLLEGE ATTENDANCE SYSTEM” are good design flexibility and easy availability for various users.  And also it uses database tables.

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This project is aimed at developing Computer Assisted Human Relations Tracking useful for applications developed in an organization. The Human Relations Tracking for Improving Human Relations is a web based application that can be accessed throught  the organization. This system can be used for logging issues against an application/module, assigning issues to individuals and tracking the issues to resolution. There are features like email notifications, user maintenance, user access control, report generators etc in this system.

This system can be used as an application for the any  product based company to reduce the Issues in product’s quality and productivity. User logging should be able to upload the information of the user.  

Distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol


In this project, we describe the Distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol (DCMP), a dynamic fully decentralized protocol that significantly reduces the duplicate messages by eliminating unnecessary cycles. As queries are transmitted through the peers, DCMP identifies the problematic paths and attempts to break the cycles while maintaining the connectivity of the network. In order to preserve the fault resilience and load balancing properties of unstructured P2P systems, DCMP avoids creating a hierarchical organization. Instead, it applies cycle elimination symmetrically around some powerful peers to keep the average path length small.

                     The overall structure is constructed fast with very low overhead. With the information collected during this process, distributed maintenance is performed efficiently even if peers quit the system without notification. The experimental results from our simulator and the prototype implementation on Planet Lab confirm that DCMP significantly improves the scalability of unstructured P2P systems without sacrificing their desirable properties. Moreover, due to its simplicity, DCMP can be easily implemented in various existing P2P systems and is orthogonal to the search algorithms.

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Graphical User Interafce


The ambition where to develop a fully functional GUI designer for Java. It was to be 100% cross platform compliant, fast and easy to use with "hidden" power features, such as keyboard shortcuts for all operations. The program will base it's structure on open standards and therefore have a strong foundation which easily can be extend. All code must be available to the public and based on the open source Gnu Public License.

The Gart must be easy to install and use. It will implement several quick start features which, makes it easy to start on new project without getting to many questions. It's very important that The Gart will not implement anything else then GUI features and that way avoid becoming a monster application using unnecessary time and resources.

By implementing all these features we hope The Gart will be an unique application and appeal to all levels of Java coders.

System Specification:

The system on which the project developed has the following configuration.

Hardware Specifications:

            Main Memory                        :           64MB.            MicroProcessor                    :           Pentium –III.            Hard Disk Drive                    :           4.3 GB.            Cache Memory                     :           512KB.      

Software Specifications:            Operating System                :           Windows 98/NT.            Front End                              :           Java Using Swings/AWT.            JAVA VERSION                   :           JDK 1.4

Image Enhancement Techchnology


                               The field of Digital Image Processing refers to processing digital images by means of digital computer. One of the main application areas in Digital Image Processing methods is to improve the pictorial information for human interpretation.                                                                              Most of the digital images contain noise. This can be removed by many enhancement techniques. Filtering is one of the enhancement techniques which is used to remove unwanted information (noise) from the image. It is also used for image sharpening and smoothening.                                                                            Some neighborhood operations work with   the values of the image pixels in the neighborhood and the corresponding values of a sub image that has the same dimensions as the neighborhood. The sub image is called a “filter”.   

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The approach considers the heterogeneity in the processing rates of the nodes as well as the randomness in the delays imposed by the communication medium. The optimal one-shot load balancing policy is developed and subsequently extended to develop an autonomous and distributed load-balancing policy that can dynamically reallocate incoming external loads at each node. This adaptive and dynamic load balancing policy is implemented and evaluated in a two-node distributed system. The performance of the proposed dynamic load-balancing policy is compared to that of static policies as well as existing dynamic load-balancing policies by considering the average completion time per task and the system processing rate in the presence of random arrivals of the external loads.

NetSurey Simulation


The main aim of the project Netsurvey Simulation System is to permit the authenticated users to Better Understand the Functionalities of Different Protocols

in Different Stages of Data Transfer using OSI Layers.

       The Netsurvey Simulation System is a new system bringing OSI Layers information in a better way,  in which different way Layers differ with each other and the way of running of information in each and every Layer.

       The new Netsurvey Simulation System includes a no of features which helps the

End User in a reliable and easiest  Simulation of the Protocols

Can Check any one of the Layers Directly

Separate Links between Protocols of different Layers

Parallel execution of the sessions

Giving a chance for manipulating the settings or options of different Layers.

