Download - Copyright Arcanys © 2010–2014 · 2 Fascinating Facts Stats about LiveChat 201 A list of stats and facts about live chat and the customer experience that you may not know, and some

Page 1: Copyright Arcanys © 2010–2014 · 2 Fascinating Facts Stats about LiveChat 201 A list of stats and facts about live chat and the customer experience that you may not know, and some

Copyright Arcanys © 2010–2014

Page 2: Copyright Arcanys © 2010–2014 · 2 Fascinating Facts Stats about LiveChat 201 A list of stats and facts about live chat and the customer experience that you may not know, and some

25 Fascinating Facts & Stats about LiveChat | © 2014

A list of stats and facts about live chat and the customer experience that you may not know, and some you probably didn’t need to know, but we think are pretty cool regardless. Enjoy!

• 42% of customers indicate using a live online chat feature vs. email (23%) or other social media (16%). (2013 U.S. Wireless Customer Care Full-Service Performance Study)

• 90% of customers consider live chat helpful. (source: ATG Global Consumer Trend study)

• 45% of companies offering live chat support reported an increase in site traffic and reduced phone inquiries. (CRM Magazine)

• 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Web site can offer. (Making Proactive Chat Work by Forrester Research)

• 62% of Internet consumers said they would purchase more products online if live customer support were available (from poll conducted by Anderson Consulting).

• 77% of people shopping online would like to make contact with a real person before making a purchase, and over half say that the lack of interaction has caused them not to purchase. (Wells Fargo Proves The Business Case For Online Chat – Forrester Research)

• 63% of customers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat based on an survey.

• Reactive chat (click-to-chat) earned a 15% ROI whereas Proactive chat (or chat by invitation) earned an impressive 105% ROI – Forrester Research.

• 66% of shoppers will actively look for sites that provide live chat once they have used it. (BoldChat Software survey, 2010)

• 83% of consumers require some degree of customer support while making an online purchase. (eConsultancy)

The Numbers

25 Fascinating Facts & Stats about LiveChat

of Customersconsider livechat useful.


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25 Fascinating Facts & Stats about LiveChat | © 2014

• 92% of companies studied reported a decline in customer satisfaction mainly due to customer disappointment from inconsistent service. (North American Technographics Customer Experience Online Surveys)

• 42% of service agents are unable to efficiently resolve customer issues due to disconnected systems, archaic user interfaces, and multiple applications. (Forrester)

• 600% to 700% more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. (White House Office of Consumer Affairs)

• 89% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service. (RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report)

• 400% more likelihood a customer will buy from a competitor if the problem is service related vs. price or product related. (Bain & Co.)

• 33% of consumers would recommend a brand that provides a quick but ineffective response as opposed to 17% who would recommend a brand that provides a slow but effective solution. (Nielsen-McKinsey)

• 81% of companies motivate employees to treat customers fairly, and 65% provide effective tools and training to gain trust with their customers. (Peppers and Rogers Group)

• 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated. (McKinsey)

• 55% of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. (Defaqto Research)

• 10% increase in customer retention levels result in a 30% increase in the value of the company. (Bain & Co)

Why You Should Prioritise Customer Service

Communicate with Your CustomersInteract openly and regularly with your customers to build a meaningful relationship with them that is based on mutual trust. Most importantly, once you gain their loyalty, don’t rest on your laurels.

Keeping your customers satisfied should be an ongoing process, because the last thing you want is to have all of your hard work undone by one careless oversight, or an off-hand employee.

The simple truth is that it is much easier to retain an existing client than recruit a new one. So treat them well.

of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service. (RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report)


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25 Fascinating Facts & Stats about LiveChat | © 2014

• Most chat requests take place on a Thursday, between the hours of 2pm – 3pm.

• On average it takes 23.4 seconds for a live chat operator to respond to a question, and another 42.9 seconds to reach resolution.

• Expect a shift from reactive chat support to proactive greetings and even offering consumer advice in 2014. This will in turn lead to increased personalisation and customer profiling of the chat experience.

• Watch for the integration of live chat software on business’ social media sites.

• Look for web chat to go mobile in 2014 and a surge in the use of webchat mobile apps that allow retailers to help customers regardless of where they are or what device they are using.

Most chat requests take place on a

Thursday, between the hours of 2pm – 3pm.

What’s Trending in 2014?from Live Chat Trends for 2014 by Zopim

The Origins of Online ChatThe first online chat system was called Talkomatic, and was created by Doug Brown and David R. Woolley in 1973 on the PLATO System at the University of Illinois. It offered several chat channels, each of which could accommodate up to five people, with messages appearing on all users’ screens character-by-character as they were typed, and then completely forgotten once the text moved off-screen.

Believe it or not, Doug and David actually developed and launched a web-based Talkomatic. Version 2.0 introduced private chat rooms and was released May 28, 2014... over 40 years later!

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25 Fascinating Facts & Stats about LiveChat | © 2014

The Lighter Side

Although your customers won’t love you if you give bad

service, your competitors

definitely will.

– Kate Zabriskie


Goes to show that even the

best of us aren’t perfect.

Amazon was rated #1 for Giving Excellent Service in 2011,although probably not based on this particular case…

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Take a look at the images below and see if you can guess which button placement and button design for the live chat feature ranked the highest amongst respondents from a purely aesthetic aspect.

Location A | Button B

About ArcanysArcanys is a Cebu-based company that specializes in developing and launching ideas. Entrepreneurs ourselves, we are passionate about innovation and working with new technologies. We like change and are constantly looking to evolve our core skills to better develop, launch and support new ideas. Having expanded rapidly in the past 4 years in the fields of customer support and digital marketing, our agile and dynamic nature means that there are no limits to where we grow next.

Arcanys © 2014

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Location A

Location C




Location D

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Hi,I’m a real person,let’s chat.

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Live ChatClick here to start chat SEND


Live ChatClick here to start chat SEND



Think you know which placement and design the respondents chose?See their answers below...