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Infinitus Investment Research Presents:

Three Disruptive Shifts That Will Catapult Bitcoin To $100,000 In 2018

Part 2: The Coming Wall Street Heist Of Bitcoin Hi Cecil Robles here and welcome back to Part 2 of this special research report. I am super excited to share this next part of the Crypto money revolution with you. In Part 1 we talked about how Bitcoin and blockchain are not only revolutionizing and disrupting money, they are revolutionizing entire industries. We are seeing the birth of web 3.0 right before our eyes... and it will be a tech and financial revolution that dwarfs anything before it.

• It will be bigger than Web 1.0 – The Internet and Tech Boom.

• It will be bigger than Web 2.0 – The Social Media shift.

• It will be bigger than anything we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. How do I know this? Well, like Ray Dalio (who I talked about in Part 1), I’ve become a student of history. Now to be totally transparent with you, I’m 37 years old, so I wasn’t quite old enough to start investing in the tech boom in 1996. However, from my study of the market during that time and having lived through using dial-up Internet and AOL and Cassette tapes, I can tell you this… We are at a point similar to early 1996 when it comes to where Bitcoin and Blockchain are at in the grand scheme of things. It’s the early adopter phase... and you now have a front row view of the social shifting and shaping effects this revolutionary technology will have on us for years to come. As I see it... deciding not to invest in Bitcoin, Cryptos, and Blockchain is more risky than actually investing. Of course, there is risk with investing in anything... including Bitcoin. Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies can be volatile.

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So can buying a car or a boat or even getting married for that matter. And if you are married and you want to experience some volatility just go buy a car or boat without your spouse knowing ;-) Joking aside… the stock market can be volatile too. We all saw what happened in 2008. Portfolios were decimated and savings were wiped out. Over 800,000 families lost their homes and we had to bail Uncle Sam and big banks out with tax dollars and debt that our grandkids won’t even pay off. However… Out of this chaos came something beautiful. Bitcoin and Blockchain. It’s a money and social and commerce revolution that is ready to explode into the stratosphere. The reason I can say this with confidence boils down to these two words:

Wall Street Yes… It’s the place where money never sleeps. And I can promise you this... they have not been asleep on the Cryptocurrency market. Now, you might be saying to yourself … “Who cares if Wall Street gets involved in the Cryptocurrency market?” Well, allow me to be direct... because this is where most folks are mistaken. What’s more... I strongly recommend you have a plan to ride the wave all the way up. Because this is one of those Big Kahuna waves that Pro Surfers wait decades for. I want to draw your attention back to some numbers I shared in Part 1 of this special report and it’s this:

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• End of 2014= $4.3 billion

• End of 2015 = $6.8 billion

• End of 2016 = $16 billion

• Final quarter of 2017 = $330 billion From 2014 to the end of 2016 the total Crypto Market Capitalization went from $4.3 billion to $16 billion. We’ll call it an even $12 billion increase. Now in the final quarter of 2017 we are at $330 billion and I believe that by the end of the year it will be even higher. In case you’re wondering that’s a growth of $314 billion in one year.... which is unheard of for any market. The growth it took this market to achieve in three years has now been multiplied more than 26 times in just one year. Consider this… Do you think $314 billion growth came from every day, hard working, main-street investors? Or do you think it came from what is known as the “Institutional Money” a.k.a. Big Money? Take a look at this famous Market Cycles chart.

Some people have called Bitcoin a bubble. First of all I don’t believe it is. Second, people who say this do not understand the phases of a bubble.

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You see... it can’t be a bubble until the Big Money gets in first... and this hasn’t happened yet. They have only been testing the waters. So from the standpoint of this chart we are right at the beginning of the takeoff phase. Here’s the beautiful thing… when the institutional money gets in, they will make it feasible for the masses to follow. Right now even if the masses wanted to invest in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies they likely couldn’t. The infrastructure isn’t quite there yet. That said it’s coming... and it’s coming fast. For one, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has just been approved to release a Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency futures and options trading product.

Now in case you’re not aware of this... CME is the world's leading derivatives exchange, with over 3 billion contracts annually worth $1 quadrillion dollars. Realize that big money won’t get involved in a market unless they can hedge their bets. This move by the CME allows them to do just that. Now do you think the CME came up with this idea all by their self? Hardly! They were pushed and poked and prodded and threatened by the big firms that make those $3 billion contracts and $1 quadrillion in turnovers happen. Then there’s this...