Can be accessed from anywhere on the web

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The Internet’s excellent scalability and robustness result in part from the end-to-end nature of Internet congestion control. End-to-end congestion control algorithms alone, however, are unable to prevent the congestion collapse and unfairness created by applications that are unresponsive to network congestion. To address these maladies, we propose and investigate a novel congestion-avoidance mechanism called network border patrol(NBP). NBP entails the exchange of feedback between routers at the borders of a network in order to detect and restrict unresponsive traffic flows before they enter the network, thereby preventing congestion within the network. Moreover, NBP is complemented with the proposed enhanced core-stateless fair queuing (ECSFQ) mechanism, which provides fair bandwidth allocations to competing flows.

                                      Both NBP and ECSFQ are compliant with the Internet philosophy of pushing complexity toward the edges of the network whenever possible. Simulation results show that NBP effectively eliminates congestion collapse and that, when combined with ECSFQ, approximately max-min fair bandwidth allocations can be achieved for competing flows. ECSFQ is a mechanism where feedback control and rate control algorithm are achieved.

Network Database Junction


In today’s world, Internet is playing crucial role. Everyone need Internet for Information gathering, communication and entertainment. A system can access Internet only if it has dedicated Internet connection. Any client system in the network (LAN) can’t access Internet without a dedicated Internet Connection to each system; even the server has an Internet connection. One more problem is, if the system is directly connected to Internet, the system can be attacked by the viruses and worms in the Internet. These problems can be overcome by the introduction of Proxy server into the system which is connected to Internet.Some home networks, corporate intranets, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use proxy servers (also known as proxies).

Network Routing


                  A simple definition of routing is "learning how to get from here to there."  In some cases, the term routing is used in a very strict sense to refer only to the process of obtaining and distributing information, but not to the process of using that information to actually get from one place to.  Since it is difficult to grasp the usefulness of information that is acquired but never used, we employ the term routing to refer in general to all the things that are done to discover and advertise paths from here to there and to actually move packets from here to there when necessary. The distinction between routing and forwarding is preserved in the formal discussion of the functions performed by OSI end systems and intermediate systems, in which context the distinction is meaningful.

                  Routing is the act of moving information across an inter network from a source to a destination.  Along the way, at least one intermediate node typically is encountered.  Routing is the process of finding a path from a source to every destination in the network.  It allows users in the remote part of the world to get to information and services provided by computers anywhere in the world. Routing is accomplished by means of routing protocols that establish mutually consistent routing tables in every router in the Network.      

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                  When a packet is received by the router or is forwarded by the host, they both must make decisions as to how to send the packet. To do this, the router and the host consult a database for information known as the routing table. This database is stored in RAM so that the lookup process is optimized.  As the packet is forwarded through various routers towards its destination, each router makes a decision so as to proceed by consulting its routing table.



The main intention of introducing this system is to reduce the manual work at Health center counters. Every sort of task is performed by the system, such as registering different types of persons (i.e employees , students and others) ,enquiries, and complaints etc. reducing much paper work and burden of file storage. Also the latest information is right available for the officials and executives wherever they require. The system also facilitates the pharmacist  to enquire about the drugs and about the  stock to be ordered and about the expiry date . Where the system must be placed?            There are a lot of benefits to the Health center  by placing the system at their registration and at drug store office . At the same time the patients are also benefited using this system. They can get  the work done within no time.How to use the system?            Using the system is as simple as using the personal computer. Since end user computing is developing in our country, It is beneficial to both Health center  and the patients. Every step is clearly defined and help is provided through out the application to the user. Even the exceptions are handled well to avoid confusion. How is it beneficial to the Health Center?The heath center  can get much out of the system. The  system is used to enter the patient  details and to enter the details about  the health center and the details about the in-patient and out-patient  in detail  and about the reports of the patients . This system represents  the patient by the  OP number and this is main  criteria how the patient is provided by the free services . The drug information and the specifications is also provided in this Health Center Management System.

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks


An ad-hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. The primary goal of such an ad-hoc network routing protocol is correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered in a timely manner. LAR is an on-demand protocol who is based on the DSR(Dynamic Source Routing). The Location Aided Routing protocol uses location information to reduce routing overhead of the ad-hoc network! Normally the LAR protocol uses the GPS(Global Positioning System) to get these location information’s. With the availability of GPS, the mobile hosts knows there physical location.

                Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. The military tactical and other security-sensitive operations are still the main applications of ad hoc networks, although there is a trend to adopt ad hoc networks for commercial uses due to their unique properties. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. In this paper, we study the threats an ad hoc network faces and the security goals to be achieved. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. In particular, we take advantage of the inherent redundancy in ad hoc networks — multiple routes between nodes — to defend routing against denial of service attacks. We also use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as

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Client-Server Protocol Implementation


The main goal of this project is to implement the Client-Server Protocol Implementation.

