Download - Copying an Angle

Page 1: Copying an Angle

Copying an AngleAlissa Morris4 HourHonors Geometry

Page 2: Copying an Angle

Step 1

Start with angle BAC.

Page 3: Copying an Angle

Step 2

Using the straightedge, draw a reference line and place a point P near the left end.

Page 4: Copying an Angle

Step 3

Set the compass width to the distance AC, and without adjusting the compass, place it on P and mark an arc across the line. This establishes the point Q.

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Step 4

With the compass on point A set its width to the point B.

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Step 5

Without changing the compass width, place the compass point on the point P and draw an arc above the line.

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Step 6

Place the compass point on C and set its width to the point B.

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Step 7

Without changing the compass width, place the compass point on the point Q and draw an arc across the previously drawn arc. The intersection of these two arcs becomes point R.

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Step 8

Using the straightedge, draw a line from point P to R where the arcs intersect.

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Step 9

The angle QPR is congruent to the angle CAB.