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Did you know that right now you can set your Roth IRA up to roll over into Bitcoin? That’s cool and it’s a pretty big deal towards validating Bitcoin (which in turn validates other Cryptocurrencies). This Wall Street thing is much, much bigger than this... because soon you’ll be able to assign Bitcoin to your investment portfolio. This is HUGE because this means institutional investors will now be able to allocate part of their multi-billion portfolios to Bitcoin. Tens of thousands of investors (mostly wealthy people) will have Bitcoin in their portfolio without knowing how it works and without even managing their own accounts or keeping track of wallets and coins. Now before you get excited and think you’ll just give your money over to one of these firms, let me let you in on a little insider’s secret… Those investment firms will reap most of the benefit and make most of the profit. Still this will bring potentially hundreds of billions of dollars into the market, practically over night. In other words... you could go to bed one night and wake up the next morning to find Bitcoin has grown by $5,000 in value. The leaps it will make towards $100,000 in 2018 will be at breakneck speed and you don’t want to miss it. By the time the public gets in… guess what? It will be too late. Please take this to heart... you don’t want to wait that long. Sure… it would have been great to get in at the beginning. This is true for any big investment opportunity. What really matters now... and what I encourage you to take seriously... is to get on board right now, in whatever way you can. Do this now, before the big money comes in... because once Wall Street comes in it’ll change the game for good.

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It won’t be as easy because their algorithms will be churning away. Their super computers and MIT computer scientists will be gaming the system any way they can. There’s no one who knows this better than my friend and fellow Crypto Insider Konstantin. Konstantin came to the U.S. from Russia more than 20 years ago. He’s a master programmer, a certified math genius and the big money firms quickly snatched him up. He’s built their neural networks and high-speed algorithms and super trading computers. Several years ago, like me, he became fascinated with Cryptocurrencies and began applying his genius to the world’s first stand-alone Crypto trading platform. First, he had to have a system for determining which cryptocurrencies were worth even doing anything with. We’ve touched on this in part 1. After all, right now there are over 1,300 cryptos you can potentially buy. If you’re new to this, it can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry however… this is where a very special Crypto Investing tool comes into play, which I’ll be sharing more about in the next video. This tool allows you to quickly indentify potential winning Cryptos... and is about the closest thing to a Crypto Crystal Ball I have come across. Be on the lookout for this video and pay close attention to it. I’ll also give you a more formal introduction to Konstantin. In the meantime… I asked Konstantin if I could share some of the top Cryptocurrencies he tracks for his short term trades. These types of trades can last anywhere from a week to a month or even as long as 60 or 90 days. You see, not every Crypto play is for the long-term.

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As you’ll discover... this is where Pillar #3 of my “4 Pillars To Crypto Investing Success” comes into play, which is knowing When, What And Why To Sell. Sometimes you can make trades for quick cash. This can give you money to put in your pockets, pay bills, travel, etc. It also gives you more Crypto profits to put towards your longer-term wealth building plays... As well as the ICO Insider plays I share with my subscribers (you’ll learn more about that in part 3 and on the Live Briefing on December 10th). Now as a sneak peak at what we’ll talk more about in the next video, here are four of Konstantin’s cryptocurrencies he was able to make quick cash on. These continue to be hot Crypto investing opportunities, and I’ll talk more about these during the Live Briefing as well. 1. NXT (NXT)

In 11 quick cash trades this year Konstantin has generated 1,932% with an open profit of $54,255 or 542%. That’s more than a $250,000 profit from just $10,000 in one year (or $25,000 from just $1,000). The best part… his algorithm tells him exactly what to do. 21 days ago the neural network and algorithm told him to buy… right before this latest price explosion.

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2. Ripple (XRP)

In 16 quick cash trades all year Konstantin racked up 5,493% in gains. That’s $549,300 on $10,000 in trade. Again, he was able to grab these gains because of our Insiders Crypto Profit Code System and the powerful tool I’ll be revealing this week. The best part... he spends just a few minutes each day managing his crypto investments. 3. Litecoin (LTC)

In 6 quick cash trades, Konstantin was able to pull of 1,132% in profit in Litecoin with an open profit of $8,451 as you can see.

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4. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum has been another big win for Konstatin on these quick cash trades in 2017 with 2,723%. He’s currently in a trade with a $5,049 open profit. To sum it up... these are some of Konstantin’s favorite Cryptos for Quick Cash trades because they provide enough volatility and they are liquid enough to give you some great opportunities. Plus, it takes hardly any time to manage. In fact, just minutes a day. I’ll be sharing more about how this part of the Crypto Insiders Profit Code works on Video #2 As they say on TV... get ready to rumble! ☺. Finally my closing words here are that you give serious thought to all of this... And get started right now… before Wall Street makes its move. I’ll see you in video 2.

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Live Investor Briefing Reveals: How To Fast Track Your Bitcoin Profits in 2018

On December 10th, Three Bitcoin Insiders Will Reveal Their Hidden Crypto Profit Code That Helps You Turn Every $100 Into $100,000

If you want to fast track your Crypto Profits... and you want to be part of the greatest wealth creation in human history... you must attend this briefing.