The dream global communication is solved in a great deal by the introduction of Internet. This made the necessity of networking in communication clear.

The internet protocol TCP/IP uses computers called gateways. Which provide all interconnections among physical networks.

A gateway is a special purpose, dedicated computer that attaches to two or more networks and routes packets from one to other. It will be having the information regarding the network connected to it. The gateways exchange routing information periodically to accommodate network changes and keeps their route up-to-date.

This protocol permits a new core gateway to be added to the internet without modifying the existing gateways.

Whenever a new core gateway is added to the existing internet it will be assigned to one or more neighbours with which it communicates, the neighbours already members of the working internet have already propagated routing information among themselves.

Thus the gateway has to inform its neighbours about the network it could reach so that they can update the routing table and propagate the information to the remaining gateways in the internet. The new gateway also updates its routing table.Firstly we deal about the gateways its function and routing in gateway in chapter 3 we discuss gateway to gateway protocol, its format and its application.

Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL


The Internet’s excellent scalability and robustness result in part from the end-to-end nature of Internet congestion control. End-to-end congestion control algorithms alone, however, are unable to prevent the congestion collapse and unfairness created by applications that are unresponsive to network congestion.

To address these maladies, we propose and investigate a novel congestion-avoidance mechanism called Congestion Free Router (CFR). CFR entails the exchange of feedback between routers at the borders of a network in order to detect and restrict unresponsive traffic flows before they enter the network, thereby preventing congestion within the network.

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Sockets


This Project a new socket class which supports both TCP and UDP communication. But it provides some advantages compared to other classes that you may find here or on some other Socket

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Programming articles. First of all, this class doesn't have any limitation like the need to provide a window handle to be used. This limitation is bad if all you want is a simple console application. So this library doesn't have such a limitation. It also provides threading support automatically for you, which handles the socket connection and disconnection to a peer. It also features some options not yet found in any socket classes that I have seen so far. It supports both client and server sockets. A server socket can be referred as to a socket that can accept many connections. And a client socket is a socket that is connected to server socket. You may still use this class to communicate between two applications without establishing a connection. In the latter case, you will want to create two UDP server sockets (one for each application). This class also helps reduce coding need to create chat-like applications and IPC (Inter-Process Communication) between two or more applications (processes). Reliable communication between two peers is also supported with TCP/IP with error handling. You may want to use the smart addressing operation to control the destination of the data being transmitted (UDP only). TCP operation of this class deals only with communication between two peers.

Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication


Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) is a departure from previous end to end reliable protocols that exploit Internet Multicast. It has both end system and router elements to the protocol. This is an attempt to overcome the scaling problems of protocol reliability techniques (ACK or NAK, retransmission) when operating them over intermittently lossy IP Networks. PGM is targeted at one to many applications, but of course could be used for many to many simply by using multiple sessions.i) Add IP router alert option handling in the IP packet processingii) Add PGM processing

Efficient Key Management For Threshold-Multi Signature In Distributed System


The main objective of this project is to propose such a secure and efficient threshold- multisignature scheme. The paper uniquely defines the fundamental properties of threshold multisignature schemes and shows that the proposed scheme satisfies these properties and eliminates the latest attacks to which other similar schemes are subject.Threshold-multisignature schemes combine the properties of threshold group-oriented signature schemes and multisignature schemes to yield a signature scheme that allows a threshold or more group members to collaboratively sign an arbitrary message

Empowering the RMI in Java Approach


With the explosive growth of internet and network services, there is always a proliferation for distributed application that seek to leverage the power of the internet. Remote method invocation  is now increasingly being used in  Internet based applications and hence it is important to study the performance parameters of RMI.RMI is the action of invoking a method of a remote interface on a remote object. The three methods of RMI namely General , Activation and Custom Socket Factory are to be evaluated empirically using parameters like Round trip time , Latency and Packets per Unit time. The graph plotted allows us to gain an insight into the performance aspects and other tradeoffs of RMI. The General method deals with invoking any method directly from memory of the remote machine. RMI Activation allows passive objects to be brought into the active state by instantiating it on an as needed basis. Custom socket factory method allows customization of socket depending on the type and amount of data to be transferred over the channel. It is proposed to implement security

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for the data being transferred using Rijndael Algorithm  that imparts security due to its high resistance to attacks, code compactness and design simplicity. Search mechanism is also to be implemented in the GUI, which has user-friendly access to the three methods of RMI and displays the results of the evaluation.

