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Una mal momento LauraMark, you are as white as a sheet of paper. What happened?Mark, ests plido como una hoja de papel. Qu pas?

MarkI was depositing some money in the bank, when a man took outa machine gun.Estaba depositando algo de dinero en el banco, cuando un hombre sac una ametralladora.

LauraMy godness, and?Dios mo, Y?

MarkHe told us to lay on the floor. Then he asked the manager to openthe safe box.El nos dijo que permaneciramos en el piso. Entonces el pidi al gerente que abra la caja fuerte.

LauraWhat did the guy look like?Cmo se vea el tipo?

MarkHe looked normal, but nervous.El se vea normal, pero nervioso.

LauraHow do you know that?Como lo sabes?

MarkBecause he was shaking all the time.Porque l estaba sudando todo el tiempo.

LauraDi he get the money?Consigui el dinero?

MarkNo, he couldn't get it. When they were opening the safe box, the policecame in.No, el no poda hacerlo. Cuando ellos estaban abriendo la caja fuerte, la polica lleg.

LauraDid he resist the arrest?El se resisti al arresto?

MarkNo, he realized that he had no chance. There were ten policemanpointing their guns at him.No, l se dio cuenta que no tenia oportunidad. Haba diez policas

LauraWhat about you?Qu pas contigo?

MarkI stood up and finished my business there as fast as I could.Me levant y termin mis negocios all lo ms rpido que pude.

Dinero para sunueva guitarrraMaryYou'rein good spiritstoday, HarryHoy ests de buen humor Harry

HarryI've got great news, MomTengo buenas noticias Mam

MaryWhat is it?Qu es?

HarryPenny and I are going to start a rock band!Penny y yo vamos a comenzar una banda de rock!

MaryGood for you!Bien hecho!

HarryMom, I'm not going tobeat around the bush. I need to borrow $1000 for a new guitar.Mam, No voy a andar con rodeos. Necesito un prstamo de 1000 dolares para una nueva guitarra.

MaryHarry, your father and I can'tshell outthat much. We aren'tmade of money.Harry, tu padre y yo no podemos pagar tanto dinero. No somos ricos.

HarryYou're not? I thought you were millionaires, like Donald Trump!No lo son? Pens que eran millonarios como Donald Trump!

MaryHa ha. This is no time to be awise guy!Ja ja. Este no es el momento de ser sarcstico!

HarryI promise I'll pay you back.Prometo que te lo devolver.


HarryWe're going totake the music world by stormand make lots of money.Vamos a ser muy famosos y haremos mucho dinero.

MaryThat sounds like apipe dream. Aren't high school rock bands adime a dozen?Eso suena algo imposible. No son ya las bandas de secundaria algo comn?

HarryYeah, but we're different. With my guitar playing and Penny's beautiful voice, we're sure tomake a splash!Si, pero somos diferentes. Con mi forma de tocar la guitarra y la hermosa voz de Penny, Seremos famosos!

MaryWell, we're going through hard times. You're going to have to work for that $1000Bueno, estamos pasando por tiempos difciles. Vas a tener que trabajar para conseguir los 1000 dolares.


MaryYou can bake cookies.Tu puedes hornear galletas.