Error Control System In Network Environment


In cellular communication networks, the geographical area is divided into smaller regions, called cells. In each cell, there is one Mobile Service Station (MSS) as well as a number of Mobile Hosts (MH). The communication between MSSs is, in general, through wired links, while the links between an MH and MSS is wireless. A Mobile Host can communicate with other Mobile Hosts in the system only through the Mobile Service Station in its cell. This kind of architecture is shown in Fig. 1. There are two kinds of channels available to an MH: communication channel and control channel. The former is used to support communication between an MH and the MSS in its cell, while the latter is set aside to be used exclusively to send control messages that are generated by the channel allocation algorithm. In this paper, henceforth, unless specified otherwise, the term channel or wireless channel refers to a communication channel. When an MH wants to communicate with another MH, it sends a request message to the MSS in its own cell. The request can be granted only if a wireless channel can be allocated for communication between MSS and MH. Since channels are limited, they should be reused as much as possible. But, a channel cannot be used at the same time by two cells if they are within a threshold distance called the minimum channel reuse distance (Dmin) , because it will cause interference. Such an interference is called cochannel interference. A cell, say Ci, is said to be an interference neighbor of another cell, say Cj, if the distance between them is less than Dmin. So, if a channel r is used by a cell Ci, then none of the interference neighbors of Ci can use r concurrently. If using a channel in a cell causes no interference, then we say that this channel is available for the cell. When an MH needs a channel to support a call, it sends a request message to the MSS in its cell through a control channel. When the MSS receives such a message, it tries to assign a channel using a channel allocation algorithm. A channel allocation algorithm is usually divided into two parts: a channel acquisition algorithm and a channel selection algorithm. The task of the former is to compute the set of channels that are not being used by cells within distance Dmin. The goal of the latter is to choose a channel from the computed set of channels smartly so that good channel reuse pattern can be achieved. If the MSS cannot assign a channel to support the call initiated by the MH, then we say that the call has failed.

Error Tracking System


             Error Tracking System is aimed at providing the Tracking System of the bugs generated in software, maintenance of the bug levels, fixing of the Bugs by the developers or programmers inside the organization, the status of the bugs etc. It also provides ways to view the Bug priorities and assigned levels to the bug identified and yet accordingly for the bug status.                   The Bug priorities are maintained in the form of filters and those filters are created according to the user level or Administrator level depending upon the status organized. Reports are now and then produced to maintain the functionality of the System.                   All the above features like entry of the bug information, fixing them up and the filter maintenance category are dealt within the Error Tracking System. This Project is implemented in Java.

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Group Key Management and Secured Protocols for Peer Group Communication


The mainstay of the project is to collaboratively generate a common key for peer to peer group communication. To dynamically perform re-keying operation after batch of joins or leaves using Queue Batch algorithm and to share resources using the generated group key.



 Implementation of BPCS-Steganography             Steganography is a technique to hide secret information in some other data (we call it a vessel) without leaving any apparent evidence of data alteration. All of the traditional steganographic techniques have limited information-hiding capacity. They can hide only 10% (or less) of the data amounts of the vessel. This is because the principle of those techniques was either to replace a special part of the frequency components of the vessel image, or to replace all the least significant bits of a multivalued image with the secret information. Our new Steganography uses an image as the vessel data, and we embed secret information in the bit-planes of the vessel.

This technique makes use of the characteristics of the human vision system whereby a human cannot perceive any shape information in a very complicated binary pattern. We can replace all of the “noise-like” regions in the bit-planes of the vessel image with secret data without deteriorating the image quality. We termed our Steganography “BPCS-Steganography,” which stands for Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation Steganography.



                             Multimedia applications such as digital audio and video have much more stringent QoS requirements than traditional datagram applications. For a network to deliver QoS guarantees, it must reserve and control resources. A major challenge in multihop, multimedia networks is the ability to account for resources so that bandwidth reservations (in a deterministic or statistical sense) can be placed on them. We note that in cellular (single hop) networks, such accountability is made easily by the fact that all stations learn of each other’s requirements, either directly or through a control station (e.g., the base station in cellular systems).                              However, this solution cannot be extended to the multihop environment. To support QoS for real-time applications, we need to know not only the minimal delay path to the destination, but also the available bandwidth on it. A VC should be accepted only if there is enough available bandwidth. Otherwise, it would disrupt the existing VC’s.                              We only consider “bandwidth” as the QoS (thus omitting signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), packet loss rate, etc.). This is because bandwidth guarantee is one of the most critical requirements for real-time applications. “Bandwidth” in timeslotted network systems is measured in terms of the amount of “free” slots. The goal of the QoS routing algorithm is to find a shortest path such that the available bandwidth on the path is above the minimal requirement.                               To compute the “bandwidth”-constrained shortest path, we not only have to know the available bandwidth on each link along the path, but we also have to determine the scheduling of free slots. Though some algorithms were proposed to solve this QoS routing problem, they unfortunately may only work in some special environments.

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AbstractJText Editor is a basic text editor that you can use to create simple documents. The most common use for JText Editor is to view or edit text  files. It supports only very basic formatting; you cannot accidentally save special formatting in documents that need to remain pure text. This is especially useful when creating Java Programs, HTML documents for a Web page because special characters or other formatting may not appear in your published Web page or may even cause errors.You can save your JText Editor  files as Unicode, ANSI, UTF-8, or big-endian Unicode. These formats provide you greater flexibility when working with documents that use different character sets.The JText Editor Application is a menu driven application that performs text editing operations such as File, Edit, Search  and Help operations.

 Existing SystemThe existing system has many drawbacks like maintaining records for all Clients, online transactions is not possible, and manpower is required.  It is more difficult by verifying all the information and making reports for each and every transactions ,up and down time details and the final reports which are going to be stored to their transaction have to be kept secure and also generation of every report is very difficult.  The present system is a manual  work and is should require so much of manpower and it is very time consuming process.

Time DelayInformation related to all transactions is stored in different tables.  Since all the values are stored in different tables, it takes a lot of time to   prepare different reports and know the information about that particular transaction.


 As the data passes through different tables.  It involves a lot of   

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 Complication and duplication in manual work, thus it causes redundancy.


Since data is compiled at different types of transactions.  If the data is  more validation becomes difficult.  This may result in loss of accuracy.


Various reports are tabulated manually.  They are not much attractive and require more time.  Online enquiry of data is not possible.Proposed SystemProposed system is entirely computer based one.  In this all data is entered into computer and stored it allows to store large amount of data.  Since the system is developed to provide visual environment, it is very easy for the evaluator to get understand and work on it.  In this evaluator need not bother about the common data entry mistakes as well as the common data fields validated against pre-specified rules and regulations.We can get any information about the process at online Because of software capabilities reports can be generated speedily and in attractive and desired manner.  The data security checks are made to prevent unauthorized access by other users.  The system is users friendly by providing tree view controls, customized text boxes, combo boxes and other options.  Since database is fully normalized, memory usage is very less compared to existing manual system.

Goals of New System

To reduce paper work. To save time by getting faster results. The reports needed by the officials for analysis and decision making  will be readily

available. To avoid errors inherent in manual paper work . To improve  management of permanent and updated information i.e., databases by providing facilities to edit this information, manipulate it and finally retrieve this information as efficiently as possible. To provide tangible as well as intangible cost saving . Data updation for time-by-time information is nicely retrievable

Scope of the SystemThe proposed system scope is stand alone. We are using this system in a single pc. In future it can be enhanced to be a global communication medium.

Module DescriptionThe system “JTextEditor “ consists of 4 modules.

File Processing module Editing Module

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Formatting module Printing Module

The following are the functions of Jtext editor

Reading text files:   Open any text file and view its contents. Creating text file:  We can create a new text file and save it with our own file name Modifying text:  We can open an existing text file and modify its contents Displaying text:  Displays the contents of a file Copying text:  We can copy the contents of one file into another file Merging:  Two different text files can be merged into third file or one of the two files Information:   We can view the properties of a given text file Formatting : Change the font size, font type font style of the text file when displaying Find : Finding a given word in a text file.

Features of the Jtext Editor

It is more efficient than Notepad Auto wrap text It displays metadata of a file which is not available in notepad.

It can be used to type programs also.Features to be implementedMaintainability

Exception handling

Technologies to be used Programming Language: Java Operating System: Windows XP/2000/2003, LINUX, Solaris IDEs: Eclipse with My Eclipse plugins/Net Beans/RAD

Hardware requirements Pentium processor            --------                        233 MHZ or above RAM Capacity                      --------            128MB Hard Disk                  --------                        20GB Floppy disk                 --------          1.44 MB CD-ROM Drive          --------          32 HZ KEYBOARD              --------             108 Standard

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LAYER TO FORWARD PROTOCOLThe demand for cost and time saving technologies in combination with competitive pressures within corporate environments has made VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology an alternative option for enterprise network connectivity. However, the amount of available information and the speed at which technical landscapes are changing quickly outpaces typical VPN solutions being developed. Rapid development and abundant options create complexity for network designers with respect to choosing and implementing the proper VPN technology.

LAYER TO FORWARD PROTOCOL is a Java tool to observe network traffic virtually. Network administrators facilitate to monitor VPN (PPTP / IPSec / SSH) and SSL (HTTPS) connectivity of wire line/wireless networks. The graphical representation makes it easy to visualize messages being sent between computer nodes. Users can also read messages not of the above types in plain text. Connection statistics can be used as a measure of network security. The PRO edition allows network administrators to monitor multiple and remote networks.


Capturing Packets

By choosing a network card can capture packets from the network.It will list out all the network devices in the system, when we select one of those devices this application  will capture all the packets coming form that device. 

Drawing Connections

In the network traffic visualization, VPN and SSL connections                                                        are represented in colors other than black. When the packets are captured from the network card then it will captures all the IP addresses of the systems which are connected in the network.

Plotting Network

Each message captured by Layer to Forward Protocol is represented graphically by an edge connecting two computers. Since messages are sent both ways ,when a message is passing from one system to another

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system then a edge connecting those two computers are drown dynamically.

Dumping Text

All messages not sent through VPN nor SSL are printed onto the screen. The latest arriving message will be appear at the top of the table. Different filters will be developed to locate messages containing sensitive information.

Collecting Statistics

Dynamic updating of the statistics table. The statistics table collects the fractions of secure connections and packets in the network. It will represent all the information how many packets are transferred in the subnet.


Resolving IP Address:

Layer to Forward Protocol will support the functionalities of resolving IP        addresses to hostnames depending on the capturing device.

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Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence and linguistics. It studies the problems of automated generation and understanding of natural human languages. Natural language generation systems convert information from computer databases into normal-sounding human language, and natural language understanding systems convert samples of human language into more formal representations that are easier for computer programs to manipulate.

            Natural Language Processing is the artificial intelligent concept where the machines understand Natural Languages like English, Korean, French, Telugu, Hindi.. etc., We are going to develop a tool that will take the Database queries in the form natural language and then processes it and gives the result. This includes many sub components like Language Analyzer, Query Builder and Viewer. The system will first parses the query in natural language and finds the major parts in the string. Then first it will look for the table name and then it parses the string for the where clause and then for the order by clause. After parsing it will construct the query string based on the data available. The generated SQL query is posted to the database to fetch the results.

Proposed Key Generation For Multimedia Application


Title: Efficient key Agreement for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups

The Efficient key Agreement for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups is used as the core component of many web and multimedia applications such as pay-TV, teleconferencing, real-time distribution of stock market price and etc. The main challenges for secure multicast are scalability, efficiency and authenticity. In this project, we propose a scalable, efficient, authenticated group key agreement scheme for large and dynamic multicast systems. The proposed key agreement scheme is identity-based which uses the bilinear map over the elliptic curves. Compared with the existing system, the proposed system provides group member authenticity without imposing extra mechanism. Furthermore, we give a scalability solution based on the subgroups, which has advantages over the existing schemes. Security analysis shows that our scheme satisfies both forward secrecy and backward secrecy.The objectives of the project are as follows:

1. Design the single multicast group.

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2. Generation of private keys for users.3. Encoding and decoding of text message4. Secure transmission of session key by using the algorithm Data Encryption Standard (DES).5. Design the multi group with multiple data stream in such a way that reduced overhead of key


The modules that are include in this project are,

1. Key Generation

                                Generate Private Keys

      2.   Message Transmission                                Multicasting                                Unicasting

3. Cryptography

                                Encryption                                Decryption

4. Authentication

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Re-Ordering Of Packets Using Retransmission Timer


Most standard implementations of TCP perform poorly when packets are reordered. In this paper, we propose a new version of TCP that maintains high throughput when reordering occurs and yet, when packet reordering does not occur, is friendly to other versions of TCP. The proposed TCP variant, or TCP-PR, does not rely on duplicate acknowledgments to detect a packet loss. Instead, timers are maintained to keep track of how long ago a packet was transmitted. In case the corresponding acknowledgment has not yet arrived and the elapsed time since the packet was sent is larger than a given threshold, the packet is assumed lost. Because TCP-PR does not rely on duplicate acknowledgments, packet reordering (including out-or-order acknowledgments) has no effect on TCP-PR’s performance.

Due to the scheduling algorithms used, different packet sizes and arrivals times may result in the reordering of packets entering on a single interface. While the exact cause of packet reordering lies in the details of the scheduling algorithm, a more general reason is that parallel paths are employed for economic reasons; it is cheaper to build multiple moderate speed paths than a single very high-speed path. The result of seeking this increase in cost efficiency is that packets may sometimes be reordered. TCP-PR is a transport protocol compatible with multipath routing, hence it will not limit the drive for efficiency at the lower layers.



The mapping or binding of IP addresses to host names became a major problem in the rapidly growing Internet and the higher level binding effort went through different stages of development up to the currently used Domain Name System (DNS).

                   The DNS Security is designed to provide security by combining the concept of both the Digital Signature and Asymmetric key (Public key) Cryptography. Here the Public key is send instead of Private key. The DNS security uses Message Digest Algorithm to compress the Message(text file) and PRNG(Pseudo Random Number Generator) Algorithm for generating Public and Private key. The message combines with the Private key to form a Signature using DSA Algorithm, which is send along with the Public key.

                   The receiver uses the Public key and DSA Algorithm to form a Signature. If this Signature matches with the Signature of the message received, the message is Decrypted and read else discarded.

Self-Interested Routing In Online Environment

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A recent trend in routing research is to avoid inefficiencies in network-level routing by allowing hosts to either choose routes themselves (e.g., source routing) or use overlay routing networks (e.g., Detour or RON). Such approaches result in selfish routing, because routing decisions are no longer based on system-wide criteria but are instead designed to optimize host-based or overlay-based metrics. A series of theoretical results showing that selfish routing can result in suboptimal system behavior have cast doubts on this approach. In this paper, we use a game-theoretic approach to investigate the performance of selfish routing in Internet-like environments based on realistic topologies and traffic demands in our simulations. We show that in contrast to theoretical worst cases, selfish routing achieves close to optimal average latency in such environments. However, such performance benefits come at the expense of significantly increased congestion on certain links. Moreover, the adaptive nature of selfish overlays can significantly reduce the effectiveness of traffic engineering by making network traffic less predictable.

Terminode remote routing


A simple definition of routing is "learning how to get from here to there."  In some cases, the term routing is used in a very strict sense to refer only to the process of obtaining and distributing information, but not to the process of using that information to actually get from one place to.  Since it is difficult to grasp the usefulness of information that is acquired but never used, we employ the term routing to refer in general to all the things that are done to discover and advertise paths from here to there and to actually move packets from here to there when necessary. The distinction between routing and forwarding is preserved in the formal discussion of the functions performed by OSI end systems and intermediate systems, in which context the distinction is meaningful.


                  Routing is the act of moving information across an inter network from a source to a destination.  Along the way, at least one intermediate node typically is encountered.  Routing is the process of finding a path from a source to every destination in the network.  It allows users in the remote part of the world to get to information and services provided by computers anywhere in the world. Routing is accomplished by means of routing protocols that establish mutually consistent routing tables in every router in the Network.  

                  When a packet is received by the router or is forwarded by the host, they both must make decisions as to how to send the packet. To do this, the router and the host consult a database for information known as the routing table. This database is stored in RAM so that the lookup process is optimized.  As the packet is forwarded through various routers towards its destination, each router makes a decision so as to proceed by consulting its routing table

Three Party Authentication for key Distributed Protocol using Classical and Quantum Cryptography


The combination of 3AQKDP (implicit) and 3AQKDPMA (explicit) quantum cryptography is used to provide authenticated secure communication between sender and receiver.

In quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution protocols (QKDPs) employ quantum mechanisms to distribute session keys and public discussions to check for eavesdroppers and verify the correctness of a session key. However, public discussions require additional communication rounds between a sender and receiver. The advantage of quantum cryptography easily resists replay and passive attacks.

 A 3AQKDP with implicit user authentication, which ensures that confidentiality is only possible for legitimate

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users and mutual authentication is achieved only after secure communication using the session key start.

In implicit quantum key distribution protocol(3AQKDP) have two phases such as setup phase and distribution phase to provide three party authentication with secure session key distribution.  In this system there is no mutual understanding between sender and receiver. Both sender and receiver should communicate over trusted center.

In explicit quantum key distribution protocol (3AQKDPMA) have two phases such as setup phase and distribution phase to provide three party authentications with secure session key distribution.  I have mutual understanding between sender and receiver. Both sender and receiver should communicate directly with authentication of trusted center



Video Conferencing system will be a program designed to provide a multi-platform video conferencing solution on Microsoft Windows Environment. The motivation behind this project comes from the lack of platform independent solution for Video Conference. Proprietary hardware and platform specific video formats require Video Conferencing applications to be tailored and rewritten for each computing platform.

The emergence of Java technology provides tools to create platform independent applications. However, it is the general belief among technologies is that java technology is not suitable for computational intensive tasks, such as encoding and decoding video or audio, which are required in a video conferencing application. The ultimate goal of this project is to explore the feasibility of creating video conferencing application using java’s latest multimedia technology, java media frame work.


This is an online Video Conferencing System that is to be developed using Java and JMF. This project is mainly desired to maintain the video conferencing on the Internet. This should make possible the video transfer as well the voice transfer on the Internet to our desired destination, and the connections over the net should also be maintained. This should manage more than one connection at a time and should provide a chance to conference with more than one user.  Even if the user is connected to more users he should be given a chance to pause one voice connection and can continue with the other. He should be given a chance to manage his connections.  He should be given a chance to disconnect particular one from the existing connections.

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The Project –WEB DESK is a remote display system which allows you to view a computing ‘desktop’ environment. It also know to be White Board Application.VNC Server works according to the client –server architecture. To connect to a VNC server, you need to give the machine name. Client can then connect to the server. Once clients are connected to the server machine this user can see everything you do,just like if his machine was working alone.NOTE:Using RFB Protocol data transmission should be done.This Project has some basic modules like:

Socket Implementation Authentication Client and Server Initialization

Frame Buffer Update

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This  project  aims to communicate  with one client to another client through server application , here no need of  web-servers and application-servers . All the things will happen  with a normal Java- applications to efficient communication. It targets to in-expensive networking infrastructure . 



The Project JChat is a Java client/server combination, which can be used to chat over the Internet or local networks.  Anyone can run a Java client or server, so you can host lots of guests on your own computer, or you can join in on someone else's session.   The client can be used as a Java applet, so it's simple to add chat functionality to your web site.

The program's premier feature is its whiteboard drawing utility. You can draw freehand, do circles, squares, lines, text, or paste image files to the canvas.  This is ideal when users want to "sketch" concepts for one another.  Users can interact publicly with everyone else on the server, or they can chat/draw privately using java Chat's "whisper mode".  Users can create and manage chat rooms, which can be either "public" or "private".  The server will also store and manage answering machine-style messages for users who aren't online, and instant messages can be sent to those who are.  Additionally, users who aren't watching their screens can be paged with sound. 

About Mumbai Academics

Mumbai Academics is Mumbai's first dedicated Professional Training Center for Training with Spoke and hub model with Multiple verticles . The strong foundation of Mumbai Academics is laid by highly skilled and trained Professionals, carrying mission to provide industry level input to the freshers and highly skilled and trained Software Professionals/other professional to IT companies.


BY RION Incubation Program(Location Airoli)

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(Please Share With Your Friends)(Batches Only on Sat and Sunday between 2 to 7 PM)

The participants can develop programming skills in JAVA, J2EE.

ObjectiveOn attending this program job seekers should be able to: √ Write programs in front end, server side and back end √ Understand industry processes like CMMI. √ Clear Aptitude round and Group Discussion in Interviews √ Face Tech Interviews without fear √ Improve their attitude and communication skills as expected by industries

Who can attendIT is intended for College students, Fresh graduates and Job seekers who are looking for their first job.

Benefits √ Get interview ready by improving tech skills and soft skills √ Get interviews arranged with employers registered with us √ Get connected with senior industry professionals √ Get free access to elearning and job board √ Get JAVA/ORACLE Certificate

(Please share it may be someone need it)

RIONLearning(Associated with Spectra Academy) has designed unique workshop method on various tools on hardskill and softskill.Intention behind designing workshop is to let candidates understand the importance of such module and if he or she wants to go for extensive program we will facilitate them.â?¢For Fresher week End session will be provided by Expert with zero cost till you get placed*(free for candidate who has just completed graduation and looking for a job,curriculum included C,C++,Java, SQL )â?¢For working professional, workshop on higher end tool on testing,.net,java , has been planned.

This Live â??Industrial based Training empowers learners to manage their own learning and in the mostappropriate way for each learner. We all learn in different ways - reading,watching, exploring, researching, interacting, doing, communicating,collaborating, discussing, sharing knowledge and experiences.

for more details send mail to [email protected] Details:-Spectra AcademyRow House No C99,Behind Sai Seva Hospital,Sector 4,Airoli Navi Mumbai Academics400708

RIONLearing is align towards its mission to provide excellent talent pool to the industry and for the same we do various Activities, specifically geared towards placements.we invite variety of speakers from various companies to deliver pre-placement talks, which give an insight to the students as to what is expected from them to be successful in the corporate world.

Step to join us in placement- we create google group and invite all the members interested in placement. Evaluation is done of the candidates and if found perfect candidates are sent to companies. For open campus drive information's are shared through Google groups.

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